Game League of Legends Mafia

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That's not called bold. Saturno's post just screamed "I don't know what to say but I want to sound like it's something important or that I'm contributing or making an effort". Usually, this points to mafia but I've seen inexperienced townies act this way too. Maybe because they fell pressured to make some contribution. Generally, it's mafia trying to look helpful or "scumhunter".

By no means should Saturno be considered a new player at this point. He's signed up for virtually every game I've been a part of within the last half a year.
to my experience of them being either the worst or most annoying players in the game

Yes, but you're asking my opinion on them, so no real point if you only count your experience.

But now, I am going to stop talking about Nyx because it feels like I'm getting cornered into "defending" her. I don't think she is worth a policy lynch. That has no affect on whether I consider her a lynch candidate this game. And there won't be any indication to the latter that until she responds to all this.
By no means should Saturno be considered a new player at this point. He's signed up for virtually every game I've been a part of within the last half a year.

When I say "inexperienced", I don't necessarily mean "new". Everyone is different when it comes to learning and how experience plays a part in it. Some people can pick up mafia in just a game or two and take it in complete stride. Others can play for months but not be invested enough to learn a lot from that experience.

So, I'm saying it's someone who hasn't yet learned or "experienced" a large part of the game. Can range from "first time player" to "2 year regular".
I always wonder...

Why am I never on that list ? :hm

because ull always reliably roleclaim in the lategame if ur town

Yeah I know I dun fuked up, my bad boys I actually forgot about that rule, didn't edit anything in my original post tho, just added a segment to respond to WAD but I guess there's no proof of that :-(

btw u havent played with me yet but im always this aggressive p much
even in the past when i ACTUALLY ROLLED MAFIA ROLES i would pretty much play the overly vigilant townleader role

although, i do appreciate the inferred philosophy that someone who so aggressively looks at others as scum is not just someone who is paranoid but a mafia member trying to deflect suspicion

so you come off pretty honest in this exchange tbh, biggest town read so far

First you explain why you consider yourself town.

What does that have to do with her being scum now? Unless you're certain she's not.

Looking back at this post, while I do know that your vote is based on spite/joke/whatsoever. It intrigues me how contradictory your point here is in comparison to your original post.

I am leaving for work right now and I'm not coming back for at least 12 hours. So I'll leave with this.

[vote no lynch]

I shouldn't have to explain myself but just in case, not lynching day one because we have no clue who might be who, and we'll most likely just hit town. And that's stupid.

You know better than that fp. How is lynching d1 stupid? If a discussion is provided. With coherent votes count. It's easier for us to pluck suspicious people out of pattern later on. This is mafia 101, and you know it.

Actually just the fact that WAD is so incredibly quickly pointing fingers at so many people makes me doubt him even more if anything, so for now we'll go with this.

[change vote lynch WAD]

I can see the reasoning behind this, but I feel iffy that you're so swift to jump into this when you presented a different state of mind earlier. :hm
it means ur gonna be a lot harder to read (and hopefully, trust) than just answering some field questions :catface

Why would you hope that I prove harder to trust?

Oh that's a good point
Marco I think I've seen you citing the ol' rule of WAD lately
By your parameters, who in the player list qualifies as a candidate?

I think I cited the fruitlessness of considering it in FP's Kingmaker game. But to answer your question,

1. Belphegoob
2. WAD
3. WolfPrinceKiba
7. Lord Genome
8. Marco
10. Chaos
13. Firestormer
14. Sin
20. Degaforce
23. Melodie
I can see the reasoning behind this, but I feel iffy that you're so swift to jump into this when you presented a different state of mind earlier. :hm

That's fair but my vote on WAD can be easily changed if I find someone else to be more suspicious, my vote on vode was just there as a placeholder really.

Though I am starting to lean towards lynching Saturno at this point but I have a while to wait and see, no need to make a hasty decision, just adding some pressure on WAD to see how reactions vary.
i dont hope ull prove harder to trust
im hoping that eventually ill be able to trust you through my own reads
or that you somehow get confirmed or claim or something
also imo
ur much more dangerous as mafia as u are good as town

I think it only looks like that to you because

1. I've been mafia in your games, which is where you got the most insight into my style of play.
2. I usually don't survive long enough, as town, to make a difference endgame.

Though, I'm inclined to agree. I consider myself a better mafia than townie but, surprisingly, quite a few people disagree.
I think it only looks like that to you because

1. I've been mafia in your games, which is where you got the most insight into my style of play.
2. I usually don't survive long enough, as town, to make a difference endgame.

Though, I'm inclined to agree. I consider myself a better mafia than townie but, surprisingly, quite a few people disagree.

Add me to the people who think you're better townie than mafia. :wot
but i want you all to imagine a hypothetical

where we have to policy lynch 1 of these 3: saturno, stelios, crescent nyx

who do you choose and why?

Never played with Crescent Nyx before, probably say Saturno regardless though, based on the amount of utility he's expected to provide to town.

That said, I'd not be in favour of invoking a policy lynch meta this patch; in role madness the value of a lynch shifts pretty significantly towards the information we get over the phase relative to the lynch itself. Would rather have organic vote patterns to track and hope that non-contributing players just get knocked off by abilities at some point.

Hypothetically though, what's your opinion of a D1 lynch on Waffle-kun? :hm
maybe its my own anecdotal evidence but i barely remember her doing more than the bare minimal herself

but arent those 3 names just subjective anyways?

You are an anecdote most of the times. I do find your vote on
saturno a little omgus "considering" the word play at hand.
because ull always reliably roleclaim in the lategame if ur town

btw u havent played with me yet but im always this aggressive p much
even in the past when i ACTUALLY ROLLED MAFIA ROLES i would pretty much play the overly vigilant townleader role

although, i do appreciate the inferred philosophy that someone who so aggressively looks at others as scum is not just someone who is paranoid but a mafia member trying to deflect suspicion

so you come off pretty honest in this exchange tbh, biggest town read so far

Well look at that :zaru

Familyparka's no lynch post seems forced like "I m posting just to post and provide nothing for the next 12 hours". It would be better if you didn't make that post at all.

Belphenood a silent waffles scares me more than a proactive one :hm
You never sent me my role Nitty ._.

I am leaving for work right now and I'm not coming back for at least 12 hours. So I'll leave with this.

[vote no lynch]

I shouldn't have to explain myself but just in case, not lynching day one because we have no clue who might be who, and we'll most likely just hit town. And that's stupid.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Parka, when you read this, please disclose whether or not you had been PM'd a role when you made the second post. :hm
If someone has investigating powers or something similar, check at least one of these:

Mr. Waffles

Just cause those guys are usually the ones (or used to be) leading the town/game. And are one of the fucking twisted fucks as GF.

If someone has investigating powers or something similar, check at least one of these:

Mr. Waffles

Just cause those guys are usually the ones (or used to be) leading the town/game. And are one of the fucking twisted fucks as GF.

I find Waffles and Laix really strange in this list. Not that they can't be twisted fucks as GF, but they definitely aren't usually the ones leading the town/game.
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