Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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The Labyrinth - 10 man raid
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and me

jjcb ( he's been kidnapped )
Darth ( he's being kidnapped )

I need 6 more people ... cmon

Stelios u thieving cat :catdefeat

I dropped out of yours.
Day 3 quests


The Bandit Lord - 10 man raid

Our campaign in the north lands was successful, driving the barbarians from their homes! Their fearsome leader has gathered all the magical weaponry that his people plundered, and makes his last stand in a nearby cave. The crown is seeking brave warriors to venture where our army can't, and finish the bandit threat once and for all.


The Troll Enclave - 10 man raid

Deep within the jungle lies the tree-dwelling trolls, who maintain vigilance over their ancestral homeland. The trolls live in close harmony with the world around them, practicing sacred rituals and mastering natural magic lost even to our kingdom. Though these trolls were once our ancient enemies, years of peace have softened them into valuable trading partners. We suspect the trolls would be horrified to hear of the dead rising from their graves, making this our opportunity to form an alliance with the trolls. The crown is seeking a security detail to accompany our wisest ambassador so that we may enlist the trolls in our war against this unseen enemy.


The Monastery - 5 man dungeon

Necromancy is incredibly powerful magic, and the kingdom has never known anyone to master it. With the dead rising from their graves in the Forlorn Tower, the royal library's archives offer no wisdom on the nature of our enemy. Instead we must seek the help of a neighboring priesthood to drive back the undead and find their necromancer. The crown is seeking wise and diplomatic travelers to find answers behind the monastery's walls.


The Sick Child - 3 man expedition

A local nobleman's child has suddenly fallen horribly ill, and the royal apothecary believes death is imminent. The nobleman refuses to lose his child, insisting he will find a healer even if the crown won't help. This nobleman is seeking adventurous travelers to journey far west, to a camp of wild druids loyal only to their goddess Melandru. The nobleman prays the druids may know a remedy for his child.
goodbye Dr White ;33

This isn't sus at all.

The Troll Enclave - 10 man raid
[Start group]

[Join group]

It seems like The king is just randomly picking players to kill of
I think its about time we overthrow him

We should have done that when he killed on of his own.

Anyway, with the recent outburst from Thorin he gets added to my list along with KC, Iwan (still sus), Darth and Alwaysmind
I want to push Darth and KC for the lynch if at all possible. Also given that the scum is hunting down the most valuable players we have

@Tiger I'd prepare myself if I were you.
This isn't sus at all.

[Join group]

We should have done that when he killed on of his own.

Anyway, with the recent outburst from Thorin he gets added to my list along with KC, Iwan (still sus), Darth and Alwaysmind
I want to push Darth and KC for the lynch if at all possible. Also given that the scum is hunting down the most valuable players we have

@Tiger I'd prepare myself if I were you.'re pushing me out of spite anyone who read our little exchange yesterday would tell you that.

If you're willing to throw games by lynching people out of spite why are you here? I already outed you as a high level sus player.

[Vote lynch Alwaysmind]

Players to keep track on babby for obvious reasons and those stated previously

Darth for activity excuses and no substance post he's blending.'re pushing me out of spite anyone who read our little exchange yesterday would tell you that.

No I am pushing you because of your near retarded plays during the first day and the shoddy defense whilst managing to contradict yourself in one sentence.

If you're willing to throw games by lynching people out of spite why are you here? I already outed you as a high level sus player.

Right back at you, also you didn't 'out' me as anything.

The Monastery - 5 man dungeon

Necromancy is incredibly powerful magic, and the kingdom has never known anyone to master it. With the dead rising from their graves in the Forlorn Tower, the royal library's archives offer no wisdom on the nature of our enemy. Instead we must seek the help of a neighboring priesthood to drive back the undead and find their necromancer. The crown is seeking wise and diplomatic travelers to find answers behind the monastery's walls.

[Start Group]
I may need to read through the write-ups again (at work atm) but there are some things we could find out;

1) Is a quest likely to fail if mafia are involved?
2) does it take a set number of mafia to trigger a quest fail?

These two questions may help us narrow down the field. We know only followers of Melandru are allowed on one of the 3-man missions, to I would assume any other faction attempting to join, it would trigger a fail?
I would assume that it doesn't just fail on a set number but they can influence the decisions to fail the quest (tho I don't see why as they would like to find shit too?) or maybe some abilities to fuck with it or the people on it

The reason I am wondering, is because we maybe start narrowing down the field for potential Sister of Grenth members. We know at least one of the missions is for followers of Melandru (unless that's a lie), so I would assume that any member not a follower of Melandru will either gain no access, or the mission would's worth considering I think as an angle.
This isn't sus at all.

[Join group]

We should have done that when he killed on of his own.

Anyway, with the recent outburst from Thorin he gets added to my list along with KC, Iwan (still sus), Darth and Alwaysmind
I want to push Darth and KC for the lynch if at all possible. Also given that the scum is hunting down the most valuable players we have

@Tiger I'd prepare myself if I were you.
Tfw babby os still paroting people suspecting me from day fucking 1.
Like Drop this lol

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