Game Mafiacraft

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Mr. Waffles the Priest has been lynched!

Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"It is faith in ourselves that separates us from others, and with our powers, we will cause great change in all of Azeroth. The weak will come to lean on you. The lepers will call you Lord. And the ignorant will look to you for guidance."

[One Shot Passive - Desparate Prayer] - If the Priest is killed, divine power will allow her to stand once more.

[Passive - Light And Shadow] - The Priest sees visions from the Naaru and the Old Gods alike. She will learn to cast either blessings or curses.

[Passive - Holy] - If either the Warlock or Death Knight die before the
Paladin, the Priest will join the Paladin on the path of righteousness.
[Active - Power Word: Shield] - Each night the Priest may surround
another player with the Light, protecting them against kills.
[One Shot Active - Resurrection] - The Priest may undo a kill made
the previous night.

[Passive - Shadow] - If the Paladin dies before the Warlock or Death Knight
the Priest will go insane.
[Passive - Insanity] - The Priest serves foul Gods, scanning guilty to
[Active - Visions] - Each day the Priest may reveal one [???] in
a writeup.
[One Shot Active - Ritual] - The Priest asks an Old
God for wisdom, lie detecting two posts.

Night 2 begins.
The Death Knight has faction killed Superman the Druid!

The Death Knight imbues his sword with the [Rune of the Fallen Crusader]!

Wincon: Prevent Kil'Jaeden from being summoned.

"To stand in the way of nature is heresy, even when nature is destructive."

[Passive - Pacifist] - The Druid collects the bodies of the dead and returns them home for proper burials, janitoring all kills.
[One Shot Active - Tranquility] - The Druid uses nature magic to protect all players from kills for one cycle.
[One Shot Active - Nature's Grasp] - The Druid surrounds herself with entangling roots, roleblocking anyone who targets her for one cycle.
[Active - The Emerald Dream] - The Druid may appear in another player's dreams each night, sending them a message.

The Rogue used [Honor Among Thieves] to kill SinRaven the Warlock! Nevan was caught fleeing the scene!

Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Dark Covenant.

"We may operate in the shadows of polite society, but out here on the battlefront our powers are properly respected at last."

[Passive - Dark Covenant] - Members of the Dark Covenant may communicate outside the thread.
[Passive - Argus Wake] - While the Warlock is alive, other players will hear whispers from Kil'Jaeden. If the Paladin, Priest or Shaman lose their faith, the Warlock may invite them to serve Kil'Jaeden. If at least two players join, the Warlock will form the Argus Wake and receive a new wincon.

[Passive - Demonologist] - The Warlock leaves dirty work to his pets, making him immune to watchers and trackers.
[Active - Sacrifice] - Each night the Warlock's voidwalker may surround another player, protecting them.
[Active - Seduce] - Each night the Warlock's succubus may distract another player, roleblocking them.

Superman's only wincon was to see SinRaven die. If Superman hadn't died tonight, he would've won the game.

Day 3 start
Goodshit Rogue I also thought Sin was scumming out. Lmao at Superman's spite leading him to his target (unless he knew who Warlock was) :lmao

We need a killshot on WW since he seems capable of outruling votes or just has OP vote power.

This is the dude who I got my vision from giving me info on Mel, but I scanned her and she came back as innocent. So either power scumrole with scan immunity or town and that dude was fucking with me, but Sin is the one who claimed we shouldn't trust it IIRC and Sin was the warlock so...idk.

Also Nevan is either town or scum is what I'm getting from that writeup...

So WW - Deathknight
Mel - Odds are town but chances of being scum powerrole of vision was correct.
Nevan - Caught at scene of Sin death from Rogue.
The Paladin used [Seal Of The Crusader] to kill White Wolf the Rogue!


Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"But you remember this: You're your own man. Don't let nobody bully you into doing something you don't wanna do! Besides, we hold all the cards... at least, we do before the game's done."

[Passive - Dirty Deeds] - The Rogue scans guilty to investigations.
[Passive - Shadowstep] - If the Rogue is lynched, the player with the second highest votes will be lynched instead.
[One Shot Active - Honor Among Thieves] - The Rogue may forge a deal with another player, learning their alignment in exchange for killing a player of their choosing.
[Active - Roll The Bones] - Each night the Rogue may bet on who will be lynched the following day. If the Rogue guesses correctly, she will gain +1 voting power.
Also @Dr. White White Wolf had the most votes on day 1 as well, he and SK were tied with 3 each and then the next highest person, Stelios, was lynched.

So, like I said, I'm not sure if Shadowstep works that way but it's entirely possible that's what pushed the lynch onto Stelios.
I know I'm more so talking about going for Stelio's not sure what to make it just spitballing to be honest
I'm town. Honestly, it seems like there's probably some other vote fuckery involved here, it's entirely possible that the people who were on the chopping block day 1 were Scum and that why the votes got fucked.

@Dr. White
Also @Dr. White White Wolf had the most votes on day 1 as well, he and SK were tied with 3 each and then the next highest person, Stelios, was lynched.

So, like I said, I'm not sure if Shadowstep works that way but it's entirely possible that's what pushed the lynch onto Stelios.
Don't play dumb.
[Passive - Shadowstep] - If the Rogue is lynched, the player with the second highest votes will be lynched instead.

[Vote Lynch Melodie]


[Vote Lynch white wolf]

[Vote lynch Stelios]

[vote lynch Stelios]

Again, still get scummy vibes from people pointing fingers and trying to band wagon day one against joke votes.

I'm not scum. That is all :catwave

Vote lynch: White Wolf

ok I guess neutering her cat is what gave you a town vibe

[change vote lynch White Wolf]

So 6 people split the vote on day 1, out of those, we know Waffles, Stelios and White Wolf were town, so that leaves Franky, SupremeKage and Melodie, out of those three my biggest scumreads are Franky and SupremeKage.
Are Kage and Melodie confirmed or something?
Don't see Sin bussing his teammate and voting SK day 1, and he was right about me scanning WW (albeit that could have been forged claim but adding Melo and WW actions would be risky), and Mel scanned innocent and Sin dying and having to do with Demon that made me sus of her makes her a much lower target than you 3.
Don't see Sin bussing his teammate and voting SK day 1, and he was right about me scanning WW (albeit that could have been forged claim but adding Melo and WW actions would be risky), and Mel scanned innocent and Sin dying and having to do with Demon that made me sus of her makes her a much lower target than you 3.
You made me check Kage's posts again.

Let's catch some scums
You're catching on
I'm not scum. That is all :catwave

Vote lynch: White Wolf
You guys should prolong my lynch at least until next day phase. I want to use my abilities that I believe may help town

Why thank you good sir, I try my best :catflower. Probably will do more :catdance
Dr white and nello targeted white wolf. White Wolf also used an ability on himself, probably used a protection ability on himself
White Wolf what ability did you use on yourself?
Vote lynch: White wolf I think he's scum
[vote Lynch: White wolf]
I tried checking nello but I was role blocked wtf

It does seem he picked up on day 2, but I'm still confused about his posts on day 1.
The Hunter used [Aimed Shot] to kill Franky the Death Knight!


Death Knight
Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Dark Covenant.

"All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge."

[Passive - Dark Covenant] - Members of the Dark Covenant may communicate outside the thread.
[Passive - Phylactery] - If the Death Knight dies, another player will find his phylactery.
[Passive - Knight of the Ebon Blade] - The Death Knight has infiltrated the Knights, and scans innocent to investigations.
[Passive - Anti-Magic Shell] - The Death Knight absorbs powerful magic, making him immune to roleblocks and slows.
[Passive - Runeforging] - When the Death Knight kills another player, he imbues his sword with a rune. Upon accumulating 3 runes, the Death Knight's kills become superkills.
[One Shot Active - Reanimate] - If the Warlock dies, the Death Knight will reanimate him to perform an additional faction kill the following night.
[Active - All Will Serve] - The Death Knight may exert the Lich King's will over another player each day, stealing their voting power.

The Mage used [Time Warp] to return to the previous cycle. All actions in the pact cycle have been undone and one shots have been refunded.

Day 2 start

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