Game League of Legends Mafia

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Why do you think Grand Skyfall landed on Post #180? I don't play League of Legends but a little googling and wikiing didn't reveal any significance of that number in regards to Pantheon or Grand Skyfall.

So, if there's no flavor reason for it to land on #180, it means Pantheon chose the post. You're claiming you didn't do it but that no-one would frame you, either. How does that make sense?

Pretty sure we discussed this the day it happened, and we speculated that since the cooldown of Grand Skyfall when you first put a point into it is 150 seconds, the 30th post in the thread could've started a countdown for it or similarly.

Obviously it was just speculation but it's not like the number wasn't significant.

And that's clearly not the case either since post number 30 was SinRaven and he's dead.
I don't think it should be overlooked that hammer sent a note to AM night 1 trying to paint me as mafia. It seems OOC for hammer to do that, especially claiming to know my scum meta. Can you tell us what exactly the message said AM? Will read over hammer's D1 posts when on a computer to see if he posted about me then.

I thought I answered this already. But I'll answer again. The note said that hammer had strong feeling you were mafia because he thought you were using your scum meta. The message also asked me to help him build a wagon on you.
Pretty sure we discussed this the day it happened, and we speculated that since the cooldown of Grand Skyfall when you first put a point into it is 150 seconds, the 30th post in the thread could've started a countdown for it or similarly.

Obviously it was just speculation but it's not like the number wasn't significant.

And that's clearly not the case either since post number 30 was SinRaven and he's dead.

I remember that. But you answered your question yourself.

And more importantly, if it had to do with cooldown, we would have had another instance. No, it was a one-shot and the LoL cooldown had nothing to do with it.
For the King

That sounds like him. Just in case you've missed it, though, he's confirmed to be town. The King. Potentially fake write up but I haven't really gotten any reason to doubt it, yet.
I wasn't accusing him of being scummy...don't know why you would jump to that conclusion. Just frustrated he ignored my question.

I thought I answered this already. But I'll answer again. The note said that hammer had strong feeling you were mafia because he thought you were using your scum meta. The message also asked me to help him build a wagon on you.
I know all that already. What I was asking for is specific wording, to judge whether or not it may have been written by someone else, a mafia teammate. If you are allowed to copy/paste the message here directly do so. Otherwise paraphrase it to the best of your ability. hammer has a distinct posting style, with a lack of punctuation and bad grammar. Would you say that the message reads like a hammer post?
I wasn't accusing him of being scummy...don't know why you would jump to that conclusion. Just frustrated he ignored my question.

Yeah, that's what I thought you meant. Hence, the "just in case".

I know all that already. What I was asking for is specific wording, to judge whether or not it may have been written by someone else, a mafia teammate. If you are allowed to copy/paste the message here directly do so. Otherwise paraphrase it to the best of your ability. hammer has a distinct posting style, with a lack of punctuation and bad grammar. Would you say that the message reads like a hammer post?

hammer already admitted it was him who sent the message.

I know all that already. What I was asking for is specific wording, to judge whether or not it may have been written by someone else, a mafia teammate. If you are allowed to copy/paste the message here directly do so. Otherwise paraphrase it to the best of your ability. hammer has a distinct posting style, with a lack of punctuation and bad grammar. Would you say that the message reads like a hammer post?
I have paraphrased the message 2 or three times already. I don't know if I am allowed to copy paste messages from my inbox as it would be too similar to screenshot.
But I can paraphrase it better.
The message said that he had strong feeling you were mafia based on previous experiences and that you are using you scum-meta. The message concludes that I should help hammer the next day.

There were no grammatical mistakes either.
I really don't know what else you want me to say man. :headscrat

The message would not read like a Hammer post anyway since messages in games are usually constructed differently. I don't think I doubt Hammer sent it to me because he was the one who targeted me.
That is irrelevant to what I am asking AM, Marco. hammer didn't need to admit it, Nami's ability revealed him as targeting AM. What I am trying to determine is not who sent it but who wrote it.

Well, now that you mention it, there is no comma after "Hey" in my message.

But there is not much to work on though. The message was 3 sentences long and contained only 32 words, 15 of which are 3 characters or less. Aside from WolfPrinceKiba, the longest words in that message were "feeling" and "scum-meta". Not much room to make grammatical mistakes.
I think he did claim town, I will look back.
So....did you manage to find where he claim town or were you just deflecting for Shy?

Cause we both know he didn't claim shit when I ask him to claim town.
Im not a reviver Psy.

You specifically said you were gonna bring someone back. If you didn't revive superman, then who?

Not answering for Supes, but just think about it Psychic. Why would they prioritize someone they've used (what's probably a one-shot) role-crush on for kills? It's not like I'm the only good player left. There's no reason for mafia to kill a generic over everyone else.
That's the thing Marco, you're not just a generic, You're a freakin town leader. You have the most power here, enough power to help sway Baroxio's vote to NL and have him live another night, that ended up killing both Chaos and Remchu. I have no doubt in my mind that Draven listen to you and redirected that lynch, which resulted in LG's death. But you knew you couldn't keep defending Baroxio. You're on your scum meta, Marco. And going after Stelios who got pretty much lie detected as you, isn't going to help you either.

Then again, I don't have any proof beyond that. But the longer you live, the more scum you become.

Also, Stelios, remember that the mafia may also have a roleblocker. I'm assuming it's why I've been roleblocked every night since that list was posted. But you are right, there probably is at least one other mafia member on that list, I can't imagine the kill being the only action performed by mafia.

You, Laix, Legend and Hammer are the only ones on that list who is still alive. You claimed to be roleblock, but what about Legend who literaly claimed doc? You're telling me that they went after the cop instead of the doc last night? And if Legend was doc, why wasn't he on Sin? Something's not right here.

[Change Vote lynch Legend]

Until I get a good explanation.

The only viable reason I can think for you to not reveal your role and abilities is that you're anti-town. Emphasis on viable.

Supes, always fucking things up for the rest of us. You didn't quote yourself, by the way.
I like how you automatically jumped to the conclusion that he's anti-town over town. Was there something that you learned in your QT about Superman that we weren't aware of?
AM this is the scenario I am imagining when asking these questions:

1. Mafia has a role that can send messages.
2. hammer has this role
3. A different member of the mafia group writes the message that is to be sent.

Simple enough for you?

1. I guess Mafia could have such a role, when I first got it I didn't exclude that possibility but such role is usually not found within a mafia team.
2. Hammer admitted to be the creator of that message. So either he was wrong or had a good hunch.
3. That would be rather redundant.

I guess there is no harm to question Hammer again. On another note, did someone else receive a message? If no, maybe it was a one-shot.
That's the thing Marco, you're not just a generic, You're a freakin town leader. You have the most power here, enough power to help sway Baroxio's vote to NL and have him live another night, that ended up killing both Chaos and Remchu. I have no doubt in my mind that Draven listen to you and redirected that lynch, which resulted in LG's death. But you knew you couldn't keep defending Baroxio. You're on your scum meta, Marco. And going after Stelios who got pretty much lie detected as you, isn't going to help you either.

Then again, I don't have any proof beyond that. But the longer you live, the more scum you become.

My push for NL wasn't about saving Baroxio. It was about making sure mafia's private votes didn't outnumber ours. But, yes, I advocated for NL. Only because our lie detector was still alive at that point. A vigilante is an important role and we could've used it. It's as simple as that.

I'm not going after Stelios though. My vote is on VoDe and I'm not trying to start a Stelios wagon.

I don't mind you keeping an eye on me, just don't forget about the others in all this. And you're doing a good job of not tunnelling me, so I don't really have any complaints.

I like how you automatically jumped to the conclusion that he's anti-town over town. Was there something that you learned in your QT about Superman that we weren't aware of?

I'm curious why he wouldn't reveal his role and abilities. The mafia already know it.

The only acceptable reason is that the person doesn't want to let town know his role and ability. Which could mean Superman has anti-town inclinations. I say acceptable because Superman could just be being a derp. Or maybe I've missed something that Superman cannot yet reveal. I'm just trying to point out things that others may have overlooked.

I also had this little idea that it could be the mafia who revived Superman, but as a teammate. I don't have anything to support that idea, but you guys with LoL experience should be able to judge better.
1. I guess Mafia could have such a role, when I first got it I didn't exclude that possibility but such role is usually not found within a mafia team.
2. Hammer admitted to be the creator of that message. So either he was wrong or had a good hunch.
3. That would be rather redundant.

I guess there is no harm to question Hammer again. On another note, did someone else receive a message? If no, maybe it was a one-shot.

I don't think you got WPK.

Basically, he's saying even though hammer is the one who sent the actual message, i.e. hammer has the role. If it's a mafia role, someone else in his team could've written it in the quicktopic, and then hammer could've copy pasted it to Nitty.
I don't think you got WPK.

Basically, he's saying even though hammer is the one who sent the actual message, i.e. hammer has the role. If it's a mafia role, someone else in his team could've written it in the quicktopic, and then hammer could've copy pasted it to Nitty.

No no, I got WPK. I was just saying that the way he phrased made it sound like there are two abilities required to send a message. 1. ability to write the message. 2. Ability to send the message.

But like I said, at this point, the only thing I can think of in regards to a mistake that could hint at who actually wrote the message would be: "Hey..." instead of "Hey,..."

So, look for people who leave out commas.
No no, I got WPK. I was just saying that the way he phrased made it sound like there are two abilities required to send a message. 1. ability to write the message. 2. Ability to send the message.

But like I said, at this point, the only thing I can think of in regards to a mistake that could hint at who actually wrote the message would be: "Hey..." instead of "Hey,..."

So, look for people who leave out commas.

It's not an ability though. If hammer is mafia, his teammate doesn't need an ability to "write the message". hammer has the ability to send the message. But anyone in his team can write the message.
Crescent Nyx (Janna) and Viper (Orianna) have been modkilled due to inactivity.

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Three Shot Active – Monsoon] – Janna scatters a group of players, resetting all of the votes currently cast against a player of her choosing.​


Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Clockwork Windup] – As a robot, Orianna’s vote cannot be tampered with
[Active – The Ball] – Orianna uses her ball as a focus for her spells. Each day she can move the ball to any player, including herself. At night, she can only target that player.

[Active – Command: Protect] – Each night the ball can erect a barrier, protecting Orianna’s target from kills.

[Active – Command: Dissonance] – Each night the ball can electrocute Orianna’s target, roleblocking them.

[One Shot Active – Command: Shockwave] – The ball overflows with electricity, killing Orianna’s target and roleblocking anyone who targeted them this phase.

Day four ends in 9 hours.
Stall tactics and a miller claim, guess you felt you had to spice things up after just stalling failed for Baroxio.

The thing I dislike about leaving certain targets for later is that there is usually at least one mafis role that gets more powerful the longer the game goes on. Day 5 is common for upgrades. Then we factor in this game being based on League, which has level ups...its not wise to let them stall.
Stall tactics and a miller claim, guess you felt you had to spice things up after just stalling failed for Baroxio.

The thing I dislike about leaving certain targets for later is that there is usually at least one mafis role that gets more powerful the longer the game goes on. Day 5 is common for upgrades. Then we factor in this game being based on League, which has level ups...its not wise to let them stall.

After revealing all that, you still gonna push it.

Yeah, okay fine.
Vasto's claiming Anivia.

Oh, I had that role last game.

I'm still interested in knowing Superman's abilities. If it's similar to mine, he should have some abilties that show up in write ups. If Superman could prove his role and allegiance somehow, that would be the best case scenario, but I'll take anything, really.

After revealing all that, you still gonna push it.

Yeah, okay fine.

You think WPK is mafia. Why are you trying to convince him you're town?
Oh, I had that role last game.

I know, which is why I find it funny that you couldn't figure it out.

Although in the last game, after you're targeted with a kill you became generic for some time and then resurrected, but the idea is the same.

I keep recalling posts from either you or someone else saying that you're the most confirmed town there is, but remind me again, why is that? :hm
I won't deny that I'm the type of individual who has ruthlessly bus'd 3/4 of my mafia team for cred in the past but it was mere flavor text for emphasis since people, including myself, were either entertaining the idea or declaring that they were gonna move their votes away from Baroxio.

Draven was convinced enough to go out go his way to redirect the lynch, so clearly the evidence wasn't stacked as high as you claim.
Funny that Crescent and Viper got modkilled over inactivity but Josuke and Shy are able to skirt by.

There's nothing in the rules against copy pasting, though, so you should be able to just copy paste the message.

We can confirm with Nitty first.

I don't think you got WPK.

Basically, he's saying even though hammer is the one who sent the actual message, i.e. hammer has the role. If it's a mafia role, someone else in his team could've written it in the quicktopic, and then hammer could've copy pasted it to Nitty.

I've played with hammer enough times to know with 100% certainty that it is his writing, the way he writes and the same type of mindset he uses when he writes. So I can say that it doesn't seem like someone else told him to write that message. He wrote that message himself. I think he's town and just happen to have a scumread on WPK. As far as WPK goes, he has been having scumreads on all of my townreads, though I really don't have enough evidence to push on him at this point.

@Melody, Ok I see it now. I was totally tipsy and forgot all about it. :wink

I see Legend hasn't answer my question yet. Anyone else find Legend being alive as odd?

@Nitty, since it's a mass roleblock, does that mean that nightphase will get skipped as well?

@Superman, if mafia already knows your role and abilities, it really wouldn't hurt for town to know your abilities as well.
So did you get a message from hammer, Psychic?

No, but I know the way he writes so I can say that is his writing. I even thought that was hammer's writing the first time Alwaysmind posted it. And that was before I saw who sent it to him, which only confirms my 100% certainty in it being hammer's writing and no one elses.

I just remember something about Legend's scum meta. I swear, everytime he was mafia in my games, he would always ask me to modkill the inactive townies. And suprise suprise, inactive townies are being modkill. I suggest we all switch to Legend now.
Is WPK confirmed or at least presumed town?

WPK attempted to save Wad by diverging the lynch unto Stelios (who was lie detected and confirm as town). He also spent all this dayphase, trying to analyze Alwaysmind's note from hammer. :geg WPK and Marco seems to be in league with one another about this.

My tinfoil theory:
Legend is mafia doctor who was on Marco, WPK and Wad that night. :nod
In fact if Legend flips mafia, I'm more inclined to believe this and so should everyone else. :nod
Hmm, okay.

His behaviour is off this game. Not only is he try-harding more than usual (which he'll probably excuse with "I have more free time!111!") but he's reaching for the stars with a few of his points regarding other players.

I'm just curious if town has reached that point where we're conceding and just allowing such strange behaviour to lead us or if anyone is actually questioning it.
I am 1,000% questioning it. But w/o any other proof, I can't push on it. Same thing with Marco. I agree with you that WPK is reaching for the stars, not making any sense, and pushing on all of my townreads like hammer. And the funny thing is that Marco seems to be in League with him thoughtwise. Something is fishy going on, but we can't be sure without knowing what Legend is, which is why we need to vote Legend.

Ask yourself this Laix, if Legend was doc like he claimed, why would mafia kill the cop over him. Why, of all the people that processed actions that night, is Legend the only one who is still alive? Legend who targetted 3 people that night was left alive by mafia. Baroxio's last minute push on Legend is also questionable. Could it be a bus?
town reads:

Sworder (confirmed through ability)
Alwaysmind (Jarvan, King of the World)
Stelios (confirm via lie detector)
Shark Skin (town by meta)

Scum reads :

Legend (claims doc but is still alive?)
Laix (replaced Gogeta)
Marco (town leader but still alive?)
Josuke (inactive but not modkilled?)

null reads:

Mr. Waffles

Indie reads :

Atlantic Storm (self confessed)

People who need to posts:

Current Votes :

Melodie > Atlantic Storm> VoDe
Psychic > Shy
Mr. Waffles > Franky
Alwaysmind > Franky
Belphe > Atlantic Storm
Marco > Atlantic Storm> Unvote> VoDe
VoDe > Atlantic Storm> WPK> Franky
Franky > Atlantic Storm
WPK > VoDe
Atlantic Storm > Melodie
Sworder > Franky
Firestormer > Franky
Vaeny > Franky
Stelios > VoDe

Franky - 6
Vode - 4
Atlantic Storm - 2
Melodie - Atlantic Storm, VoDe
Psychic - Shy, Legend
Mr. Waffles - Franky
Alwaysmind - Franky
Belphegoob - Atlantic Storm
Marco - Atlantic Storm, No Lynch, VoDe
VoDe - Atlantic Storm, WolfPrinceKiba, Franky
Laix - Melodie
Franky - Atlantic Storm
WolfPrinceKiba - VoDe
Atlantic Storm - Melodie
Sworder - Franky
Firestormer - Franky
Vaeny - Franky
Stelios - VoDe
Josuke - Psychic
Santi - Josuke

Franky - 6
VoDe - 4
Atlantic Storm - 2
Melodie - 2
Psychic - 1
Josuke - 1
Legend - 1
Fuck me for trying to format it, thanks psychic.

Anyway, I've never been good at pointing fingers, anyone who played with me in Manga Mashup and saw my hackjob as Officer Jenny should know that.

I'd like to point out, however, that VoDe having an ability that turns him into a guilty reading seems... out of place in my opinion. I may just be unexperienced, but I can't recall any roles where a townie just looks guilty. That also doesn't fit any of the league of legends champions, in my opinion of course.

I am town, and if I do live through this dayphase someone should investigate me to confirm it.

Anywho, for the above reason...

[Change Vote Lynch VoDe]
I think both of you are town. I mean, at this point, lynching WPK or Josuke would be a better idea. I don't think I can get the Legend lynch going.

[Change vote lynch WPK]

The WPK lynch would reveal alot.

@Shark Skin

I was re-reading and noticed that all you said was "yes i am " so I need you to re- confirm your statement. Can you say " I am town."
town reads:

Sworder (confirmed through ability)
Alwaysmind (Jarvan, King of the World)
Stelios (confirm via lie detector)
Superman (town or indie)
Shark Skin (town by meta)
Mr. Waffles (WPK confirmed?)

Scum reads :

Legend (claims doc but is still alive?)
Laix (replaced Gogeta)
Marco (town leader but still alive?)
Josuke (inactive but not modkilled?)

null reads:


Indie reads :

Atlantic Storm (self confessed)

People who need to posts:


I think both of you are town. I mean, at this point, lynching WPK or Josuke would be a better idea. I don't think I can get the Legend lynch going.

[Change vote lynch WPK]

The WPK lynch would reveal alot.

@Shark Skin

I was re-reading and noticed that all you said was "yes i am " so I need you to re- confirm your statement. Can you say " I am town."

I am town. I know I've danced around the question a bit in previous games, but "yes I am" doesn't do much for me especially when being asked if I'm a townie:cat

As for WPK, I can tell you that there won't be much that would come from lynching him. I think Josuke is a better target. Especially with that real lazy "placeholder" vote he put on you.

[Vote lynch Josuke]
I am town. I know I've danced around the question a bit in previous games, but "yes I am" doesn't do much for me especially when being asked if I'm a townie:cat

As for WPK, I can tell you that there won't be much that would come from lynching him. I think Josuke is a better target. Especially with that real lazy "placeholder" vote he put on you.

[Vote lynch Josuke]

Fair enough.

[Change vote lynch Josuke]
I am town. I know I've danced around the question a bit in previous games, but "yes I am" doesn't do much for me especially when being asked if I'm a townie:cat

As for WPK, I can tell you that there won't be much that would come from lynching him. I think Josuke is a better target. Especially with that real lazy "placeholder" vote he put on you.

[Vote lynch Josuke]

A place holder he probably thought we would forget.

[Change vote lynch Josuke]
Would reveal a lot about what Psychic? Who exactly do you feel it would strongly implicate?

Ask anyone who knows how I operate what the only reason as town I would say someone is 100% confirmed.

Laix and yourself don't have the skill or care look into promising leads. There is reason behind everything I do.

There's a reason behind everything I do as well.
Your death would reveal alot about Stelios, whereas his death won't reveal much about you. If you die and flip mafia, I can say Stelios and hammer are probably town and my tinfoil theory would lead me to believe Legend and Marco are both scums with you. If you die and slipped town, well then, I will look to inactive players like Josuke and Shy.

You can't say Waffles is confirm without giving out what ability lead to that decision.
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