Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
The only appropriate response for this is lol.
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
This is the best case ever.

The only appropriate response for this is lol.
I mean yes, but one part definitely matters: the Town!Cooler I know is a lot more questioning and picks up on more things then I've seen you do here as early as day one. This passive attitude doesn't suit me well. You can say you're not passive with your push on Cypher, but I think we can all conclude that was some low hanging fruit, especially since myself AND others seem to agree her playstyle is more akin to Town!Flower.

Other than that, you just seem pretty carefree. I don't like it.
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
You're not totally wrong, I've noticed this when we were scummates. He softens up his posts with "lol" and "..."
Ok @Go D. Usopp I looked back and from what I see this is what happened:

-> Pressure vote on Flower
-> Joke vote on Hayumi - that's fine but you've also said you have a feeling they could be scum
-> Scum lean on melkor or Hayumi, and you elaborate on Melkor.
-> Vote on flower again after a few votes on her

It looks better, my bad I completely missed the earlier vote.
no worries fam

Also one of his first posts was that he just had a solid Town read on Hero (honestly easy read as well if you ask me and no need to specifically mention it at that point) while I feel like Scum!Cooler would've picked up on some stuff or otherwise just questioned people. It wasn't until after I argued with Cypher and Denim made his case that Cooler jumped onto that wagon and he never really made an effort to look at people outside of Cypher.

I'm not buying this act at all. Town!Cooler definitely would have had some things to share at this point. He's one of our best scumhunters if you ask me.

So let me end this with a question: @Cooler who are your scumreads outside of Cypher and why?
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
I will say that you saying I'm not scumhunting is false. Pretty sure my push on Cypher was scumhunting, don't think anyone is going particularly ham on this front - I've pointed out posts from several other posters too. I'm also not always super tryhard on D1 anyway.

I didn't really back off Flower either, ya'll backed off and I continued to press that I wasn't so sure this wasn't her scum meta.

As far as the overuse of lol, that's not a scumtell IRL when messaging people. I use it pretty frequently here too and I doubt you can find a game as mafia where I was busting it out to try and "appear carefree" or using it more often.
Jesus @ that claim :quench

Strange that Melkor isn't around. Xebec too.
u bring up all that yet ur vote is on nessos, when it should be used to pressure one of those 4 ppl into talking more

mind u that nessos voted on cypher right as cooler told him to do so. and he clearly stated that he didnt read the thread so really doubt scum would be that obvious. your vote on nessos is rly bad imo
I don't need any of those 4 to talk more because I've seen quite enough to make my judgement out of them, tunneling is dumb - if you are town, of course. Why would you not believe that scum would be obvious? Why is the vote bad?

The funny thing is this is only the second worst case that's been made in this thread, the worst being Shrikes on Nessos for posting in a way unbefitting of someone with a headache.
That's not exactly what I said but okay.
How can a player with 4 posts considered to be "too aggressive"?
I mean yes, but one part definitely matters: the Town!Cooler I know is a lot more questioning and picks up on more things then I've seen you do here as early as day one. This passive attitude doesn't suit me well. You can say you're not passive with your push on Cypher, but I think we can all conclude that was some low hanging fruit, especially since myself AND others seem to agree her playstyle is more akin to Town!Flower.

Other than that, you just seem pretty carefree. I don't like it.
I've been carefree in loads of games as town. This is some BS man. In fact I'd say in recent months I've barely been try harding at all.

I think you're being harsh by saying I've not been picking up on things as well. I've been making observations.
I will say that you saying I'm not scumhunting is false. Pretty sure my push on Cypher was scumhunting, don't think anyone is going particularly ham on this front - I've pointed out posts from several other posters too. I'm also not always super tryhard on D1 anyway.

I didn't really back off Flower either, ya'll backed off and I continued to press that I wasn't so sure this wasn't her scum meta.

As far as the overuse of lol, that's not a scumtell IRL when messaging people. I use it pretty frequently here too and I doubt you can find a game as mafia where I was busting it out to try and "appear carefree" or using it more often.
Well, I looked it up, and indeed you use lol as town too :radiohead you used lol when you called me a bitch etc.
idk if ur trolling or rly dont see it lol

if u randomly throw a dart on the 20 players u have a 1/4 chance hittting scum

but if u throw a dart at 4 players, in which u have a near firm read of someone being scum so u hit that person first its a 1/1 chance = 100%

if it missed then u take the next target in line effectively making it a 1/2 chance to hit scum.

if u miss again u take next in line making it 1/3 then 1/4.

these r still much better odds than 5/20 then 5/19 then 5/18 that you will get every time u miss on a purely random target
Well, I looked it up, and indeed you use lol as town too :radiohead you used lol when you called me a bitch etc.
Ok but does he use it like every other post as town? Besides, I want Cooler to go in! I've seen him do that D1! There's a reason he scares me when I'm scum.

Just look at how he acts towards the Cypher lynch. I never really see him go in there either, where is his questioning? Honestly he's mostly just repeating statements others have said as well.

Maybe I need to sleep on it, but yeah, so far, Cooler doesn't look well to me.
idk if ur trolling or rly dont see it lol

if u randomly throw a dart on the 20 players u have a 1/4 chance hittting scum

but if u throw a dart at 4 players, in which u have a near firm read of someone being scum so u hit that person first its a 1/1 chance = 100%

if it missed then u take the next target in line effectively making it a 1/2 chance to hit scum.

if u miss again u take next in line making it 1/3 then 1/4.

these r still much better odds than 5/20 then 5/19 then 5/18 that you will get every time u miss on a purely random target
All I will say is the actual math is more complicated because it relies on your reads.
idk if ur trolling or rly dont see it lol

if u randomly throw a dart on the 20 players u have a 1/4 chance hittting scum

but if u throw a dart at 4 players, in which u have a near firm read of someone being scum so u hit that person first its a 1/1 chance = 100%

if it missed then u take the next target in line effectively making it a 1/2 chance to hit scum.

if u miss again u take next in line making it 1/3 then 1/4.

these r still much better odds than 5/20 then 5/19 then 5/18 that you will get every time u miss on a purely random target

It's a pointless assertion to make since mathematically the chances of 1 person being scum out of any group of 4 picked from this game is high.
Ok but does he use it like every other post as town? Besides, I want Cooler to go in! I've seen him do that D1! There's a reason he scares me when I'm scum.

Just look at how he acts towards the Cypher lynch. I never really see him go in there either, where is his questioning? Honestly he's mostly just repeating statements others have said as well.

Maybe I need to sleep on it, but yeah, so far, Cooler doesn't look well to me.
I think he probably uses it more as scum, based on the two games I've ISOd. But alas it's like fishing for a whale.

That being said I'm fine with any lynch between Diez, Hero, Hayumi and Cooler, so do as you please
Ok but does he use it like every other post as town? Besides, I want Cooler to go in! I've seen him do that D1! There's a reason he scares me when I'm scum.

Just look at how he acts towards the Cypher lynch. I never really see him go in there either, where is his questioning? Honestly he's mostly just repeating statements others have said as well.

Maybe I need to sleep on it, but yeah, so far, Cooler doesn't look well to me.
What's wrong with easing into a game man. I'm still working during the day as well.

Besides if you respect my town play then D1'ing me isn't a very good play right? It's not like I've been coasting, even if I've not been going balls deep yet.
Ugh I still barely read anything, but as always Juan and Lord Melkor give me bad vibes, so I'll keep my eye on them.

I don't know what the fuck Nessos is doing this game.

And Melodie needs to get active or vigged, simple as that.
I say if Nessos and Melodie haven't done anything productive by the end of this DP, vig them off. No need to bother with reads on them.

LM is being LM. I can see him being Town and scum, this usually shows later down the line.

How exactly is Town Juan? Never played with his Town self.
What's wrong with easing into a game man. I'm still working during the day as well.

Besides if you respect my town play then D1'ing me isn't a very good play right? It's not like I've been coasting, even if I've not been going balls deep yet.
Okay now this defense sets off all the wrong flags for me. Even trying to play the pity side?

"Oh don't lynch me I might be good later on"

No, show it now.

You also haven't answered me yet: who are your scumreads outside of Cypher??
I mean yes, but one part definitely matters: the Town!Cooler I know is a lot more questioning and picks up on more things then I've seen you do here as early as day one. This passive attitude doesn't suit me well. You can say you're not passive with your push on Cypher, but I think we can all conclude that was some low hanging fruit, especially since myself AND others seem to agree her playstyle is more akin to Town!Flower.

Other than that, you just seem pretty carefree. I don't like it.
so u agree both cooler and melkor seem to be changing playstyles

but u think cooler is the worst of the 2


what r ur takes on melkor while we r on the topic of fakeness
What's wrong with easing into a game man. I'm still working during the day as well.

Besides if you respect my town play then D1'ing me isn't a very good play right? It's not like I've been coasting, even if I've not been going balls deep yet.
But you also didn't say anything regarding your other reads but just defending your play, which is kinda strange since it's obvious you just casually tunneled Cypher but changed the tune now to a lot less casual
so u agree both cooler and melkor seem to be changing playstyles

but u think cooler is the worst of the 2


what r ur takes on melkor while we r on the topic of fakeness
I don't know which of the two looks worse tbf, all I'm saying is I looked into Cooler more and I've pointed out what I've noticed in him.

Don't know much about LM yet but like I said he gave me bad vibes. There might've been a particular post that stood out to me but I really want to sleep right now so good night.
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
Okay now this defense sets off all the wrong flags for me. Even trying to play the pity side?

"Oh don't lynch me I might be good later on"

No, show it now.

You also haven't answered me yet: who are your scumreads outside of Cypher??
I mean that's not what I said but ok.

I've not even been inactive so I don't see why I should need to defend my activity levels to anyone.

I'm not a fan of JW and Vivo has pinged me a little but I'd need to ISO him as it's just the one post where I felt like he was maybe intentionally being misleading.
But you also didn't say anything regarding your other reads but just defending your play, which is kinda strange since it's obvious you just casually tunneled Cypher but changed the tune now to a lot less casual
I'm less casual now? Well I am being voted.
I'm not really scum reading people at the moment. If Cypher is town then I think JW perhaps had TMI there, but that's the only other solid ping I;ve had.
feels like hero is purposely acting too dem scummy to label scum lol
Missed this.

Well for one I never withdrew my case against Cypher.
To be fair, I just said you cooled off it, not that completely withdrew your case.
The others seemed to reach the consensus that this was town meta Flower rather than scum - something which Denim sort of hinted at feeling during his exchange with Flower. There was no sudden epiphany brought on by Sin's posting.
Denim pretty much withdrew his case after Sin stepped in as far as I can see and you conceded that just her "responses weren't good", unlike before when you said that 100% sure that she was scum and encouraged Nessos to vote for her.
Make more of those :doublepopcorn .
Had to learn how to use adobe premiere pro on the fly, had it as part of a subscription but never used it :skully
To be fair, I just said you cooled off it, not that completely withdrew your case.

Denim pretty much withdrew his case after Sin stepped in as far as I can see and you conceded that just her "responses weren't good", unlike before when you said that 100% sure that she was scum and encouraged Nessos to vote for her.

Had to learn how to use adobe premiere pro on the fly, had it as part of a subscription but never used it :skully
So I should beat a dead horse all phase? Don't think I cooled off really, I said her responses were garbage e.g. scummy. But I'm content to wait and see how the game develops for now seeing as the wagon has evaporated. Still another 12 hours in the phase or something.

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