Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Your reactions aren't helping you. And I can calmly continue to apply pressure to you or anyone else I feel isn't contributive-- but all you can do is feebly discredit the logic behind your lynch and double and triple post like a scared rabbit.

To me, it seems more like a mafia player trying to use past games to prove he's generic, then scramble once it backfires.

And if not, then I don't really care, because anyone who walks into a game complaining about their role doesn't deserve the spot they're taking away from another player. Dead weight is dangerous.

Getting rid of a useless townie is a zero sum game. I'd prefer if someone took a shot at you, but I may as well bring it to the King's attention so he can make his own mind up about you and your intent in his land.
You are missing the point where being apathetic=/= from zero contributions.
I always triple/quadra posts It is my style If anything.
Im openly stating that i AM a peasant and i AM not going to be the top poster because this turns me into apathetic
What you fail to see os that even while being apathetic i can Still contribute more than an inactive.
He's not going to lynch Priscilla, who claimed that she becomes King if he tries.

Babby, MSAL, Alwaysmind, Revan, and KC could all also get the hammer and I wouldn't flinch.
Msal and hammer are fluffy inactives regardless of the roles
Id get behind taking both of their Heads.
Thing is There is little info behind It.
Babby could be better but id need to iso him
Or this is all just an attempt to redirect heat from yourself, who knows?
Quite frankly the heat on me is based on grasping straws.
If the players suspecting me werent dudes that have their value on scumhunting (law and Reznor) id likely Just meme then.
But for wathever reason Reznor misunderstood what happened with the Darth shenanigans and law is being an ass.(which is ok but hey )
Thing is, everyone also knows that all of these reasons are also true if you're mafia claiming peasant.

What's charming about this, is if you had popped into the thread and said "I'm a peasant." There would be no heat on you right now. But you instead chose to moan about being generic, and then follow that up with evidence for why we should all trust you're generic because you moaned about it.

Can you step away from the situation and see why that is suspect? You have the self-awareness to notice that you have a habit, and are prepared with links to point to it...but you'd prefer we believe you wouldn't have had the wherewithal to do all of that were you mafia?

And that by itself isn't bad enough to paint you as public enemy #1. But more than a couple people think you slipped up earlier, and then when we prodded you with a medium amount of got nervous.

Someone apathetic about his trash role getting nervous about losing that trash role comes off as anything BUT apathetic.

These are not mental gymnastics. It's mafia 101. It's adding 1 and 1 together to get 2. There's wifom, which is unreliable, and then there is incentive and motivation which are solid. Your words and your tone don't appear to quite match up.
I absolutely can see why I am suspicious (outside from Darth shenanigans which are straight BS).
And hey, i can be apathetic but me being apathetic doesnt mean i like getting day oned as town.
I mean that shit is Just a stain i wouldnt like to have on my reputation.
I proceeded to claim town because its been shown many times that posters will vote me just because I don't reveal. So if you want me to claim boom im town.

I'll say iwans as I stated before I have a weak role excuse was to just throw us off him as mafia. Plus he gave bs reasons that suggest he'd try and blend this game.

Remchu and I have been in games as scum partners and he knows I have poor mafia play, but proceeds to still Vote me.

Either that's a wagon vote or rem is scum and chooses to point out that type of play when i am. Scum to try and seem useful and protect themselve.

I'm on page 15 of 29 so you'd have to let me get back to you later as I continue to read
OMGUS stands for "Oh My God, You Suck (for voting for me)!". it is sometimes used as a shorthand to indicate that you are voting for someone primarily because they voted for you.

The thing you managed to achieve with this is put us in a very difficult position.

There are only two realistic ways this will end. We lynch you, you turn out to be scum, great. Or we lynch you, it turns out you weren't lying, and we're fucked.

We are basically spending a lot of time discussing if you are lying or not which the scum can use and buy them more time while all the heat around you settles. Hence why all this just screams 'bullshit' for me, I don't know many people here (when it comes to mafia) but I doubt that you would pull some lame plays like this.
Im a decent player.
Decent enough to never have been lynched as mafia on day 1 and definitely never as town.
I have been mislynched like twice.
Once in hxh game because people believed on a silly fake write up telling them i Was meruem.
And then on x Men cinemafia when my role abilities didnt show on the write up (they were Just protections and roleblocks during the day) and people thought i Was fake claiming (i Wasnt lol)
I'd also imagine that as town, you'd be able to at least understand the accusations against you. Calling them BS means that you don't want to admit any validity whatsoever because of a vested interest.

Tinfoil OMGUS makes it worse, since this implies that anyone voting you is scum putting themselves on a wagon to lynch a town when other targets are available and the only pay off to this plan is getting a generic lynched.
I didnt say that everyone on my wagon Was a scum .
I dont think you are scum.
I think you failed to understand the context behind my answer to what apparently was refering to Darth.
WIFOM and why is it more believable for a town claim anything from a single vote?

Again, claiming absolutely "zero" evidence.

You have no idea why people might think you assuming a question about scum summoning a team was ridirected at you would imply scum?
Because my reason to assume It Was soundy (i had been voted in the post right before it).
So thinking this immediately means i Was thinking whatshisface Was refering to my non existant Qt instead of Just accusing me of having one is bs.

Look at it this way, if you were scum, wouldn't you be more likely to make that mistake?
"Upsetting" is a lot different than the original apathy that you proposed.
I Just dont know a better way to say It.
I dont like the Idea of being lynched as town on day 1.
Can you really blame me for that ?
This doesn't sound apathetic to me.
Also, D1 generic claim isn't a noble gesture. It's inherently selfish in most instances. You clear yourself so as to avoid pressure, but you make it harder for the real PRs to hide. This contradicts the meatshield thing you bring up next.
Ok lets make It understandable.
>I dont care about my generic life
>I Care about the mafia game in itself.
>If someone kills me during the night then thought luck, dont care.
>If someone wastes a Lynch on my ass because i actually bothered explaining my apathy i Will get mad because It would mean town wasted precious Lynch resource.
You already fucked that up by claiming generic. Why do you think they'd vig you after a generic claim?
Because my apathy is not suicidal
Just because i should let myself be hit by mafia doesnt mean i will.
If they want to kill me do It, i Will remain semi-active (not a top poster) otherwise.

If you really believe that the wagon on you is a scum wagon, then you aren't dying in vain if you are right. Doesn't it make sense that you're a better information kill?
A kill ?
A Lynch ?
No, because at the end of the day only you 2 are super vocal about It and i dont think strongly you two are mafia.
At most i think law is over the top.
If you are a townie that doesn't want to die in vain:
- Honestly deal with the accusations against you. (Look from others PoV instead of just outright dismissing everything)
- OMGUS only if you actually believe a given accuser is scum. (You're a determent if you give us bad information.)
- Engage with something other than yourself. (You're spending a lot of time tell us that you don't want to die because you want to tell

What the case for Always and Revan?
I can ISO them If you want.:distracted
OMGUS stands for "Oh My God, You Suck (for voting for me)!". it is sometimes used as a shorthand to indicate that you are voting for someone primarily because they voted for you.


I also listed other reasons lmao I didn't just vote you because you voted me, I had other reasons.

This seems to be a poor defense on your part if anything.

@Reznor I gave reads and my possible thoughts do as you please with it.
What the case for Always and Revan?

I tossed Thorin in there for good measure. Replace Babby with him-- Babby is participating.

Let’s find those mafia scum bastards!

Hmmm, confused as fuck.

What specifically confuses you?

Or is this just a feigned ignorance blend post :maybe?

It was my initial assertion of this of this game, having looked over it for the first time.

Your inital assessment of 14 pages of material where no actions have happened is 'well, i'm lost lol."?

More of a skim tbh. And the structure is not like most games.

Its a low powered game where you can do quests to get things, I don't see what is so complicated about it. Literally nothing about the quests has even processed yet.

Yeah, I figured it out, shortly afterwards.

I'd vote them, iwan or KC today.

If I were King, that's the group I look at.
I also listed other reasons lmao I didn't just vote you because you voted me, I had other reasons.

This seems to be a poor defense on your part if anything.

@Reznor I gave reads and my possible thoughts do as you please with it.

I was just being friendly with my first post at you @KC. There was no ill intent or ulterior motive. If you have lots of people voting or suspecting you, that is solely a result of your own behavior. Take responsibility for your posts. Not a big concept to grasp.

You literally have zero reason to suspect me while, you have given me many by being overly defensive and hostile to other players in the game. I don't even know your alignment and you are acting like I'm guilty of something already? >_> Deeply flawed logic coming from you, KC. If you are not scum, stop behaving like a distraction and a nuisance.

Take responsibility for your posts.
Let’s find those mafia scum bastards!

Regardless of ifs and buts Waffles actually made a very good point. Smaller quest groups are by default scummier in this setup.

Don't like this first post.

[Vote Lynch Alwaysmind]

[Join group]

You're wrong. And for multiple reasons. One of which is explained in Reznor's post here:

Yup. And also, a small quest is only inherently more scummy depending on HOW it fills.

I don't trust the 10 or the 3 man groups this early, for very different reasons. I don't like how easy it would be for scum to hide in a big group. I don't like the potential of being the only town player in a group of 3, either.

But unless the group fills up incredibly fast, the 5 man group is the safest bet.

We're just a little bit more intelligent, I suppose. ;)

Read: Reznor and I have played games like this before.

Also, Nitty talked a bit about quests and their dangers in the convo thread.

If I had a kill, you'd be one of my top choices this night, my scummy friend. Start a big group asap, and point fingers at anyone in any other group? Not a good look; hard to trust.
Didn't even realize you were in this game Law. Out here already feasting, taking what I was going to say.

Tiger enters the game with an ad hominem


Why would I be afraid to start a big group? Why would a town be afraid to do stuff in this game?
Per your intelligence and superior logic a scum would be more likely to put its head out by starting a ten man raid?

Read yourself again , and realize how weak this whole point is. One that you started with an ad hominem that is.
If you are not scum you are just stupid. I don't think you are stupid. Are you?
The ultimate attempt at trying to discredit someone, saying they're either stupid or scum. You should know all too well that those things aren't mutually exclusive.

You started up the biggest quest then proceeded to piggyback Mr.Waffles attempt to throw suspicion at Reznor for starting a smaller one, with flawed logic. I would say that is the kind of opportunistic move scum would do, too hasty or dumb to realize that the argument doesn't hold up.

Shiny going for that low hanging fruit vote.

@Reznor are you town mate? :caticon
I'm not sure you understand how to properly use that term. iwan is hardly low hanging fruit with this roster, Shiny isn't exactly top hanging fruit and it's not like there was a wealth of options. iwan posted something generally scummy, so really why should it matter?

There is a difference between making an observation, and dropping a vote post like that. Seems like trying to feign presence to blend. Also Iwan is all about crazy power roles, so while the observation isn't without merit, it could also be his disdain with a peasent role despite most roles being essentially generic at this point by my estimations.
The difference is having a spine or not. You clearly don't have one, since you haven't really gone after anyone, just mildly prodded the most blatantly scummy posts made so far.

[Vote Lynch Dr. White]
I've went after multiple people :drake

Did someone sus you for discussing game mechanics in a previous game and you decided that was a thing you could do in later games?
Why would it matter if that did happen to him? People have been caught out on focusing too much on game mechanics as a way to blend in multiple games, this isn't some new phenomenon where it could only be inspired by spite from a previous game.

Well heavily discussing mechanics the further the game goes is discuss (nighty the mighty syndrome). I see no problem in discussing mechanics early on. It's a natural reaction.

If Reznor is scum won't it become apparent? He does great analysis and takes a slow approach to scum hunting, leave him be.
Become Generally one becomes apparent as scum through getting pressured and/or slipping up in a post. If you mean just waiting to see if he gets offed by scum or kill patterns, then that is just being lazy. There is no reason to not lay down pressure on him if it yields results, whether in town or scum reads from other players.

Reznor is actually playing.
Which means either he is a mafia godfather that wants to emulate town play or a random vanilla that finally can play without a huge target on his head
Why exactly the godfather? Most of us are random vanillas so I don't see how that second part narrows down anything.

I’m just waiting for these damn quests to start

let’s fuck these barbarians up boiiiis (and broki)
You going to just focus on the mini-game all game or will you actually play the game of mafia at some point?

Because I never claim, go check previous games. Pressure won't get you nowhere and it'll just be wasting time.

Claiming makes the game boring.

But I'm town if that's what you all want to hear... I'll entertain it
You have much to learn about having a no claim meta.

@KC I'll switch off you if you can give me several reads. The only people that get away with not being engaged are people that just compulsively role reveal. It's fine if you don't want to role reveal, but you have to be solidly engaged. You can't be just totally withholding.
This is a very odd post. All that was really needed to be said was the first sentence, the rest is just completely unnecessary and seemingly a role fish. Any claim of generic would be useless, so either he claims something like the King which we know is in the game or he claims some other role which we have no way of verifying as being in the game or if it is, being good.

Just own judgement is what scares me tbh he should just follow the majority
Also if it's King who is making the lynch then what's the point of us getting self vote when we don't make a vote to lynch, as mentioned in OP
The King should stay if for the sole reason that the role could make mafia sweat. Mafia likes to know how much danger it is in and make moves to save themselves/doom townies. If the King follows the majority votes in thread then they still have that measure of control but if he doesn't and lynches mafia? They'd be sweating hard.
Become Generally one becomes apparent as scum through getting pressured and/or slipping up in a post. If you mean just waiting to see if he gets offed by scum or kill patterns, then that is just being lazy. There is no reason to not lay down pressure on him if it yields results, whether in town or scum reads from other players.

They focus primarily on discussing said mechanics. They forgo even scum hunting really. Like scum have no incentive to scum hunt other than to blend, so discussing game mechanics becomes a welcome fall back.
Also doing vote counts etc. to appear to be of use to the town...

Iono, kinda a common trope or trend.
If I have multiple scum reads on Day 1, I usually prefer to take out the quieter one(s). The ones that say just barely enough and then skip out again for later.

But I did read back, and looked at time stamps...and I honestly have a hard time understanding why iwan thought Broki was talking to him and not Darth.
because i just skimmed through the posts while answering to the vote lynch.
like come on lol.
@Stelios himself already showed why it is an understandable mistake.
They focus primarily on discussing said mechanics. They forgo even scum hunting really. Like scum have no incentive to scum hunt other than to blend, so discussing game mechanics becomes a welcome fall back.
Also doing vote counts etc. to appear to be of use to the town...

Iono, kinda a common trope or trend.

That's untrue.

And KC, your "I never claim, but here's my town claim..." is enough to put you on the list.
because i never saw him active as a random scum trash.
But apparently i just read his meta wrong so nevermind that.
Individual roles in a mafia matter much less to a rolefags motivation and I wouldn't call Reznor a rolefag at all.

They focus primarily on discussing said mechanics. They forgo even scum hunting really. Like scum have no incentive to scum hunt other than to blend, so discussing game mechanics becomes a welcome fall back.
Also doing vote counts etc. to appear to be of use to the town...

Iono, kinda a common trope or trend.
So you meant specifically scum of a certain variety? It seemed like you meant if he was scum it would become apparent through some other means, not just that he would keep doing what he was called out for. Reznor is too good a player to just fall back on one blending tactic when mafia.
That's untrue.


I disagree.
because i just skimmed through the posts while answering to the vote lynch.
like come on lol.
@Stelios himself already showed why it is an understandable mistake.

You drop his name like I trust he's not mafia, too.

The "understandable mistake" argument is flimsy. Most mistakes are understandable. Most slips, while completely understandable, are still slips.

And what you don't realize is the more you bring other people into this conversation about your status, the more potential information can be gained from your lynch. Stelios has defended you...what, four times now? More? And for what reason?

Town iwan should be a bit concerned that Stelios keeps coming to his defense against Reznor and I, and a bit less in so much denial that he's done so little to be suspicious of. You did mention that you understand why you're being looked at I know you see this from more than a single angle.

My vote isn't on you, and it probably won't be-- but you need to switch gears from panic defense mode to actual scum hunting, because players like me don't forget these conversations later. And when I die, others will at least know that my motivations were pure in putting the screws to you. Even if they disagree.
Didn't even realize you were in this game Law. Out here already feasting, taking what I was going to say.

The ultimate attempt at trying to discredit someone, saying they're either stupid or scum. You should know all too well that those things aren't mutually exclusive.

You started up the biggest quest then proceeded to piggyback Mr.Waffles attempt to throw suspicion at Reznor for starting a smaller one, with flawed logic. I would say that is the kind of opportunistic move scum would do, too hasty or dumb to realize that the argument doesn't hold up.

I'm not sure you understand how to properly use that term. iwan is hardly low hanging fruit with this roster, Shiny isn't exactly top hanging fruit and it's not like there was a wealth of options. iwan posted something generally scummy, so really why should it matter?

The difference is having a spine or not. You clearly don't have one, since you haven't really gone after anyone, just mildly prodded the most blatantly scummy posts made so far.

[Vote Lynch Dr. White]

Why would it matter if that did happen to him? People have been caught out on focusing too much on game mechanics as a way to blend in multiple games, this isn't some new phenomenon where it could only be inspired by spite from a previous game.

Become Generally one becomes apparent as scum through getting pressured and/or slipping up in a post. If you mean just waiting to see if he gets offed by scum or kill patterns, then that is just being lazy. There is no reason to not lay down pressure on him if it yields results, whether in town or scum reads from other players.

Why exactly the godfather? Most of us are random vanillas so I don't see how that second part narrows down anything.

You going to just focus on the mini-game all game or will you actually play the game of mafia at some point?

You have much to learn about having a no claim meta.

This is a very odd post. All that was really needed to be said was the first sentence, the rest is just completely unnecessary and seemingly a role fish. Any claim of generic would be useless, so either he claims something like the King which we know is in the game or he claims some other role which we have no way of verifying as being in the game or if it is, being good.

The King should stay if for the sole reason that the role could make mafia sweat. Mafia likes to know how much danger it is in and make moves to save themselves/doom townies. If the King follows the majority votes in thread then they still have that measure of control but if he doesn't and lynches mafia? They'd be sweating hard.

I did what I did on purpose.
The ultimate attempt at trying to discredit someone, saying they're either stupid or scum. You should know all too well that those things aren't mutually exclusive.

You started up the biggest quest then proceeded to piggyback Mr.Waffles attempt to throw suspicion at Reznor for starting a smaller one, with flawed logic. I would say that is the kind of opportunistic move scum would do, too hasty or dumb to realize that the argument doesn't hold up.

yeah but Tiger's post was weak anyway and he identified it, if it wasn't he wouldn't have posted this as a follow up :

When someone has a winky smiley at the end of a sentence, that is generally accepted as a joke. *shrug*

It wouldn't surprise me if Reznor was town. It wouldn't surprise me much if Stelios was town. I can practically guarantee that there are some scum in that 10 man group. And I'd be surprised if my group was fully town.

With the theory (the fairly obvious one to anyone who thought about it) that a group can fail or be in danger from mafia while on a quest-- I didn't trust joining a big group like that. Pretty simple logic, honestly.

Your confidence isn't a check mark in your favor like you think it is, Stelios.

and I don't think Waffle's logic is flawed. It's a valid point , surely not the only point one could make or argue , but valid nevertheless.
Explain to me why the logic is flawed. Nothing stops the informed minority to take on a three man quest to grab the reward for their team or go in a team of five.
Iwan/Stelios is a possible team. Stelios always gives a scum vibe and I've pursued Iwan enough today, this is best saved for another day.
KC isn't looking any better.

[Change Lynch MSAL]

Do you suspect that because of stelios continuing to come to his defense?

Also I've did what you asked and gave reads. All I can do now is help in ways I can and hope the blind opens their eye's.
You drop his name like I trust he's not mafia, too.

The "understandable mistake" argument is flimsy. Most mistakes are understandable. Most slips, while completely understandable, are still slips.

And what you don't realize is the more you bring other people into this conversation about your status, the more potential information can be gained from your lynch. Stelios has defended you...what, four times now? More? And for what reason?

Town iwan should be a bit concerned that Stelios keeps coming to his defense against Reznor and I, and a bit less in so much denial that he's done so little to be suspicious of. You did mention that you understand why you're being looked at I know you see this from more than a single angle.

My vote isn't on you, and it probably won't be-- but you need to switch gears from panic defense mode to actual scum hunting, because players like me don't forget these conversations later. And when I die, others will at least know that my motivations were pure in putting the screws to you. Even if they disagree.
frankly i have no idea why Stelios is defending me (might be scum trying to get my benefits) but yeah i'm sorry but that's how it happened.
I saw he talking about someone randomly appearing (i had just ramdonly appeared) and assumed he meant me and was accusing me of having a qt.
And ok, at this point i will just ignore this altogether and iso @Revan Reborn and @Alwaysmind
Maybe even Stelios
Well, could you elaborate on why the bolded was untrue?
"Like scum have no incentive to scum hunt other than to blend,"

Like there is an obvious other reason for scum to scum hunt, but I didn't say the above as an end all be all statement.

I was just playing with the 101 post.

But basically, assuming you're playing with people who say dumb things even when they're town (and if you are playing on NF that is a given), then as scum-- you have a responsibility to actively hunt town-scum. Not just to blend, but to honestly help town by getting rid of people you know aren't in your mafia...but who are also legitimately scummy.

Of course, if there are two mafia teams, this is exponentially easier. But even as long as there is an Indie, there is someone else out there with bad intentions.

And as stated, as long as there are even townies who do bad or dumb things, playing as a conscientious scum-hunter as mafia is the way to go. The incentive is clear. Anyone not actively scum-hunting is at a disadvantage.
Read up again if you continue to quote me with bs again you'll be ignored. I'm seriously trying to be friendly and not yet aggravated with you.
I was there, you quickly leapt to "I will not claim" when people were joking around about you not answering the I'm town.

You literally took a lighthearted exchange and made it negative. Again take responsibility for your own posts.

Are you town this game?

I know you can't handle any pressure as mafia. *pokes*

Why didn't you answer?

Try loosening your sphincter before you respond.

Because I never claim, go check previous games. Pressure won't get you nowhere and it'll just be wasting time.

Claiming makes the game boring.

But I'm town if that's what you all want to hear... I'll entertain it
Do you suspect that because of stelios continuing to come to his defense?
Yeah, and Stelios has a few questionable plays early on. I err on the side of town for him since he's got a high scummy baseline, but I gotta wonder.
Also I've did what you asked and gave reads. All I can do now is help in ways I can and hope the blind opens their eye's.
Yeah, that helped, but the aggressive posts didn't.

There's a difference between what Law is doing and what you are doing. Aggressively pursuing interrogations and aggressive response to accusations are a lot different.
I was there, you quickly leapt to "I will not claim" when people were joking around about you not answering the I'm town.

You literally took a lighthearted exchange and made it negative. Again take responsibility for your own posts.

I tried fuck off kid. I'll leave it at that because I'm a report away from receiving some sort of legnthy ban. I try to be nice and contributive.

You could've left our last exchange as it was but instead you come back.
How was any of that weak logic? Iwan basically painted a giant red mark on his forehead earlier.

The whole logic behind his bandwagon is weak at best. They pushed on him for two things:

1) QT slip which frankly he just joined and posted i find it likely he was confused
2) for claiming generic , I played his OBD game I can see why he feels like that , even shiny had the same sentiments (he did low-key claimed peasant as well)

I see nobody giving to shiny shit about it , he practically did the same as iwan

I find the whole push behind him a stretch simple as that
The whole logic behind his bandwagon is weak at best. They pushed on him for two things:

1) QT slip which frankly he just joined and posted i find it likely he was confused
2) for claiming generic , I played his OBD game I can see why he feels like that , even shiny had the same sentiments (he did low-key claimed peasant as well)

I see nobody giving to shiny shit about it , he practically did the same as iwan

I find the whole push behind him a stretch simple as that

I understand that but it's also not unreasonable to doubt him, Rez pushed him so he can see if what he's saying is bullshit or not so we can quickly see if targeting him is useless or not, and now we know (maybe).

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