Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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The whole logic behind his bandwagon is weak at best. They pushed on him for two things:

1) QT slip which frankly he just joined and posted i find it likely he was confused
2) for claiming generic , I played his OBD game I can see why he feels like that , even shiny had the same sentiments (he did low-key claimed peasant as well)

I see nobody giving to shiny shit about it , he practically did the same as iwan

I find the whole push behind him a stretch simple as that

I find this to be either ignorant, disingenuous to what happened, or intentionally misleading.

No one suspected him for claiming peasant. To try and say that is baffling right now. Claiming peasant is fine. I said as much, practically word for word. It's less about what you say in mafia, and more about how you say it.

When more than one person sees something suspicious, trying to dismiss it as weak or a stretch is counter-intuitive as a townie. Where are your scum reads? Jayjay's? You pose a problem with no attempted solution.

Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. It might not even be iwan in the wrong once the cards fall, but that doesn't even remotely mean any of us are wrong for pushing him. It's incredibly beneficial to the game. And what has it done for iwan? Frankly? It has caused him to be less of a lynch target, because he is not apathetic or useless. Stifling pressure of any kind is bad play for a townie.

And sloppy scum often make the mistake of coming to a townie's aid because they know the person is being wrongfully accused. And there's almost always an understandable excuse for a mistake. But to try and discredit legitimate suspicion based on nothing makes you guys look worse by association.

Don't say someone's pressure is based on a weak foundation, when you yourself have provided zero counter-evidence. People get lynched on Day 1 for FAR less than what iwan has done. And you know it.
I'll echo @Stelios. You guys don't have a strong case for iwan, at all.

Everyone else has been armchairing to find a good lynch, but objectively, nobody's an actual suspect.
Why are you only talking about the lynch that you don't think has a plausible case, rather than one of the other ones? No comment about KC, Nighty, MSAL, Revan, Always or Babby?

Either you've read enough to have another lynch you can engage with, or else you haven't read enough that you should feel so confident dismissing others' suspicions.
You haven't actually engaged with anything, and you've reused the same talking points already.

Do you have your own suspicions?
I'm not sure you understand how to properly use that term. iwan is hardly low hanging fruit with this roster, Shiny isn't exactly top hanging fruit and it's not like there was a wealth of options. iwan posted something generally scummy, so really why should it matter?
Shiny's position doesn't even matter topkek. He's going after an "easy out" by latching onto the Iwan sus and dropping a vote and bouncing. An easy way to feign activity/scumhunting while also bouncing to blend. Have you seen anything else substantial form shiny since then?

The difference is having a spine or not. You clearly don't have one, since you haven't really gone after anyone, just mildly prodded the most blatantly scummy posts made so far.
Cause I've been around for like 30 minutes all together in the thread so far. You obviously don't know my playstyle if you think I'm afraid to commit or go after someone, I'm just not gonna be bulldoggish and vote just to vote without any strong reads. You know, like this bullshit vote that follows.
[Vote Lynch Dr. White]
Voting me because I've been prodding at people acting scummy (which you seem to agree with). Will note this, and the fact that you have a habit of trying to target me with your trademark "first post wall of text" starter kit.

Anywho, I read Iwan as town. I feel like people are trying to take the somewhat substantial yet circumstantial stuff around him and push it to the nth degree, particularly reznor, who I don't trust because he's being overly clerical.

So far I also don't like Babby who has been reactive, and fluffing so far with other overly common sense posts.

KC's claim jargon, and his reaction to Rem is offputting, not enough to make anything of it though as Lazlo is the same dude who claimed anti town when town, and seems to be trying to do this edgier theme. His sudden apology to Rem posts after cursing him out seemed kinda quick though, and made me think it could be a possible coach move my someone else. Something to look out for.

Something else I found weird was people referencing Darth, but not speaking on him. I know he's not the most active poster but....his conntribution so far is pretty scummy.

Law is null for now, he seemed more substantial in his hunt on Iwan even if I didn't agree with everything. Still someone I like to keep a hawkeye on though.

@Tiger how do you read Reznor, and WPK's first wall post?
Outside from that i Will be a semi-active apathetic townie
Better than people who literally arent playing
Really don't like when players make self aware posts like this.
Like KC he dug himself in a hole.
Whole concept of the game is to start weak and power up as you progess like an rpg and first thing you do is complain about said concept.

Yeah, scummy.
The self aware comments don't help...
Didn't even realize you were in this game Law. Out here already feasting, taking what I was going to say.

The ultimate attempt at trying to discredit someone, saying they're either stupid or scum. You should know all too well that those things aren't mutually exclusive.

You started up the biggest quest then proceeded to piggyback Mr.Waffles attempt to throw suspicion at Reznor for starting a smaller one, with flawed logic. I would say that is the kind of opportunistic move scum would do, too hasty or dumb to realize that the argument doesn't hold up.

I'm not sure you understand how to properly use that term. iwan is hardly low hanging fruit with this roster, Shiny isn't exactly top hanging fruit and it's not like there was a wealth of options. iwan posted something generally scummy, so really why should it matter?

The difference is having a spine or not. You clearly don't have one, since you haven't really gone after anyone, just mildly prodded the most blatantly scummy posts made so far.

[Vote Lynch Dr. White]

Why would it matter if that did happen to him? People have been caught out on focusing too much on game mechanics as a way to blend in multiple games, this isn't some new phenomenon where it could only be inspired by spite from a previous game.

Become Generally one becomes apparent as scum through getting pressured and/or slipping up in a post. If you mean just waiting to see if he gets offed by scum or kill patterns, then that is just being lazy. There is no reason to not lay down pressure on him if it yields results, whether in town or scum reads from other players.

Why exactly the godfather? Most of us are random vanillas so I don't see how that second part narrows down anything.

You going to just focus on the mini-game all game or will you actually play the game of mafia at some point?

You have much to learn about having a no claim meta.

This is a very odd post. All that was really needed to be said was the first sentence, the rest is just completely unnecessary and seemingly a role fish. Any claim of generic would be useless, so either he claims something like the King which we know is in the game or he claims some other role which we have no way of verifying as being in the game or if it is, being good.

The King should stay if for the sole reason that the role could make mafia sweat. Mafia likes to know how much danger it is in and make moves to save themselves/doom townies. If the King follows the majority votes in thread then they still have that measure of control but if he doesn't and lynches mafia? They'd be sweating hard.
If you keep reading you’ll see I made reads on 2 and gave me vote in another. Maybe you didn’t get that far :thunk
And kc acts like that. Wel did in the dbz game when he was being called scum. I think he was town then though. I think.

I do agree with him always mind is very quiet and makes excuses when he is scum. He also likes to sit and talk in his pm with his scum buddies (did that in dbz with me and others)

I still like my vote on babby though. Hit a little pressure and looks like he is trying to perk up to get it off him.
@Tiger how do you read Reznor, and WPK's first wall post?

Null. Just like you.

I'm not currently worried about them. They both clarify their intent well, which means if they've done something wrong-- It will come out as we play.

I'm comfortable with a Alwaysmind, Thorin, Revan Reborn, KC or even an Iwan lynch today. And I'm currently comfortable with my vote where it is in case I don't get a chance to change it.
Why are you only talking about the lynch that you don't think has a plausible case, rather than one of the other ones? No comment about KC, Nighty, MSAL, Revan, Always or Babby?

Either you've read enough to have another lynch you can engage with, or else you haven't read enough that you should feel so confident dismissing others' suspicions.

You haven't actually engaged with anything, and you've reused the same talking points already.

Do you have your own suspicions?
Because I don't think there's any plausible lynch right now and iwan seems to be the popular one being pushed. Present a better argument for his lynch and maybe I'll be on board.

If you want my read, you and Law are looking incredibly suspicious with relentless and aggressive analysis. I mean, what are you guys doing? You're hyper analyzing some semantics in iwan's posts? It's day 1. No mechanics have even been used in the game.
[vote lynch KC]

I definitely feel like there is scum in the group of him, Iwan, and Revan. Iwan's a little hard for me to read, but I don't feel like he would be one to be so immediately apathetic.

I saw some discussion on MSAL, and I would say that he is pretty nebulous to read. This is just going from insight gleaned from the way he thinks from answering his questions as host of lovecraft mafia, so i'm not offering this as hard evidence, but he is playing in a similar way as he was as a townie in mine.
[vote lynch KC]

I definitely feel like there is scum in the group of him, Iwan, and Revan. Iwan's a little hard for me to read, but I don't feel like he would be one to be so immediately apathetic.

I saw some discussion on MSAL, and I would say that he is pretty nebulous to read. This is just going from insight gleaned from the way he thinks from answering his questions as host of lovecraft mafia, so i'm not offering this as hard evidence, but he is playing in a similar way as he was as a townie in mine.
KC didn't raise any red flags, so, what are you talking about?

If the king is reading this thread, he wants something tangible and coherent to confirm a lynch.
Because I don't think there's any plausible lynch right now and iwan seems to be the popular one being pushed. Present a better argument for his lynch and maybe I'll be on board.

If you want my read, you and Law are looking incredibly suspicious with relentless and aggressive analysis. I mean, what are you guys doing? You're hyper analyzing some semantics in iwan's posts? It's day 1. No mechanics have even been used in the game.

Except he's not leading in votes. And at the end of the day, we're all just making a case for the King to look at.

It's a little sad that you think mechanics and abilities need to start happening before mafia can be found. I've never seen you play mafia before, so it's not really a knock on you, personally. I'm guessing you normally play in the obd and cb. But here, we also learn to play vanilla games without a lot of roles and abilities. And while we're not always correct when we follow a lead, we've come to rely on trying as opposed to sitting back and waiting.

Day 1s are not the shitposting, pointless, shots in the dark sub-par players would have you believe.

I'm not voting Iwan, but I was accurate when I said players often get lynched for far less than what he's done.

And KC did raise flags when he stated he never role reveals, and then in the same post revealed his role...and then got overly defensive in his response to pressure.

This is why experienced players push every button, for the response.
Except he's not leading in votes. And at the end of the day, we're all just making a case for the King to look at.

It's a little sad that you think mechanics and abilities need to start happening before mafia can be found. I've never seen you play mafia before, so it's not really a knock on you, personally. I'm guessing you normally play in the obd and cb. But here, we also learn to play vanilla games without a lot of roles and abilities. And while we're not always correct when we follow a lead, we've come to rely on trying as opposed to sitting back and waiting.

Day 1s are not the shitposting, pointless, shots in the dark sub-par players would have you believe.

I'm not voting Iwan, but I was accurate when I said players often get lynched for far less than what he's done.

And KC did raise flags when he stated he never role reveals, and then in the same post revealed his role...and then got overly defensive in his response to pressure.

This is why experienced players push every button, for the response.
I'm well aware that D1 lynches go off crumbs. The only player that matters to me right now is the king and he's a wildcard in regards to game intelligence.

If the king has a high IQ, your posts are meaningless and I'll do just fine. He should know exactly who to lynch on day 1.

But if he has a low IQ, then he's going to mislynch because you guys provided the illusion of being useful and experienced with your dissertation-length posts.

I'm vocally criticizing any tinfoiling because I'd like to have credibility with a low IQ king.
None of what we did was an illusion. You should learn from more experienced players instead of assuming you're the best player in the room. Nothing wrong with playing aggressively.

The best thing for the King is to have a lot of conversation and information. You provide that by pressuring anyone and everyone, and pulling at every thread.
I don't need your help or town's help to win this game, lmfao. Just do you, but don't get offended when I'm criticizing baseless claims.
I'm well aware that D1 lynches go off crumbs. The only player that matters to me right now is the king and he's a wildcard in regards to game intelligence.

If the king has a high IQ, your posts are meaningless and I'll do just fine. He should know exactly who to lynch on day 1.

But if he has a low IQ, then he's going to mislynch because you guys provided the illusion of being useful and experienced with your dissertation-length posts.

I'm vocally criticizing any tinfoiling because I'd like to have credibility with a low IQ king.
You're not talking about a low or high IQ person here at all but a legit psychic for them to correctly pick out mafia without the ground work done in the thread. As far as we know, and as would logically make sense within the setup, the king has no more mechanical knowledge on whose mafia than a vanilla townie.

"Illusion of being useful and experienced"'re quoting in this post the most experienced player in this section in Law/Tiger, who has won countless MVPs.

You have a lot to learn about this game if you can't catch scum through behavioral analysis on day 1. I have done it many times.
You're not talking about a low or high IQ person here at all but a legit psychic for them to correctly pick out mafia without the ground work done in the thread. As far as we know, and as would logically make sense within the setup, the king has no more mechanical knowledge on whose mafia than a vanilla townie.

"Illusion of being useful and experienced"'re quoting in this post the most experienced player in this section in Law/Tiger, who has won countless MVPs.

You have a lot to learn about this game if you can't catch scum through behavioral analysis on day 1. I have done it many times.
What exactly do you know about me? I have the most informed understanding of the current game state. You don't. Neither does Law and his 50 Town of Salem MVP awards, lmfao. The behavior analysis you guys did was straight up tinfoil, contrived, or wrong.

It's currently in my benefit to promote facts and demote conspiracies, please don't take it personally.
You missed my quote of trying to deter people from opposing the king.
Was this on purpose?

The king doesn't need deceptive servants.

How is that relevant?

What exactly do you know about me? I have the most informed understanding of the current game state. You don't. Neither does Law and his 50 Town of Salem MVP awards, lmfao. The behavior analysis you guys did was straight up tinfoil, contrived, or wrong.

It's currently in my benefit to promote facts and demote conspiracies, please don't take it personally.

Interesting. So you have information that we don't.

And being wrong isn't the same as promoting conspiracies. Every thread should be pulled; every button should be pressed; every player who says something dumb should be pressured. Period.

And I've never played Town of Salem. Not sure if that was supposed to be a dig or not...the only reason my experience might matter, is I'm not foolish or new. I pressure people, and I play aggressively. It's worked for me for many years. It doesn't mean my reads or suspects are always right. But nothing I've done thus far in DAY 1 has been "contrived" or grasping at nothing/conspiring to mislead a King. Thinking that is just silly.
What exactly do you know about me? I have the most informed understanding of the current game state. You don't. Neither does Law and his 50 Town of Salem MVP awards, lmfao. The behavior analysis you guys did was straight up tinfoil, contrived, or wrong.

It's currently in my benefit to promote facts and demote conspiracies, please don't take it personally.
So you don't actually play the game of mafia, got it.
I'll have to agree with the jayjay dude, lynching iwan is probably the worst thing possible right now.
Like, people are not even suspecting him of being scum anymore, they just want to kill an apathetic townie? Why?
If you already believe him being town, why would you get rid of him? You do that, and then Day 2 starts and you realize you wasted a lynch on something you already knew to be true.

I want to hear more of Okosan, I believe he only made a group, or joined one, and then flew away without cooing anything useful.

Mohit rubs me the wrong way, but sounds kind of familiar. Is he someone I knew and had a name change?

And I don't think I'll be going in any expeditions until I get better info on them.

Excuse me for not wanting to stick my dick on a blender without knowing if it's plugged in or not.
I'll have to agree with the jayjay dude, lynching iwan is probably the worst thing possible right now.
Like, people are not even suspecting him of being scum anymore, they just want to kill an apathetic townie? Why?
If you already believe him being town, why would you get rid of him? You do that, and then Day 2 starts and you realize you wasted a lynch on something you already knew to be true.

We still suspect him of being mafia. It's simply followed by the caveat that, at the beginning, even if we were wrong it wasn't a big deal because he was literally saying he didn't care about his role and was apathetic.

Now, he's no longer useless or apathetic. So, while I'm still not sold on him being town, the likelihood that he is the 'best lynch' is lower.

This is pretty simple.
I'll have to agree with the jayjay dude, lynching iwan is probably the worst thing possible right now.
Like, people are not even suspecting him of being scum anymore, they just want to kill an apathetic townie? Why?
If you already believe him being town, why would you get rid of him? You do that, and then Day 2 starts and you realize you wasted a lynch on something you already knew to be true.

I want to hear more of Okosan, I believe he only made a group, or joined one, and then flew away without cooing anything useful.

Mohit rubs me the wrong way, but sounds kind of familiar. Is he someone I knew and had a name change?

And I don't think I'll be going in any expeditions until I get better info on them.

Excuse me for not wanting to stick my dick on a blender without knowing if it's plugged in or not.

Huzzah! Dagabro is here!
We still suspect him of being mafia. It's simply followed by the caveat that, at the beginning, even if we were wrong it wasn't a big deal because he was literally saying he didn't care about his role and was apathetic.

Now, he's no longer useless or apathetic. So, while I'm still not sold on him being town, the likelihood that he is the 'best lynch' is lower.

This is pretty simple.
I don't see how anyone with a Town role could have been suspicious of him in the first place. He said something really specific that I believe only the Town role PMs should have. This is what threw me off the most when people started piling on him.
Huzzah! Dagabro is here!
Sup' :brofist
How was your date?
It's the former. The king already exists.

However, many of you received a peasant/generic townie role. If that's you, you can vote to overthrow the king simply by PMing me.

If 2/3 of the peasants/generics choose to do that in one day, then the king goes away and you get to vote.

This was posted by Nitty prior to anyone role-claiming. And I don't believe it would be the first time mafia would see that, either.
Is it so beyond the scope of how you guys think of strategy that Iwan would respond to someone who was asking him if he'd be posting like a madman and at the top tier of posters in this game that he would say he's got a trash role (claiming peasant) as an excuse for why he wouldn't be posting as much?

He literally went and tracked down evidence of his activity levels when generic to aid in his own self-aware bullshit attitude.

It blows my mind that I'm accused of tinfoiling and promoting conspiracies. This is not even advanced's just basic shit. I have enough respect for Iwan that I think he's easily capable of this elementary deception.
my only ability is to dethrone the king
Like hell i didnt use it first thing when i read page 1

It wasn't the peasant thing or the "power to overthrow the king thing". It was something more specific he said that I remember reading it and thinking "oh yeah, I can relate to that".
I'll try to find the specific post.

This? Because Nitty also mentioned this.
Idk but this is like the second or third time he's done this, and voted me on pretty weak grounds.
I considered it worth looking into when he first said it (since you weren't an easy target like a rule of S), but if it's a habit of his then I guess it means nothing unless he wants to dispute that it's a habit.
@Reznor when you sending in your choices for the quest?

@Reznor we have Broki and Crugyr going to fight the barbarians-- who's the 5th? I forget who all has tried to join.
How do I formally declare party tho?
@Degaforce convinced me to reread the thread. I've decided on my vote for today, and sadly it's not Alwaysmind.

Priscilla is retarded, regardless of whether or not she's the King. The fact that she only overthrows the king if the king attacks her doesn't really give me any confidence on her being town. Aside from that, well, if she's a jester then she's not a funny one.

Iwan claiming vanilla but then saying he can overthrow the king whenever he fucking wants is

I like Tiger's aggressive approach.


@Jjcb até you mentally challenged?
All the peasants have the ability to overthrow the king

That's a joint effort

By the way you wrote the post it seemed like you could do it by yourself

Thats a Mix of bad english and a lack of Reading comprehension on your side.

Except he doesn't have bad English, and his reading comprehension was just fine when talking about Priscilla, and following my posts enough to buddy up to me.

Admittedly, at the time, I was busy interrogating Iwan while at work, so I missed a few things. But one thing I don't like, is when someone tries to butter me up. I argued with Stelios and Jayjay, but at the end of the day-- they were involved in what I wanted, which was conversation and information. Jjcb just decided he liked how aggressive I was, and jumped on something no one else was talking about to help discredit Iwan.

The part where he says he thought Iwan meant he could depose the King on his own, is not very sincere to me. Consider that Jjcb's post about Iwan deposing the King was 10:30 am. Iwan's response asking him if he was mentally challenged was 11:44am. Jjcb then had until 1:34pm to realize he'd slipped, got help from his QT and came back with "it sounded like you could do it alone".

Iwan didn't press it, even gave him a way out. No one brought it up again. But I think this is a slip.

How do I formally declare party tho?

PM Nitty with your final 5.
Mafia would of course like how aggressive I was, especially if they knew I was wrong.

This rubs me the wrong way when I read back, and keep the time stamps in mind.
yeah I noticed the buddying attempt and noted it, but JJCB is a wildcard. That being said he's usually an ability ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".), so that bad logic in an attempt to try and sus Iwan actually is very noteworthy Imo.

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