Game Mafiacraft

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BTW, the mage reversed the cycle after Franky died and considering Franky was my only scumbuddy, the game should have ended there. So considering the mage could still reverse the cycle, there is still one more threat town needs to get rid off.

Not even doing this to save my own hide. I'm dead. Franky's dead. We're done for. But I don't want this third party (or fourth if you count Vasto) to slip behind the scenes and win.

It should be obvious that it's Melodie.
BTW, the mage reversed the cycle after Franky died and considering Franky was my only scumbuddy, the game should have ended there. So considering the mage could still reverse the cycle, there is still one more threat town needs to get rid off.

Not even doing this to save my own hide. I'm dead. Franky's dead. We're done for. But I don't want this third party (or fourth if you count Vasto) to slip behind the scenes and win.

It should be obvious that it's Melodie.
BTW, the mage reversed the cycle after Franky died and considering Franky was my only scumbuddy, the game should have ended there. So considering the mage could still reverse the cycle, there is still one more threat town needs to get rid off.

Not even doing this to save my own hide. I'm dead. Franky's dead. We're done for. But I don't want this third party (or fourth if you count Vasto) to slip behind the scenes and win.

It should be obvious that it's Melodie.
That would make sense given your masters warning, but then again he could be lying or you could have crafted the message.

Will be something we can brew on if killing you and Franky doesn't end things.
That would make sense given your masters warning, but then again he could be lying or you could have crafted the message.

Will be something we can brew on if killing you and Franky doesn't end things.
My message thing was a passive. I had no control over it.

But yeah, I don't care about surviving. It's impossible for me. Just throwing you guys a bone here. My original plans involved recruiting half of town anyways so yeah I'm kinda rooting for you over that silver tongued devil bitch Melodie.
Last Nitty game I played Melodie also slipped behind the scenes as a fucking indie that ultimately stole the victory of mafia and town alike in some bullshit faggotry called Zyra
It still gives me major war flashbacks and I ain't letting it happen again.

My hatred of Melodie surpasses my desire to see Vasto lose again or Franky and I somehow surpass all odds and survive.
As long as we have fun, we're all winners :umaruwink
The Hunter used [Aimed Shot] to kill Franky the Death Knight!

Death Knight
Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Dark Covenant.

"All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge."

[Passive - Dark Covenant] - Members of the Dark Covenant may communicate outside the thread.
[Passive - Phylactery] - If the Death Knight dies, another player will find his phylactery.
[Passive - Knight of the Ebon Blade] - The Death Knight has infiltrated the Knights, and scans innocent to investigations.
[Passive - Anti-Magic Shell] - The Death Knight absorbs powerful magic, making him immune to roleblocks and slows.
[Passive - Runeforging] - When the Death Knight kills another player, he imbues his sword with a rune. Upon accumulating 3 runes, the Death Knight's kills become superkills.
[One Shot Active - Reanimate] - If the Warlock dies, the Death Knight will reanimate him to perform an additional faction kill the following night.
[Active - All Will Serve] - The Death Knight may exert the Lich King's will over another player each day, stealing their voting power.
The Paladin used [Seal Of The Crusader] to kill SinRaven the Warlock!​


Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Dark Covenant.

"We may operate in the shadows of polite society, but out here on the battlefront our powers are properly respected at last."

[Passive - Dark Covenant] - Members of the Dark Covenant may communicate outside the thread.
[Passive - Argus Wake] - While the Warlock is alive, other players will hear whispers from Kil'Jaeden. If the Paladin, Priest or Shaman lose their faith, the Warlock may invite them to serve Kil'Jaeden. If at least two players join, the Warlock will form the Argus Wake and receive a new wincon.

[Passive - Demonologist] - The Warlock leaves dirty work to his pets, making him immune to watchers and trackers.
[Active - Sacrifice] - Each night the Warlock's voidwalker may surround another player, protecting them.
[Active - Seduce] - Each night the Warlock's succubus may distract another player, roleblocking them.

The Town and the Druid have won the game!

SupremeKage - Shaman

Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"Know this: a shaman must never demand power; to do so would arouse the anger of the elements, and a shaman without the elements' protection is nothing. Those that follow the path of the shaman must never forget this most vital tenet."

[One Shot Passive - Reincarnation] - If the Shaman dies, she will reincarnate one cycle later and the spirits will abandon her.
[One Shot Active - Ancestral Guidance] - The Shaman communes with the dead to reveal all [???] in one writeup. Players who died in that writeup may post again until the end of the day, but cannot vote.
[Active - Far Sight] - The Shaman uses scrying magic to watch another player at night, learning the name of anyone who targets them.

Dr. White - Monk



Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"Why do we fight? To protect home and family... To preserve balance and bring harmony. For my kind, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?"

[Passive - Teachings Of The Monestary] - The Monk is regarded as the wisest player. The Monk's votes stack.
[One Shot Active - Zen Pilgrimage] - The Monk may abstain from voting to climb the Peak of Serenity in search of wisdom. On the next three night phases, the Monk may investigate another player. After three investigations, the Monk's journey is complete and he may vote again.

Nello - Mage

Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.
"We mages do more than just waggle our fingers and make pretty sparks! We control magic, the base fabric of our world! And that takes great care, and resolve. And knowledge... so much

[Passive - Spellbook] - The Mage can leave a note in her spellbook to be read aloud upon her death. Message the moderator whenever you want the change this note.
[One Shot Active - Time Warp] - The Mage reverses time, returning to the start of the previous day phase and undoing all actions since then.
[Two Shot Active - Counterspell] - The Mage reads a counterspell, reflecting the next roleblock to target her that night.
[Active - Slow] - Each night the Mage may slow another player's passage through time, delaying their actions by one cycle.

Nevan - Hunter


Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.
"I have watched the other races... I have seen their squabbling, their ruthlessness. Their wars do nothing but scar the land, and drive the wild things to extinction. No, they cannot be trusted. Only beasts are above deceit."

[One Shot Active - Aimed Shot] - The Hunter shoots another player, killing them.
[Two Shot Active - Tracker] - The Hunter may stalk another player, learning the names of anyone they target. Abilities targeting the Hunter will be redirected to her prey. If the Hunter's target dies, the she will be be found near the scene of death. Lasts until the Hunter switches targets or the target dies.

Melodie - Paladin


Wincon: eliminate all threats to the town.

"In all things, paladins must reflect the Light, which supplements our strength. To strive to be divine for one of our kind does not mean we strive for godhood--we strive to be good in all actions."

[Passive - Devotion Aura] - The Light protects the Paladin against kills.
[One Shot Active - Divine Intervention] - If another player dies, the Paladin
may resurrect them within the same phase in exchange for losing Devotion Aura.

[Active - Seal Of The Crusader] - Each day the Paladin may strike another player down with the power of the Light. If the Paladin kills an innocent person, the Light will abandon him.
[One Shot Active - Seal Of Wisdom] - If the Paladin kills a guilty player he will surge with Light, allowing him to investigate another player that night.

Hidden roles

If the Priest unlocked her Shadow abilities, she would also be able to betray the town and join the Warlock to become the High Cultist.

High Cultist
Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Argus Wake.

[Passive - Argus Wake] - Servants of the Argus Wake may communicate outside the thread.
[Passive - Surrender To Madness] - The High Cultist gains +1 voting power for every player currently voting for her.
[Active - Shadowy Apparitions] - The Cultist casts an illusion on another player, confusing the results of any investigative abilities they use that night.

If the Paladin lost his powers by killing an innocent person, he would be able to betray the town and join the Warlock to become the Dark Knight.

Dark Knight
Wincon: eliminate all players outside of the Argus Wake.

[Passive - Argus Wake] - Servants of the Argus Wake may communicate outside the thread.
[One Shot Active - Seal Of Truth] - The Dark Knight twists the Light to cast an illusion,
allowing him to write that night's writeup.
[One Shot Active - Templar's Verdict] - The Dark Knight twists the Light's judgment to post a
fake lie detection of his creation.

If the Shaman reincarnated and lost her powers, she would be able to betray the town and join the Warlock to become the Dark Shaman.

Dark Shaman
[Passive - Argus Wake] - Servants of the Argus Wake may communicate outside the thread.
[One Shot Active - Spirit Link Totem] - The Shaman binds the spirit of a dead player to his
totem. That player returns to the game as a jester.
[One Shot Active - Voodoo Totem] - The Shaman manipulates another player's spirit, causing
a guilty player to flip innocent upon death, or an innocent player to flip guilty upon death.

When the Death Knight died, another player found his phylactery. That player was SupremeKage, who refused to resurrect the Death Knight. If he had agreed, then he would have become the Necromancer and the Death Knight would have returned as the Lich.

Wincon: survive until the end of the game.

Wincon: eliminate all players outside the Dark Covenant.
[Passive - Dark Covenant] - Members of the Dark Covenant may communicate outside the thread.
[Active - Dark Pact] - The Lich binds two players together for one night. Abilities targeting one player will be redirected to the other and vice verse.

Just needed one more phase then I could control the votes well enough to win for sure... outside of kills I guess. Town had a lot of kills. Woof.

Town only had one unconditional kill, from the hunter. The paladin's kill risked losing his entire skillset (which did happen when Melodie killed White Wolf), the warrior's required him to nearly be lynched, and the rogue didn't have control over her own kill.

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