Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Don't forget Nessos existed as well. He needed Town Vigs for his wincon and could have made them useless with Town having no way of stopping him.

And I have no idea, was just a tinfoil, just don't feel any of Shrike or Juan now. Both sides make compelling arguments. Can't think of Juan counter claiming for no reason and Shrike insulting me like that feels too over the top for scum unless he's really salty.
Sorry for losing my cool. I just really dislike your play as Cypher 2.0 and think it's detracting from town play, same as when I go crazy from Usopp. Already gave my info, can't help much more. I would lynch Melodie for now and see what happens. Don't lynch North.
Sorry for losing my cool. I just really dislike your play as Cypher 2.0 and think it's detracting from town play, same as when I go crazy from Usopp. Already gave my info, can't help much more. I would lynch Melodie for now and see what happens. Don't lynch North.
You know, I hate it when people insult me and would lynch them just for that.

Stop losing your cool under pressure. It's not helping anyone when you're Town.
Or don't. Whatevs

based solely on non-claim stuff I am tempted to say cypher and Junk. Cypher and Juan mainly because I think Vivo (think it was vivo)brought up a good point about Cypher not talking about Juan and Alibaba and focusingmothers. I think vivo is very under the radar atm. And would at least like to see more expansion on his statements. With claims though not sure who I trust atm. I could see Juan taking the result of a teammate and combining it with one his actual things to look town. But tbh thats probably the only way his claim could fall apart other full on outright lying about everything.

Not my fault everyone claimed there names like crazy. Sure I didn't help just now but still :dank
With Hero flip shouldn't that confirm Cypher because Cypher said she knew Hero role and Hero flipped town.
And barely anyone is here helping solve the game when we're at such a critical stage. It annoys me as well.
I said all I could about my role, abilities and take - doesn;t mean that I will stop scumhunting, it's just that I said the truth.

If you were me, and, let's just say that you for one second believed that I am town - you watch Kvothe. You get the result that nobody visited her. I come out and want to help town not to waste time this DP and say my results and say that it was me who gifted Nat her ability and which one was it. Then you get you hopping to omgsus me that I poisoned Natalija, then Usopp and Kvothe pickup the possible sus and press me, and amidst all that suddenly Juan comes saying that you are lying about Kvothe because he tracked her - and you know your results.

What would you do? Logically, say that Juan must be scum for framing you. I didn't go after any of you even when getting flustered because I town read you. The only omgsus I threw were Juan and Alibaba for that random casual claim and not explaining it. Wouldn't you?
I said all I could about my role, abilities and take - doesn;t mean that I will stop scumhunting, it's just that I said the truth.

If you were me, and, let's just say that you for one second believed that I am town - you watch Kvothe. You get the result that nobody visited her. I come out and want to help town not to waste time this DP and say my results and say that it was me who gifted Nat her ability and which one was it. Then you get you hopping to omgsus me that I poisoned Natalija, then Usopp and Kvothe pickup the possible sus and press me, and amidst all that suddenly Juan comes saying that you are lying about Kvothe because he tracked her - and you know your results.

What would you do? Logically, say that Juan must be scum for framing you. I didn't go after any of you even when getting flustered because I town read you. The only omgsus I threw were Juan and Alibaba for that random casual claim and not explaining it. Wouldn't you?
It's actually not about you. It's more like others who barely talked today.

I get where you're coming from. But it's statement vs statement now. Your statement just looked so much worse than Juan's in my eyes because you kept throwing insults my way.

But that's also the one thing which makes me believe you now because you just sound like another Cooler lmfao.
i dont exactly trust u :caticon uve bamboozled me before

then again when u were scum in aries game u were like an open book

That was a one-shot :lmao

In Aries' game I played really bad because of that lie detetor stuff xD

I think I'm gonna be completely unhelpful as scum and be at least minimally helpful as town. So it really gets in the face when I'm town or not.

I prefer scumhunting than deceiving.

As indie.... idk. I would know if an Host would gimme an indie role! :catflip
Ngl this sounds like scum that already knows they've won the game and is doing whatever.


Uh huh, and then when Melodie comes out lynchproof or something get one of me or Vivo lynched. An easy and 'fun' way to build a wagon :hisoka

Ali is most probably scum and I'd gladly risk it.

Scum buddies gonna buddy :lmao
I now do after his play today.

The only reason why he might be scum is if he coordinated that story about roleblocking Melodie - but that also makes no sense because Melodie is getting lynched either way, he realistically always knew he can't save her so I know he wouldn't be dumb enough to try.
Realistically Melodie won't be saved.

Which makes Juan's counter claim so unnecessary if he is scum, too.
Weird choice to kill Melontonin. Before she died, Melontonin said something about Hayumi:
1. Hayumi might be lynch immune
2. She sus Hayumi to be alive when Hayumi outed himself as vig but still killing to believe her.

About Hayumi she said she was role crushed so she can't kill Melodie. If someone rolecrush Melodie then someone should claim it unless Hayumi was lying. If Hayumi wasn't lying then mafia rolecrush Hayumi.

Also makes sense for Hayumi to target Melodie after Hero flip.
Weird choice to kill Melontonin. Before she died, Melontonin said something about Hayumi:
1. Hayumi might be lynch immune
2. She sus Hayumi to be alive when Hayumi outed himself as vig but still killing to believe her.

About Hayumi she said she was role crushed so she can't kill Melodie. If someone rolecrush Melodie then someone should claim it unless Hayumi was lying. If Hayumi wasn't lying then mafia rolecrush Hayumi.

Also makes sense for Hayumi to target Melodie after Hero flip.
What about other abilities?
I start out only with a passive and get abilities in cycles. They aren't really connected so you can't call the role in a definitive way like tracker or inventor or the like. I literally had 0 abilities D1 and N1. It's all I am willing to share because I still have something to use for town before I become completely useless. At least I can protect myself one more time, just like I did tonight - with a different ability though. All are oneshots.
I start out only with a passive and get abilities in cycles. They aren't really connected so you can't call the role in a definitive way like tracker or inventor or the like. I literally had 0 abilities D1 and N1. It's all I am willing to share because I still have something to use for town before I become completely useless. At least I can protect myself one more time, just like I did tonight - with a different ability though. All are oneshots.
I don't get that role, but whatever. If you're Town, do what you have to do.
Of course you don't, if I explained it in detail trust me that you'd instantly say "SCUM ROLE!" whereas it really isn't :dead part of the reason why I didn't go into detail is just saving myself and trying to help town how I still can. I know I am high on the sus list, but I'll do what I can.
I still call you scum, though.

Even if you probably aren't, but it's fun :doublepopcorn .
Honestly had I fully claimed my Terumi role as Cypher 1.0 with the kill and triple block, nobody would have believed I was Town.
With me having only the passive at the time which does NOTHING?

Yeah, I'd vote you instantly :feelsgoodman

Also, when Cypher 1.0 died I was convinced that Mei Terumi was a town power role, probably the strongest one, I was pretty fucking pissed not gonna lie
With me having only the passive at the time which does NOTHING?

Yeah, I'd vote you instantly :feelsgoodman

Also, when Cypher 1.0 died I was convinced that Mei Terumi was a town power role, probably the strongest one, I was pretty fucking pissed not gonna lie
I can't really say what Cypher 1.0 would have done since I'm not her, but if I could guess, she probably would have killed Nessos and even spared Town that lynch.
If Melodie flips town, then there is untrackable killer. Natalija who flipped town said Melodie and Hero visited SinRaven and that was after SinRaven died. With Hero died it should be Melodie who killed SinRaven. If not Melodie then there might be untrackable killer.
And that would make the game broken mechanically since Town is not so strong that we could handle this.

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