Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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We should all claim at this point. We misslynch and it's game over. From characters claim, we see which characters fit poisoner.
yeah tbh like at this point we're at end game so we might as well claim.

or at least I will cause it doesn't matter for me I'm Temari 奈良テマリ

i can probably say what my passives are but i already hinted it earlier so
I'd rather not.

come the fuck on people, you can't be serious anymore :dead
Lmfao at the idea of me killing cypher. I was rolecrushed by mafia two nights ago for the 100th time sweetie. And the rolecrush didn’t magically end. It lasted last np as well so I was rendered completely useless as fucking expected.


aftee seeing sin the town vig with rolecrush immunity

and nessos the indie with it aswell

aint no fken way u dont have one as mafia breh
does anyone else have info cause i dont want another day phase of juan vs shrike again

it does sound like one of them is scum
I just want to ask how TF anyone trusts Ussop. Did I miss some profound claim or something? Because he keeps changing his reads and wild ass theories every single round and it’s becoming more and more obvious bull shit. At first he thought either me or melkor had to be scum (I obviously know I’m fucking not) so what do I do? I test his stupid ass theory and kill Melkor, who was acting sus anyways. And what does melkor end up flipping? Town, big shocker there am I right?

Then, he goes from sussing hero to then wanting melodie voted off instead, simply because I wanted to vote Hero over Melodie. So then he comes up with a wild theory that me and Melodie MUST be scum mates right?! Well guess what melodie and hero both flip. TOWN MF LIKE??????? And this man is somehow still in the game?!

He’s wrongfully sussed me from the very start and whether he’s scum who schemed to make me expose my role by pressuring me, or just a dumb af town, he’s the one and only reason why I had to role reveal so early in the first place. And if he isn’t scum, he literally helped contribute to our doom by getting rid of one of the fcking town vigs surprise kill factor.

So if you read this Ussop, of course I’m rolecrushed now, probably by your scummates, as I’m clearly not fucking mafia and the fact that I killed lord melkor alone should be proof enough, since you supposedly “saw me visit him” with your suspicious “passive”. Which by the way, your entire suspicion on me this whole game makes no sense as I can’t even remember why you sussed me to begin with. Also, your argument used to be that I’m probably SK since literally all the confirmed towns were also defending the idea of me most likely not being mafia as nothing I’ve done or claimed would make any sense from that perspective, but now that it’s down to the wire even if you want to play the “oh your probably sk” card it won’t mean shit because I’m sure the mafia’s numbers basically equal town’s at this point. So we have to get actual fucking MAFIA, NOT WORRYING AHOUT A POTENTIAL SK OR FCKING INDIE. Which by the way, IM NEITHER OF THOSE EITHER OR I MAY AS WELL HAVE CLAIMED AS SUCH BY NOW.

Other then Ussop, every fcking one of you are sus af, with the exception of town confirmed JW.
I just want to ask how TF anyone trusts Ussop. Did I miss some profound claim or something? Because he keeps changing his reads and wild ass theories every single round and it’s becoming more and more obvious bull shit. At first he thought either me or melkor had to be scum (I obviously know I’m fucking not) so what do I do? I test his stupid ass theory and kill Melkor, who was acting sus anyways. And what does melkor end up flipping? Town, big shocker there am I right?

Then, he goes from sussing hero to then wanting melodie voted off instead, simply because I wanted to vote Hero over Melodie. So then he comes up with a wild theory that me and Melodie MUST be scum mates right?! Well guess what melodie and hero both flip. TOWN MF LIKE??????? And this man is somehow still in the game?!

He’s wrongfully sussed me from the very start and whether he’s scum who schemed to make me expose my role by pressuring me, or just a dumb af town, he’s the one and only reason why I had to role reveal so early in the first place. And if he isn’t scum, he literally helped contribute to our doom by getting rid of one of the fcking town vigs surprise kill factor.

So if you read this Ussop, of course I’m rolecrushed now, probably by your scummates, as I’m clearly not fucking mafia and the fact that I killed lord melkor alone should be proof enough, since you supposedly “saw me visit him” with your suspicious “passive”. Which by the way, your entire suspicion on me this whole game makes no sense as I can’t even remember why you sussed me to begin with. Also, your argument used to be that I’m probably SK since literally all the confirmed towns were also defending the idea of me most likely not being mafia as nothing I’ve done or claimed would make any since from that perspective, but now that it’s down to the wire even if you want to play the “oh your probably sk” card it won’t mean shit because I’m sure the mafia’s numbers basically equal town’s at this point. So we have to get actual fucking MAFIA, NOT WORRYING AHOUT A POTENTIAL SK OR FCKING INDIE. Which by the way, IM NEITHER OF THOSE EITHER OR I MAY AS WELL HAVE CLAIMED AS SUCH BY NOW.

Other then Ussop, every fcking one of you are sus af, with the exception of town confirmed JW.
what does this have to do with the post you quoted :dank
do you think I'm scum then @Hayumi just because I trust usopp? Because his abilities seem more town than others atm. His claims can be backed up and his message to cypher seems SO DUMB to fake as scum.

We can theorize about usopp if we want BUT i just want to know if we got anything from the night phase because 1. I don't have info gathering abilities 2. We are at lylo at this point.
Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach), Uchiha Itachi (Naruto) CYPHER TWO
Might Guy (Naruto), Hatake Kakashi (Naruto) HAYUMI, UNCONFIRMED
Jūshirō Ukitake (Bleach), Konan (Naruto) DENIM CONFIRMED
Capone Bege (One Piece), Teuchi (Naruto) ??? PROBABLY POISON->BEGE
Basil Hawkins (One Piece), Nara Shikamaru (Naruto) LORD MELKOR, CONFIRMED
Usopp (One Piece), Perona (One Piece) ???
Crocodile (One Piece), Shihōin Yoruichi (Bleach) PROBABLY POISON->CROCODILE
Mitarashi Anko (Naruto), Terumī Mei (Naruto) CYPHER ONE, CONFIRMED
Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach), Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach) HERO, CONFIRMED
Yhwach (Bleach), Uchiha Madara (Naruto) COOLER, CONFIRMED
Nico Robin (One Piece), Hyūga Neji (Naruto) JUAN, UNCONFIRMED
Uzumaki Kushina (Naruto), Temari (Naruto) KVOTHE, UNCONFIRMED
Marshall D. Teach (One Piece), Charlotte Linlin (One Piece) ???
Kuzan (One Piece), Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) SINRAVEN, CONFIRMED
Yamato (One Piece), Uchiha Obito (Naruto) MELODIE, CONFIRMED
Foxy (One Piece), Hyōsube Ichibē (Bleach) ???
Shunsui Kyōraku (Bleach), Chiyo (Naruto) VIVO, UNCONFIRMED
Nnoitora Gilga (Bleach), Deidara (Naruto) DRAGON D XEBEC
Donquixote Doflamingo (One Piece), Sasori (Naruto) DOFLAMINGO, CONFIRMED INDIE
Nefertari Vivi (One Piece), Yuki Haku (Naruto) NATALIJA, CONFIRMED
Spandam (One Piece), Charlos (One Piece) MELONTONIN, CONFIRMED

Whoever claims Yoruichi/Crocodile could be poisoner aka mafia. Same with whoever claims Teuchi/Bege
do you think I'm scum then @Hayumi just because I trust usopp? Because his abilities seem more town than others atm. His claims can be backed up and his message to cypher seems SO DUMB to fake as scum.

We can theorize about usopp if we want BUT i just want to know if we got anything from the night phase because 1. I don't have info gathering abilities 2. We are at lylo at this point.

I mean you might very well be scum lmfao, but you trusting him has nothing to do with your own alignment. My point is nobody is even talking about him despite how off he’s been this entire game. Especially with his weird ass fixation on me, despite being the one who essentially FORCED ME TO REVEAL ONE OF TOWN’S MOST IMPORTANT ROLES ON DAY2.

I just think ussop’s either:
1: the worst fucking townie in this game
2: obvious scum

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