Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Caught up.

Roleblocker - block Nessos, and we leave him alive and scumhunt. Don't vig him, we have a lot of others to question.

I wouldn't lynch Nessos, obviously.

I would detonate Xebec and Usopp without a second thought though. Everything about their play just screams scum.

But ability like that should have a limit. Why would waste it when I was far from.being lynched and only Denim sus me? Lol the desperation.
You were not far from being lynched at all. Cooler even went around saying "can I interest you in a Xebec lynch?" and Sin was not too opposed to CFDing you. Not to mention all the others who kept mentioning you here and there.
I was wondering about that when I looked over everyone who voted me. Also guys we need to step it tf up because the people with the three most votes were all town.

On another note, this makes Ussop move up to highly likely scum to me. Especially Ussop since he seemed so confident in throwing me and melkor’s name out as scum, and I know I’m 100 percent town so not a good look. But also, he’s playing eerily similar to the tower of god game where he caused chaos under the guise of contributing, but he was mafia af.
i have a passive that sees random interactions and i saw u and melkor interact? the fk did u do?
Sin's vote was tampered to go to Hayumi. Scums don't lynch their own members and I doubt there is more than 1 Indie.
the lynch was not even RNGed. hayumi did sm sht

That would make no sense to have that done to myself from any sensible perspective. There was a high chance of me getting lynched yesterday. Why would me and my scum mates take that risk? To me it’s pretty obvious they probably wanted me out of the way over Cypher, because since she had more sus directed on her, they could keep her around longer as a distraction from actual scum. Even if that wasn’t their mindset, scum clearly preferred I was lynched there.
u or one of ur scummates can fake their votes on u. again the lynch did not RNG. cypher was gooonee. u did something

No. Not anymore. And mechanically it makes no sense for scum to alter the vote of their team mate.
read up

Which by the way: Ussop’s supposed theory was proven wrong with Melkor’s flip. I’m one hundred percent town.
no it isnt ur still standing scumyumi
i have a passive that sees random interactions and i saw u and melkor interact? the fk did u do?

the lynch was not even RNGed. hayumi did sm sht

u or one of ur scummates can fake their votes on u. again the lynch did not RNG. cypher was gooonee. u did something

read up

no it isnt ur still standing scumyumMelkor couldn't target anyone, so yeah, Hayumi probably killed Melkor.
Melkor couldn't target anyone, so yeah, Hayumi probably killed Melkor.
But okay, let's ask her:

@Hayumi Did you target Melkor last night?
I mean, yah lmfao. I wasn’t going to say it for obvious reasons in outing my implied role, but since scum Ussop outright wanted to expose me with his supposed “passive” when it should be obvious to him what I did, there you have it.
Before anyone tries going “WtF” yes, I thought he was a good target since he had various sus on him throughout the day, but people seemed keen on focusing elsewhere. Then when it got towards eod and he threw sus on me out of thin air, I got hella suspicious and thought he’d be an optimal choice since I didn’t see him getting lynched any time soon. Also somebody mentioned him as a possible kill option yesterday so why not. Also, Ussop kept saying “YoU oR HiM HaS TO be SCUm” so I thought why not see if he’s right? Lmfao
@Hayumi why didn't you kill me, I was your biggest suspect?
I was going back and forth between you, Ali and him tbh. Ali, only because people kept mentioning her as a vig target, and you because I was super sus. But I thought you had a higher chance of getting lynched anyways. And I was right since everyone sussed you at the start of this dp, but you ended up claiming mason and I’m inclined to believe you now.
Lmao saying I'm hard powerwolfing when I'm not even doing anything
While we’re on the topic of Xebec, this was Ussop’s response when Denim pointed out how Xebec was coming across fake to him and I just find this a little interesting lol. Without trying to push an angle, this is pretty clear soft defending imo. All that aside, it’ll be interesting to see who Ussop switches to for today’s vote, since he initially wanted you and then kept calling out Melkor and me as probable mafia. I’m interested to hear who his other susses are. But right now I scum lean on him.
the more u try to push me or xebec narrative the more i scum read u and town read him

I saw someone survived lynch and that person got rolecrushed next day. Vote fuckery always have draw back from my experience.
r u saying hayumi survived the lynch and got rolecrushed?
i thought cooler was town asfk so what makes u think hes not the mafia kill?
LM is the only one looking like a potential vig kill cuz he was hardcore suspected
denim is a 50-50

bit of tmi on ur side if u ask me
Saying LM is a potential vig kill cuz he was hardcore suspected but then you forget that Cooler almost got lynched lol. How is he not a likely vig kill either?
We should take his words carefully, but. I know for a fact that he didn't lie about me and JW and so far he played well today.
u seem sure about JW role

jw was one of the ningens who defended cypher last night

i wouldnt be so optimistic about him tbh

u defended cypher too to certain extent. did u maybe get busted by nessos?

i cant get it over my head how u guys town read cypher 1.0
based on what? why do u think its a 1 shot ability to be wasted?

the tally was 3-3 and u got lynched without RNG, why r u hard clearing ur counter wagon if u flipped town

did u roll into laix's scum spot?
Why do you think Melkor's kill isn't a vig kill? If you look back at Melkor/Hayumi interaction, more-so on Melkor's messages, I think it seems pretty likely. Plus, why wouldn't drago be the maf kill?
u seem sure about JW role

jw was one of the ningens who defended cypher last night

i wouldnt be so optimistic about him tbh

u defended cypher too to certain extent. did u maybe get busted by nessos?

i cant get it over my head how u guys town read cypher 1.0
Dude, I see his role in our mason chat. JW is 100% town.

Nessos: Indie = Scum

Natalija: Scum

Usopp: Scum

Vivo: have to look at his posts, I feel like cooler called him out at some point regarding his contribution

Shrike: new to mafia, but not new to me. I’ll review his case.

xebec: neutral/slight scum lean

I’m really trying to figure out who made the post yesterday about Melkor being scum. I think it was Usopp saying Melkor was scummy two hours into the phase despite Melkor having that meta. I said that vote and analysis was fucking retarded. I also believe there was another user who was trying to understand why Usopp’s vote was shit. It might have been Xebec.
u urself said u want melkor gone

stop it man :hestonpls

also if Nat is scum then JW has to be aswell. why r u leaving him out?
Ok, well I did a quick name search and it's not true that only Denim suspected you, Cooler did as well. He even seemed pretty desperate at trying to interest someone in your lynch.

Cypher and LM town reading you doesn't really mean anything since another confirmed townie, Dragomir, did not see you as town.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that Usopp defends you regardless of your meta; are you saying that he doesn't look at your meta at all? Why would he do that on day 1? Sure you ask mechanical questions, but you also have a habit of asking others for their opinion and I haven't seen this at all this game, so it's striking me as odd.

Well, Cooler was definitely saved to as a way to frame, though I think Nessos mentioned it could have also been an action from one of the dead townies? I didn't check their role description.

Finally, I also found it odd how you talked about vote manipulation as if you were pretty sure it was an ability with a drawback, and that it would be too weird to use it day 1 to save you. It really did sound like a TMI. Anyway it's been used, so scum aren't afraid of using it day 1, which means its probably not that precious of an ability. Assuming this doesn't have anything to do with abilities of the dead townies, I'd need to look at it again.

[Vote Lynch Xebec]
1. i did not protect xebec but i might have to now cuz i think his wagon is bullsht
2. its pretty obvious xebec is getting framed here. none is gna kill the ppl that suspect them like that. the fact that u even use this as a case against him is bad tbh

I’m sorry my dear, but you are up for elimination @Go D. Usopp
after u bb :blobkfingerguns

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