
1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances. Warcraft characters are infamous for returning from the grave. Dead players cannot post in the thread, in quicktopics or discuss the game.
2. Phases last 24 hours, cycles last 48 hours. Players must post at least twice every day phase. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night.
3. Closed setup, no role revealing. Don't disclose the details of private messages or your wincon.
4. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills are unstoppable. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives.
5. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.
6. Votes must contain the phrase "vote lynch." Otherwise they may be overlooked.
2. White Wolf
3. Nevan
4. SinRaven
5. Superman
6. Dr. White
7. Melodie
8. Nello
9. Mr. Waffles
11. SupremeKage
1. Cooler
2. Legend
3. Santi
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