Game RPG Mafia (mafia+indies win!)

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Why is claiming generic townie so big of a deal?
That's literally what I'd claim 9 times out of 10 as scum.
That's basically the lack of a claim for all intents and purposes.

Yes, we still might be lynching town, but that risk exists with everyone.
Claiming peasant means that we aren't going to accidentally hit a power role and his apathy means that we don't risk losing a player that's going to be helpful.
So we are risking less.

Also, there's that slip where he thought UB was accusing him of being sent from a QT.
  • In context, that doesn't make sense because Iwan had been posting prior, unlike Darth.
  • Everyone else asked assumed UB meant Darth not Iwan
  • The other explaination, Iwan misinterpreted because he was paranoid since he defending himself, would indicate that he wasn't apathetic while the light pressure and therefore (by his own claimed meta) scum.
Such a bs logic tbh tbf
This is basic 101 for trying to Lynch a townie without risks of Being called scum.
Im straight up a peasant.
There is zero reason a scum would claim anything by Just seeing a single vote.
And again i have no idea why people think it was obvious refering to Darth.
Either im having some short of Reading compreehsion issue or i straight up didnt read what i quoted.(which doesnt make any sense).
So yeah way the fuck is everyone so adamant About this Darth silly shit ?
@Tiger yes i believe in this
I also Hope the king is not such a trash to not realize that im not scum.
Like come on.
Im legit offended on being day oned after coming out so straight forward.
I could straight up be an inactive ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) and yet i bothered explaining i Wasnt going to be so hyped about the game.
Then somehow im suspect because i skimmed a post on the same fucking page i posted that apparently Wasnt talking about me.
Just fuck off
Lol I was studying. Only logged in earlier to see of.the game had started yet. I have scanned through everything. I would have properly read through everything but I studied and is very tired.

:clap im not doom and gloom as I seem just tired, promise. This is a interesting concept for ame mafia game. Also does the group actions happen in PM's? Someone asked but I didnt see anybody respond.

Activity excuse noted :hm
Like the amount of mental gimnastics on this logic.:skully

Your reactions aren't helping you. And I can calmly continue to apply pressure to you or anyone else I feel isn't contributive-- but all you can do is feebly discredit the logic behind your lynch and double and triple post like a scared rabbit.

To me, it seems more like a mafia player trying to use past games to prove he's generic, then scramble once it backfires.

And if not, then I don't really care, because anyone who walks into a game complaining about their role doesn't deserve the spot they're taking away from another player. Dead weight is dangerous.

Getting rid of a useless townie is a zero sum game. I'd prefer if someone took a shot at you, but I may as well bring it to the King's attention so he can make his own mind up about you and your intent in his land.
Outing yourself as a pesent might not be the best idea. There might be roles that can eat pesent or somethong. You're also announcing to any scum that you have no protections as a vanilla.

Unless it's a gambit.
Thats more because i dont Care about being vigged.
I am a trash role so my only way of being useful is getting killed during night atm.
What i do care is about being detrimental to town by getting lynched as a vanilla.
What does this mean ?
It means that i Iwan Will be kept Alive because mafia wont Care about killing me.(why waste Shots at vanillas?)
And if they do Care about killing me then i Will have fulfilled my purpose of being a meat shield.
It is a Win win as far as you dont kill me with a Lynch.
Thats more because i dont Care about being vigged.
I am a trash role so my only way of being useful is getting killed during night atm.
What i do care is about being detrimental to town by getting lynched as a vanilla.
What does this mean ?
It means that i Iwan Will be kept Alive because mafia wont Care about killing me.(why waste Shots at vanillas?)
And if they do Care about killing me then i Will have fulfilled my purpose of being a meat shield.
It is a Win win as far as you dont kill me with a Lynch.

Or this is all just an attempt to redirect heat from yourself, who knows?
Thats more because i dont Care about being vigged.
I am a trash role so my only way of being useful is getting killed during night atm.
What i do care is about being detrimental to town by getting lynched as a vanilla.
What does this mean ?
It means that i Iwan Will be kept Alive because mafia wont Care about killing me.(why waste Shots at vanillas?)
And if they do Care about killing me then i Will have fulfilled my purpose of being a meat shield.
It is a Win win as far as you dont kill me with a Lynch.

Thing is, everyone also knows that all of these reasons are also true if you're mafia claiming peasant.

What's charming about this, is if you had popped into the thread and said "I'm a peasant." There would be no heat on you right now. But you instead chose to moan about being generic, and then follow that up with evidence for why we should all trust you're generic because you moaned about it.

Can you step away from the situation and see why that is suspect? You have the self-awareness to notice that you have a habit, and are prepared with links to point to it...but you'd prefer we believe you wouldn't have had the wherewithal to do all of that were you mafia?

And that by itself isn't bad enough to paint you as public enemy #1. But more than a couple people think you slipped up earlier, and then when we prodded you with a medium amount of got nervous.

Someone apathetic about his trash role getting nervous about losing that trash role comes off as anything BUT apathetic.

These are not mental gymnastics. It's mafia 101. It's adding 1 and 1 together to get 2. There's wifom, which is unreliable, and then there is incentive and motivation which are solid. Your words and your tone don't appear to quite match up.
The thing you managed to achieve with this is put us in a very difficult position.

There are only two realistic ways this will end. We lynch you, you turn out to be scum, great. Or we lynch you, it turns out you weren't lying, and we're fucked.

We are basically spending a lot of time discussing if you are lying or not which the scum can use and buy them more time while all the heat around you settles. Hence why all this just screams 'bullshit' for me, I don't know many people here (when it comes to mafia) but I doubt that you would pull some lame plays like this.
Such a bs logic tbh tbf
This is basic 101 for trying to Lynch a townie without risks of Being called scum.
I'd also imagine that as town, you'd be able to at least understand the accusations against you. Calling them BS means that you don't want to admit any validity whatsoever because of a vested interest.

Tinfoil OMGUS makes it worse, since this implies that anyone voting you is scum putting themselves on a wagon to lynch a town when other targets are available and the only pay off to this plan is getting a generic lynched.
Im straight up a peasant.
There is zero reason a scum would claim anything by Just seeing a single vote.
WIFOM and why is it more believable for a town claim anything from a single vote?

Again, claiming absolutely "zero" evidence.

And again i have no idea why people think it was obvious refering to Darth.
Either im having some short of Reading compreehsion issue or i straight up didnt read what i quoted.(which doesnt make any sense).
So yeah way the fuck is everyone so adamant About this Darth silly shit ?
You have no idea why people might think you assuming a question about scum summoning a team was ridirected at you would imply scum?

Look at it this way, if you were scum, wouldn't you be more likely to make that mistake?

Seriously im Not Even full yolo this game because apparently people get stronger as game progress.
So yeah i dont mind Being vigged but getting day oned as Town is definitely too upsetting for a game which im actually getting interested on a long term (not a day 1 term)
"Upsetting" is a lot different than the original apathy that you proposed.

@Tiger yes i believe in this
I also Hope the king is not such a trash to not realize that im not scum.
Like come on.
Im legit offended on being day oned after coming out so straight forward.
I could straight up be an inactive ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) and yet i bothered explaining i Wasnt going to be so hyped about the game.
Then somehow im suspect because i skimmed a post on the same fucking page i posted that apparently Wasnt talking about me.
Just fuck off
This doesn't sound apathetic to me.
Also, D1 generic claim isn't a noble gesture. It's inherently selfish in most instances. You clear yourself so as to avoid pressure, but you make it harder for the real PRs to hide. This contradicts the meatshield thing you bring up next.

Thats more because i dont Care about being vigged.
I am a trash role so my only way of being useful is getting killed during night atm.
You already fucked that up by claiming generic. Why do you think they'd vig you after a generic claim?
What i do care is about being detrimental to town by getting lynched as a vanilla.
What does this mean ?
It means that i Iwan Will be kept Alive because mafia wont Care about killing me.(why waste Shots at vanillas?)
And if they do Care about killing me then i Will have fulfilled my purpose of being a meat shield.
It is a Win win as far as you dont kill me with a Lynch.
If you really believe that the wagon on you is a scum wagon, then you aren't dying in vain if you are right. Doesn't it make sense that you're a better information kill?

If you are a townie that doesn't want to die in vain:
- Honestly deal with the accusations against you. (Look from others PoV instead of just outright dismissing everything)
- OMGUS only if you actually believe a given accuser is scum. (You're a determent if you give us bad information.)
- Engage with something other than yourself. (You're spending a lot of time tell us that you don't want to die because you want to tell

He's not going to lynch Priscilla, who claimed that she becomes King if he tries.

Babby, MSAL, Alwaysmind, Revan, and KC could all also get the hammer and I wouldn't flinch.
What the case for Always and Revan?
Read the exchange with Broki commenting on that and tell me what you think of Iwan and Darth's responses.

What about the fact that he dodged an "are you town question" with the rationale that he never reveals, but then proceeds to do so anyway?

That's more of an "also" isn't it? Or do you think that me flipping scum would exonerate any of the three I mentioned?

Blending is the category I got a good score for.

I proceeded to claim town because its been shown many times that posters will vote me just because I don't reveal. So if you want me to claim boom im town.

I'll say iwans as I stated before I have a weak role excuse was to just throw us off him as mafia. Plus he gave bs reasons that suggest he'd try and blend this game.

Remchu and I have been in games as scum partners and he knows I have poor mafia play, but proceeds to still Vote me.

Either that's a wagon vote or rem is scum and chooses to point out that type of play when i am. Scum to try and seem useful and protect themselve.

I'm on page 15 of 29 so you'd have to let me get back to you later as I continue to read
People I suspect.

Always mind, I've read games where he didn't post as much just like this one and he turned out to be mafia.also his op was eh.

Iwan and remchu

Nighty the mighty because of the reasoning for wanting me gone which was my post substance. Which didn't mean much because 99% of their post are fluff and I didn't have much post to being with.

Out of those 4 I'd place pressure on [vote Lynch remchu] since reznors pressuring iwan.

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