Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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She's talking about Okosan. :drake

Interesting that you felt it was about you though. :hm
Well I have acquainted myself with this place without saying anything quite a few times now. The woman also refered to a Devil Bird, which is how some would describe me. Although I actually am far from devilish. Those are just nasty rumors spread around by the same people plotting to overthrow the Kingdom, so don't trust them.
Well I have acquainted myself with this place without saying anything quite a few times now. The woman also refered to a Devil Bird, which is how some would describe me. Although I actually am far from devilish. Those are just nasty rumors spread around by the same people plotting to overthrow the Kingdom, so don't trust them.

Strangely enough, I forgot about the Raven part of your name.
To me you're just Sin.
Raven has been left behind long ago...
Why would i call you devil bird, sin :dank
I have no clue, but it fits my name. Some would say sinning is of the Devil or that a raven is a Devilish bird. Those people are rather just too ignorant to know anything though.

Ravens are beautiful creatures and enjoying stuff in copious amounts is not a sin, but rather a fun evening, if one would ask me.

One has to enjoy the things in life instead of turning everything in something negative.
I have no clue, but it fits my name. Some would say sinning is of the Devil or that a raven is a Devilish bird. Those people are rather just too ignorant to know anything though.

Ravens are beautiful creatures and enjoying stuff in copious amounts is not a sin, but rather a fun evening, if one would ask me.

One has to enjoy the things in life instead of turning everything in something negative.

But I've been referring to okosan as devil bird since last DP, thought you saw that :catthinks

The man essentially said that he made the necessary post requirements and f’ed off.

anyway so I didn't read phase 1

someone fill me in
There were quests and nonesense happening. The king made the choice on who to lynch and people where using the conversation to post things that should either have been private or not posted since it was the night phase.
Im still catching up. At P21 but this.cAught my attention. You should be back by now since its been more than 2 hours. I just have one question. Why didnt you just introduce your date to the game? Its the best chance you have to get a second date:awesome also im.just gonna pretend that I haven't learned on multiple occasions that jokes and about dont work well together:LOS:whistle

I would say good analysis except I dont know the people's play styles and I dont want you to feel buttered up. Also it might have been an over analysis not that im trying to protect anybody.

What did I do? Sure I haven't been the most active, im trying. With a 40 player game there must be alot of people not active since there is only 30 pages.

Rude. How could you forget me.

Also I thought my previous comment was said out of time because I was fully.cAught up when I said it. Glad it wasnt.
These posts managed to cause my scumdar to overload. Preemptive defenses and fence sitting up the wazoo, pointing fingers at other inactives when the post didn't mention inactivity as the reason for suspicion. @Mr. Waffles be slipping.

[Vote Lynch Smileyman]

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