Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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So I should beat a dead horse all phase? Don't think I cooled off really, I said her responses were garbage e.g. scummy. But I'm content to wait and see how the game develops for now seeing as the wagon has evaporated. Still another 12 hours in the phase or something.
Guess not. There's not much left to go by besides responses of responses of responses to early on accusations. Your and Denim's shift stood out to me, after what seemed to be a concentrated effort to lynch Cypher, even encouraging players who hadn't caught up yet to do it.

I still have my vote on Alibaba for fluffing all game. We'll see.
Ok so like, I think Cooler is scum and its gonna be for the stupidest reason ever.

Like every second post of his has "lol" at the end. It feels like he's downplaying a lot of the things he says, trying to rub it of as a joke or something.

I don't know. The Town!Cooler I know is a lot more tryhard and a lot more questioning. Here it seems like he's just seeing how things goes. Aligns with how he kinda backs off out of Flower, but still keeps his vote on her. He doesn't really seem to care enough to actually scumhunt.

This carefree attitude he emulates with the "lol" thing is not akin to his town play at all. I'm not buying it.

[Vote Lynch Cooler]

This is about the best case I have right now. Lol.
Real talk before I go to bed:

This wagon is dumb af. Flower was either playing like a shit townie or shit scum. The way she was throwing accusations back at people, flat out making shit up etc...I obviously wasn't the only one to pick up on it hence the wagon, the fact it's now being used as a stick to beat me with is BS. There's a thin line between a frustrated townie and a panicking scum. I don't trust anyone who acts like it's obvious that it's her town play, especially anyone that was there with me a few hours ago pointing sus at her and is now sure she's town and calling me opportuntistic - Denim springs to mind for this IIRC.

In terms of my activity my record in recent games as town has often been coasting and laidback - there's more than enough posters here that can vouch for that if Sin has somehow missed it. So the fact that I've not been like a blood hound on heat is hardly alignment indicative. Nor is it a good reason to lynch me D1 anyway. I've still been active, I've prodded more than a few posters and I certainly pushed Cypher so it's not like I haven't been hunting anyway. The case on me is weak af.

The less said about my use of lol the better, it's hardly alignment indicative when I use it all the time. Like you're just going to decide it's my scum meta based on no prior evidence? GTFO. Looking at the votes the Nessos wagon jump to me stands out as probably the worst for that.

Also be warned the last time I got pounced on like this the whole scum team was basically on my wagon, so it would be nice if town actually did some vote tracking post lynch and made people accoutnable instead of driving itself off a cliff.

One final side note it's a bit conceited but it is absolutely not optimal for town to fucking off me on D1 when the case on me is too thin to wipe your ass with.
idk if ur trolling or rly dont see it lol

if u randomly throw a dart on the 20 players u have a 1/4 chance hittting scum

but if u throw a dart at 4 players, in which u have a near firm read of someone being scum so u hit that person first its a 1/1 chance = 100%

if it missed then u take the next target in line effectively making it a 1/2 chance to hit scum.

if u miss again u take next in line making it 1/3 then 1/4.

these r still much better odds than 5/20 then 5/19 then 5/18 that you will get every time u miss on a purely random target
don’t know how to delete quotes on the phone/new format, but I don’t need this.

Why Does and Hero? @Natalija
To be edgy, clearly.
I've said multiple times that I think Diaz is calculated this time, and I don't like how his reads mirrored Hayumi.

Hero just seems to say stuff without saying too much, if you get what I mean?

Why are you asking me about them and not Hayumi?
Hmm, I get what you mean with Hero. I'd appreciate it more if he could add some deeper content in his posts that follow a path. The most I've seen in terms of contribution would be his interactions with Xebec and Flower, both of which went nowhere. Speaking of Xebec, @Dragon D Xebec where you at dude? You kinda fell off after talking to Hero and have more or less lain low. Any reads to share?

Because with Hayumi, a number of people suspect or have suspected him,myself included. So your reasons against him don't intrigue me as Diaz and Hero, who most haven't said much about, Hero especially who's gotten a handful of town reads.
Hmm, I get what you mean with Hero. I'd appreciate it more if he could add some deeper content in his posts that follow a path. The most I've seen in terms of contribution would be his interactions with Xebec and Flower, both of which went nowhere.
Yeah, that's why I thought it was odd that Hayumi and Diez saw a townie in him right away. And at the same time accused LM of being scummy.
Yeah, that's why I thought it was odd that Hayumi and Diez saw a townie in him right away. And at the same time accused LM of being scummy.
Never said he was scummy. I can’t remember the user who said it, but I said calling LM scummy after 2 posts when he’s naturally is scummy (his meta) is dumb. It was explaining JW’s low hanging fruit explanation.

I listed you, Hayumi, & Melkor as people I want dead rn because Usopp asked me a question. Doesn’t mean I think you guys are scummy. You all were the first names that came to mind that really didn’t rub me wrong but certainly didn’t stand out to me as town. No one has been overtly scummy to me which I’ve already said.
Never said he was scummy. I can’t remember the user who said it, but I said calling LM scummy after 2 posts when he’s naturally is scummy (his meta) is dumb. It was explaining JW’s low hanging fruit explanation.

I listed you, Hayumi, & Melkor as people I want dead rn because Usopp asked me a question. Doesn’t mean I think you guys are scummy. You all were the first names that came to mind that really didn’t rub me wrong but certainly didn’t stand out to me as town. No one has been overtly scummy to me which I’ve already said.
Huh? You misunderstood me, it was Hayumi and Diaz that said LM is scummy.
Huh? You misunderstood me, it was Hayumi and Diaz that said LM is scummy.
Oh, ok, now you're either intentionally telling a lie or can't read for shit :catslam

Sin’s looking town af for leaving after that random vote on melodie. He usually seems to play super carefully as scum in comparison to when he’s town. But it’s too early to tell anything based off that alone. I wish the game was moving along a little faster.

On another note, I really like Hero right now. He’s making some great points in conversation and already took the lead for being townie imo.

Xebec and Ussop are both playing how I expect them to play, simply going off meta alone. But Ussop played in a very similar fashion during the Tower of God mess, so I know better then to just assume based on his meta after that experience -.-.

I like Flower’s reads so far, but need to look back at her posts. Same with LM. So far the only person I’m not liking is Denim, but I need to iso and see what exactly pinged me from my initial read through.

I agree on LM and Hero.

Hero took a lot of users to task over what they said. Even if it's minor stuff, that's all you can go by on the first day.

LM is still his overtly accusatory scummy self, but he seems to be putting in more genuine effort to help town than what I've seen from his actual scum plays.
You called him his scummy self! What else do you wanna call it other than some suspicion :catsob

Even if not, Hero thing still remains
Cause he always comes off accusatory and scummy, that's his default. But along with that, at the time, it seemed like was showing some genuine effort towards town.

The hero thing? Do you have any specific problems with what Hero posted? He started the ball rolling by interacting with a lot of players and his "anti fluffing, pro reads" comments were generally town positive and I agree with.
Cause he always comes off accusatory and scummy, that's his default. But along with that, at the time, it seemed like was showing some genuine effort towards town.

The hero thing? Do you have any specific problems with what Hero posted? He started the ball rolling by interacting with a lot of players and his "anti fluffing, pro reads" comments were generally town positive and I agree with.
I don't disagree with what he said - it was all very true and smart - and he cleared a few confusions up, however it doesn't make him town.

If anything, that's how good scum sounds :catflower

Which is why I think your quick town reads for it are weird
I don't disagree with what he said - it was all very true and smart - and he cleared a few confusions up, however it doesn't make him town.
Nobody's town until they're stated to be town. Relative to a lot of other players he seemed more town than not.
If anything, that's how good scum sounds :catflower
I mean...sure? But by that criteria any seemingly pro town can be labelled as a good scum? We're not really moving the conversation here unless you provide some differentiator that made Hero seem extra scum like to you.
Which is why I think your quick town reads for it are weird
You must think I'm really bad at this, if in your world you believe Hero as a scum could pull of disguising himself as pro town and engaging in "true and smart" conversations, while I as scum would just instantly blurt out the names of my scum buddies as the ones I think are town :catslam
Nobody's town until they're stated to be town. Relative to a lot of other players he seemed more town than not.

I mean...sure? But by that criteria any seemingly pro town can be labelled as a good scum? We're not really moving the conversation here unless you provide some differentiator that made Hero seem extra scum like to you.

You must think I'm really bad at this, if in your world you believe Hero as a scum could pull of disguising himself as pro town and engaging in "true and smart" conversations, while I as scum would just instantly blurt out the names of my scum buddies as the ones I think are town :catslam
Noooooooooooooooooo :blobfacade don't be angry at me pls
I don't disagree with what he said - it was all very true and smart - and he cleared a few confusions up, however it doesn't make him town.

If anything, that's how good scum sounds :catflower

Which is why I think your quick town reads for it are weird
So the debate is whether I’m town? Before you stated that I said a whole bunch of nothing. Now what I said is true and smart? Which is it
Hmm, I get what you mean with Hero. I'd appreciate it more if he could add some deeper content in his posts that follow a path. The most I've seen in terms of contribution would be his interactions with Xebec and Flower, both of which went nowhere. Speaking of Xebec, @Dragon D Xebec where you at dude? You kinda fell off after talking to Hero and have more or less lain low. Any reads to share?

Because with Hayumi, a number of people suspect or have suspected him,myself included. So your reasons against him don't intrigue me as Diaz and Hero, who most haven't said much about, Hero especially who's gotten a handful of town reads.
Melkor looks different. At the start of the game he is very pushy. Saking question or you scum to Usopp and someone else I forgot need to check.

JW is very defensive to Cypher. Need to look into.

And Cooler said okay about Cypher case when Sin explained how Cypher is town yet Cooler didn't unvote Cypher.
Melkor looks different. At the start of the game he is very pushy. Saking question or you scum to Usopp and someone else I forgot need to check.

JW is very defensive to Cypher. Need to look into.

And Cooler said okay about Cypher case when Sin explained how Cypher is town yet Cooler didn't unvote Cypher.
These are some whack-ass reads, dawg.
Nobody worth me mentioning or feel like sharing with someone not even interested in actually reading the entirety of the thread when they’ve clearly had the time. If you could share with me a detailed list of your reads then maybe I’ll reciprocate.
Who are you to judge my time? If anything I’ve participated among the most here, and I have no intention of going an extra mile for a game.

If you don’t want to share anything, that’s fine. But you don’t need to be rude about it.
Nobody worth me mentioning or feel like sharing with someone not even interested in actually reading the entirety of the thread when they’ve clearly had the time. If you could share with me a detailed list of your reads then maybe I’ll reciprocate.

Who are you to judge my time? If anything I’ve participated among the most here, and I have no intention of going an extra mile for a game.

If you don’t want to share anything, that’s fine. But you don’t need to be rude about it.
Cool down you two. Take a break, go wash your eyeballs, look outside, contemplate life, go to sleep, come back tomorrow with a new leash on life. Alright :catdab?
Lol because I repeated what others have said?
Because they're very low-effort and shallow. "Needs look into" "Melkor is different". That's hardly anything. You're not voting anybody, you're not pushing anybody, and barely have any interactions. You just flat out have not been productive. You gotta go.

@Natalija @Hayumi @Vivo Diez y'all wanna join a Xebec lynch with me?
Lol because I repeated what others have said?
Because they're very low-effort and shallow. "Needs look into" "Melkor is different". That's hardly anything. You're not voting anybody, you're not pushing anybody, and barely have any interactions. You just flat out have not been productive. You gotta go.

@Natalija @Hayumi @Vivo Diez y'all wanna join a Xebec lynch with me?
Because they're very low-effort and shallow. "Needs look into" "Melkor is different". That's hardly anything. You're not voting anybody, you're not pushing anybody, and barely have any interactions. You just flat out have not been productive. You gotta go.

@Natalija @Hayumi @Vivo Diez y'all wanna join a Xebec lynch with me?
You are wrong then. I look from meta. And started to active d2 onward. This is how I play lol.
Cool down you two. Take a break, go wash your eyeballs, look outside, contemplate life, go to sleep, come back tomorrow with a new leash on life. Alright :catdab?
I’m perfectly awake, I’m just questioning how she’s asking all this when she isn’t giving anything back in her own thoughts. Just speculating and making up stupid theories when she stated she’s too lazy to actually read the thread? Lmao a literal waste of my time to bother responding. And instead of admitting her error and fanfic, she derails the conversation again and continues speaking nonsense. That’s all I’m really seeing tbh.
Because they're very low-effort and shallow. "Needs look into" "Melkor is different". That's hardly anything. You're not voting anybody, you're not pushing anybody, and barely have any interactions. You just flat out have not been productive. You gotta go.

@Natalija @Hayumi @Vivo Diez y'all wanna join a Xebec lynch with me?
Maybe, but I still like my nat vote for now.
I’m perfectly awake, I’m just questioning how she’s asking all this when she isn’t giving anything back in her own thoughts. Just speculating and making up stupid theories when she stated she’s too lazy to actually read the thread? Lmao a literal waste of my time to bother responding. And instead of admitting her error and fanfic, she details the conversation again and continues speaking nonsense. That’s all I’m really seeing tbh.
:tiredpepe If you see none of my thoughts by now despite reading the thread, then I have nothing to add.

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