@Degaforce convinced me to reread the thread. I've decided on my vote for today, and sadly it's not Alwaysmind.
Except he doesn't have bad English, and his reading comprehension was just fine when talking about Priscilla, and following my posts enough to buddy up to me.
Admittedly, at the time, I was busy interrogating Iwan while at work, so I missed a few things. But one thing I don't like, is when someone tries to butter me up. I argued with Stelios and Jayjay, but at the end of the day-- they were involved in what I wanted, which was conversation and information. Jjcb just decided he liked how aggressive I was, and jumped on something no one else was talking about to help discredit Iwan.
The part where he says he thought Iwan meant he could depose the King on his own, is not very sincere to me. Consider that Jjcb's post about Iwan deposing the King was 10:30 am. Iwan's response asking him if he was mentally challenged was 11:44am. Jjcb then had until 1:34pm to realize he'd slipped, got help from his QT and came back with "it sounded like you could do it alone".
Iwan didn't press it, even gave him a way out. No one brought it up again. But I think this is a slip.
PM Nitty with your final 5.