Game Akatsuki Mafia

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i dnt think vivo is scummy
not a derail cause i wont vote who you want

That is mostly the problem, leader-sama. If none of them are scummy to you, be afraid. Amazing Akatsuki players.
Vote count

Shrike -
Usopp > Cooler > Centurion
Vivo Diez - Usopp > Tinky > Shrike
Kue - Usopp
Cooler - Usopp > Vivo
Usopp - Tinky
Melkor - Natalija
OniKaido - Tinky > Vivo > Centurion
Natalija - Cooler > Vivo
Tinky - Melkor > Kue > Centurion
Centurion - Kue

Centurion - 3
Vivo - 2
Kue - 1
Natalija - 1
Tinky - 1
Usopp - 1
Shrike - 1

Phase ends in 1 hours and 30 minutes.
Last edited:
Vivo saying that he can prove that he is town tomorrow (once he has already lived through another day and can off a few people and probably has more than one life as Kakuzu) makes me want to lynch him right now.

@Vivo Diez give us something now bruv
I already said my abilities aren't necessarily character indicative nor are they obviously alignment indicative.

Think about Kakuzu's profession and what that entails. Before he actually sets out to collect a bounty he must do [..]
Vote count

Shrike -
Usopp > Cooler > Centurion
Vivo Diez - Usopp > Tinky > Shrike
Kue - Usopp
Cooler - Usopp > Vivo
Usopp - Tinky
Melkor - Natalija
OniKaido - Tinky > Vivo
Natalija - Cooler > Vivo
Tinky - Melkor > Kue
Centurion - Kue

Vivo - 3
Kue - 2
Natalija - 1
Tinky - 1
Usopp - 1
Centurion - 1
Shrike - 1

Phase ends in 30 minutes.
The votes are way too close, with a scum team of maybe 2 they can swing it any way they want.

We have to create a gap.
Let me drop my reads just in case and explain the game so far (we still have an hour an a half btw):

I was scum leaning:
TAC (careful posts, not pushing anyone, going for inactives, neutral in general)
Cooler (wanted to push him but later weren't so sure)
Lord Melkor (very strange behavior all around, mega scum tells everywhere, but I don't think he is so insecure as scum so I am town leaning him now).

I was town leaning:
OniKaido (trusted his miller claim and general gut feeling is townish)
Usopp (after the initial press, he seems lost and towny, though of course still being himself and not helping much but still has been quite helpful unwittingly)

I was neutral on all others.

Now I still want TAC gone as I don't see any defense, and Cooler seems less scummy. Melkor read stays the same.

I like Tinky's posts so far, so add him to that town lean bunch.

And while I don't trust Natalija, it's not true that she is unhelpful whoever said that.
Vote count

Shrike -
Usopp > Cooler > Centurion
Vivo Diez - Usopp > Tinky > Shrike
Kue - Usopp
Cooler - Usopp > Vivo
Usopp - Tinky
Melkor - Natalija
OniKaido - Tinky > Vivo > Centurion
Natalija - Cooler > Vivo
Tinky - Melkor > Kue > Centurion
Centurion - Kue

Centurion - 3
Vivo - 2
Kue - 1
Natalija - 1
Tinky - 1
Usopp - 1
Shrike - 1

Phase ends in 30 minutes.
I just edited this to include OniKaido and Tinky Winky's votes against Centurion.
I already said my abilities aren't necessarily character indicative nor are they obviously alignment indicative.

Think about Kakuzu's profession and what that entails. Before he actually sets out to collect a bounty he must do [..]
Ah okay, I think I got it. I'll protect you.

Oh my god I got fucked up because of Daily Savings Time switching last night. :sag

You're right, there are 1.5 hours left.
Haha yeah I was like "Not gonna argue for nothing but it was another hour" :heart
vote count as of 418

shrike > usopp > cooler > TAC
vivo > usopp > tinky > shrike
kue > usopp
cooler > usopp > vivo
usopp > tinky
melkor > natalija
onikaido > tinky > vivo > TAC
natalija > cooler > vivo
tinky > melkor > kue > TAC
TAC > kue

TAC - 3
vivo - 2
shrike - 1
usopp - 1
tinky - 1
natalija - 1
kue - 1

not liking this vote division tbh
come into consensus ningens :blobkcop
Well help us out :drake
Vote count

Shrike -
Usopp > Cooler > Centurion
Vivo Diez - Usopp > Tinky > Shrike
Kue - Usopp
Cooler - Usopp > Vivo
Usopp - Tinky
Melkor - Natalija
OniKaido - Tinky > Vivo > Centurion
Natalija - Cooler > Vivo
Tinky - Melkor > Kue > Centurion
Centurion - Kue

Centurion - 3
Vivo - 2
Kue - 1
Natalija - 1
Tinky - 1
Usopp - 1
Shrike - 1

Phase ends in 1 hours and 30 minutes.
oh thanks for ninja'ing me and wasting 5-10 minutes of my life
Going off meta @Shrike TACs current behaviour isn’t that of scum me thinks.

He’s trolling you mate.

Okay but he is the obvious lynch. Let me look elsewhere for a bit but I don't like it.
@Shrike would you let someone bring in a similar way as TAC did if you were his scum mate?
Maybe his scummate is inactive or TAC has been pretty much laying low too and wasn't really pressed so they might have not had the time to react.

But as I said, I'll look elsewhere for today.
So I shouldn't ask to be left alive in general?

Not sure whatcha want. I think Vivo is a pretty bad lynch. People seem too eager to dance around and poke him and I haven't seen the dude do anything questionable.
He said camps were forming around Shrike and Nat when not really, the majority of the people talking were pushing for a Shrike Lynch , and majority are sus of Nat.

What do you make of that? The making of things up I mean.

Also it’s not Shrike that pushed Vivo the most, it’s cooler so why aren’t you asking him that.

Okay but he is the obvious lynch. Let me look elsewhere for a bit but I don't like it.

Maybe his scummate is inactive or TAC has been pretty much laying low too and wasn't really pressed so they might have not had the time to react.

But as I said, I'll look elsewhere for today.

Im telling you, I don’t feel Melkor one bit. But Vivo said he’s not scum because he’s too obvious and you do too.

We could Lynch him and see his flip, if only for info. Even tho I think he might be scum.
He said camps were forming around Shrike and Nat when not really, the majority of the people talking were pushing for a Shrike Lynch , and majority are sus of Nat.

What do you make of that? The making of things up I mean.

Also it’s not Shrike that pushed Vivo the most, it’s cooler so why aren’t you asking him that.
TAC townread Shrike(although at the time I missed that Shrike sussed TAC beforehand) and Nat was seemingly more supportive of Shrike over Cooler.

From my POV it wasn't a lie

Im telling you, I don’t feel Melkor one bit. But Vivo said he’s not scum because he’s too obvious and you do too.

We could Lynch him and see his flip, if only for info. Even tho I think he might be scum.
Melkor wouldn't really give us any info but I am not totally against the lynch. Just feel like this is his lazy town play. I'll vote Melkor only if we are running out of time and have no better target.
I would. Other than making people tripping with her roleplay, I don't think she had any indications of being scummy.


You are awfully passive now. Give us something. Reads, why, etc. We have less than an hour.
im alt tabbing in and out and playing genshin lol

i dont have more to say rn. nat and oni are in my town pool so i am against them being lynched today

i think one of sharingan/rinnegan users is probaably scum, so if nat and oni r town reads then automatically tinky is even looking worst to me. this is obv a tinfoil but it supports my early scum read on him seeing as to how he wants to lynch me but backing off and his over reaction apathy and bet gameplay is pretty bad imo

this is the best u will get from me rn. other than that i am not liking u from early game for reasons i outlined regarding ur town lessos comment, specially after u outlined that it was not a joke

it seems none will go for lanji wagon rn so i am taking which ever consensus town goes for, but i would advice against onikaido and nat rn personally

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