Game League of Legends Mafia

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I'm kinda surprised as well.

But Lynching WAD is always fine cause of WAD. :puppers

But parka is the better option.
vote lynch parka

WAD is the better option :cat

[Change Vote Lynch Familyparka]

Rather him than WAD, i guess.

These are the posts I'm referring to specifically, when I say VoDe's interactions with Waddo-kun. These were just after he made a vote tally with WAD and Parka tied in the lead.

I'm up for SinRaven lynch, for the reasons i said in last day phase (or rather theory).

Also he going after WAD everytime, seems kinda too simple. But WAD should be investigated, if he isn't already.


So WAD was a scum indeed.

These are from D2.
Still reading up. :catghosts

guys input on ace , viper and firestormer?

I think it is extremely blatant that ace, viper and shy are all sitting down low either out of 0 experience (shy), general apathy (ace?), and easy blending (viper). so if I had to choose who I'd like to be pressured out of those three, it'd definitely be viper.

Firestormer is one of my strongest reads from where I last read, so unless something changed since then, I stick by the thought of him being town.


Belphegoob, Assuming baroxio flips mafia. who would you think that he's bussing as of now? What do you think of WAD lumping Marco and I as people who are "defending" Crescent Nyx?
We could ask Laix, but curiously enough she seems a lot more silent having taken over for Gogeta.

Potential bus before getting lynched from his perspective? (Last day phase)

Checking in to say that I'm still playing and have been keeping up to date, but haven't been able to post because of university projects and drinking.

Been keeping up with the game, yet dodged WAD's question of him being town or mafia. Questioned where are WAD's suspicious posts. Under the posting requirement yet is still somehow in the game.
[Vote Lynch Baroxio]

But fuck it, not gonna risk this shit. Katarina got two kills last night. Don't know how Bouncing Blades works here, but maybe it might be Baroxio getting his last few kills before he's lynched.
If we assume bouncing blades can attack two targets, then we can assume that Katarina was the one who killed Degaforce and Superman. And killing Chaos and Remchu isn't coincidental either. Mafia was clearly going after Parka's list to see who had night actions, they were clearly aiming for the doc.

Legend, if you have a revive, then revive Parka so that he can tell us who Katarina is.

As long as mafia is wasting a roleblock on me, that means that they aren't roleblocking anyone else and therefore can't kill bulletproof players without wasting superkills. I'd call that a net gain for town.

Like I said before, it's NEVER an optimal choice to lynch a townie. Especially if it quashes discussion and allows scum to slip by undetected.

As for who I targeted, I tried to kill Josuke and activate Dominus, hoping to superkill Atlantic Storm (partly because I think he's scum since he barel posts and contributes nothing, and partly because I just wanted to prove that my role and abilities were legit).
If you are the vig, which I'm inclined to believe that you are not, the deal was that you kill Shy, not go rogue and kill whoever you wanted. You suspected Persecuted for the longest time, but then you claimed you wanted to suddenly attack Josuke and AS? You are inconsistent and your pattern of lies show. Draven and Marco is to blame for you continuing to be alive.

[Vote lynch Baroxio]

I can understand the reasoning, but as a townie interested in seeing town win, I have to continue to fight for my innocence and continue to scum hunt.

Remember, if we kill the mafia roleblocker, then I'm suddenly back in action. If somebody revives the lie detector, then I'm suddenly confirmed.

If I'm lynched here, town would have accomplished nothing more than dwindling our own numbers and freeing up mafia to use their abilities as they please. This is in no way a win for us. The best thing we can do is to continue scum hunting.
You want us to waste a revive on a lie detector? Plz.

Having a second ability on top of a nightly mass protect makes it even more unlikely that you're telling the truth. Please, spare us.


Now you're going after another person on Parka's list with night abilities, that's very mafialike, especially since he claimed doctor.

I also find it interesting that Legend is only now piping up about his ability and is WAY more active when the lie detector is dead and he can't be easily found out.
You trying to diverge the attention of yourself and going aggro at him probably incited that reaction from him. Can you blame him?
I can think of two possible champs who could fit the description of multi-target defensive and offensive abilities - Sona and Kindred. Both of those speculations are inherently flawed - Sona's abilities target fewer than three people, and Kindred's protection is an ult and makes way more sense as a one-shot.
Why are you role hunting? Indie much?
Marco because he was confirmed town. The other two were because they needed to be watched.

Ill give you a hint. Im a support Champ.
I think I know who you are.
So now you're claiming watcher? In what universe is that a "semi-offensive ability" Legend?

You can't even get your story straight.
Twisting his words much?

After Baroxio is dead, Shy is who we need to kill. Dude, straight out refuse to say he's town though I'm sure he'll do that now since the lie detector is dead.
I'm convinced Draven executed LG because LG said he's just flavor.
I'm fairly convinced that Draven is actually mafia showing up as town.

Nosey Nosey:hoho. I have been posting as ive met the requirements, except for one phase which i apologized to our wonderful host. As for my lack of posting, I havent been feeling well.

You know who I targeted, but can you see if it was a positive or negative ability?
Could be just not wanting to reveal too much but ability used in singular here.

I can understand the reasoning, but as a townie interested in seeing town win, I have to continue to fight for my innocence and continue to scum hunt.

Remember, if we kill the mafia roleblocker, then I'm suddenly back in action. If somebody revives the lie detector, then I'm suddenly confirmed.

If I'm lynched here, town would have accomplished nothing more than dwindling our own numbers and freeing up mafia to use their abilities as they please. This is in no way a win for us. The best thing we can do is to continue scum hunting.
Certainly if all the actions required for this plan are still around and were even in the game to begin with, then you would be potentially in the clear. This isn't some ideal world though Baroxio and someone who is actually town wouldn't be talking about some complex mechanical means show they're town, they would do it by actually acting like a town member. Tunneling Legend over something you yourself are guilty of doesn't count.

You're being lynch for more than just being exposed as targeting Dega. You were considered rather scummy prior to that, with your forced need to talk of Marco as confirmed town and making quick claims about the activity of people/roles early last day phase.

Marco/WAD/WPK do check out as viable protection targets. Consider that WAD flipped maf and Marco is confirmed town, I don't see why maf would use the same ability on all three.

Bus drive is still viable, depending on how it operates. If you bus drive all actions landing on A > B, B > C, and C > D. Then Marco > WAD > WPK works quite well. Town unlikely to target me with negative actions getting redirected to scummate WAD.
Marco's thought process is the same as mine on this. Protects and other positive abilities that could go to Marco go to WAD, negative actions would be on me since I'm a threat and what negative actions indies/distrustful town use on me go to Marco.

Lulu is the only one I can see Legend as hinting, If hes telling the truth it would be Help, Pix! on Marco and Glitterlance on WAD and I. Glitterlance being either a RB or ability delay. Not sure how Glitterlance is a passive offensive one though, especially since passive implies that its either reactionary(if hes targeted) or he has no control over who it targets, which doesn't add up since he was talking about why he targeted WAD and I specifically, nor are the chances of WAD and I getting RNG'd together like that believable.

Psychic's thought process is so fucking weird.

Which means she's town btw :naruramen
If by weird you mean completely illogical and batshit insane then yes. This is why I hate trying to read her, everything she does goes against what I stand for and I can't help but see that kind of thing as scummy as fuck, twisty behavior.

I would say that we lynch Baroxio today and off VoDe by ability or lynch tomorrow.

[Vote Lynch Baroxio]
@wpk, executioner makes more sense as a mafia role but I find it unlikely that mafia would use what's almost certainly a one shot lynch redirect on the same phase they fucked with nocturne's one shot.

Either way, if Draven is indeed town and has some influence over lynch, then I'd just like if he doesn't try to solo this.

Also, I'm getting town vibes from Psychic.

The only thing scummy about Legend is his abilities which actually makes him more trustworthy in a weird way. His play seems like town to me.
Belphegoob, Assuming baroxio flips mafia. who would you think that he's bussing as of now? What do you think of WAD lumping Marco and I as people who are "defending" Crescent Nyx?

One thing that stood out to me earlier was that he was very fast to jump on my post about players whose activity took dives on D2, which makes me think I'm on the right track. There's a lot of WIFOM in trying to interpret this, but he was most likely trying to create negative associations as a last gasp given that at the time, it was still very likely that he was eating the lynch.

Real I think one of you and Nyx is maf, but that's almost just as much as because you have 7 posts this game and she has 3.

Are you scum, Mello? :hm

Except when he's actually scum.

Well he doesn't start lying or anything, he just starts avoiding telling the truth. Thus his reluctance to answer the question being a point of interest. :catpole

Why are you role hunting? Indie much?

if anything wouldn't draven be in an independent if he was in this game? I feel like it's just flavor from the mod.

Uh, Draven's used actions this game, brah.

As far as the possibility of him being maf goes, the only mechanism I can think of that might let his name appear blue is that Trickster's Glass from that one special Bilgewater game mode, and that disguises your champ as another player on your team, not an enemy player.
LoL has crowd-control abilities like stuns or knockups that would make sense as roleblocks, some of which can hit multiple targets. If there really was a mass roleblock though, it clearly bypassed the faction kill, which implies it would've been performed by maf. You'd think such an ability would show in the writeup.
You arent saying anything that I havent, you know my role and both of my abilities. Ive said everything there is to say. If im a lynch candidate you are a fool. Im on borrowed time.
Just wanted to point out, all we know about Legend's offensive ability is that he used it on WPK and WAD, yet absolutely nothing happened to WAD. What does that tell us? Exactly how offensive is this ability?

I know the response to this may be seen as me "tunneling" Legend, but you have to admit that there is some sort of discrepancy between what Legend has told us and the facts of the matter.
Perse, I barely even remembered you were playing this game. Do you have any thoughts this time around? :hm

I'm still reading parts of the thread here and there, but I agree with the Baroxio push from my reading so far. Can't say there's anyone I definitively trust at the moment besides Marco. I sorta suspect Laix and Legend, but wouldn't have anything concrete on them I could point out this right minute. So I guess it would be a gut feeling more than anything. If I find something, I'll take care to point it out.
Just wanted to point out, all we know about Legend's offensive ability is that he used it on WPK and WAD, yet absolutely nothing happened to WAD. What does that tell us? Exactly how offensive is this ability?

I know the response to this may be seen as me "tunneling" Legend, but you have to admit that there is some sort of discrepancy between what Legend has told us and the facts of the matter.

First you suspected Persecuted, then you claimed you were trying to kill Josuke, and now you're going after Legend. You're all over the place and desperate.
First you suspected Persecuted, then you claimed you were trying to kill Josuke, and now you're going after Legend. You're all over the place and desperate.
Persecuted is a nexus, attempting to kill a nexus is stupid. I thought Legend was a busdriver at the time. Attempting to kill a busdriver is also incredibly stupid.

If you are a vig and you go for a nexus or busdriver, then you are bad.
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