Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Your reason for Xebec can be summed up with how he isn’t contributing anything right? What has nat contributed?

Reads. She's actually had interactions with other players, questioned them, and established her scum reads. You may want her to give some detailed ass cases but that's just not how she operates from the games I play with her. She got the I'ma do what I want attitude that is present in a Town Nat.
Reads. She's actually had interactions with other players, questioned them, and established her scum reads. You may want her to give some detailed ass cases but that's just not how she operates from the games I play with her. She got the I'ma do what I want attitude that is present in a Town Nat.
I’ve seen nat put a lot more effort into posts then the ones I’ve been reading. And for somebody with nearly 80 posts, there’s barely any content to go off of at all. I just read through everything she says and nothing’s notable to me, except for the fact that not even a few posts in she had people she wanted to lynch, but then claims she didn’t read the actual thread, and had to question what people were talking about despite already having her own supposed thoughts. I’m not trying to be mean, but that’s hardly contribution, especially for a top five poster.
I’ve seen nat put a lot more effort into posts then the ones I’ve been reading. And for somebody with nearly 80 posts, there’s barely any content to go off of at all. I just read through everything she says and nothing’s notable to me, except for the fact that not even a few posts in she had people she wanted to lynch, but then claims she didn’t read the actual thread, and had to question what people were talking about despite already having her own supposed thoughts. I’m not trying to be mean, but that’s hardly contribution, especially for a top five poster.
I mean I guess that's a fair way to look at it. But to me it doesn't strike me as scum. There's a blatant authenticy in it that screams Town in my opinion.
So I should beat a dead horse all phase? Don't think I cooled off really, I said her responses were garbage e.g. scummy. But I'm content to wait and see how the game develops for now seeing as the wagon has evaporated. Still another 12 hours in the phase or something.
i leave for few hours and cypher wagon is already gone wtf

Real talk before I go to bed:

This wagon is dumb af. Flower was either playing like a shit townie or shit scum. The way she was throwing accusations back at people, flat out making shit up etc...I obviously wasn't the only one to pick up on it hence the wagon, the fact it's now being used as a stick to beat me with is BS. There's a thin line between a frustrated townie and a panicking scum. I don't trust anyone who acts like it's obvious that it's her town play, especially anyone that was there with me a few hours ago pointing sus at her and is now sure she's town and calling me opportuntistic - Denim springs to mind for this IIRC.

In terms of my activity my record in recent games as town has often been coasting and laidback - there's more than enough posters here that can vouch for that if Sin has somehow missed it. So the fact that I've not been like a blood hound on heat is hardly alignment indicative. Nor is it a good reason to lynch me D1 anyway. I've still been active, I've prodded more than a few posters and I certainly pushed Cypher so it's not like I haven't been hunting anyway. The case on me is weak af.

The less said about my use of lol the better, it's hardly alignment indicative when I use it all the time. Like you're just going to decide it's my scum meta based on no prior evidence? GTFO. Looking at the votes the Nessos wagon jump to me stands out as probably the worst for that.

Also be warned the last time I got pounced on like this the whole scum team was basically on my wagon, so it would be nice if town actually did some vote tracking post lynch and made people accoutnable instead of driving itself off a cliff.

One final side note it's a bit conceited but it is absolutely not optimal for town to fucking off me on D1 when the case on me is too thin to wipe your ass with.
ur not getting lynched
not b4 cypher atleast
so chillax

don’t know how to delete quotes on the phone/new format, but I don’t need this.

To be edgy, clearly.
u just backspace on them xd

[Vote Lynch Natalija]
[Vote Lynch Nat]

So be it

k what is this nonsense wagon on coastalija??

why r we leaving cypher? who the fk confirmed cypher as town??
i tend to overlook ningens like alibaba and juan day 1 but if they keep fluffing till day 2 or day 3 then we gna have a problem

building a case on then day 1 is honestly weak. its why i think vivos vote on alibaba is a joke when it shud be used elsewhere
What do you think about my suggestion? Do you think bodyguard and doctor are useless here since faction kill takes priority over them so bodyguard and doctor can't protect cop, tracker so we can only roleblock or redirect someone who can faction kill.
Okay my idea is stupid. Even if cop reveals himself by saying he knows who can faction kill, there is still SK. We can redirect or roleblock mafia who can faction kill but who can redirect or roleblock SK who is still unknown?

i really doubt only one scum can faction kill, im not sure how did u even get to that conclusion lmao

and if cop finds scum they can reveal themselves regarding if that scum is the person that can kill or not lol

what r u even saying brother :hestonpls
i really doubt only one scum can faction kill, im not sure how did u even get to that conclusion lmao

and if cop finds scum they can reveal themselves regarding if that scum is the person that can kill or not lol

what r u even saying brother :hestonpls
But faction kill takes priority over protection. If cop reveals himself, cop can't be protected. In the op it is stated that specific member can faction kill and if someone roleblock that soecific member, faction kill can be prevented.
But faction kill takes priority over protection. If cop reveals himself, cop can't be protected. In the op it is stated that specific member can faction kill and if someone roleblock that soecific member, faction kill can be prevented.
its so fken hard to do that tho, unless nitty gives town 5 roleblockers

like how we had 5 trackers or sm sht last game

but this means scum would have anti roleblock abilities, and this would practically mean protections are useless unless u can protect someone for the next cycle.

i think u r reaching too far tbh
its so fken hard to do that tho, unless nitty gives town 5 roleblockers

like how we had 5 trackers or sm sht last game

but this means scum would have anti roleblock abilities, and this would practically mean protections are useless unless u can protect someone for the next cycle.

i think u r reaching too far tbh
3. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.
i really don't know if thats the best way to interpret it

i thought it means scum can choose a specific member from them to do the kill, and that member can be roleblocked or tracked

no way in hell town can just win the game by roleblocking the same person every night lol

its way too unhealthy
Doctor and bodyguard also can't protect cop because faction kill takes priority over protection. Unless Nitty answered your question and confirm protection takes priority over faction kill, I think Doctor and Bodyguard might not be in the game.
Doctor and bodyguard also can't protect cop because faction kill takes priority over protection. Unless Nitty answered your question and confirm protection takes priority over faction kill, I think Doctor and Bodyguard might not be in the game.

5 roleblockers it is then geez

and scum will have atleast 2 anti roleblock abilities

i could see a doc or body guard that can protect sm1 for next cycle, essentially making the protect work b4 the kill that happens on next cycle

yea im still more leaning more toward nitty just made a mistake, gna have to hear it from him
@Dragon D Xebec mafia can choose who will carry out the faction kill. I have no idea how have you not seen this vanilla mechanic anywhere. Normally, if the person they chose to carry out the kill is roleblocked, the kill won't happwn. Nothing to do with some specific role.
sup fam did u get a chance to read the thread now?

thoughts on the wagon derailing from cypher? and on nessos, cooler, sin, denim
and since u always like ppl to answer first i'll spare u the commentary and drop my thoughts

> 1. derail from cypher is either ningens that dont wanna commit into her push cuz its gone too far and now they dont want her to actually flip town and bust out their tmi when protecting her
she is just scum getting saved be her scummates that think they r slick

- eitherway i still want to see cypher's flip. its gna be alot of info and so far our best day 1 lynch imo.

> 2. nessos is my strongest town read this game. seems genuine the most out of u ningens. cool calm and collected, yet right on point with his questions about these tmi ningens and asking what info we get if cypher flips town

> 3. cooler: apart from the 'lol' meme, i like his push on cypher. its short and precise rly, he doesnt feel too pressured to give essay of reasons on his vote on cypher, unlike denim per say who seemed more insecure and calculative on his posts talking aboyt cypher.

> 4. sin: i have to see some flips b4 determining him. if hes scum then hes doing well fence sitting. if hes town id like to see more of him. some slick pushes like the one he did on WPK during internet mafia game wud be nice

> 5. denim: seems the worst to me out of sin/cooler/denim trio so far. his posts r simply too insecure like he is scared of slipping something. he backtracked off cypher vote too easily too and seem to have tmi of her allignment through the game
Usopp are u scum, you are aren't you? I don't read most of your posts because lol, but your play reminds me of when we were mafia together. It's a little but too calculated if you ask me, instead of the completely chaotic Usopp that is Town!Usopp.

where did u avi go lol?
and no im town asfk, are u tho?

u cant say u dont read most my posts but tell me they r calculated or remind u of ToG game

u just contradict urself in the same post lol

maybe read my posts a bit more and decide for urself properly
Still after Cyphers throat?
Thought Cypher even claimed.

I have to say @Hayumi case against @Natalija is reasonable, why are you downplaying it?
her claim doesnt prove sht tho, it makes no sense for any1 to believe her

because i read hayumi as scum actually given how he is too indecisive with his push on cypher. seems to straight up have tmi on cypher being town thats y avoiding a lynch on her. i dont see a reason for him to say cypher provides most info yet votes natalija

and him giving excuses on his activity and choices without anyone asking is rly bad imo. really insecure.

on the other end, natalija seems to be hard coasting, so if hayumi is scum it wouldnt be far fetched to label nat as indie, making her an easier target for scum to push
Catching up, but will reply to some points on the way.
His cheering of Cypher struck me as odd as well, but I'm not really sure if they had interaction in this game before, so it might have come natural? If not, not sure what he's doing. Not something to suspect him for, but definitely something to be wary of.

A bit weird, though would he do so as scum?

Well at this point a Mei or Anko would easily counterclaim, and no one seems alarmed by her claim.

I'm not sure how scum are picked among characters though, because no way all villains are scum even

Have you read the opening post? Mafia has a list of safe claims. Cypher's claim does not clear her and it seems there is a number of people defending her... can anyone do a vote count?

Also I see very little effort from you this game.
I'm not lynching you for info though.

I detest the fact that you keep bringing up your experience as a reason to not be lynched yet you have actually still show why you can be valuable to keep around. I think you can come up with a better defense.
I gave a long post in my defence last night.

You have no good reason to lynch me. Based on my use of lol and me not scum hunting enough for your liking. When its been pointed out by Natalija I do that a lot anyway and as far as I'm concerned I have been hunting at the very least enough not to get D1 lynched.

And it absolutely is a reason to not lynch me on day fucking one when there's like no case against me and you're talking vaguely about info.

Basically only Usppp has been defending me here as well. Doesn't seem odd to you I guess...

Maybe I should do a Flower and throw OMGUS at you then vote myself. Apparently that excuses 6 hours of shitty responses...
Who do you think is a better lynch then? And not Flower? Please properly build a case on someone else then, because I have not seen you do so. At this point I feel like you're only just frustrated at being voted instead of showing what you can do. I

I've already asked about your suspects outside of Flower twice and you have yet to answer.
I did answer.

I don't see why I should be held to a higher standard than everyone else, I don't have time to go in on every D1.

This post pinged me a tad. I'd actually be willing to lynch Xebec today as well but probably not enough time.

The reads are weak garbage but I don't like how he voted Denim who wasn't even one of his scum reads. Seems like he's throwing shade at me but votes Denim instead? Gave me TMI vibes like he didn't want to be the one who puts the nail in my coffin (because spoiler alert I'll flip town).

Melkor looks different. At the start of the game he is very pushy. Saking question or you scum to Usopp and someone else I forgot need to check.

JW is very defensive to Cypher. Need to look into.

And Cooler said okay about Cypher case when Sin explained how Cypher is town yet Cooler didn't unvote Cypher.
@SinRaven what do you think about Xebec and LM?
I don't think I've read much of/by Xebec so nothing on him so far but might look into him more. I agree with Cooler that the post he quoted looks suspicious. They just look like quick made up reads to fake contribution. Everything about it feels rushed.

LM is someone I need to read more into before I draw my conclusions since he always pings me. I am leaning scum on him tho. Feels like he is skating by which is not odd for LM to do but I feel like he is resorting to minimal side comments instead of actually being analytical, and the Town!Melkor I know can bring some analytical posts from time to time. Here he is basically just not saying anything at all.
her claim doesnt prove sht tho, it makes no sense for any1 to believe her

because i read hayumi as scum actually given how he is too indecisive with his push on cypher. seems to straight up have tmi on cypher being town thats y avoiding a lynch on her. i dont see a reason for him to say cypher provides most info yet votes natalija

and him giving excuses on his activity and choices without anyone asking is rly bad imo. really insecure.

on the other end, natalija seems to be hard coasting, so if hayumi is scum it wouldnt be far fetched to label nat as indie, making her an easier target for scum to push
Hard coasting?

:tiredpepe Don’t start my day off with lies, Uso(pp)
@SinRaven thoughts on Nessos?

Guy basically voted Flower, then JW and then me. Me and Flower basically for little reason - JW he seemed to be pinged by his good samaritan act with Flower but switched to me instantly based off your first post.
Ugh so far it just feels to me like Nessos is just enjoying the chaos town is in at the moment. Like he goes with the flow and I don't like how he quickly jumped onto you after my post even though he made It seem kinda jokey, but he didn't switch off it or made a continued argument to justify his vote switch.

Seems like he just wants to go with whatever bandwagon is currently going on and that is not a good look.
her claim doesnt prove sht tho, it makes no sense for any1 to believe her

because i read hayumi as scum actually given how he is too indecisive with his push on cypher. seems to straight up have tmi on cypher being town thats y avoiding a lynch on her. i dont see a reason for him to say cypher provides most info yet votes natalija

and him giving excuses on his activity and choices without anyone asking is rly bad imo. really insecure.

on the other end, natalija seems to be hard coasting, so if hayumi is scum it wouldnt be far fetched to label nat as indie, making her an easier target for scum to push
I responded to your comments you continue to repeat about my posts that you consider me being “insecure”, but you never responded back so .-.

I was asked a question and I provided an answer. I didn’t post my reasoning “without anyone asking”. I mean no I wasn’t being asked specifically why, but the implication was that I needed to explain myself so I did.
[vote lynch Hayumi]
Cute omgus now that your scum buddy cooler throws sudden sus in my direction!

Not a fan of Hayumi either, feels like she's in the background and has more information than everyone else or something.
I mean sure I’m kind of staying in the “background” as far as not trying to lead the game, but I have no extra knowledge then anybody else. I’m forming my opinions the same way as you and legit everyone. If I don’t want to vote someone I’m not voting someone lmfao.
Can someone explain to me the case on Hayumi? I have not looked into him much and there is little time left.

@Natalija since you just voted him might as well
There literally is none. Unless you consider wild ass theories from Ussop or maybe nat’s omgus. Or maybe I’m appearing scummy because I’m not sure who I want to vote like any normal townie. But it’s all irrelevant because there isn’t a solid case against me, and there never will be because it doesn’t exist.
Can someone explain to me the case on Hayumi? I have not looked into him much and there is little time left.

@Natalija since you just voted him might as well
No, apparently I’m “hard coasting” and “little effort”, so I will live true to that.

He’s scummy. Looked happy with easy Alibaba vote until something better came along, then jumped for that.

Also don’t think I’ve ever seen Cooler write so much text, what’s going on :lul
Cute omgus now that your scum buddy cooler throws sudden sus in my direction!

I mean sure I’m kind of staying in the “background” as far as not trying to lead the game, but I have no extra knowledge then anybody else. I’m forming my opinions the same way as you and legit everyone. If I don’t want to vote someone I’m not voting someone lmfao.
This sort of weak retort is unbecoming. As far as I know I'm still in line to get lynched, putting out my thoughts before I die is my townly duty. It was a mild scum lean if anything. I did feel like Natalija's vote was slightly suspect coming straight after it though.
No, apparently I’m “hard coasting” and “little effort”, so I will live true to that.

He’s scummy. Looked happy with easy Alibaba vote until something better came along, then jumped for that.

Also don’t think I’ve ever seen Cooler write so much text, what’s going on :lul
You are the something better, and now apparently by your own admission. So of course I’m not going to waste my vote on somebody who’s barely posted period, but instead on somebody who has nearly 100 posts and hasn’t said anything noteworthy yet except for sus me and then say you haven’t even read the thread. Come on nat, this is clownery.
No, apparently I’m “hard coasting” and “little effort”, so I will live true to that.

He’s scummy. Looked happy with easy Alibaba vote until something better came along, then jumped for that.

Also don’t think I’ve ever seen Cooler write so much text, what’s going on :lul
So this all your reasoning? Yeah looks just like an OMGUS lmao. And the timing (like 20 minutes before end) doesn't sit right with me either.

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