Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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I thought that you would know the ones that did give you a point.
You may read my claim once again.

I can redirect player. And I may get points from doing it.
  • 1 point, if I redirect a roleblocker or votesilencer to one of his own teammembers
  • 3 points, if I redirect a Vigilante/Killer or Rolecrusher to one of his own teammembers or if I redirect a protector or roleblocker end up saving their own members.
  • Else 0 points

Last night I let JW target Natalija and didn't receive a point.
Catchin' up.
I am Doflamingo an Indie (my opinion total waste of this character) and will be invested as guilty.

I can redirect other actions.

Btw I let @John Wayne target @Natalija and didn't receive a point.

Because I know JW’s role. He indeed did target me like Nessos said.
@Nessos so was Natalija JW's original target or did you redirect?

I wonder how @Shrike and @Vivo Diez now feel about others?

Also @SinRaven you suspected Cooler and Nessos, hope third one is the charm :mingopepe
I suspect Sin fucked up as well.

No. Not anymore. And mechanically it makes no sense for scum to alter the vote of their team mate.
That's pretty naive.

Why are people going after ya? :blobkcop
Cypher with her false narrative said scum tried to save me because at end of DP Denim was talking about me. which doesn't make sense because I was far from being lynched and LM also Cypher read me town last day. Usopp didn't sus me. Only Denim. She is desperate since her scum list Nessos is indie not scum now.
So according to Nessos, Natalija or JW is scum. I’m putting my money on Natalija.
Thats not what I said. Don't twist my words!

Read again!
You may read my claim once again.

I can redirect player. And I may get points from doing it.
  • 1 point, if I redirect a roleblocker or votesilencer to one of his own teammembers
  • 3 points, if I redirect a Vigilante/Killer or Rolecrusher to one of his own teammembers or if I redirect a protector or roleblocker end up saving their own members.
  • Else 0 points

Last night I let JW target Natalija and didn't receive a point.
Thats wrong again. In case JW were a roleblocker or Natalija were blocked. Then they had to be from different teams.

But according to Natalija thats was Not the Case. Natalija claimed both are Town and JWs was neither to roleblock nor to rolecrush nor to votesilence nor to kill.
I wonder how @Shrike and @Vivo Diez now feel about others?

-@SinRaven was deadset on lynching Cooler on possibly the most minor thing I've ever seen in a mafia game. I don't think him ending up dead after he didn't get lynched is a coincidence.

-@Nessos is being very blunt and specific for this claim to not be true imo. I wonder that encouraged him to reveal tho?

-I like that @Alibaba Saluja is finally posting more relevant shit.

-@Shrike is being unusually on the down low, usually he's in here leading investigations.

-I can't keep track of all of @Go D. Usopp 's theories. It seems orchestrated to me.

-@Hayumi's actions and stances have been a bit weird lately, I need to read up on her posts.
Quoting that changes nothing. You said you didn’t receive a point.

So if JW is a town roleblocker & you redirected to a town Natalija, you should have gotten a point. You didn’t.

You get three points if you redirect a town JW vig/rolecrusher to a town Natalija. If JW was a town doctor and you redirected him to save Natalija (if they’re on the same team) from an action you would have gotten three points. You didn’t. The last one is confusing but I’m guessing if someone targeted Natalija with a roleblock & you redirected it to someone else, you’d get three points?

Everything else is no points.
@Hayumi how do you feel about the possibility ofca Townie tried hard to get you lynched in Day 1?
It’s very possible, but Melkor seemed wishy washy with his read on me. He went to my sus list because of the fact that he suddenly seemed suspicious of me. From what I remember reading, I think he put me up as an option more because of what Ussop was saying, in that he thought between me or Melkor there had to be one scum. But good catch.
Nessos: Indie = Scum

Natalija: Scum

Usopp: Scum

Vivo: have to look at his posts, I feel like cooler called him out at some point regarding his contribution

Shrike: new to mafia, but not new to me. I’ll review his case.

xebec: neutral/slight scum lean

I’m really trying to figure out who made the post yesterday about Melkor being scum. I think it was Usopp saying Melkor was scummy two hours into the phase despite Melkor having that meta. I said that vote and analysis was fucking retarded. I also believe there was another user who was trying to understand why Usopp’s vote was shit. It might have been Xebec.
This still doesn't prove anything except that he redirected somebody.

What stops him from being a scum controller + redirector?
If nessos is lying, wouldn’t that mean natalija and jw are also lying about being masons? I’m doubtful, but imagine how much of a big brain play it would be for nessos to set them up by saying one has to be scum, then for them to be able to instantly clear themselves via claiming masons. Just an Ussop level theory, considering both of them were being mildly sussed as soon as this dp started.
Nothing stops him, I'm just saying what he said until now is true. And I'd rather we not waste time on an indie, unless we HAVE TO.

Or do you like wasting time on him? :catflower
I know him claiming neutral "benign" is BS most of the time, so unless we have something better this DP I would like to lynch him.

And know, to ensure nobody messes with Town's actions at night.
Yeah but according to @Natalija JW isn't with which I could have received a point nor did @John Wayne claim this.

So plz explain how did you come up with this conclusion?
Where the hell are you confused? John Wayne hasn’t even posted for one.

So you’re telling me you’re trusting Nat over your own ability results.
Also, before we get lovey dovey with @Nessos . You do realize that since there's a town majority, he's more likely than not going to be redirecting shit from town back onto town :skully ? That includes kills.
That’s the whole point...meaning if he did use his ability to redirect, JW/Nat are on different teams more than likely.
Gautama Buddha Jesus Christ

This is becoming a mental maze


Let's keep it simple. @Nessos and the stuff he's saying. Let's bite it for now. Feels trustworthy. If we keep mislynching then we can always go back to that and the Natalija/JW duo.
Where the hell are you confused? John Wayne hasn’t even posted for one.

So you’re telling me you’re trusting Nat over your own ability results.

That’s the whole point...meaning if he did use his ability to redirect, JW/Nat are on different teams more than likely.
That's the thing though, I also got confused thinking they were both on different teams since he got 0 points, but I he'd get 0 points if JW was specifically a roleblocker/rolecrusher/votesilencer.

In other words, it would be literally dumb for Nat to claim masons with JW, since he'd just be able to deny it if he wasn't. Furthermore, if he specified he had a roleblocking/rolecrushing/votesilencing ability, then Nat's done for. So it makes sense that they are on the same team. The one case where they would not be, JW could instantly prove it.

And then there's also the possibility that they are both mafia, since I think Nessos would only get his 3 points if he got the mafia killing and targeted another mafia. So it's unlikely, but not impossible.
Where the hell are you confused? John Wayne hasn’t even posted for one.

So you’re telling me you’re trusting Nat over your own ability results
I said if JW is a Roleblcoker, Vote Silencer or Rolecrusher then they have to be from different alignment.

A Towny would come out revealing himself to out the other one as scum. But as Long thats Not the case then you have to expect both of them are Town.

If I would be Towny I would say the shitty prejudicing you make by overinterpretating my results let you look scummy af. :bloblick
You have your vote on Cypher right? Why exactly?
She said scum tried to save me because I was talked at end of day phase yesterday which doesn't make sense because only Denim sus me and I only had one vote. Moreover Cypher and LM read me as town yesterday. usopp also defended me regardless of my meta, I always ask about mechanic on day one. It was Cooler who got saved since SinRaven vote on Cooler was moved on Hayumi.
@Nessos First question that’ll just solve this from the jump.

Someone asked if Natalija was JW’s original target right? If you saw that JW was targeting Natalija & let it happen anyway, that would mean you essentially didn’t even use your ability since you didn’t redirect anything.
I use my ability to let JW target Natalija.
I definetly used my ability. But I neither know JW original target nor the ability he used.
I only knew that I didn't receive a point.

(Even so JW original target would have been Natalija, my ability should have been counted as used)
I use my ability to let JW target Natalija.
I definetly used my ability. But I neither know JW original target nor the ability he used.
I only knew that I didn't receive a point.

(Even so JW original target would have been Natalija, my ability should have been counted as used)
You used your ability to redirect JW to Nat

You said you don’t know JW’s original target

Then you claim JW original target would have been Nat

Both of these can’t be right.

Moreover, I disagree. If you didn’t manipulate the action that means you did NOT redirect. Your ability claims to give you a point if you redirect an action, not allow an action to happen.

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