Game League of Legends Mafia

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Boo, I was going to enter today with a great tinfoil theory centered around WPK, thanks for ruining that for me. :catprone

Psychic, if WPK is confirmed town (which we should assume he is with Waffle-kun vouching for him), doesn't that put a hole into your theory of Legend as maf doctor? :hm

Also if Perse was a nexus, you'd think he would've said so.

Gonna go through the Marco-Stelios discussion after I review the other game, but one of Stelios or Perse has to be the lynch this phase imo.
Psychic, if WPK is confirmed town (which we should assume he is with Waffle-kun vouching for him), doesn't that put a hole into your theory of Legend as maf doctor? :hm

Also if Perse was a nexus, you'd think he would've said so.

So that would put Legend as mafia busdriver....basically the Marco/WPK theory.

@Persecuted, if you are a nexus, you might as well admit it because mafia sure as hell already knows.

Belpe, why are you and melodie still alive??? I just noticed you guys are among the top players and if I was mafia, I would have put one of you down by now.

I just re-look at Melodie's voting history and it's terrifying. I assume Melodie was town because she had a scumread on Wad day one. Upon re-looking at her voting history, Melodie NEVER voted Wad. Interesting. She didn't vote Baroxio either....she did vote Sworder despite me telling her he was town. And she voted for VoDe. :hm
Boo, I was going to enter today with a great tinfoil theory centered around WPK, thanks for ruining that for me. :catprone

You're welcome. :amuse

if WPK is confirmed town (which we should assume he is with Waffle-kun vouching for him),

I'm a mason with WPK.


Masons, Marco. While masons on a rare occasion have mafia spies, the chances of that in this game are below 1%.

Its such a minute chance, especially with the League lore I know and other things about our roles, that its not even worth real consideration that there is a traitor in our group Marco.

... if there is a mafia spy, then I'd go with it being WPK.

Just saiyan'.
A somewhat important note - don't take this thread to completion or we won't be able to look back and take quotes from it for future phases. Once we reach 1990 or so, we should pause til Nitty can get part 2 set up.

Also, ayy Franky what's good? I've been giving you a pass so far since you're new, but it's been well long enough now. Expecting you to deliver something better than just vague suspicion on the people who are already being discussed plus inactives.

Who would you lynch today, between Stelios and Perse? :cat
Belpe, why are you and melodie still alive??? I just noticed you guys are among the top players and if I was mafia, I would have put one of you down by now.

I just re-look at Melodie's voting history and it's terrifying. I assume Melodie was town because she had a scumread on Wad day one. Upon re-looking at her voting history, Melodie NEVER voted Wad. Interesting. She didn't vote Baroxio either....she did vote Sworder despite me telling her he was town. And she voted for VoDe. :hm

Forgot to answer the other half of your question - I think Melodie is still alive because she's mafia. :cat
Legend said he would read up....he hasn't offer anything to the table. I think we should all lynch either Legend, Persecuted, Marco or Stelios. I add Stelios in there because apparently you all want him dead.

I calculated 15 town left and maybe 8 mafia. 8 mafia can dominate a lynch. Town better wise the hell up.
I actually did miss that, my bad. I'm assuming you're talking about the back and forth you and Stelios are having, right? But I'm gonna skip the 180 debate, since that's just going in circles and nothing new is coming from it.

There isn't really a circular logic there. Either Stelios is Pantheon or the mafia specifically decided to frame him. I mean, I'm not saying there's no other possibility but I honestly can't think of any, which is why I'm encouraging discussion on this topic.

Anyway, my take on Stelios is based on "would WAD try to bus the godfather as a policy lynch on day 1?", and I could actually see that happening tbh. That alone isn't enough for me to vote him, but it is enough for me to at least keep an eye on him and consider voting him. I can definitely see where you and WPK are coming from (well, I could, until you two devolved into that weird traitor mason debate), but he's not the biggest scumread for me, so I'll probably only join it if he becomes more suspicious or if I become less suspicious of other people. Speaking of:

Honestly, even I wasn't sure what WPK was talking about but that's because I forgot he mentioned Waffles being 100% town.

By the way, WAD would definitely try to bus someone Day 1. More importantly, WAD pushes for Stelios lynch Day 1 pretty much everyday. And then this game he mentions Stelios as a policy lynch but also points out that he's been playing pretty horribly and is deciding to let go of statistics and policy lynching, etc, after Saturno (another person on his policy lynch list) flipped town. I could be getting confused with Traitor Among us, but I'm pretty sure WAD started the whole "I'm too old, need to rethink" in this game.

@Persecuted: Can I ask why you sent in a vote for VoDe last phase?

I see he ignored me, too.

Masons exist for the purpose of being able to confirm each other. I trust mason knowledge even more than death flips most of the time.

I am talking about Waffles, one of my mason partners.

Okay, this was totally my fault. I overlooked your Waffles 100% town claim. I was only thinking about your questions academically. By the way, mason is not as accurate as death flip, IMO. Were you playing Psychic's Zen mafia where mafia literally won because the last scummate was confirmed as town for being a mason but turned out he was a spy?

And you and DDL created the Rust Cohle role in Favorites. I don't mean to say one of you or Waffles is traitor. I highly doubt it. I'm just saying when you asked what it would take for you to consider someon 100% town, I took the question literally. 100%.

Suffice to say, I'm 100% convinced you are town, now, so I definitely feel a lot better now.

Really sworder? Then ask yourself this, wpk and Marco has been pushing hard on stelios. If stelios was mafia, wouldn't wpk and Marco be dead already???

Marco can't say stelios is trigger happy day 1 and live to tell such tales. The fact is, mafia hasn't targeted Marco and wpk at all.

I don't think I said stelios is trigger happy. But this is a pretty stupid and unnecessary train of thought. You're not a newbie. The answer is obvious:

1. I'm role-crushed.
2. Killing me after role-crushing me is not only a waste of one kill, but also the fact that killing me proves I'm town. Thus, implicating those I'm going after.

This is Mafia 101. If there is a townie that people are suspicious of, and said townie is tunnelling on you, killing him will only implicate yourself. It's a subjective call. Do you want to risk getting pressured by this person everyday or do you want to risk getting called scum once he flips townie on death.

Another thing, sin who was cop said stelios was town. Told us even to leave him alone.

I also don't like how legend is still alive.

[change vote lynch marco]

Make this happen folks.

Sin claimed cop? I remember you saying this but I, personally, must have missed where Sin said this.

Also, Sin's read on Stelios was based on his read. He believes he is 100% accurate in reading Stelios.

However, Psychic, Stelios is already lie detected. So a cop clearing him is hardly evidence when we're arguing he probably fools lie detects and investigations.
I don't like being guided into a conversation especially when I think that the one that engages me is mafia. It's my firm belief that mafia should be the ones afraid of town's verdict and not the other way round.

I doubt anyone likes that. But that doesn't mean you're not playing anti-town.

It should be obvious to you that statistically speaking I'm much more likely to be town that mafia. Add on to that that responding to me is not just for my sake but for others who find you suspicious as well.

Instead of trying to defend yourself, you're repeatedly trying to deflect the lynch on to me, which doesn't look any better.

You want me to cold read you academically, ok that is fine.

That's not what I asked. I didn't ask you to cold read me. I asked you to look at my questions academically and answer them. Which you have once again avoided.

You are a scum that is trying to get me lynched. Your role-crash was accidental due to an exogenous factor (redirection). Your lie detection came sincere because you are undetectable. You could be Pantheon Godfather because after you got role-crushed there was not a single jump from Pantheon again. The only other Pantheon appearance we have is the faction kill on Sinraven. Mechanically a role-crashed GF can still carry out the faction kill.

Are you even thinking here? Do you understand the probabilities of this?

You're saying I'm Godfather, role-crushed a nexus and got redirected back to myself? Wow. This is just absurd. First, the chances of me hitting a nexus are about 1 in 40. Then, a nexus redirecting an action to me is another 1 in 40 chance. Total being 1 in 1600 chance.

According to your theory, there's a one in 1600 chance I'm Pantheon. And that's not even counting the other evidence that clears me as town.

Also, let's ask Nitty if role-crushed mafioso can still carry out faction kills. Possibly, but I doubt it considering how OP the role-blocks and stuff are this game.

Legends targets seem like a solid lead that this has happened.
Legend may be a nexus or a busdriver.

If you think Legend is bus-driver, that only makes it more likely that I'm town.

I m going to make a wifom here and wonder so why didn't you push me that hard since day one when waffles mentioned the 180 number if you thought I am mafia? And even more why did you bring it up just now , right after you lynched vode. I was also on the vode bus but for me at least it was an information lynch.
To answer your question you pushed me that hard last phase because there was already some controversy around my name (waffles and the 180 post), you knew that Vode will flip town and today you go full on me because Mafia's options are becoming more narrow in terms of lynching town players.
Today I'm an optimal target for mafia given that I didn't sufficiently defend myself from your tldrs yesterday. Though you already know that I m usually disappearing without a notice for long periods of time due to being a family man from our play together at Kingsmaker.

Are you serious? Why didn't I just push for Franky? Who almost got lynched last phase?

@Bolded, false, and this is why I actually thought your absence last phase after my questioning was intentional. You were actually quite active in the QT even when you weren't posting in the game thread.

How so? I honestly don't know what you're talking about. If I did vote VoDe, it might been because of my ability. I break ties at random. A hammerer, basically. Maybe don't jump to conclusions without probably explaining yourself.

Okay, I've asked you this 3-4 times already and you've avoided it.

Are you a nexus?
I am not hopping on this Stelios bandwagon simply because I know Marco is behind it. And WPK and Waffles being mason isn't 100% confirmed either.

@Nitty, Can you confirmed whether you were telling the truth about Persected's vote on VoDe?

Why are you acting so obtuse this game? How are WPK and Waffles not confirmed as masons? Or do you think they're scum pulling some gambit? Are we one big team of scum pulling gambits left, right, and center?

Why would Nitty lie about Perse's vote?
Here's a theory:

Marco is Lissandra, mafia godfather. He can bypass lie detects and investigations. Remember when Baroxio said Persecuted was a nexus? How did they know this? I think Marco/Lissandra attempted to rolecrush Persecuted who was a nexus and got rolecrush himself.

Persecuted, are you a nexus?

You think Stelios' theory is right?

1 in 40 chance of me hitting a nexus. 1 in 40 chance of nexus redirecting action to me. 1 in 1600 chance of me hitting a nexus and the action getting redirected to me.

Not to mention, role-crushes usually bypass such defensive abilities, but can't say for certain about nexus.
Tbh after Kingmaker, I've kind of just accepted that I'm shit at reading Stelios, so I've decided that I want him dead on principle. :cat

And yeah, that's way too many. Consider that with Waddo-kun and Baroxio that'd make 10 maf in a 37 player game.

The thing about Stelios is that you won't read him as town when he's scum. You may read him as scum when he's town, though. So that's where the confusion comes in.

Actually I could consider this having some basis in reality if Legend used two abilities that night, one to busdrive WAD and WPK and another one on Marco. It makes a lot more sense than a three-way bus drive, at least.

That said, I still think he more likely used it on town!Marco than scum!Marco. :catpole

Legend claimed he used two separate abilities. A protective on on me and a conditional offensive one on WAD and WPK.

A somewhat important note - don't take this thread to completion or we won't be able to look back and take quotes from it for future phases. Once we reach 1990 or so, we should pause til Nitty can get part 2 set up.

Also, ayy Franky what's good? I've been giving you a pass so far since you're new, but it's been well long enough now. Expecting you to deliver something better than just vague suspicion on the people who are already being discussed plus inactives.

Hopefully Nitty comes online and makes a thread before we reach. I'm actually quite interested in the Franky thing. The wagon last phase really picked up out of nowhere and if Perse is mafia, it's very likely Franky is, too.

Who would you lynch today, between Stelios and Perse? :cat

I am leaning on Stelios. I think I've admitted multiple times that I'm still worried he might be town, but it's getting harder and harder to believe.

I want Stelios out, though. He's being completely uncooperative if he's town. I've gone above and beyond the call of duty in making sure I'm not jumping the gun on him, but I'm losing patience. He's very detrimental to us at this point even if he's town.

On the other hand, Perse looks pretty fucking scummy. Things to consider about Perse that I mentioned before:

1. Baroxio claimed he attacked Persecuted and got redirected to degaforce.
2. Baroxio pushed real hard that Perse should be lynched because Perse is mafia nexus.
3. Persecuted never properly defended himself against Baroxio.

So, here are some questions. Why did Baroxio choose to implicate Persecuted here? Why would mafia want him lynched? Also, if Baroxio actually hit Perse and got redirected to Dega, the question is why? Why would mafia attack Persecuted on Night 1? The way Baroxio pushed on Persecuted, I think there's a fair chance that Perse is an unimportant scummate and Baroxio was looking for cred if Perse lynch went through. Persecuted also didn't make any defense against Baroxio.

Also, Persecuted has been very silent about his ability. I've already asked him 3-4 times if he's nexus and he's ignored me every time.

His answers this phase only make him that much more scummy. But that is why I want him to answer my question: Are you nexus, Persecuted?

This is key to figuring out whether he's lying or not, today.
And I support Stelios lynch over Persecuted right now.

Both were my top scum reads from yesterday but I still want to question Perse and I've given Stelios too much opportunities that he has squandered. If Stelios is town, then I am afraid I overestimated him.

Also, Stelios lynch will stop Psychic's wild paranoia if he's indeed Pantheon. I think pretty much everyone will be satisfied of my innocent, then.

If he flips town, at least I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
A rolecrush should work on a nexus, otherwise how the fuck would they even die? lynch, obviously.
My point, precisely.

Either Psychic has really gone full paranoid here or she's teammates with Stelios. I town read her, but I admit, her supporting Stelios' retarded theory raises a red flag.

This is literally, Marco right now :

When he's on fire like that, he's on his scum meta.
Okay, Psychic, Just a question out of curiosity. How do you feel when your reads are proven wrong? And more specifically, if I were to flip town, how would you feel?

I ask because I've seen most people here focus on the reads that they get right. i.e. once a game is over, everyone is talking about "Oh, I knew X was town" etc. Very few people, like me, actually focus on the reads we get wrong. You won't often see me talking about "Oh, I knew X was town." More likely, at the end of a game, you'll see me saying, "Shit, I can't believe X was actually town."

What I'm getting at is that I feel quite ashamed when my reads are wrong. It's the failures I focus on, 'cause they will make me better in the future. I'm saying this because this drives my no.1 philosophy as town. I second question myself all the time because I know that even though I'm 90% convinced about something, that 10% is still a possibility and if I'm wrong, I'll feel like a failure.

You absolutely have no idea what my scum meta is. And this will hopefully be a learning experience for you, not just about my play, but how you should approach your suspects in a game. If you're scum, though, you're really wasting a lot of time, but I admire the town-telling. Just sucks that there are players like you that I actually town read more the lesser they make sense.
Where the hell is Persecuted, Ace and Legend? If you guys are not willing to answer questions then one of you is getting lynch today.

Ace, you can't just drop a "trust me" vote on Marco and dissappear.

Persecuted, are you a nexus?

And I have to wonder, did Baroxio really targeted Degaforce or did he targeted Persecuted and got redirected to Degaforce? Persecuted's failure to answer means he is a nexus and I would place nexus as town. Meaning mafia attacked Persecuted twice? But why.

Marco, we're not following you. You lead us astray too many times. Let's look at Marco's voting history.

Day 1 - Saturno
Day 2 - NL and believes Baraxio is the vig
Day 3 - Baraxio but only because everyone else like me push hard for it
Day 4 - VoDe

You know, looking back on Day 1, you told Wad that he is rusty as maf. But yet you voted Saturno?

If we continue to follow Marco, town will be lost for sure.
Marco, you don't get it. I'm not saying your town reads are bad. I'm saying you're purposely leading town to lynch itself because I feel that you are mafia even though I don't have any legit proof, just my scumread on you. And honestly, if you were town, you're actually a very good scumhunter. Hell, if you were really town, you would push that lynch on Wad because you of all people should know that Saturno is scummy by nature.
Don't be a Legend, Marco. >.>
Being me is great

Legend knows what's up.
This true.
If we look back at the action list, the four who used abilities that aren't dead/we don't know what action was performed are FS, Laix, sworder and Legend. Standard mafia night abilities are faction kill, protect, RB, role investigation, sometimes busdrive. With the last one, only Legend applies and his ability claims have a lot of holes in them. If Laix replaced mafia, him doctor protecting Stelios N1 wold make sense, since Stelios got a good deal of heat on him D1. FS targeting sarun doesn't raise too many flags based on target choice, sarun did end up dead late D2 but that could have been for a number of reasons. sworder's action is the most likely for a role cop, don't have any strong suspicion on that target choice.

I don't think it should be overlooked that hammer sent a note to AM night 1 trying to paint me as mafia. It seems OOC for hammer to do that, especially claiming to know my scum meta. Can you tell us what exactly the message said AM? Will read over hammer's D1 posts when on a computer to see if he posted about me then.
Refer to my post above?
You specifically said you were gonna bring someone back. If you didn't revive superman, then who?

You, Laix, Legend and Hammer are the only ones on that list who is still alive. You claimed to be roleblock, but what about Legend who literaly claimed doc? You're telling me that they went after the cop instead of the doc last night? And if Legend was doc, why wasn't he on Sin? Something's not right here.

[Change Vote lynch Legend]

Until I get a good explanation.
I never once said i can bring anyone back
I see Legend hasn't answer my question yet. Anyone else find Legend being alive as odd?
Im alive because i can protect myself if need be
I just remember something about Legend's scum meta. I swear, everytime he was mafia in my games, he would always ask me to modkill the inactive townies. And suprise suprise, inactive townies are being modkill. I suggest we all switch to Legend now.
That is what all scum do
Legend is mafia doctor who was on Marco, WPK and Wad that night. :nod
In fact if Legend flips mafia, I'm more inclined to believe this and so should everyone else. :nod
I am a doc but not scum
I am 1,000% questioning it. But w/o any other proof, I can't push on it. Same thing with Marco. I agree with you that WPK is reaching for the stars, not making any sense, and pushing on all of my townreads like hammer. And the funny thing is that Marco seems to be in League with him thoughtwise. Something is fishy going on, but we can't be sure without knowing what Legend is, which is why we need to vote Legend.

Ask yourself this Laix, if Legend was doc like he claimed, why would mafia kill the cop over him. Why, of all the people that processed actions that night, is Legend the only one who is still alive? Legend who targetted 3 people that night was left alive by mafia. Baroxio's last minute push on Legend is also questionable. Could it be a bus?
Baroxio was a fool and tried to step to the king

Ive literally role revealed
@Legend, of course you would roleclaimed doc. Not like the real doc could counter claim even if he/she wanted too.

Again, if you were doc, why would mafia prioritize killing Sin over you? Doesn't make any sense. Like it seriously would make more sense to roleblock the cop and at least attempt to target the doc.

Anyways, I would like to see either Legend or Marco lynch tonight. Can someone do a vote count?
Current Votes :

Psychic > Marco>Josuke> marco> Laix>Persecuted> marco
Alwaysmind > Marco
Belphe > WPK
Santi > psychic
Marco > Stelios
Stelios > marco
Laix > WPK
Mr. Waffles > Stelios
WPK > Stelios
Melodie > Stelios> Persecuted
Shy > psychic
Firestormer > persecuted
Shark Skin > persecuted
Sworder > Stelios
Atlantic Storm > persecuted
ace > marco

Marco - 4
Stelios - 4
Persecuted - 4
Where the hell is Persecuted, Ace and Legend? If you guys are not willing to answer questions then one of you is getting lynch today.

Ace, you can't just drop a "trust me" vote on Marco and dissappear.

Persecuted, are you a nexus?

And I have to wonder, did Baroxio really targeted Degaforce or did he targeted Persecuted and got redirected to Degaforce? Persecuted's failure to answer means he is a nexus and I would place nexus as town. Meaning mafia attacked Persecuted twice? But why.

Marco, we're not following you. You lead us astray too many times. Let's look at Marco's voting history.

Day 1 - Saturno
Day 2 - NL and believes Baraxio is the vig
Day 3 - Baraxio but only because everyone else like me push hard for it
Day 4 - VoDe

You know, looking back on Day 1, you told Wad that he is rusty as maf. But yet you voted Saturno?

You've made this list as an attempt to show that I led town asray. So I'll address it in that manner before I explain the reasons behind my votes.

Day 1 - Yes, I vote Saturno. Yes, I suspected WAD too. This isn't me leading town astray. I don't think I influenced this lynch much.
Day 2 - I NLd because it was the smart thing to do. I still believe NL was the right thing to do, so this was definitely not me leading town astray.
Day 3 - So, how is this me leading town astray if I voted the same as everyone else.
Day 4 - I actually wasn't the leader of this. WPK, a confirmed townie led this. I was more interested in Stelios throughout. So, again, how did I lead town astray here?

Now, my justification for my votes.

Day 1 - Yes, I suspected WAD Day 1. But I still voted Saturno over him. It can look scummy but I'm just not the kind of guy who eliminates the best players Day 1, especially just one my read alone. I know I've been wrong about people and I know how new evidence keeps switching reads around. This is why I didn't vote for WAD. Barring some actual evidence, I'm not going to support lynching someone who can be very helpful. This is how great games turn into inactive bores. You can see this in your own games where inactivity has dipped near the ends. It will almost always be because most of the good townie players are eliminated. I don't even kill people like WAD when I'm mafia. This is easily verifiable by anyone who has been scum with me. Then why would I want WAD lynched Day 1? I specifically told him I'll be keeping an eye on him for later.

My actual vote on Saturno is pretty reasonable. I think I wanted to vote Stelios but Sin convinced us not to. Anyway, I wasn't really leading anything here. I generally don't take charge Day 1 unless town is doing something stupid. There was no good reason to lynch anyone else and I'm not against taking out players that are borderline inactive.

Day 2 - I did not believe Baroxio was vigilante. I even said I was pretty sure Baroxio was scum but wanted to give him the benefit of doubt for that Day since there were possible ways to confirm him (Vig claim, lie detector, third party, etc). But I'm not so full of myself to discount all other possibilities.

More importantly, though, Nocturne. Trying to unite people into voting a specific person is harder than to NL. And when you're trying to lynch someone late-phase, some people have already voted wherever, and they are unlikely to change as votes against others stack against yourself. Basically, NL was the best way to ensure mafia didn't control the lynch. Which was really the worst case scenario. If Draven hadn't redirected the lynch, it's very possible mafia would've been in control of the lynch.

Day 3 - I was actually one of the first votes on Baroxio and was also one of the most vocal against Baroxio before this. I was the one who supported Persecuted and Legend when Baroxio tried to push suspicion on them. This was in Day 2, by the way. If you actually re-read Day 2, you'll see that I was one of the most vocal against Baroxio. I also discouraged his pushes on Legend and Persecuted, to make sure the heat was on him. This was all in Day 2. The posts are all there. You can read them. Start from somewhere around here:

So, yeah, I definitely didn't vote for Baroxio because "everyone else pushed hard for it."

Day 4 - Like I said, I didn't lead this lynch at all. But let's not pretend he wasn't scummy. Anyway, I was going harder on Stelios the entire phase.

If we continue to follow Marco, town will be lost for sure.

I'm telling you, you're already convinced I'm mafia. Try this exercise. Approach all my posts as if you believe I'm town. And then as if I'm mafia. See what makes more sense.
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