Game League of Legends Mafia

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Mafia games have hardened Marco. I remember when he was always unfailingly polite. :(

Also, finally caught up with most of the thread. I still have to read everything since the start of day three, but here's my lynch anyway just so I can fulfill the basic requirement for now:

[Vote Lynch Baroxio]

I'm still probably the most polite here, GOS. hammer is just hammer and deserves it.
Persecuted is a nexus, attempting to kill a nexus is stupid. I thought Legend was a busdriver at the time. Attempting to kill a busdriver is also incredibly stupid.

If you are a vig and you go for a nexus or busdriver, then you are bad.
So why not push for Persecuted today instead of Legend who claimed doc?
roleblocker is the best role i've had in years i stg

Why would you roleblock our vigilante??? :mad I was hoping Sin would kill either Shy or Baroxio today.
Sin is the vig? Whoops

So why not push for Persecuted today instead of Legend who claimed doc?

Why would you roleblock our vigilante??? :mad I was hoping Sin would kill either Shy or Baroxio today.
Because I tried that yesterday and people were like "Nexus = townie"

And Sin isn't a vigilante, he just had a one shot kill that may or may not have been a trap ability like Pantheon's.

I'm the vig. If anything, Sin is likely to be the cop since he targeted WAD the night phase before he killed the day. I was hoping I'd get investigated or something, but NOOOO.
You said I was rb'd before I died. I wasn't a roleblocker in my original role. How do you know I was supposedly roleblocked before I died?

Gonna assume you've got your wires crossed x


Wad alive, Saturno governor and tinfoil paranoia all over the place.
How about we clear some things today ?
Thanks for the roleblock last night as well.

you're welcome xo

ok sorry I got confused these posts are after you died the first time.
@wpk, executioner makes more sense as a mafia role but I find it unlikely that mafia would use what's almost certainly a one shot lynch redirect on the same phase they fucked with nocturne's one shot.

Either way, if Draven is indeed town and has some influence over lynch, then I'd just like if he doesn't try to solo this.

Also, I'm getting town vibes from Psychic.

The only thing scummy about Legend is his abilities which actually makes him more trustworthy in a weird way. His play seems like town to me.
I have no doubt that mafia would use a lynch redirect if Katarina was on the chopping block, as she can kill multiple people at once. We have already seen this mafia spam abilities that we do not know the exact details of to say for sure they are one'shots.

Baroxio you do understand that negative actions outside of kills don't usually have visible effects to the rest of the player base. If it was a RB or delays actions, whose to say it didn't work? You are really grasping at straws to save yourself.
I have no doubt that mafia would use a lynch redirect if Katarina was on the chopping block, as she can kill multiple people at once. We have already seen this mafia spam abilities that we do not know the exact details of to say for sure they are one'shots.

Baroxio you do understand that negative actions outside of kills don't usually have visible effects to the rest of the player base. If it was a RB or delays actions, whose to say it didn't work? You are really grasping at straws to save yourself.

Good on you for having faith in fellow townies, but I just think it's more likely that Draven is derp townie. Heart in the right place but chose one of the worst targets.
I have no doubt that mafia would use a lynch redirect if Katarina was on the chopping block, as she can kill multiple people at once. We have already seen this mafia spam abilities that we do not know the exact details of to say for sure they are one'shots.

Baroxio you do understand that negative actions outside of kills don't usually have visible effects to the rest of the player base. If it was a RB or delays actions, whose to say it didn't work? You are really grasping at straws to save yourself.
He specifically called it a "semi-offensive ability." For that matter, roleblocks are announced to the person being roleblocked. I think this phase alone should clearly reveal that.

Real talk though, what ability do you think it could be, given his description as "semi-offensive," combined with the fact that nothing happened to either you or WAD, and presumably neither of you were roleblocked?
Oh I will


LOL, you're scum.

He specifically called it a "semi-offensive ability." For that matter, roleblocks are announced to the person being roleblocked. I think this phase alone should clearly reveal that.

Real talk though, what ability do you think it could be, given his description as "semi-offensive," combined with the fact that nothing happened to either you or WAD, and presumably neither of you were roleblocked?

Wait.....Are you telling me that Legend is a mafia doctor that was protecting Wad, WPK and Marco in the night???
@bar, too many possibilities. One reason I find legends conditional offensive weird is because he had a similar role in laws ff game.

He could privately l lie detect people and if they lied, he'd roleblock them
Well, in this game such a thing doesn't match up unless we know the condition. He already admitted to not being a watcher or a tracker, so WAD's immunity to those doesn't come into play.

What condition would see a mafia member, clearly lying, and what we assume is a truth telling townie, in the same light? If we gain more info on Legend's ability, it might shine some light on WPK's allegiance.
LOL, you're scum.

Wait.....Are you telling me that Legend is a mafia doctor that was protecting Wad, WPK and Marco in the night???
Without knowing the specifics it's impossible to know for sure exactly what Legend is, or what WPK is, for that matter.

He says he protected Marco, but for all we know that's a load of hogwash, since he only came out with this knowledge after the lie detector died.

My initial theory is that he's a busdriver, meaning that he could be using the confirmed Marco as a busdrive target to protect WAD (confirmed mafia). If that's true, then WPK being there as well does not bode well for his allegiance.

Marco, seemingly believing Legend, has the current theory that Legend has a protect, as Legend said, but also has a "semi-offensive" (according to Legend) ability that Marco thinks is conditional.

We need to know what that condition is to see if his two targets, WAD and WPK, have more or less in common than they're letting on.
Good on you for having faith in fellow townies, but I just think it's more likely that Draven is derp townie. Heart in the right place but chose one of the worst targets.
WolfParanoiaKiba finds that hard to believe.

He specifically called it a "semi-offensive ability." For that matter, roleblocks are announced to the person being roleblocked. I think this phase alone should clearly reveal that.

Real talk though, what ability do you think it could be, given his description as "semi-offensive," combined with the fact that nothing happened to either you or WAD, and presumably neither of you were roleblocked?
How would you know if WAD was RB'd or not? Why would you assume I would know if I was? Someone is only told they were RB'd if they had an action blocked, I didn't use any active abilities last night.

My guess, as I said earlier, is that its an action delay. That fits perfectly for a semi-offensive ability, as the action still takes place but not when the user wanted it to.
It's not out of character for you, though. You claimed you were hit as mafia in psychic's star wars game, everyone thought that meant you were Vader but let it go because "why would he claim he was the one attacked?"

If you read the QT I basically trolled town and dropped sooooo many hints I was Vader because A. Everyone thought I was town for some reason and B. I was unlynchable and died to an ass pull
You see, this is why a lynch on me is a bad idea. No discussion, no debate. Scum slip by undetected.

Draven, this lynch is in your hands. Do you let the town vig die and waste the phase, or will you help me go after the many people slipping by as scum and actually promote some discussion?

Whatever your decision, I've done what I can. That's more than I can say of most people in this game, some of whom have yet to even meet post requirements.
Did you not see where I posted my one-shot investigation on Sworder came back town?

Tbh, I thought you were joking at the time. >>

If you're town Melodie, wouldn't mind seeing more from you here. Feels like the same few voices are at the fore all the time, could use some fresh input.

Real that applies to everyone on this list, because those of you who actually are town are actively helping maf by making it easy for them to blend:

Persecuted 14
Shy 11
Melodie 10
αce 9
Firestormer 8
Josuke 6
Viper 5
Atlantic Storm 4
Crescent Nyx 3
Vote count

1. Belphegoob - Baroxio
3. WolfPrinceKiba - Baroxio
4. Legend - Baroxio
5. Alwaysmind - Baroxio
8. Marco - Baroxio
9. Hammer - Baroxio
12. Stelios - Baroxio
13. Firestormer
14. Sin - Baroxio
15. Psychic - Baroxio
17. Laix
18. Shark Skin
19. Franky - Baroxio
21. Sworder - Baroxio
22. Josuke
23. Melodie - sworder
24. Crescent Nyx - Baroxio
25. VoDe - Baroxio
26. Santi - Baroxio
27. Mr. Waffles - Baroxio
30. Viper
31. Persecuted - Baroxio
32. Shy
33. Vaeny - Baroxio
35. Αce - Baroxio
36. Atlantic Storm - Baroxio
37. Baroxio - Legend

Baroxio - 19
Legend - 1
Sworder 1

Day three ends in 2 hours.
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