Let me drop my reads just in case and explain the game so far (we still have an hour an a half btw):
I was scum leaning:
TAC (careful posts, not pushing anyone, going for inactives, neutral in general)
Cooler (wanted to push him but later weren't so sure)
Lord Melkor (very strange behavior all around, mega scum tells everywhere, but I don't think he is so insecure as scum so I am town leaning him now).
I was town leaning:
OniKaido (trusted his miller claim and general gut feeling is townish)
Usopp (after the initial press, he seems lost and towny, though of course still being himself and not helping much but still has been quite helpful unwittingly)
I was neutral on all others.
Now I still want TAC gone as I don't see any defense, and Cooler seems less scummy. Melkor read stays the same.
I like Tinky's posts so far, so add him to that town lean bunch.
And while I don't trust Natalija, it's not true that she is unhelpful whoever said that.