Well I have to double down on the vote manipulation, as I think it's pretty clear Melkor did it.
But other than that, I was trying to determine his reason for voting for Cypher and I was not satisfied with the answer; he was using confirmed townies' names to show he was innocent (even though he himself debated using Dragomir's negative view of him to confirm him as scum? So him using the argument to clear himself is ok, but others can't use it against him?), he called your name, I have no idea why, saying you don't read his meta but read how he talks about mechanics? That argument doesn't make sense to me. Furthermore, I've played with him in another forum and his meta is off; there's something he always does which he does not do here and I specified it in my post.
So overall, his reason to vote Cypher makes no sense. It just looks like a omgus.
Plus, I don't know why you wouldn't eliminate a threat to you? I think it was pretty clear that Dragomir was damn close to convincing others to vote him off. And it's always easy to blame it on "I've been framed", but just look at how he plays.
It looked like someone wanted to frame Cooler, and if he was alive he probably would have said it, but it turns out it wasn't a frame at all. So, I don't think you should be so fast to dismiss the kill as a frame.
But anyway, I'm not completely convinced he killed Dragomir... Yet.