Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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I'm not against lynching Nessos, but I feel like we should let him live for at least one more cycle? See what info he can gather us.

If he's speaking the truth even about parts of his role, we should see it when he flips and then we'll know what of his info can be used. I doubt he's a threat this early in the game
how is he not a threat if he can redirect a vig kill to town tho? unless u want to out all our vigs then tell him how to use his abilities :geg
This doesn't really add up to why you're asking it tbh, unless you're assuming the person who killed Cooler aint town (which I doubt, the Cooler kill seems like a vig kill to me).
cooler seemed town to me actually specially toward the end

i liked his cypher push more than any of u. i doubt he was killed by town

he thought he was a goner until end of day cuz there was no vote count apparently lmao
Ok, well I did a quick name search and it's not true that only Denim suspected you, Cooler did as well. He even seemed pretty desperate at trying to interest someone in your lynch.

Cypher and LM town reading you doesn't really mean anything since another confirmed townie, Dragomir, did not see you as town.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that Usopp defends you regardless of your meta; are you saying that he doesn't look at your meta at all? Why would he do that on day 1? Sure you ask mechanical questions, but you also have a habit of asking others for their opinion and I haven't seen this at all this game, so it's striking me as odd.

Well, Cooler was definitely saved to as a way to frame, though I think Nessos mentioned it could have also been an action from one of the dead townies? I didn't check their role description.

Finally, I also found it odd how you talked about vote manipulation as if you were pretty sure it was an ability with a drawback, and that it would be too weird to use it day 1 to save you. It really did sound like a TMI. Anyway it's been used, so scum aren't afraid of using it day 1, which means its probably not that precious of an ability. Assuming this doesn't have anything to do with abilities of the dead townies, I'd need to look at it again.

[Vote Lynch Xebec]
Cooler didn't push for my wagon. It was also from my experience that vote fuckery like surviving lynch comes with drawback.
1. i did not protect xebec but i might have to now cuz i think his wagon is bullsht
2. its pretty obvious xebec is getting framed here. none is gna kill the ppl that suspect them like that. the fact that u even use this as a case against him is bad tbh

after u bb :blobkfingerguns
Well I have to double down on the vote manipulation, as I think it's pretty clear Melkor did it.

But other than that, I was trying to determine his reason for voting for Cypher and I was not satisfied with the answer; he was using confirmed townies' names to show he was innocent (even though he himself debated using Dragomir's negative view of him to confirm him as scum? So him using the argument to clear himself is ok, but others can't use it against him?), he called your name, I have no idea why, saying you don't read his meta but read how he talks about mechanics? That argument doesn't make sense to me. Furthermore, I've played with him in another forum and his meta is off; there's something he always does which he does not do here and I specified it in my post.

So overall, his reason to vote Cypher makes no sense. It just looks like a omgus.

Plus, I don't know why you wouldn't eliminate a threat to you? I think it was pretty clear that Dragomir was damn close to convincing others to vote him off. And it's always easy to blame it on "I've been framed", but just look at how he plays.

It looked like someone wanted to frame Cooler, and if he was alive he probably would have said it, but it turns out it wasn't a frame at all. So, I don't think you should be so fast to dismiss the kill as a frame.

But anyway, I'm not completely convinced he killed Dragomir... Yet. :dotell
Before anyone tries going “WtF” yes, I thought he was a good target since he had various sus on him throughout the day, but people seemed keen on focusing elsewhere. Then when it got towards eod and he threw sus on me out of thin air, I got hella suspicious and thought he’d be an optimal choice since I didn’t see him getting lynched any time soon. Also somebody mentioned him as a possible kill option yesterday so why not. Also, Ussop kept saying “YoU oR HiM HaS TO be SCUm” so I thought why not see if he’s right? Lmfao
last time on cypher's k mafia u were sk and u killed me night 1 cuz i was the only one suspecting u

dont even try to play me ningen

u kill ppl that suspect u quiet often
I forgot that it was Usopp whose reads you should always flip to get the actual scums

Who are his townreads again? That's the scums bois
except cooler was a town read of mine and he flipped town
nessos was my hardest town read and i guess i was wrong about that one, but hes willing to help town
u were starting to becomes soft town read but im not so sure anymore. it seems ur actually power wolfing there fam. u got ppl to trust u pretty fast for not doing much

may i remind u that ur "lol" read on cooler was wrong ??
Cooler didn't push for my wagon. It was also from my experience that vote fuckery like surviving lynch comes with drawback.
He did push for you.
I did answer.

I don't see why I should be held to a higher standard than everyone else, I don't have time to go in on every D1.

This post pinged me a tad. I'd actually be willing to lynch Xebec today as well but probably not enough time.

The reads are weak garbage but I don't like how he voted Denim who wasn't even one of his scum reads. Seems like he's throwing shade at me but votes Denim instead? Gave me TMI vibes like he didn't want to be the one who puts the nail in my coffin (because spoiler alert I'll flip town).
Wish there was a vote count tbh.

@SinRaven can I interest you in a Xebec lynch? Can I interest anyone in a Xebec lynch...
Sorry this shit ain't flying. Turning up at 1 minute past midnight to act like my late white knight.

You're probably scum.

Think besides Flower, Nessos, Xebec and LM - deffo scum in there.
u urself said u want melkor gone

stop it man :hestonpls

also if Nat is scum then JW has to be aswell. why r u leaving him out?
You asked who I wanted gone. Didn’t mean I thought he was scum. You also asked me that when I didn’t have formulated reads. Try again.

Also no? Are you slow? That was me sussing Nat before Nessos outed himself as indie & JW confirmed them as masons. Try harder or don’t post at all.
funny yet i practically trapped both DDL and juan on that SS mechanic iirc, i just didnt have the confidence to push them cuz i thought they r too scummy to be scum

its hilarious how u guys just dismiss my reads/views for no reason related to this game. like ur so sure they r wrong
Well you didn’t push them so you get no credit. Boo hoo.

And you do this every game and are wrong every game.
Pls don't remind of that part in Sin's game.

I was dumbfounded when I saw that Juan didn't unvote himself and got killed by the SS

except cooler was a town read of mine and he flipped town
nessos was my hardest town read and i guess i was wrong about that one, but hes willing to help town
u were starting to becomes soft town read but im not so sure anymore. it seems ur actually power wolfing there fam. u got ppl to trust u pretty fast for not doing much

may i remind u that ur "lol" read on cooler was wrong ??
I don't see how people trusting me means I'm powerwolfing. I'm hardly doing anything all this game, openly admit I haven't read half of what's going on and am voting people for the literal stupidest reasons.

I think people just trust me because I'm open with my thought processes or am otherwise just a very likable person :catlove

I ain't actively trying to lead town or anything. Do you even know what powerwolfing means???
@Go D. Usopp scum lord can you just skip all that useless shit and read the response I just gave you that literally exposed my role?
i dont buy that one bit

ur an sk are u not? thats how u do when sk, kill ur voters

u were maybe scared melkor does an action on u, and u didnt wanna kill me cuz its TOO obvious?

is that right? :dotell

the vig is the one that killed denim/cooler. i doubt we have more than 1 vig
u see this nonesense?

im not gna allow a xebec lynch
go hayumi
Dunno why you trust Xebec so much when his day 1 activity has been mostly talking about mechanics, defending his view of his mechanics, 1 post about reads in which he was asked to give, he didn't do it proactively, and voted Denim to save himself from getting 2 invisible votes from the game rules. Like... where???
Why do you think Melkor's kill isn't a vig kill? If you look back at Melkor/Hayumi interaction, more-so on Melkor's messages, I think it seems pretty likely. Plus, why wouldn't drago be the maf kill?
i think cooler was the mafia kill imo, melkor is sk and denim is vig kill

Dude, I see his role in our mason chat. JW is 100% town.

how did u know she was town tho? she played so bad

also im sry i am replying to the thread from behind cuz on phone. trying to answer everything

anyway JW confirmed so its either u both r town or u both r scum together

i find it funny that u both r some of the ppl that town read cypher aswell lmao

nessos's flip will determine ur fate too
This is a Role Madness game which means you should at least have 1 Active ability. Not buying this.

This is a Role Madness game which means you should at least have 1 Active ability. Not buying this.
lol look at Madara ability again.
Uchiha Madara うちはマダラ
alignment: innocent

[Active - Sharingan] -
During the night, Madara can use his Dōjutsu to investigate another player, learning the effect of an ability they used that night. If Madara perceives an ability, then he will mimic it, enabling him to use a similar ability the following night.

Are you scum with many abilities?
Dunno why you trust Xebec so much when his day 1 activity has been mostly talking about mechanics, defending his view of his mechanics, 1 post about reads in which he was asked to give, he didn't do it proactively, and voted Denim to save himself from getting 2 invisible votes from the game rules. Like... where???
Either Usopp is scum and has TMI and the Denim kill was meant to frame Xebec or they're both scums. Usopp is on his troll play which doesn't even have an inch of sense.
lol look at Madara ability again.
Uchiha Madara うちはマダラ
alignment: innocent

[Active - Sharingan] -
During the night, Madara can use his Dōjutsu to investigate another player, learning the effect of an ability they used that night. If Madara perceives an ability, then he will mimic it, enabling him to use a similar ability the following night.

Are you scum with many abilities?
But that’s one active ability. You claimed one passive. Much different.

Vengeful townie is a thing though. I’m inclined to believe Xebec because it makes sense. C0 Deidara is a thing.
lol look at Madara ability again.
Uchiha Madara うちはマダラ
alignment: innocent

[Active - Sharingan] -
During the night, Madara can use his Dōjutsu to investigate another player, learning the effect of an ability they used that night. If Madara perceives an ability, then he will mimic it, enabling him to use a similar ability the following night.

Are you scum with many abilities?
Yes and it's an ACTIVE ability.

But you claim to only have a PASSIVE while in usual Role Madness games you should have at least an ACTIVE which you claim you don't have which I don't buy.

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