Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Protections work normally, you're grasping at straws.
thats not what it says in the OP, protections work after kills

That's not odd, it's common.

Like, additional to normal? No.

Why are you acting coy? You know exactly how it works, you had it in ToG when I made you suicide.
and r u acting dumb? it was not a town ability

no need to fish anything out mate, i just wanted his opinion on a read he already established after a night has passed. nothing of relevancy rn
im actually interested now the fk did u do to me lol
True, I was sad that our vig got outed, but at the same time, Hayumi was gonna get a ton of heat for the info usopp revealed.

Plus what has Melkor done all of day 1? He has 20ish posts, read them and tell me that it doesn't make sense that Hayumi would vig him.
No, honestly Melkor wouldn't be the one who I'd vig. But alas every player has their own thought process so it doesn't matter

My point is let's not take it as 100% proof. Tonight will show.
Ok I’m bad at counting votes. How did you come to the conclusion that Nat or Sin potentially has 0 vote power? I guess I’m lost how you figured there was a double voter somewhere. I’m not doubting, but I want to see it too. And I know their was vote manipulation with Melkor putting votes on Hayumi.

Also since Melodie showed up & claimed 0 vote power lol. Perfect and odd timing
yea about time u realize ur a moron :catdab
What is your main argument against Xebec again :pepethunk?
I had a whole wally; I don't like his playstyle nor his vote at the end of day 1, his claim was unnecessarily stretched out imo, though it could be a valid claim. But why would he reveal it? Destroys the whole point of that role -- Mafia would early reveal it to keep people from voting for them out of fear.

I didn't like his vote this dayphase either, his defense was bad; it made no sense. Overall, I am not convinced he's town.

And now I have slight suspicion that you aren't a townie for keeping your vote on Nessos while ignoring the situation with the current town susses (and your own) until I mentioned it to you. :blobcry
I’m ignoring Ussop because regardless of what he says, everything I’m reading from him is bullshit no explanation needed. Inb4 he continues spamming optimistic ratings and quoting everything I’m saying. I’m vig, period. Now, are we voting Ussop or Xebec?
how about you :blobkfingerguns
or maybe feel free to put ur vote last on xebec, i dare u to do so. :zaru

i catch ningens like that all day long bb, ask DDL and Juan :catbuff

at start of today u said u wanted to see who i sus today and now u got ur answer, what u think about that?
I had a whole wally; I don't like his playstyle nor his vote at the end of day 1, his claim was unnecessarily stretched out imo, though it could be a valid claim. But why would he reveal it? Destroys the whole point of that role -- Mafia would early reveal it to keep people from voting for them out of fear.

I didn't like his vote this dayphase either, his defense was bad; it made no sense. Overall, I am not convinced he's town.

And now I have slight suspicion that you aren't a townie for keeping your vote on Nessos while ignoring the situation with the current town susses (and your own) until I mentioned it to you. :blobcry
You were the one who asked me what I did last night. So I had to explain my ability: Can only be activated after I'm murdered.
Cypher 1.0 wagon: Cooler, Mel, Usopp.
Hayumi wagon: Sin, LM, Nat.

The lynch was not RNG.

So either any on Hayumi had no vote power or the Cypher wagon had double voters.
or sm1 could fake their vote and make it move from hayumi to cypher, or from anyone to cypher

or someone vote silencing melkor??? like hayumi can do that

u were scum last nitty game u know how much bullsht vote manipulation nitty gives to scum, dont try to act like its just a simple +1 vote on someone
how about you :blobkfingerguns
or maybe feel free to put ur vote last on xebec, i dare u to do so. :zaru

i catch ningens like that all day long bb, ask DDL and Juan :catbuff

at start of today u said u wanted to see who i sus today and now u got ur answer, what u think about that?
I’m not surprised at all. That’s what I have to think. The same exact people from yesterday still sus me now. And the thing is that you and natalija sussed me like this when you were both mafia in tower of god, and then in games when you were both town, so honestly I think y’all always find me sus period. And if claiming the vig with no counterclaim isn’t enough then I’m honestly having a hard time figuring out what would be, in which case you’re both helping contribute to throwing the game of town. Because I have nothing else to say to convince you otherwise, and instead of coming up with reasons that make sense to me as to why you think I’m scum, you both just seem to refuse to believe anything that remotely clears me as town. That’s all.
I had a whole wally; I don't like his playstyle nor his vote at the end of day 1, his claim was unnecessarily stretched out imo, though it could be a valid claim. But why would he reveal it? Destroys the whole point of that role -- Mafia would early reveal it to keep people from voting for them out of fear.

I didn't like his vote this dayphase either, his defense was bad; it made no sense. Overall, I am not convinced he's town.
Hmmm...Fair enough. There have been other straight up role reveals that you haven't given as much shit to, but ok.
And now I have slight suspicion that you aren't a townie for keeping your vote on Nessos while ignoring the situation with the current town susses (and your own) until I mentioned it to you. :blobcry
I'm 100% town baby :catboogie

And I kind of regret moving my vote. I still think he's the safest lynch and letting him go wild will lead to severe repercussions, as opposed to the cases against Xebec and Usopp which aren't super solid. But Usopp was leading in votes against Nessos as far as I counted, so not point wasting a vote on Nessos if nobody else is going after him.
Deidara is a bomber. What should I expect? It's his ability in the series and Nitty designed it this way i this game now.
Answer the question. You said scum wouldn’t target you because you outed your active ability.

You can kill your attacker. But you have no way of knowing if your attacker is town or scum. So what if a vig tried to kill you last night? How do you differentiate if it’s mafia attacking you or town. The thing is, you probably can’t. That’s why your role is solidified as mafia for me.
Answer the question. You said scum wouldn’t target you because you outed your active ability.

You can kill your attacker. But you have no way of knowing if your attacker is town or scum. So what if a vig tried to kill you last night? How do you differentiate if it’s mafia attacking you or town. The thing is, you probably can’t. That’s why your role is solidified as mafia for me.
This is BS. So how should I use my ability? So when i die I shouldn't activate my ability at all?
Or doctor. Counter claiming doctor is horrendous :skully
or u doing nothing but fluffing and discredeting me then going for the easiest lynch of history on me today

very funny right? :skully

Cypher for building fake narrative and Melontonin for lying.
melon seems more town to me, but i dont know them rly
i dont like cypher tho. she seems more in control than yesterday and more confident + know stuff and trying to mislead

but uve kinda dug ur own grave with ur gameplay tbh
what do u think about sin/hayumi?
This is BS. So how should I use my ability? So when i die I shouldn't activate my ability at all?
Answer the question. It’s not BS. If you’re town, you obviously don’t want to kill your attacker if they are town too. Then there will be two townies dead. :oldshrug

If your role is scum, that’s easier because the only people you have to worry about that are attacking you are town/indie & not apart of your faction or wincon.
Answer the question. It’s not BS. If you’re town, you obviously don’t want to kill your attacker. Then there will be two townies dead. :oldshrug

If your role is scum, that’s easier because the only people you have to worry about that are attacking you are town/indie & not apart of your faction or wincon.
Nah this is BS. Go with my reads of course. If I go with your argument now then I shouldn't activate my ability if I die.
melon seems more town to me, but i dont know them rly
i dont like cypher tho. she seems more in control than yesterday and more confident + know stuff and trying to mislead

but uve kinda dug ur own grave with ur gameplay tbh
what do u think about sin/hayumi?
Neutral atm. SinRaven defended Cypher yesterday who was confirmed town and that led to Cooler wagon. Seems trying hard not to misslynch by lynching Cypher because he knew her meta. Not sure about Hayumi atm.
This game is so chaotic

Can we just agree to lynch Usopp? The game would be so much better without his presence.

Nessos should be roleblocked & Xebec as well.
id ratehr u gone over me actually, u havent contributed sht with all that post count

As hard as he's defending Xebec, why not.
this is straight up false
my vote is clearly on xebec and i am scum readin him now

AND in case he is town i want him to kill hayumi/sin

this would prove which of us is right

dont just make up bullsht about me to try get me lynched cypher. ur not even confirmed
Hmmm...Fair enough. There have been other straight up role reveals that you haven't given as much shit to, but ok.

I'm 100% town baby :catboogie

And I kind of regret moving my vote. I still think he's the safest lynch and letting him go wild will lead to severe repercussions, as opposed to the cases against Xebec and Usopp which aren't super solid. But Usopp was leading in votes against Nessos as far as I counted, so not point wasting a vote on Nessos if nobody else is going after him.
Like which ones? Are you talking about the Hayumi vig reveal or the Nessos indie reveal or another I missed?

Also the dayphase is far from being over, so there's still time to build cases. I mean, I said if nothing incriminating comes up, I'd probably go with the Nessos lynch. Keeping him alive won't do us good anyway.
Like which ones? Are you talking about the Hayumi vig reveal or the Nessos indie reveal or another I missed?
Ye those. Your main argument against Xebec was his illogical reveal although it could have just easily been because he was crumbling under pressure, just like Hayumi. Nessos I'm still not sure why he revealed, nobody even questioned him on that.
Also the dayphase is far from being over, so there's still time to build cases. I mean, I said if nothing incriminating comes up, I'd probably go with the Nessos lynch. Keeping him alive won't do us good anyway.
And yet you were bullying me to move my vote off Nessos :skully

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