Game Akatsuki Mafia

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If Vivo is actually the cop then mafia missed his claim. So unless Shrike and Vivo are scummates this probably clears Shrike. Trying to think who might be less observant and miss such a claim - besides myself. Natalija seemed to pick up on it too hence the vote switch, Usopp is probably too anal to miss it...

Yea.. hence it's either tinky or Usopp :lmao

I wouldn't rule out LM though. would sadden me if my main scum reads last day were all town...

Shrike and Vivo have revealed info about their roles so they're probably town sadly. That leaves Natalija who I didn't like at all last phase, I can see scum Nat putting the ballsy vote on me perhaps? Also it might just be that she picked up on the hint like Shrike and I was her previous vote.

Kue apparently made no actions last night if Shrike isn't lying, so he's low priority today.

Usopp's last minute attempt to jump my wagon was almost too scummy.

Could be that scum wasn't even on my wagon (/didn't try to be on it) and it's between tinky, Tac and LM...
Kue didn't target anyone, which doesn't necessarily mean he didn't do anything. I'd still clear him both because of that and his reaction which pretty much says town.

Poor poor form to vote someone in his first game just because you are unable to read Deidara-senpai! Especially with so many better choices you do know how to read.

@Vivo Diez claim some more, Kakuzu-san. You seem careful to Tobi!

And here with the claim again.....
If Vivo is actually the cop then mafia missed his claim. So unless Shrike and Vivo are scummates this probably clears Shrike. Trying to think who might be less observant and miss such a claim - besides myself. Natalija seemed to pick up on it too hence the vote switch, Usopp is probably too anal to miss it...
@Shrike I'm done flaming now, I kinda wanted to go full Rion for a bit to see if it shook any slips out.

Give me your thoughts on the above. Are you also now believing Vivo's claim again?
Can see a Tiny and TAC team tbh, though TAC killing OniKaido who vouched for him is veering into 5D chess territory.
On d1 the only one I scum read was TAC with Usopp and LM riding the "way too obvious" scum. I have made the mistake of letting Usopp go like this 2 times before but he flipped scum. Not trusting it, but he still seems way too townie for his Usopp self.

I feel good about the Tinky push which is why I started it as I am pretty sure he is one of the best scum candidates for today.

I trust OniKaido with the TAC read and as you said, he wouldn't off someone who cleared him and helped him survive D1.
On d1 the only one I scum read was TAC with Usopp and LM riding the "way too obvious" scum. I have made the mistake of letting Usopp go like this 2 times before but he flipped scum. Not trusting it, but he still seems way too townie for his Usopp self.

I feel good about the Tinky push which is why I started it as I am pretty sure he is one of the best scum candidates for today.

I trust OniKaido with the TAC read and as you said, he wouldn't off someone who cleared him and helped him survive D1.
So who do you think is scum along with Tinky then? If Vivo is cop then I think that basically clears Natalija unless I'm reading into her sudden vote switch too much.

Flavour speculation here but I can imagine Kue as Zetsu having a passive that makes me immune to being watched.
Okay, caught up, my gut fealing says to go for Natalija or Kue. Natalija may be powerwolfing and I really did not like her pushing Vivo to claim and Kue apparently so careful but jumped Cooler's wagon happily. I do not think he is cleared at all.

Usopp is not terrible choice, though I am leaning town on him.

Neutral on Tinky and Centurion.

@Vivo Diez , if you claimed cop already, you should reveal your result today as you are likely for Mafia to try to kill you tonight.
Okay, caught up, my gut fealing says to go for Natalija or Kue. Natalija may be powerwolfing and I really did not like her pushing Vivo to claim and Kue apparently so careful but jumped Cooler's wagon happily. I do not think he is cleared at all.

Usopp is not terrible choice, though I am leaning town on him.

Neutral on Tinky and Centurion.

@Vivo Diez , if you claimed cop already, you should reveal your result today as you are likely for Mafia to try to kill you tonight.

How is Nat powerwolfing? She hasn't led any wagons at all.
Okay, caught up, my gut fealing says to go for Natalija or Kue. Natalija may be powerwolfing and I really did not like her pushing Vivo to claim and Kue apparently so careful but jumped Cooler's wagon happily. I do not think he is cleared at all.

Usopp is not terrible choice, though I am leaning town on him.

Neutral on Tinky and Centurion.

@Vivo Diez , if you claimed cop already, you should reveal your result today as you are likely for Mafia to try to kill you tonight.
I remember you accusing a bunch of people of power wolfing last game. Is that your scum tell?
So you're voting me based on flavor?

My role is not intuitive to what Zetsu would have, but it is correct that I did not do anything yesterday.

I used my day ability twice in a row on you now Lord Melkor.

Oh, interesting.

Not on flavour only, I did not like some of you behaviour last phase, like voting Usopp and disappearing and then the last minute vote on Cooler.
Oh, interesting.

Not on flavour only, I did not like some of you behaviour last phase, like voting Usopp and disappearing and then the last minute vote on Cooler.

It's pretty simple, I feel that pressure on Usopp makes him easier to read, so I left my vote on him knowing I'll be busy during the weekend.

Came back, I read Centurion as town and was not comfortable lynching him. Cooler came off as neutral or scum to me, so I switched wagons.
Mm peculiar. I can't clear Vivo after this reveal but this means that OniKaido investigated Kue as I get results from one investigative ability done during the night. I think Vivo is town a lot more now though as LM wouldn't be pressing him to reveal the results in this thread but in their pm most likely. So LM should also be town then. We aren't left with many options which is a bit too easy, I don't like it. Tinky needs to say something.

Considering Nat because Cooler and LM thinks she is scum.

@Shrike What do you think of Nat's meta this game?
Her game says town to me. A clear town at that.

In this game there are bound to be some shenanigans like invisible kills and whatnot which is usual for a Nitty game. It's nigh impossible for me to read into that so I will have to go mostly by gut alone.
Seems likely there's two scum in the Tinky, TAC and Usopp trio - leaning more the first two.

[vote lynch tac]

I suppose Tinky Winky or Coola if I had to vote.Maybe Nat
Seems unlikely that Tinky and Tac are on the same team, tinky voted for him around the time when a TAC lynch was a real possibility and TAC somewhat pushed for tinky(even before the posts I quoted).

Maybe someone else can iso more of TAC/Usopp/tinky interactions.
Mm peculiar. I can't clear Vivo after this reveal but this means that OniKaido investigated Kue as I get results from one investigative ability done during the night. I think Vivo is town a lot more now though as LM wouldn't be pressing him to reveal the results in this thread but in their pm most likely. So LM should also be town then. We aren't left with many options which is a bit too easy, I don't like it. Tinky needs to say something.

Her game says town to me. A clear town at that.

In this game there are bound to be some shenanigans like invisible kills and whatnot which is usual for a Nitty game. It's nigh impossible for me to read into that so I will have to go mostly by gut alone.

So you know Kue's abilities based on invest you stole from OniKaidou? And you read Kue as town now?
Ah crap, now I feel stupid about revealing that, I could have wasted a mafia's roleblock by keeping that to myself.

This sounds a bit fake to me, but maybe I am paranoid.
Seems unlikely that Tinky and Tac are on the same team, tinky voted for him around the time when a TAC lynch was a real possibility and TAC somewhat pushed for tinky(even before the posts I quoted).

Maybe someone else can iso more of TAC/Usopp/tinky interactions.
True. Usopp and TAC could be a team too.

It's getting a bit strange, this situation seems too sus for my liking.

So you know Kue's abilities based on invest you stole from OniKaidou? And you read Kue as town now?

This sounds a bit fake to me, but maybe I am paranoid.
No, I just know that he didn't target anyone last night.
Yes, but that should clear me from performing the faction kill (if there is one) or using killing abilities.

I already said I've been using my ability on Melkor consecutively and he is still alive.
No one is claiming you did the faction kill. Your vote one me still stinks so there's that as well. Not seeing a huge commitment from you for game solving like the last game either.
If mafia were paying attention they would have killed you for your cop hint. Hence why I think it's more likely to be players who are less engaged. Obviously I missed it too and was engaged but still lol.
Whether or not he was bluffing, Shrike said he was going to protect me. If I was mafia I'd kill Shrike just in case he was going to protect me, blame me, then lynch me.
Whether or not he was bluffing, Shrike said he was going to protect me. If I was mafia I'd kill Shrike just in case he was going to protect me, blame me, then lynch me.
He claimed that last phase? Either way mafia weren't paying attention to hints then - or you're bamboozling us.

There's also the fact that last game townies did not read my TL;DRs and only the scum did, so I'm taking a different approach.
What approach is that? Doesn't seem like a good one lol.
He claimed that last phase? Either way mafia weren't paying attention to hints then - or you're bamboozling us.

What approach is that? Doesn't seem like a good one lol.

Mislynches are going to happen. I do believe that there was scum in your wagon, but we also need to entertain the possibility that townies just screwed up, or else if we commit to your wagon being scummy we will lynch townies the whole game. If we are right about it was a scum push, that would imply my town read on Centurion and Nat are wrong.

You made me realize that I just give Nat easy town reads every game and would not know how she would play scum, but the honest truth is that Nat still comes off as town to me. I've questioned because you and LM are not giving her a town read, but LM seems to be more interested in causing confusion by trying to lynch based on flavor rather than behavioral reads.
you werent caught up last dp when you sheeped on that vote
honestly you would look better if you kept your vote on me
that would have been more genuine .

I wanted to make sure that Centurion was saved. If I'm wrong about him being town then I fucked up, but he was my strongest town read after Onikaido and Nat (the two most obvious choices until LM and Cooler questioned it).
I wanted to make sure that Centurion was saved. If I'm wrong about him being town then I fucked up, but he was my strongest town read after Onikaido and Nat (the two most obvious choices until LM and Cooler questioned it).
why did you want to ensure centurion was saved
how much of the game had you read when you decided he was your strongest town read.
why was centurion a better choice than cooler.
kue , tac and shrike
one of these three for me personally . Reasons explained above.

kue and tac , kue barely read the thread and already thought tac was town .....
when tac did the bare minimum last dp

why did you want to ensure centurion was saved
how much of the game had you read when you decided he was your strongest town read.
why was centurion a better choice than cooler.

How I was short on time, I was not necessarily reading from page 1, but I was searching for member's posts. How Centurion was the leading wagon, I read his posts first. You can see I did the same thing with Cooler before voting for him.

Centurion's push for me came off genuine and I believed everything he said, and yours came off more opportunistic, as if you thought I wouldn't come back to defend myself. Usually if someone is voting for me and they still come off as town (like Centurion did), I'm usually right about them being town.
How I was short on time, I was not necessarily reading from page 1, but I was searching for member's posts. How Centurion was the leading wagon, I read his posts first. You can see I did the same thing with Cooler before voting for him.

Centurion's push for me came off genuine and I believed everything he said, and yours came off more opportunistic, as if you thought I wouldn't come back to defend myself. Usually if someone is voting for me and they still come off as town (like Centurion did), I'm usually right about them being town.
yeah his was more genuine all right
that he pushed you and me the moment I said peace in the thread
that was his only contribution when I came back.

I had looked into melkor
people said he had a certain meta

but honestly I dont mind you finding me sus
I wish you had stuck that vote on me cause now
that vote switch towards the end
it was bad.

my vote end of the dp was tac btw
I at least wanted you to come back and defend yourself
tac was here and basically admitted he was being cautious.
yeah his was more genuine all right
that he pushed you and me the moment I said peace in the thread
that was his only contribution when I came back.

I had looked into melkor
people said he had a certain meta

but honestly I dont mind you finding me sus
I wish you had stuck that vote on me cause now
that vote switch towards the end
it was bad.

my vote end of the dp was tac btw
I at least wanted you to come back and defend yourself
tac was here and basically admitted he was being cautious.

The thing is, why would I attract attention to myself as scum with my vote switch? If you take in all my posts together, and not just my vote, it's obvious my concern was to save Centurion, as I'll be able to go into D2 with at least 3 town reads (until Onikaido died).
Your read on me comes off as genuine OMGUSing as well.

Your earlier vote was based on me being inactive, but now that I'm active you're still pushing for me which does not make sense. Doesn't come off as townie behavior.
if you are inactive
why place a wagin vote and just dip. ......

oh I see
when centurion does
he's town read.

I am still pushing for you for that switch to cooler at the end of the dp
if you kept your vote on me .
I wouldnt have an issue with you.
you sheeped on a vote plain and simple.

"Your read on me comes off as genuine OMGUSing as well."
by this logic you did the same to me end of last dp when I wasnt here . lmao

also quote me when you want to talk to me . I am direct.
didnt get tagged when you responded in the thread . dont be scared
teletubbies dont bite.
The thing is, why would I attract attention to myself as scum with my vote switch? If you take in all my posts together, and not just my vote, it's obvious my concern was to save Centurion, as I'll be able to go into D2 with at least 3 town reads (until Onikaido died).
No it isnt
I have no idea your meta as a player
in that regard
shrike looks very bad cause I got a sense of town leadership from him.

only to sheep on a vote from nat .

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