Game League of Legends Mafia

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I can tell ya'll right now that if I was mafia I would have at least attempted to blend more instead of being blatantly inactive. I really have been busy and it was my own mistake to try to play mafia during midterms week :lmao

But I'm town. I can prove it when we're not roleblocked.

Oh and
As for WPK, I can tell you that there won't be much that would come from lynching him. I think Josuke is a better target. Especially with that real lazy "placeholder" vote he put on you.
so what you're saying is that there isn't a lot of info to go by WPK who has given reads, but there is info to gain by lynching me, an inactive who has pretty much made no interactions with any other player thus far?
Some great plays here today.

On top of that this sudden wagon is great. I wish I got a quarter each time mafia has attempted to push a scapegoat lynch on little ol me when their scummates are in trouble.
I am town. I know I've danced around the question a bit in previous games, but "yes I am" doesn't do much for me especially when being asked if I'm a townie:cat

As for WPK, I can tell you that there won't be much that would come from lynching him. I think Josuke is a better target. Especially with that real lazy "placeholder" vote he put on you.

[Vote lynch Josuke]

I can tell ya'll right now that if I was mafia I would have at least attempted to blend more instead of being blatantly inactive. I really have been busy and it was my own mistake to try to play mafia during midterms week :lmao

But I'm town. I can prove it when we're not roleblocked.

Oh and

so what you're saying is that there isn't a lot of info to go by WPK who has given reads, but there is info to gain by lynching me, an inactive who has pretty much made no interactions with any other player thus far?
Some great plays here today.

On top of that this sudden wagon is great. I wish I got a quarter each time mafia has attempted to push a scapegoat lynch on little ol me when their scummates are in trouble.

Is there any other way you can prove it?
Persecuted PMed me earlier in the phase letting me know that he was having trouble logging into NF, and that if he couldn't post a vote before the phase end to put him down for VoDe. Given his absence, I'm gonna assume he can't log in and add his vote against VoDe.
I can tell ya'll right now that if I was mafia I would have at least attempted to blend more instead of being blatantly inactive. I really have been busy and it was my own mistake to try to play mafia during midterms week :lmao

But I'm town. I can prove it when we're not roleblocked.

Oh and

so what you're saying is that there isn't a lot of info to go by WPK who has given reads, but there is info to gain by lynching me, an inactive who has pretty much made no interactions with any other player thus far?
Some great plays here today.

On top of that this sudden wagon is great. I wish I got a quarter each time mafia has attempted to push a scapegoat lynch on little ol me when their scummates are in trouble.

Never said there would be info to be gained by lynching you. Just that you were a good candidate due to your inactivity. And going beyond that (because inactivity in and of itself is not damning) your placeholder vote is just weird. Why Psychic instead of Franky or VoDe, who were the leading wagons at the time? And it just seems more than coincidental that you voted for Psychic not so long after she posted her scum reads which included you.
Vote count

Melodie - Atlantic Storm > VoDe
Psychic - Shy > Legend > WolfPrinceKiba > Josuke
Mr. Waffles - Franky
Alwaysmind - Franky > Josuke
Belphegoob - Atlantic Storm
Marco - Atlantic Storm > unvote > VoDe
VoDe - Atlantic Storm > WolfPrinceKiba > Franky
Laix - Melodie
Franky - Atlantic Storm > VoDe
WolfPrinceKiba - VoDe
Atlantic Storm - Melodie
sworder - Franky
FireStormer - Franky
Vaeny - Franky
Stelios - VoDe
Josuke - Psychic
Santi - Josuke
Shark Skin - Josuke
Persecuted - VoDe

VoDe - 6
Franky - 5
Josuke - 4
Melodie - 2
Psychic - 1
Atlantic Storm -1
VoDe (Yorick) has been lynched!

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Three Shot Active ? Unholy Covenant] ? Using his necromantic powers, Yorick can revive an innocent player as a ghoul. Yorick?s ghouls have no voting power but instead each give Yorick +1 voting power, and Yorick can communicate with them outside of the thread. If Yorick dies, all of the players he revived will return to the grave. Once Yorick uses this ability, he and his ghouls will scan guilty to investigations.

Day four ends.
Alright, this needs to happen.

[Vote lynch Marco]

No way, town leader can live this long. All he has done is misguided town. He helped saved Baroxio, cauisng many townies to die in the process. You know mafia would not let Marco live this long unless he was mafia. I know it's pretty far-fetched but just think about it. WPK, Legend and Marco are the remaining scum. Either that or it's Josuke, Stelios and Laix. :hm
I'd tend to think its the latter. Although I'm mostly undecided on Stelios. I haven't really looked at his posts.

Question Legend. You had said your protect was a one-shot ability correct? Who have you used your other ability on since the time your action was revealed by Nami?

Just find it a bit hard to believe that he's still alive after having to divulged details of his role back when he was being pressured.

As for Marco and WPK, I'm not so sure.

Can we really say Marco is town leader? And if so what if mafia decided not to kill him because he hasn't really pressured/suspected any of them? I can't say I don't feel any scum vibes coming from him. Definitely need to keep close tabs on him just in case.

And WPK, as I said in the previous phase, is not really worth perusing. Don't think he is scum.

If anything I really want to see Josuke defend himself this phase. He's been pressured/asked to contribute more the past two phases. I get he might be busy and I don't blame him if he really can't get all caught up with the game. But I need to see something more from him than what he's put up in the past two day phases.
Well on the Stelios note he was lie detected and came up that he was telling the truth about being town.

Marco thinks he is the godfather pantheon because he quote a post number and Laix died in it. Even though mafia could just used that to frame him. And since no one noticed the 180 post besides waffles, he could be either town or mafia.

But ask yourself this.....why is Marco still alive and what has Marco done for town?
Okay so I'd said I'd prove I was town when the role block lifts. My role is Fiora and I'm a bulletproof. So someone try to kill me.

I'm under suspicion anyways and better to use it to prove me this way than to end up possibly wasting a lynch on me which is what almost happened last phase.
A lot of roles have been janitored Josuke, you revealing yours is mighty fishy as town. There are a lot of bulletproof mafia. You could have revealed the same info yesterday. The difference is now you revealed it with help from your qt.

[change vote lynch josuke

And off to bed I go.
Okay so I'd said I'd prove I was town when the role block lifts. My role is Fiora and I'm a bulletproof. So someone try to kill me.

I'm under suspicion anyways and better to use it to prove me this way than to end up possibly wasting a lynch on me which is what almost happened last phase.

I'm pretty sure this was discussed earlier. Roleblocks don't do anything to passive abilities, so you actually could have had someone do that last phase. But I guess we could proceed when/if possible:quite
Difference is that according to my role once a kill is blocked it is announced in the thread.

I didn't reveal yesterday because I thought that mafia could still do actions during the night phase since because I assumed the massive role block was some mafia move, thus being able to possible role block me and kill me night time.
Thing about Marco is that he was both lie-detected as town and nobody has countered his claim of being rolecrushed, both of which would have to be fake for him to be maf. If we're going by Psychic's model, I'd put WPK or even Legend on the block before him.

Mostly WPK though, because after last phase I now think he's Pantheon. :hm

[Vote Lynch WPK]
Righto, here's my pitch.

WPK's response to VoDe's rolehinting hella rubs me the wrong way. I realise his suspicion of VoDe is consistent from previous phases, but he ignores a lot to brute force his point across.

- VoDe was actually 2nd in votes at the time, not in such desperate straits that a roleclaim would just have been to save his skin.
- VoDe's roleclaim was extremely specific, which from all my experience correlates well to being factual, eg: miller only after using his ability, rather than just a generic miller claim.
- I don't know if WPK plays League or not, but if he does, the big level up he cites would be at 6, not 5. Even mentioning the ability upgrade feels like it was solely to force a lynch on VoDe right that phase rather than actual suspicion that it might have been imminent.

Most telling of all though, his immediate disbelief in VoDe with zero attempt to press for further information is a strong scum indicator for him. A town!WPK would absolutely have grilled VoDe on details about how his abilities worked, why he hadn't used them, even pretended to believe him to try and draw out potential associations. Town!WPK is an efficient scumhunter; yesterday's WPK made no attempt to work off VoDe's claims whatsoever and was only interested in having him lynched.

The reason I think WPK is Pantheon in particular is that he doesn't typically go out of his way for scummates; his mafia game is about as self-focused lone-wolf as his town game and just counts on his own ability to debate himself out of any trouble. If my hypothesis is right and he's playing to remove a potential lead on Pantheon, it'd be out-of-character for Pantheon to be anybody else but him.
Okay so I'd said I'd prove I was town when the role block lifts. My role is Fiora and I'm a bulletproof. So someone try to kill me.

I'm under suspicion anyways and better to use it to prove me this way than to end up possibly wasting a lynch on me which is what almost happened last phase.

Difference is that according to my role once a kill is blocked it is announced in the thread.

I didn't reveal yesterday because I thought that mafia could still do actions during the night phase since because I assumed the massive role block was some mafia move, thus being able to possible role block me and kill me night time.

This feels believable on one hand, but also way too convenient when we've seen zero evidence that there are any town-sided kills still alive.

Incidentally, how do you feel about Sworder? :hm
Alright, this needs to happen.

[Vote lynch Marco]

No way, town leader can live this long. All he has done is misguided town. He helped saved Baroxio, cauisng many townies to die in the process. You know mafia would not let Marco live this long unless he was mafia. I know it's pretty far-fetched but just think about it. WPK, Legend and Marco are the remaining scum. Either that or it's Josuke, Stelios and Laix. :hm

Psychic, you're saying I'm Godfather who risked being counter-claimed by Saturno on Day 1. Or you're saying the role-crush was a fake write up, in which case, why would I waste a fake write up to say "Mafia has role-crushed ???". Doesn't it make sense I'd make a write up more simlar to Alwaymind's reveal? Or just a fake role reveal?

You've just convinced your brain that I'm mafia and now are trying to fit everything into that headspace. Take a step back and think critically.

He helped saved Baroxio, cauisng many townies to die in the process.

I advised for NL not just to save Baroxio, but to make sure mafia doesn't get control over the lynch. Secondly, why is it such a wrong thing to try and save potential Vigilante when we had a lie detector to aid in confirming him? And how did this cause "many townies" to die in the process? It was one extra kill because of him living an extra day. Yeah, a shame but you talk as if he was a 5 player bomb that only exploded because of me.

And you're lumping me with WPK and Legend. Legend, who Baroxio tried so hard to shift lynch to. Me and WPK were actually the ones who argued for Legend potentially being Mafia bus-driver, depending on his targets.

Marco thinks he is the godfather pantheon because he quote a post number and Laix died in it. Even though mafia could just used that to frame him. And since no one noticed the 180 post besides waffles, he could be either town or mafia.

But ask yourself this.....why is Marco still alive and what has Marco done for town?

@bolded, Baroxio didn't quote a post number. Baroxio said the number 180 and some time later the person who posted on Post 180 was superkilled.

As I said before, there is no flavor reason for Post #180 being the target of Grand Skyfall. I already pointed out that mafia could've noticed Stelios saying "180" and decided to use that to frame him. Not very likely, but possible. It also happened quite fast. Mafia would've had to decide almost immediately to use, what seems like a limited use ability.

Do you think it's viable that Mafia decided to use a superkill limited shot (probably one shot) to implicate Stelios? And that this decision took place within the small period of time that Stelios posted "180" and the thread got to Post #180?

More importantly, I'm actually giving Stelios more than ample opportunity to prove himself as town, and he has done nothing but avoid my questions and deflect them, possible because of misunderstanding. I know English is not his first language and we've actually had misunderstandings where I've been convinced he was mafia but turned out he was just not communicating himself well. That is why I've been questioning him so much and asking him to answer as accurately as can.

And I'm not getting a good feeling from him. After that last time he avoided/deflected my questions, and I asked him clearly and concisely to answer, he just disappeared. Could be he just got busy but I'm more suspicious of him cause for him to disappear at the end-gate of a phase for so long is uncharacteristic of him. It looked awfully like his QT mates asked him to get out so as to let things cool down a bit and make sure wagon doesn't shift to him.

I even wanted to mention last phase that Stelios' absence is suspicious and looks like his scummates asked him to lay off (reminded me of how we asked him to do the same in Kingmaker), but I decided to wait without prompting him.
Thing about Marco is that he was both lie-detected as town and nobody has countered his claim of being rolecrushed, both of which would have to be fake for him to be maf. If we're going by Psychic's model, I'd put WPK or even Legend on the block before him.

Mostly WPK though, because after last phase I now think he's Pantheon. :hm

[Vote Lynch WPK]

Not just that, what are the chances that I, as Godfather, would risk being counter claimed on Day 1? And if you think that Role-crush bit was a fake write up, are you really serious? You guys think that, as Godfather, I'd think saying, "I was the one who was role-crushed" to a write up saying, "Mafia have role-crushed ???" is the best use of a fake write up? That, too, on Day 1?

It is absolutely ludicrous.
Righto, here's my pitch.

WPK's response to VoDe's rolehinting hella rubs me the wrong way. I realise his suspicion of VoDe is consistent from previous phases, but he ignores a lot to brute force his point across.

- VoDe was actually 2nd in votes at the time, not in such desperate straits that a roleclaim would just have been to save his skin.
- VoDe's roleclaim was extremely specific, which from all my experience correlates well to being factual, eg: miller only after using his ability, rather than just a generic miller claim.
- I don't know if WPK plays League or not, but if he does, the big level up he cites would be at 6, not 5. Even mentioning the ability upgrade feels like it was solely to force a lynch on VoDe right that phase rather than actual suspicion that it might have been imminent.

Most telling of all though, his immediate disbelief in VoDe with zero attempt to press for further information is a strong scum indicator for him. A town!WPK would absolutely have grilled VoDe on details about how his abilities worked, why he hadn't used them, even pretended to believe him to try and draw out potential associations. Town!WPK is an efficient scumhunter; yesterday's WPK made no attempt to work off VoDe's claims whatsoever and was only interested in having him lynched.

The reason I think WPK is Pantheon in particular is that he doesn't typically go out of his way for scummates; his mafia game is about as self-focused lone-wolf as his town game and just counts on his own ability to debate himself out of any trouble. If my hypothesis is right and he's playing to remove a potential lead on Pantheon, it'd be out-of-character for Pantheon to be anybody else but him.

I'm slightly inclined to agree but I have some reasons to not push on WPK (which I'll get to below). I was no really sold on VoDe and a big reason I didn't try to shift wagons to one of my strong reads because I wanted to see how VoDe flips. I, in particular, agree with your point about WPK being too aggro and lacking any curiosity in regard to VoDe's claim feels scummy. I also think he was trying to softly avoid the Baroxio lynch. He wasn't very vocal about NL the Nocturne day, but made a post about how stupid anything but NL is once Nitty revealed we can have NLs. That post had seemed a bit artificial to me. Anyway, the bottomline with VoDe was that WPK was pretty much convinced VoDe was scum and didn't have any doubts towards that.

But here's why I think WPK isn't scum. The one-shot spams that Mafia did early on. This is something I really don't see WPK doing. Especially, if Pantheon, I don't see why WPK would want to frame Stelios as early as a couple hundred posts into the game. More importantly, seeing Stelios post "180" and then deciding to use a possbile one-shot super-kill this early just to frame Stelios? Now, that's something I just don't see WPK doing.

WPK's posts and pushes do come across as scummy but the way this mafia is operating, I find it very hard to believe WPK is involved, let alone the Godfather.
Reposting my last post to Stelios.

[VOTE LYNCH Stelios]

My vote isn't going to be changing unless Stelios responds and convinces me.

Most people didn't think anything. It was only after Waffles made that tinfoil association that you, WPK and a couple more found it plausible. And after the lie detect any kind of accusation was pretty much gone yet you brought it up.

There was no indication to you being Pantheon until Waffles pointed out the "180" in your posts, so obviously until Waffles said it, most of us weren't suspicious of you.

Yes, no one was accusing you after the lie detect. But why is it a problem that I brought it up? Should a townie not point out something like this?

Now, before I address your answers, let me just say a couple things. I generally read you as scum even when you flip town, I have even abused that knowledge as scum. This is the only reason I have not already voted for you. I want you to know that I'm actually trying to help you make me believe you're town, and not trying to prove that you're mafia.

Just keep that in mind as you go through my response and type out your own. Thanks.

>asked if town
>replied immediately
>was confirmed by ld

My question was this:
Why does me being suspicious of you now surprise you when you were on my scumlist as early as Day 1?

Your answer is that: you didn't hesitate when asked if town, and were confirmed by lie detector.

Agreed. But the fact is that we're questioning the validity of your lie detect being accurate. And if you're indeed Pantheon (who you agree would be Godfather), then you'd know the lie detect would fail, too.

So, that means if you're Pantheon (and immune to lie detects), then you being forthright with your town claim and later being confirmed by lie detector don't do anything to prove that you're not Pantheon.

So, once again, why are you surprised I suspect you now when you were on my scumlist as far back as Day 1?

That's rather interesting for you to say given that you were also lie detected. If you question my lie detect the same weight of doubt is being raised about your lie detection as well. Now that I think of it you being role-crushed after all and lie detected makes you the perfect "harmless" person in game. That would be a grand play indeed and I do have you capable of pulling something like that.

I agree. There is no way to be sure my lie detect is accurate, either. But there should be very little doubt that I was the one who was role-crushed. The only possibility is that Saturno was role-crushed, but then you're making the assertion that I risked getting counter-claimed by Saturno Day 1 as a Godfather.

I don't disagree, I might be capable of pulling off grand plays. But I don't see why that means I'd be willing to pull off stupid ones. There is no reason why, as Godfather, I would risk getting counter-claimed.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question.

My question was:
Why is it surprising that someone questions the validity of your lie detect? You are the best lead for Pantheon. And you agree Pantheon is likely Godfather. So, it's not hard to infer that your lie detect was inaccurate.

You just deflected and said that my lie detect is not confirmed. I agree. But you still have to answer me why you're surprised that someone questions the validity of your lie detect.

Again, people suspect you're Pantheon. Pantheon is likely Godfather, you agree. So, why are you surprised that someone is questioning your lie detect?

I'm not implying anything, YOU mentioned it. And your persistence of bringing this up again and again makes me more sus of you granted that I was not the one to bring this up.

Maybe I misinterpreted you. When you said this:
The Persecuted part seems solid. And yes it's likely that Pantheon is the godfather. However I m not Pantheon and the 180 degrees phrase association was a complete coincidence. I already said this but it felt the same association I made with Psychics "3 hearts, 3 backstabs" at kingmaker. I was sold that you are town Marco but I find it odd that you challenge the lie detect at this point in time while we have at least 5 people flying under the radar.

What's your read on Waffles that made this association by the way? Personally at the start of the game I found Waffles proactive however now he seems his familiar silent neutral self again.

@Bolded: Did you not mean that now you're not sold on me being town? Or implying that I'm mafia?

That's also some tinfoil paranoia which seems to be relying on what Waffles said. I'm calling bullshit on the whole 180 thing since start. I don't take myself as seriously as you do in mafia game world so I wouldn't consider the framing bit at all. It could be true though but given that wad was part of this mafia I doubt they'd resort into such a tactic. All he had to do would be to be vocal against me until I omgus and get lynched for being unpopular.

Okay, why is it tinfoil?

Why do you think Grand Skyfall landed on Post #180? I don't play League of Legends but a little googling and wikiing didn't reveal any significance of that number in regards to Pantheon or Grand Skyfall.

So, if there's no flavor reason for it to land on #180, it means Pantheon chose the post. You're claiming you didn't do it but that no-one would frame you, either. How does that make sense?
Read up from this post:

The interaction between me and Stelios, specifically. It goes for around a dozen posts. Just read up from around what I've linked to my last post (that I reposted now), and you'll see what I'm talking about Stelios. I would very much appreciate more opinions on his behavior.
Marco I m a busy man there are days I get no slack and no sleep.
As for your questions I m pretty sure I replied. Your follow up was just unreasonable pressure on things that were already said. At this point I consider your whole presence detrimental to town and Psychic's thoughts are pretty much spot on. And no this is not omgus, in fact I m willing to put my vote where my mouth is.

[vote lynch Marco]
Marco I m a busy man there are days I get no slack and no sleep.
As for your questions I m pretty sure I replied. Your follow up was just unreasonable pressure on things that were already said. At this point I consider your whole presence detrimental to town and Psychic's thoughts are pretty much spot on. And no this is not omgus, in fact I m willing to put my vote where my mouth is.

[vote lynch Marco]

Just read the post I reposted. If you actually read, it's clear that you didn't actually answer my questions.

And if you continue to ignore me, I'll have no choice but to believe you're scum and push for your death today.

I mean, if it was anyone else, I would've not given so many chances.
Just read the post I reposted. If you actually read, it's clear that you didn't actually answer my questions.

And if you continue to ignore me, I'll have no choice but to believe you're scum and push for your death today.

I mean, if it was anyone else, I would've not given so many chances.

You try to come off as I m the one that needs to convince you. Which is rich considering that you tried to avert the lynch from Baroxio. Also your straw grabbing questions "do you imply I m Mafia , do you imply you were framed" and so on. I stated facts and you were just trying to fish things that weren't even there. You did the same with Vode yesterday.

In fact you and WPK pressured together Vode.
Small example :

Yet after Vode's flip not a word about it and you are back to 180 post hunting?
Guys look at Marco-WPK interaction vs Vode yesterday and if you don't
find that sus af then lynch me today.
You try to come off as I m the one that needs to convince you. Which is rich considering that you tried to avert the lynch from Baroxio. Also your straw grabbing questions "do you imply I m Mafia , do you imply you were framed" and so on. I stated facts and you were just trying to fish things that weren't even there. You did the same with Vode yesterday.

You don't have to convince me. I mean, you can just ignore me if that's what you want, but that will prompt me to do my best to get you lynched. I'm certainly trying to convince you I'm town, and it's because I'm town and the best way to kill any doubts are by addressing them, not brushing them under the carpet and pointing at others.

If not for me, you can answer the questions for others. You can point out I'm scummy for pushing for NL on Nocturne day, you can point out I'm scummy for voting VoDe, and I've responded to that. I've explained my reasons for both. If they don't convince you, that's one thing, but at least I'm not deflecting or ignoring/avoiding any concerns people raise.

How did I do the same with VoDe, by the way?

In fact you and WPK pressured together Vode.
Small example :

Yet after Vode's flip not a word about it and you are back to 180 post hunting?
Guys look at Marco-WPK interaction vs Vode yesterday and if you don't
find that sus af then lynch me today.

I was pushing for you last phase itself. So I'm not "back" to 180 post hunting. If you'd responded last phase or if I wasn't inclined to give you so many chances, I most probably would've either dropped this case (that you're Pantheon) or pushed for your lynch (if I wasn't inclined to give you the benefit of doubt).

Again, you're just deflecting. Instead of responding to valid concerns, you're trying to say "Marco and WPK are scummy and if you don't think they're scummy, then vote me". That doesn't even make sense. So, if someone doesn't find me and scummy, is it fine for them to vote for you? Are you the only option besides me and WPK according to you? Town doesn't usually say things like this. Me or WPK being scummy shouldn't have anything to do with your innocence.
Look, Stelios, I understand the frustration that comes with someone consistently calling you scum when you're town, and how what might seem obvious to oneself makes one think that the "pusher" must be scum.

Can' t you just humor me? And the rest of the players? If you are really town, is it really such a big deal for you to address my concerns and destroy them (if they're so unfounded), rather than just ignoring and deflecting/OMGUSing?

It's just bad play if you're town.
I'll be back in 3-4 hours. I advise everyone to go through my posts above. Specifically the link to mine and Stelios' interaction and then the post I reposted.

I'm most interested in what Belphegoob, Melodie, sworder, and Firestormer think about my point of view.

We'll continue this discussion when I'm back.
Look, Stelios, I understand the frustration that comes with someone consistently calling you scum when you're town, and how what might seem obvious to oneself makes one think that the "pusher" must be scum.

Can' t you just humor me? And the rest of the players? If you are really town, is it really such a big deal for you to address my concerns and destroy them (if they're so unfounded), rather than just ignoring and deflecting/OMGUSing?

It's just bad play if you're town.

Don't try to patronize me Marco , if you understand my sentiments and that I'm town why do you keep busting my balls? Could it be that you are hoping I ll word slip and get lynched then?
You try to come off as I m the one that needs to convince you. Which is rich considering that you tried to avert the lynch from Baroxio. Also your straw grabbing questions "do you imply I m Mafia , do you imply you were framed" and so on. I stated facts and you were just trying to fish things that weren't even there. You did the same with Vode yesterday.

In fact you and WPK pressured together Vode.
Small example :

Yet after Vode's flip not a word about it and you are back to 180 post hunting?
Guys look at Marco-WPK interaction vs Vode yesterday and if you don't
find that sus af then lynch me today.

omg the receipts

Firestormer if you're suspicious of me let me confide that I switched to VoDe because his soft reveal sounded fishy and we all know what happened when Baroxio soft revealed as the town vigilante, then flipped scum.

The bigger reason I thought it felt scummy was because I couldn't imagine a league champ that could do what he was describing so I was unsure if it was legit.

Also, the obvious reason for switching was to save my own skin, but last I checked when I got on World of Warcraft with le girl I was dead meat and bam, suddenly I'm not.

But, I am town, so other than the "confirmed" townies I'm looking out for myself more than anyone because I know I'm town.
I admit that I may have been too aggro on VoDe and was heavily considering switching to Franky. Most likely would have if I hadn't spent the last six hours of the phase playing Tales of Vesperia with my friend instead of thinking too much about this game(my brain doesn't allow me not dismiss it completely from my thoughts). I did question his roleclaim to an extent, he wasn't too cooperative. I don't see why cycle 6 would be this games power spike Belph, as every champ looks to have had their ult available from D1.

Marco, the scenario I have been picturing if you are scum is that you are Godfather, there immune to lie detects and rolecrushes. The rolecrush was used on you but you had immunity. A large gambit but a rolecrush is expendable and your performance in Kingmaker could make you feel its worth it.

Marco, what would it take for a town me to say someone is 100% clear?
I don't care if you consider me innocent this a your word vs my word thing.
We know you are a pretty vocal player so keep writing floods of text and tunnel me by all means. Sasuga Marco. Point stays the same anyone reading last phase will see what I m talking about.

It's not really a my word vs your word. It's not like we're disputing certain events. Things happened. I'm asking why they happened. You have the answers. Instead of answering, you're giving strange reasons.

Don't try to patronize me Marco , if you understand my sentiments and that I'm town why do you keep busting my balls? Could it be that you are hoping I ll word slip and get lynched then?

Just because I understand how some townie could do something doesn't mean it's not a bad play. I'm requesting you to cooperate. And not cooperating is a bad play since it's anti town. Consider the possibilities:

1. You're scum and I'm right.
2. You're not scum and I'm wrong.
3. You're not scum and I'm mafia trying to get you lynched.

2/3 chances say I'm townie, regardless of your alignment. What is the problem in cooperating? Even if you believe I'm scum?

And then consider option 3. Why would I have pushed on you so hard last phase when VoDe and Franky were the fore-runners. You already know my vote was on VoDe and he flipped town. What reason did I have to engage you in this manner? Please, if you're town, just calm down, leave your emotions at the front door, and just engage me academically. Don't think it's me accusing you. Don' think it's an attack on you. Just approach my questions clinically and give me your explanations for them. That's not hard and it's the most pro-town thing you can do right now.

I'm even more convinced that Franky is scum now. What the fuck was that quick jump to VoDe right at the end of last phase, there's gotta be at least one mafia in that group that jumped to VoDe right at the end.

I did specifically ask for your opinion on something, just a post above your post. And you just ignored it. In case it was unintentional, I'm bringing it to your attention.

I admit that I may have been too aggro on VoDe and was heavily considering switching to Franky. Most likely would have if I hadn't spent the last six hours of the phase playing Tales of Vesperia with my friend instead of thinking too much about this game(my brain doesn't allow me not dismiss it completely from my thoughts). I did question his roleclaim to an extent, he wasn't too cooperative. I don't see why cycle 6 would be this games power spike Belph, as every champ looks to have had their ult available from D1.

Marco, the scenario I have been picturing if you are scum is that you are Godfather, there immune to lie detects and rolecrushes. The rolecrush was used on you but you had immunity. A large gambit but a rolecrush is expendable and your performance in Kingmaker could make you feel its worth it.

Marco, what would it take for a town me to say someone is 100% clear?

I really don't see why you'd think I'd do something like that. As for my "performance in Kingmaker", I'm not sure what you're talking about. If I'm Godfather, then you're also implying that I'm trying to frame Stelios.

Do you really think I'm the kind of person to waste not one, but two one-shots Day 1, one as a gambit to "clear" me and another to frame Stelios? Really? If the "performance in Kingmaker" has something to do with hubris, I'm insulted you think I'd ever let pride or ego dictate my actions.

Personally, I'd be disappointed in you if you considered someone 100% clear barring anything but a death. And even that's only for the dead players. If a player were to be revived by unknown (or maybe even known) means, it still doesn't mean they're not scum after being revived.
What I meant by performance in Kingmaker is that due to that game people were going to be more skeptical of you in this game, therefore its more likely that you'll try a gambit early to clear yourself. I don't see how Panth's ult has anything to do with framing Stelios, unless you're saying that mafia only would have made that action having seen Stelios post the number 180. It was Waffles that pointed that out though not you and Waffles is 100% town. The using one-shots early argument also could have been used to argue WAD wasn't mafia, yet thats what he flipped. Demoralization of town is one reason to do it, the other is to make people think mafia is made up of newer/weak players.

Its just a theory Marco. I know you well enough to never let you out of my sights and if there is even a 1% chance you're mafia all avenues that might point that way must be explored. If I had a kill to use, it would be on Legend because if hes mafia busdriver that makes it almost impossible you're mafia.

That is the wrong answer to my question Marco, try again.
Is it a coincidence I roleblock a certain person and nothing happens this night? :)

Nope my poweRS1!! surpass petty storms :)

I see you're making good use of your abilities, Laix!
Roleblocking people that are already roleblocked.

Ok reread the thing right at the end. Seems he got lynched because some people decided to go after Josuke in a completely fruitless adventure instead. Welp, a little less suspicious now, but I still find it odd.

People should have stuck with Franky if you ask me. :hm
The content of Marco's posts feels incredibly townie so I'm not willing to entertain the godfather theory yet

As far as Stelios vs WPK, I'd definitely agree it is more likely Stelios is godfather than WPK. I don't think WPK would waste one shots on day 1. Also that Laix kill, just because he bluffed about town winning with his lynch, is something I don't think would scare WPK into killing him. Just doesn't fit unless he decided to completely change his playstyle
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