Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Pretty convenient that you intended to message one of the people that ended up dead and can't confirm your story, what was your message going to be?
i didnt send him sht i was gna tell him to hard push hayumi cuz the lynch didnt rng but i didnt type my message in time b4 phase ended

he seemed to be the only person genuinly that doesnt know cyphers allignemnt like the other ningens so i wanted to give him the message
Wait what, Usopp has a passive that he gets random actions, was correct about Hayumi, and you want to lynch him?
Just to get it right.

You are a vengeful who claimed to save his ass followed by suggesting to stop scumhunting and lynch someone who claimed indie at the beginning of this DP.

Do you think what you did so far in this phase is reasonable? :bloblick
I suggest let vig kill me so I can superkill mafia who is immune to night kill. It's pointless to lynch me when I haven't used my ability. It's a waste.
Will be catching up.

@Dragon D Xebec If you don't want to get constantly pushed and/or lynched, start making any sense. Your posts are all over the place, you are panicked and everything you say seems scummy.

Start, at least, by explaining your abilities in detail - because I, for one, don't understand shit about them. You say that you can choose who to take with you but that doesn't make much sense.

Like, vig shoots you, and then you totally randomly choose who to detonate when you die?
Will be catching up.

@Dragon D Xebec If you don't want to get constantly pushed and/or lynched, start making any sense. Your posts are all over the place, you are panicked and everything you say seems scummy.

Start, at least, by explaining your abilities in detail - because I, for one, don't understand shit about them. You say that you can choose who to take with you but that doesn't make much sense.

Like, vig shoots you, and then you totally randomly choose who to detonate when you die?
Yeah that's the explanation of my ability. I can superkill player of my target after I'm murdered. I can't post screeshoot since I will be modkilled but that's my ability at night.
Will be catching up.

@Dragon D Xebec If you don't want to get constantly pushed and/or lynched, start making any sense. Your posts are all over the place, you are panicked and everything you say seems scummy.

Start, at least, by explaining your abilities in detail - because I, for one, don't understand shit about them. You say that you can choose who to take with you but that doesn't make much sense.

Like, vig shoots you, and then you totally randomly choose who to detonate when you die?
Thank god I'm not the only one who can't make sense of his posts.
geezus fken 61 pages am i still leading wagon? i wont have time to catch up till night phase and nitty has the worst phase timing ever

im not modkilling myself this time dw i already claimed my passive i can see random interaction that happened at night and i can prove myself to anyone with my active

who wants me to use my active on? who do u guys have as ur strongest town read i can confirm myself to them

im busy now but imma read replies to this post later lol
What's with you and whining about the phase timing? You do realize that the games are usually shitting down Eurolanders necks? I don't see us complaining all the time.

Also, there is still 12 hours until the end of the phase - what's the rush??
Will be catching up.

@Dragon D Xebec If you don't want to get constantly pushed and/or lynched, start making any sense. Your posts are all over the place, you are panicked and everything you say seems scummy.

Start, at least, by explaining your abilities in detail - because I, for one, don't understand shit about them. You say that you can choose who to take with you but that doesn't make much sense.

Like, vig shoots you, and then you totally randomly choose who to detonate when you die?
I can superkill any player the following day phase though if I am murdered.

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

[Vote Lynh Natalija]

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

[vote lynch Hero]

[Change Vote Lynch Xebec]

Vote lynch Cypher.

[Change Vote Lynch Nessos]

[Change Vote Lynch Nessos].

[Vote lynch Hero]

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

[Vote Lynch Xebec]

[vote lynch Hayumi]

[Vote Lynch Usopp]

[Change Vote Lynch Dragon D. Xebec]

[Change Vote Lynch Xebec].

[Vote Lynch Alibaba]

[vote lynch xebec]

[Vote Lynch Nessos]

[Change Vote Lynch Usopp]

[Change Vote lynch Usopp]

[vote lynch Xebec]

[Chance Vote Lynch Usopp]

[ unvote ]

[ Vote Lynch nfcnorth ]

[Vote Lynch Alibaba]

Current vote tally:

1. Alibaba Saluja : Nessos -> * -> Xebec
2. Shrike : Usopp
3. Go D. Usopp : Hayumi -> Xebec
4. Melodie :
5. Dragon D Xebec : Cypher
6. Natalija : Hero
7. Nessos : Hero -> Usopp
8. SinRaven : Nessos -> Xebec
9. Vivo Diez : Nessos -> Usopp
10. Cypher 2.0 : Nessos -> Xebec -> Nessos -> Xebec
11. nfcnorth :
12. Hayumi : Nessos
13. PocketGod :
14. Melontonin : Xebec -> * -> nfcnorth
15. Juan : Alibaba
16. John Wayne : Alibaba
17. Hero : Nat -> Nessos -> Usopp

Vote count:
Xebec : 4
Usopp : 4
Alibaba : 2
Hero : 1
Nessos : 1
nfcnorth : 1
Cypher : 1

There are no square brackets on Xebec's vote, but I counted it anyway just in case it's not mandatory.
I can superkill any player the following day phase though if I am murdered.
But you said that's your ACTIVE? And you noted that your passive triggers when you are lynched to kill the last person who voted, right? How do you activate your active then? Say "okay, tonight if I am killed, I will KATSU the shit out of the murderer" - if so, what happens if you don't get killed? Is the ability wasted? Still a lot of holes there.
But you said that's your ACTIVE? And you noted that your passive triggers when you are lynched to kill the last person who voted, right? How do you activate your active then? Say "okay, tonight if I am killed, I will KATSU the shit out of the murderer" - if so, what happens if you don't get killed? Is the ability wasted? Still a lot of holes there.
If I'm not killed the ability is wasted. After I am killed, I can activate my ability and choose anyone to die and my target will die the following day phase. The kill is superkill btw. So if we can find GF who is immune to night kill, vig can vig me so I target that GF.

My passive is if I'm lynched, my last voter will be lynched with me. Just to make it clear.
So what are the main claims against the three top candidates again?

Xebec: Erratic explanation of his sussy looking role
Usopp: Erratic explanations in general, seems to have a hard on for Hayumi
Nessos: Claimed indie with wincon that nets him points if he redirects abilities from players within the same faction, since town is majority he's likely to target town players more often than not
What's with you and whining about the phase timing? You do realize that the games are usually shitting down Eurolanders necks? I don't see us complaining all the time.

Also, there is still 12 hours until the end of the phase - what's the rush??
phase ends at 5 am for me i wont be there for any end of phase cfd

decide who ever u wanna go for now so i can vote

u r very aggressive for no reason

lucky im talking to u with the paintbrush in my hand ningen cant even flame u properly rn
Ok, I think I'm against a Xebec lynch now.
Ehh, I guess I am reluctant as well, but the ability to detonate a townie just because they were the last one to vote lynch you for any kind of play you displayed still doesn't sound like a town ability.

phase ends at 5 am for me i wont be there for any end of phase cfd

decide who ever u wanna go for now so i can vote

u r very aggressive for no reason

lucky im talking to u with the paintbrush in my hand ningen cant even flame u properly rn
I am not aggressive. Both Aries games that I played I missed a shitton of content because you guys are Cali time. It's 6am my time when it's 9am your time. It is what it is, is all I am saying. Drop the pain brush at any time :hisoka
Ehh, I guess I am reluctant as well, but the ability to detonate a townie just because they were the last one to vote lynch you for any kind of play you displayed still doesn't sound like a town ability.

I am not aggressive. Both Aries games that I played I missed a shitton of content because you guys are Cali time. It's 6am my time when it's 9am your time. It is what it is, is all I am saying. Drop the pain brush at any time :hisoka
9pm your time*

Ehh, I guess I am reluctant as well, but the ability to detonate a townie just because they were the last one to vote lynch you for any kind of play you displayed still doesn't sound like a town ability.
Have you heard of the Hunter role in Throne of Lies? It's a town role that has exactly that as their passive.

If you scoll to killer abilities and read the passive, it's basically that.
I am convinced. Well, let's stop the Xebec talk then and focus on the rest, kind of stupid to vote him now.

@Dragon D Xebec help scumhunt?
Either Cypher or Melodie lynch I'm fine.

My active is if I am murdered, I can choose anyone to die and my target will die the following day phase. But after I revealed that, I doubt scum will kill me because they don't want to risk dying if I choose the right target to kill after scum kill me. So I prefer I get vigged once we confirm who is immune to night kill aka scum so after I get vigged I can choose that player who is immune to night kill or GF to die the following day phase.

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