Game League of Legends Mafia

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The content of Marco's posts feels incredibly townie so I'm not willing to entertain the godfather theory yet

As far as Stelios vs WPK, I'd definitely agree it is more likely Stelios is godfather than WPK. I don't think WPK would waste one shots on day 1. Also that Laix kill, just because he bluffed about town winning with his lynch, is something I don't think would scare WPK into killing him. Just doesn't fit unless he decided to completely change his playstyle

I'm pretty sure WPK is town, so yeah. :hm
What I meant by performance in Kingmaker is that due to that game people were going to be more skeptical of you in this game, therefore its more likely that you'll try a gambit early to clear yourself. I don't see how Panth's ult has anything to do with framing Stelios, unless you're saying that mafia only would have made that action having seen Stelios post the number 180. It was Waffles that pointed that out though not you and Waffles is 100% town. The using one-shots early argument also could have been used to argue WAD wasn't mafia, yet thats what he flipped. Demoralization of town is one reason to do it, the other is to make people think mafia is made up of newer/weak players.

I've had a very good run as mafia this last year, only thing special about Kingmaker was that it was a perfect game. But that's a team effort. I don't think my performance was special enough for me to suddenly feel like people are going to be skeptical of me. I've been going into games knowing people will be skeptical of me for years now.

Why wouldn't Panth's ult have anything to do with framing Stelios? If it wasn' Stelios himself who performed Grand Skyfall with his "180" post, then the only reasonable explanation is that mafia decided to frame him.

There has been no reason to believe 180 is a number significant to Pantheon or Grand Skyfall. Which pretty much means the post number was chosen by the mafia. 180 is a very early post, too, and Stelios' comment was just some time before Laix's post. So, if Stelios isn't Godfather, it definitely looks like someone decided to frame him in the short amount of time it took for him to mention "180" and for the game thread to reach Post #180.

I don't consider it uncharacteristic of WAD to use one-shots or limited shot abilities early one. But you know, and have said so at multiple times, that I like to save my one shots as long as I can. I'm especially not likely to use them for gambits where they end up wasted.

I think similarly of you (you're not quite as stingy as me with one-shots but still close enough), and that's my biggest reason for thinking you're town. If you actually think it sounds smart enough to pull such gambits instead of saving one-shots, then it only makes me question my town read of you.

Its just a theory Marco. I know you well enough to never let you out of my sights and if there is even a 1% chance you're mafia all avenues that might point that way must be explored. If I had a kill to use, it would be on Legend because if hes mafia busdriver that makes it almost impossible you're mafia.

There will always be a chance I'm mafia, no matter the evidence, in role madness games.

That is the wrong answer to my question Marco, try again.

I don't see how you could consider anyone 100% town for less than that in role madness games, mechanically speaking.
I am not saying its smarter to have used them for gambits rather than saving them. I was arguing what merit they might have in general and in the possibility of you being mafia. That doesn't mean they are optimal moves from my perspective.

Maybe its late at night for you and you're tired of you are being purposefully ignorant. What type of standard town role can confirm someone with certainty? This is a really easy question to answer.
I am not saying its smarter to have used them for gambits rather than saving them. I was arguing what merit they might have in general and in the possibility of you being mafia. That doesn't mean they are optimal moves from my perspective.

I got that. I was arguing that, knowing me, even keeping in mind the gambit angle, do you think I would makes such a sub-optimal move?

Maybe its late at night for you and you're tired of you are being purposefully ignorant. What type of standard town role can confirm someone with certainty? This is a really easy question to answer.

First, did I miss something and you confirmed someone with certainty?

Second: It's not that late yet (9 PM), I'm a little intoxicated, but definitely not tired. And I'm not purposefully being ignorant. I also can't think of any standard town role that can confirm someone with certainty. I'm not being witty or anything, I really can't think of a role that can confirm 100%. But I think you're gonna make me feel stupid very soon, so let's just go.
It was Stelios, Crescent, and Saturno, right? Considering that the latter two are dead and revealed to be town, and the case against Stelios, what do you think?

Also, depending on your read of Stelios, what do you think of WPK?

Correct. I do absolutely read Stelios as mafia. Excluding him being the only one left out of the policy lynch trio, his behavior reeks of being mafia, let alone the mechanical pantheon discussion that he participates in.

I skimmed through WPK's posts (idk I'm still not caught up with this phase tbh). But he seems townish


I must confess, I was part of the VoDe lynch early on, but that's simply because the guy was screamin' mafia. That "I'll wait until you decide your lynch" post cemented that he's mafia to me.

I think I still view him as mafia. :caticon
Its such a minute chance, especially with the League lore I know and other things about our roles, that its not even worth real consideration that there is a traitor in our group Marco.

That's not the point though. I can sometimes consider people confirmed town for far less than being masons. You asked me what I think you require to do the same. I know your scepticism, so I reasoned that you would take the mechanical approach, i.e. it's pretty much never a 100% certainty, except in death. And even not then, sometimes.

But are we talking about someone in particular, here, or just discussing game theory?
@Melodie, vote for him, then. There needs to be some pressure on him. I will be gone in a bit and only be back around 10 hours from now. Looking forward to more input from people about Stelios, especially the aforementioned Belphegoob and Firestormer.

I'm slightly worried that WPK might be Pantheon and I'm leading a wild goose hunt on Stelios, so hoping you guys look into that a bit more, too. Belph, especially.
Franky tell me whats your read on Firestormer already. :catfish
Josuke stop telling people to waste their damn kills to prove yourself. that's dumb af.
Goose stop honking like a mischievous indie that's literally waiting for the right moment. :catslam
Sworde---I'm sorry, I forgot who you're :caticon


Seriously though, Vaeny and Santi, you guys naturally have the most townlike vibe from my perspective, it would be nice if you guys try to not sit back and watch things when your opinion could give us a fair insight. Food for thought, I know that Legend basically role-revealed (And insisted on lynching baroxio), but I'm kind of wary. Since I know for a fact that he targeted me due to a passive of mine.
@Franky: Oh yeah, I understood why you voted VoDe. The lynch was between you and VoDe, of course you'd vote for the one that isn't you, I'd do the same. But I still have to find the entire scenario suspicious, since you were dead, but miraculously managed to survive because Persecuted sent Nitty a vote outside of the thread (perhaps his QT told him to vote VoDe?). Were you a lucky town or a mafia with a team that wasn't willing to let you go that easily, I'm still trying to figure that out.

I did specifically ask for your opinion on something, just a post above your post. And you just ignored it. In case it was unintentional, I'm bringing it to your attention.

I actually did miss that, my bad. I'm assuming you're talking about the back and forth you and Stelios are having, right? But I'm gonna skip the 180 debate, since that's just going in circles and nothing new is coming from it.

Anyway, my take on Stelios is based on "would WAD try to bus the godfather as a policy lynch on day 1?", and I could actually see that happening tbh. That alone isn't enough for me to vote him, but it is enough for me to at least keep an eye on him and consider voting him. I can definitely see where you and WPK are coming from (well, I could, until you two devolved into that weird traitor mason debate), but he's not the biggest scumread for me, so I'll probably only join it if he becomes more suspicious or if I become less suspicious of other people. Speaking of:

@Persecuted: Can I ask why you sent in a vote for VoDe last phase?
Personal experience tells me that whenever Psychic doesn't question me of being godfather/scum, she is likely to be scum herself :hm

[Vote lynch Psychic]
Santi, you come off as town to me and also you haven't done anything to raise any red flags with me. What are your thoughts on Laix?

Is it a coincidence I roleblock a certain person and nothing happens this night? :)

Is that a mafia slipped?

Marco is going in on hard on these rebuttals. Will post later, have things to do this afternoon.
That's his scum tells.
The content of Marco's posts feels incredibly townie so I'm not willing to entertain the godfather theory yet

As far as Stelios vs WPK, I'd definitely agree it is more likely Stelios is godfather than WPK. I don't think WPK would waste one shots on day 1. Also that Laix kill, just because he bluffed about town winning with his lynch, is something I don't think would scare WPK into killing him. Just doesn't fit unless he decided to completely change his playstyle
Really sworder? Then ask yourself this, wpk and Marco has been pushing hard on stelios. If stelios was mafia, wouldn't wpk and Marco be dead already???

Marco can't say stelios is trigger happy day 1 and live to tell such tales. The fact is, mafia hasn't targeted Marco and wpk at all.

Another thing, sin who was cop said stelios was town. Told us even to leave him alone.

I also don't like how legend is still alive.

[change vote lynch marco]

Make this happen folks.
How would you know how much they have targeted us? If Marco is telling the truth they rolecrushed him D1 and potentially put him and I in a busdrive with WAD. Your theory on Marco and I bring mafia together is ridiculous, for many reasons but especially because you think that we used a three person protect N1 when Marco and I had no real suspicion on us. As I said before, if you want to get to the bottom of the matter, look to Legend.
It's not really a my word vs your word. It's not like we're disputing certain events. Things happened. I'm asking why they happened. You have the answers. Instead of answering, you're giving strange reasons.

Just because I understand how some townie could do something doesn't mean it's not a bad play. I'm requesting you to cooperate. And not cooperating is a bad play since it's anti town. Consider the possibilities:

1. You're scum and I'm right.
2. You're not scum and I'm wrong.
3. You're not scum and I'm mafia trying to get you lynched.

2/3 chances say I'm townie, regardless of your alignment. What is the problem in cooperating? Even if you believe I'm scum?

I don't like being guided into a conversation especially when I think that the one that engages me is mafia. It's my firm belief that mafia should be the ones afraid of town's verdict and not the other way round.

You want me to cold read you academically, ok that is fine.

You are a scum that is trying to get me lynched. Your role-crash was accidental due to an exogenous factor (redirection). Your lie detection came sincere because you are undetectable. You could be Pantheon Godfather because after you got role-crushed there was not a single jump from Pantheon again. The only other Pantheon appearance we have is the faction kill on Sinraven. Mechanically a role-crashed GF can still carry out the faction kill.

Legend targeted Marco, WPK and WAD
Legends targets seem like a solid lead that this has happened.
Legend may be a nexus or a busdriver.

And then consider option 3. Why would I have pushed on you so hard last phase when VoDe and Franky were the fore-runners. You already know my vote was on VoDe and he flipped town. What reason did I have to engage you in this manner? Please, if you're town, just calm down, leave your emotions at the front door, and just engage me academically. Don't think it's me accusing you. Don' think it's an attack on you. Just approach my questions clinically and give me your explanations for them. That's not hard and it's the most pro-town thing you can do right now.

I m going to make a wifom here and wonder so why didn't you push me that hard since day one when waffles mentioned the 180 number if you thought I am mafia? And even more why did you bring it up just now , right after you lynched vode. I was also on the vode bus but for me at least it was an information lynch.
To answer your question you pushed me that hard last phase because there was already some controversy around my name (waffles and the 180 post), you knew that Vode will flip town and today you go full on me because Mafia's options are becoming more narrow in terms of lynching town players.
Today I'm an optimal target for mafia given that I didn't sufficiently defend myself from your tldrs yesterday. Though you already know that I m usually disappearing without a notice for long periods of time due to being a family man from our play together at Kingsmaker.
Sworde---I'm sorry, I forgot who you're :caticon

Did you forget last night so quickly? :caticon

Really sworder? Then ask yourself this, wpk and Marco has been pushing hard on stelios. If stelios was mafia, wouldn't wpk and Marco be dead already???

Marco can't say stelios is trigger happy day 1 and live to tell such tales. The fact is, mafia hasn't targeted Marco and wpk at all.

Another thing, sin who was cop said stelios was town. Told us even to leave him alone.

Well WPK just claimed mason with almost no votes on him, so what do you make of that?

I dunno, I think we still have time before we should consider Marco did come up with this master plan to confirm himself day 1
Is it a coincidence I roleblock a certain person and nothing happens this night? :)

Everyone was roleblocked by that storm that was created during Superman's revival. So no actions would have gone through.

Also, thinking about the fact that Josuke is asking for someone to attempt a kill on him is a bit sus. Has town's vig even attempted to make a kill? Aside from Miss Fortune killing WAD and FP there hasn't been another attempted kill on the part of town. So mafia has either roleblocked them or janitor killed them.
Everyone was roleblocked by that storm that was created during Superman's revival. So no actions would have gone through.

Also, thinking about the fact that Josuke is asking for someone to attempt a kill on him is a bit sus. Has town's vig even attempted to make a kill? Aside from Miss Fortune killing WAD and FP there hasn't been another attempted kill on the part of town. So mafia has either roleblocked them or janitor killed them.

Seriously though, Vaeny and Santi, you guys naturally have the most townlike vibe from my perspective, it would be nice if you guys try to not sit back and watch things when your opinion could give us a fair insight. Food for thought, I know that Legend basically role-revealed (And insisted on lynching baroxio), but I'm kind of wary. Since I know for a fact that he targeted me due to a passive of mine.
Did he targeted you last night?
Masons exist for the purpose of being able to confirm each other. I trust mason knowledge even more than death flips most of the time.

I am talking about Waffles, one of my mason partners.
one of them? :hm
A group of more than two masons...:hm
Did Waffles use an ability on Stelios or did he just analyzed that 180 post?
Also, it really wouldn't hurt to tell us who else is on that mason team.

Did you forget last night so quickly? :caticon

Well WPK just claimed mason with almost no votes on him, so what do you make of that?

I dunno, I think we still have time before we should consider Marco did come up with this master plan to confirm himself day 1
It's an interesting development indeed. That would just make me wary of Legend. :hm
If Legend did do a busdrive then, whoever targeted marco is now targeting wad and whoever targeted wad is now targeting wpk? :hm

Everyone was roleblocked by that storm that was created during Superman's revival. So no actions would have gone through.


:lmao No you weren't, you slipped.

[Change vote lynch Laix]

Josuke, Laix, Marco, Hammer, Persecuted and Legend. Those are the scums. GG :nod

Null. Laix is consistent in his performance, so unless he does something extremely out of the blue it's hard to read him :catnoworries
Uh...Laix just slipped, did you read? He tried to claimed he use an action last night and then he claimed he was trolling, sistra plz.

Wasn't Melodie a suspect earlier in the game? Did she do something to get confirmed as a townie since then?
People townread her but she was never confirmed. She seems to be in leagues with Marco though so if Marco flips scum then she probably is too.

[Vote lynch Psychic]

cuz this git was mean and mighty suspicious of me.:hmpf
Can you blame me though? Literally, all you done all game is lurk. You haven't contributed anything to town. Also, why are you voting besides me being mean to you and suspecting you?

How so? I honestly don't know what you're talking about. If I did vote VoDe, it might been because of my ability. I break ties at random. A hammerer, basically. Maybe don't jump to conclusions without probably explaining yourself.

Persecuted PMed me earlier in the phase letting me know that he was having trouble logging into NF, and that if he couldn't post a vote before the phase end to put him down for VoDe. Given his absence, I'm gonna assume he can't log in and add his vote against VoDe.

[Change vote lynch Persecuted]
So I decided to read back from the last phase a bit since I doubt anyone will link me. Need to know what people are talking about.

Tied lynches are already randomized as a general rule, there is no reason for a role to have such an ability. Nitty said you contacted him through other means with your vote because NF wasn't working for you.

NF wasn't working for me, but I didn't contact Nitty as he stated as I read just now. He probably just created a quick excuse for the vote in advance so he wouldn't reveal my role without my consent. It was that, or have a vote show up without any explanation whatsoever which would ignite unnecessary drama.
So I decided to read back from the last phase a bit since I doubt anyone will link me. Need to know what people are talking about.

NF wasn't working for me, but I didn't contact Nitty as he stated as I read just now. He probably just created a quick excuse for the vote in advance so he wouldn't reveal my role without my consent. It was that, or have a vote show up without any explanation whatsoever which would ignite unnecessary drama.

Is this ability of your's passive?
Oh, Psychic, I need to ask you something. What was the slip Laix made? I'm probably being dense, but I legit can't understand what the slip was meant to be.

Also I see Shy here. Shy, what are your thoughts/feelings on what's happening right now? :hm

Laix claimed that he roleblocked someone last night and then asked if that's why mafia hadn't made a kill. SS then said that everyone was roleblocked last night. Then Laix was like, I'm so trolling haha. Basically, Laix wouldn't have been able to do his roleblock last night at all and totally made up that lie about him having done so....that's the slip. And then he tries to play it off like he was trolling. I don't buy it, I think he slip.
Actually, why am I even asking? If you are saying the ability needed to be used with your consent then its an active ability. If its a passive ability Nitty wouldn't need your consent to post an action revealing your role.

[Vote lynch Persecuted]

If it were active it would not have worked what with the global roleblock.

I am not liking this persecuted wagon...but then again I am not liking persecuted.
one of them? :hm
A group of more than two masons...:hm
Did Waffles use an ability on Stelios or did he just analyzed that 180 post?
Also, it really wouldn't hurt to tell us who else is on that mason team.

I have no abilities. :/

Masons exist for the purpose of being able to confirm each other. I trust mason knowledge even more than death flips most of the time.

I am talking about Waffles, one of my mason partners.

I'm not convinced with the Marco lynch. Not entirely sure about the Persecuted thing either; it feels more like miscommunication than lying to me, but he's seedier than Marco, so I'll go with him.

[Vote Lynch Persecuted]

Psychic, the reason that you would keep me around next phase is because it's irrational to get rid of someone whose abilities pose no threat to town when you could spend your energy looking for someone who could potentially be dangerous to you. My one single ability can be used to pseudo-investigate, but it's not really useful for the purpose of scum hunting.
Is this ability of your's passive?

Actually, why am I even asking? If you are saying the ability needed to be used with your consent then its an active ability. If its a passive ability Nitty wouldn't need your consent to post an action revealing your role.

[Vote lynch Persecuted]

My ability is passive and I didn't give any consent to anything. I already gave a hypothesis for why Nitty did what he did.
I am not hopping on this Stelios bandwagon simply because I know Marco is behind it. And WPK and Waffles being mason isn't 100% confirmed either.


@Nitty, Can you confirmed whether you were telling the truth about Persected's vote on VoDe?

town reads:

Sworder (confirmed through ability)
Alwaysmind (Jarvan, King of the World)
Stelios (confirm via lie detector)
Superman (town or indie)
Belphegoob -townread
Psychic - (town)
Shark Skin (town by meta)
Melody - townread
Vaeny - townread
Mr. Waffles (WPK confirmed?)
Firestormer - townread
WolfPrinceKiba (mason self claimed)

Scum reads :

Legend (claims doc but is still alive?)
Laix (replaced Gogeta)
Marco (town leader but still alive?)
Josuke (inactive but not modkilled?)

null reads:


Indie reads :

Atlantic Storm (self confessed)

People who need to posts:

Here's a theory:

Marco is Lissandra, mafia godfather. He can bypass lie detects and investigations. Remember when Baroxio said Persecuted was a nexus? How did they know this? I think Marco/Lissandra attempted to rolecrush Persecuted who was a nexus and got rolecrush himself.

Persecuted, are you a nexus?
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