Looking at my role, I do not want for scum to know my abilities, I quess it is similar for many others.
Based on lore, it would make sense for one of the Uchiha (Tobi or Itachi) to be scum, because Sharingan shenigans would fit Mafia. If we believe OniKaidou's miller claim (it was his first post and fits Itachi, so I am inclined to believe it for now) that Tobi should be looked upon, though I doubt Nitty would make this game too easy to solve based on knowing who is which character.
And what do you think of this miller claim, you just noted it without saying if you believe it or not
@TheAncientCenturion. By the way do I know you?
Nitty typically likes small and powerful scum teams, 2 would be my quess as well, maybe 3.
Kind of see your point, but do you think this is something town Usopp would not do,
@Vivo Diez?