Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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It's even worse than the vote stacker role I got in ToG

Day 3 - Hero (Byakuya) and Natalija (Vivi) die
Vote count

Shrike - Hayumi > Cypher
Usopp - Kvothe > Hayumi > Melodie
Juan - Hero
Natalija - Hero
Xebec - Melodie > Hero
Vivo Diez - Alibaba > Hero
Melontonin - Hayumi > Melodie > Hero
Cypher - Melodie > Hero
Melodie - Hero
Hayumi - Hero
Kvothe - Hero
Hero - Hero

Hero: 10
Melodie: 1
Cypher: 1

Self votes

John Wayne

Hero (Kuchiki Byakuya) was lynched!

Kuchiki Byakuya 朽木 白哉
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Yondai Kizoku] - Byakuya knows the identity of his sister Rukia, but he does not know her alignment.

[Active - Senka] - During the night, Byakuya can seal another player's spiritual energy, roleblocking them.

Natalija (Nefertari Vivi) died of poisoning!
Nefertari Vivi ネフェルタリ・ビビ
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Miss Wednesday] - Vivi is masquerading as a member of the criminal syndicate Baroque Works. If Vivi's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be guilty. If Vivi's role is investigated, she will appear as Miss Wednesday.

[One Shot Active - The Princess of Alabasta] - Vivi can reveal herself as heiress to the kingdom of Alabasta, causing the moderator to reveal her real identity to the thread. After using this ability, Vivi will lose [Passive - Miss Wednesday], and gain the following ability:

[Conditional Passive - Authority of the Crown] - Vivi will always have the highest voting power in the game by a margin of 1 vote.

Night 3 start. No more posting.
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Night 3 - Melontonin (Spandam) dies
Melontonin (Spandam) died last night.
Spandam スパンダム
alignment: innocent

[Active - Cipher Pol Number 9] -
Spandam controls 2 government agents, each of whom he can deploy to follow another player, permanently recording the names of anyone they target. At any point, Spandam can use this ability to recall one of his agents. One phase later, Spandam will receive the results they recorded, and he can redeploy them.

Day 4 start. You may now post.

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