This is why I want to be indie. Or a Town with 10 vote power so I can solo the game.
Being dependent on teammates is not my stuff.
Here you go:
- I was blocked
- My character is
Shihōin Yoruichi. that female ninja girl from Bleach who's friends with Urahaha
Since going into mental mazes is not really my stuff I'll leave it here once and not gonna fight against the tide.
Firstly and foremost "The Devil's in the details". People gloss over details and want grandeur "proof" and you'll never get anywhere.
My intuition told me that Shrike and Vivo are scum. Thi is 100% true and what I believe. Because I really like to be right using my intuition,
I care more for this to be right than to win the game. This is the same as in ToG where I intuitively got right LM, Sin and Cooler
The other two I believe are Usopp because it
felt like he was the same as ToG and nfc for overral posting.
Since I care more about being right about who the scum team is and not winning the game, if you want to vote me go ahead.
I'll Give you guys a pro tip/another clue:
Guess when it started going strong ---> when I said Shrike and Vivo were scum then magically poof Ali is scum.
This is all folks. If you want to lose disregard this post. And I won't be posting more here.
Good luck fellow townies.