Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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:monkathink so you're telling me you believe this man has 1 passive and no actives? He's faking being a hunter, I don't buy it. Who has no active abilities??
I don't know if he's revealed all of his abilities, but I think I believe him having that particular ability he mentioned.

I have no problem voting Usopp, Nessos or Xebec, I'd just prefer the option that doesn't have a chance of killing me and has a chance of picking up steam.
Why? You’re a confirmed townie. Scum will always want to kill you.

Besides you never want to reveal as a vengeful townie. I don’t understand why you decided to? The only reason I could see someone doing this is if they’re vengeful and mafia aligned
I don't ant to reveal my active to bait scum to kill me. Now with they know this I doubt they will target me for faction kill.

Hmm...I guess technically there can be more than one murderer if several people send kills your way.
I didn't plan to reveal my active because now scum will likely to target other fir avoiding the risk of dying with me.
@Pool Party Nitty
also toward the end of the day can we possibly get vote count b4 the lynch happen? ill try to stay awake later to make sure i see this lynch go thro
I don’t see why I should do extra vote tallies on top of the other things I do for the game. You can all count votes, just the same as I can. If you want vote tallies badly enough, you will do them yourselves.
Both my passive is I can take my last voter with me.. My active is I can choose who I want to take down with me if I am murdered.
Okay. So both abilities are activated upon your death. Your play and claims are all over the place but I'll believe you for now - but having both abilities being tied to getting killed is all sorts of weird.

My vote stays on Usopp for now. I don't trust you much though.
You asked who I wanted gone. Didn’t mean I thought he was scum. You also asked me that when I didn’t have formulated reads. Try again.

Also no? Are you slow? That was me sussing Nat before Nessos outed himself as indie & JW confirmed them as masons. Try harder or don’t post at all.

I killed you night one out of spite from the game before that when you were annoying as shit. This was clearly not a spite kill lmfao.
no u killed me cuz i was the only one going after u lol, u even mentioned it after

but in this game killing me will make it too obvious. i really doubt ur town vig

either sk like k mafia or the one sending faction kill.
I don't know if he's revealed all of his abilities, but I think I believe him having that particular ability he mentioned.

I have no problem voting Usopp, Nessos or Xebec, I'd just prefer the option that doesn't have a chance of killing me and has a chance of picking up steam.
... You kinda seem scared to me.
So... Sinraven and Ali are fearless and don't mind taking the bullet, but you're scared for your life?
no u killed me cuz i was the only one going after u lol, u even mentioned it after

but in this game killing me will make it too obvious. i really doubt ur town vig

either sk like k mafia or the one sending faction kill.
What the hell are you talking about? If Hayumi lied about being Vig, the real vig will kill her on the spot (and hopefully avoid counter claiming). It's THAT SIMPLE.
I mean the way you described your role, it could still function if the vig were to target you.

Nothing about it screams town. The fact that you claimed also bothers me. You talked about mechanics a lot, so I’m sure you’re familiar with strategy as well. Claiming vengeful townie under duress is an awful play and not a town play at all. As a town role you have to work uphill to use your ability to nab someone. I know because I had a similar role as super saint.

The connection you have with Usopp isn’t good either.

@Dragon D Xebec
If we go past the whether we think his claim is true or not.

Why would he reveal his abilities as town was planning to lynch/vig him? Wouldn't he have had more success if either of those actions went through?
No because scums still lose a member in that case.

To me it screams like "Don't lynch/Vig me, please, OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!"

Not Town-ish at all.
I don't see how people trusting me means I'm powerwolfing. I'm hardly doing anything all this game, openly admit I haven't read half of what's going on and am voting people for the literal stupidest reasons.

I think people just trust me because I'm open with my thought processes or am otherwise just a very likable person :catlove

I ain't actively trying to lead town or anything. Do you even know what powerwolfing means???
u almost got cooler lynched based on "lol"

people definitely trust u for some reason

ur currently either town leader or powerwolf
then ur saying both cooler and denim are killed by mafia/sk?

cuz no way nitty puts 2 vigs. last game he had none.

ok then brings me to my point. why do ppl think denim and not cooler was the mafia kill?

how the fk r u guys vouching this hard for hayumi i dont understand
The WoT game was a different flavor. Stop comparing them. Jesus. The entire format was different.
Did Usopp advocate for a lynch on you? Where?
nessos's flip will determine ur fate too

Directly jumping in to defend Usopp, interisting :bloblick

Btw my flip would only tell you that I told the truth about JW targeting Natalija through me.
But that wouldn't clear them as Townys. I mean JW could also be role cop and that got Natalijas role or even worse with JW being actually a CL instead of masoner.
I mean the way you described your role, it could still function if the vig were to target you.

Nothing about it screams town. The fact that you claimed also bothers me. You talked about mechanics a lot, so I’m sure you’re familiar with strategy as well. Claiming vengeful townie under duress is an awful play and not a town play at all. As a town role you have to work uphill to use your ability to nab someone. I know because I had a similar role as super saint.

The connection you have with Usopp isn’t good either.

@Dragon D Xebec
And what I mean by the vig targeting you, is that if your role was mafia aligned & you were targeted for a kill, it would give your faction an extra bonus.

Your role can work perfectly mafia aligned as well.
If we go past the whether we think his claim is true or not.

Why would he reveal his abilities as town was planning to lynch/vig him? Wouldn't he have had more success if either of those actions went through?
Many reasons. He is staying alive longer this way, and if he can slither for long enough and then, once confirmed scum down the line, he still takes down 1 town - and 1 for 1 is a lot worse when it's, say, 3 scum vs 5 town vs 1 indie.

Gotta work but I'll catch up with everything later again.
yea what about it? it rnged to that
i dont have control over it

ur rly gna build a case over that when my ability is more useful than anything u have done the entire game? :smilepepe
And what have you done besides pollute the thread with your tinfoil ideas?

I don’t think you’ve gotten a single like or agreed rating this game. Meanwhile I’m solving shit like I’m mystery inc. We are not the same, darling!
Dunno why you trust Xebec so much when his day 1 activity has been mostly talking about mechanics, defending his view of his mechanics, 1 post about reads in which he was asked to give, he didn't do it proactively, and voted Denim to save himself from getting 2 invisible votes from the game rules. Like... where???
because his being framed and scum read by the people i scum read.
i was neutral on him day 1 but im more lean town on him today

ppl r just trying to go for easy lynches like me and him is what i see today
u see this nonesense?

im not gna allow a xebec lynch
go hayumi

i dont buy that one bit

ur an sk are u not? thats how u do when sk, kill ur voters

u were maybe scared melkor does an action on u, and u didnt wanna kill me cuz its TOO obvious?

is that right? :dotell

the vig is the one that killed denim/cooler. i doubt we have more than 1 vig
I’m a town with the ability to fcking kill. Does that not make me a vig??? I killed melkor.
Hero's right though.

As a Vengeful town, you shouldn't really expose that kind of ability imo.
That's the kind of thing you do as scum, I completely agree with it. As town you'd want to keep it a secret. Especially this game, where there's a consequence to not voting, everyone will be pressured to vote. But now, we gotta invest how people reacted to his claim and who got scared :dotell
Who even said the lynch wasn't RNG tho lol
when cypher and LG were lynched nitty clearly stated its RNG lynch last game

this time nitty literally brought a fken spreadsheet with the votes and coulda easily said its rng if it was, but he didnt mention it

did u do something to ur vote? like can u hide ur vote?? pretend its on hayumi but its actually on cypher??

u guys wanted it, imma fken give it to u

here it is tinfoil mode on :dankfoil
That's the kind of thing you do as scum, I completely agree with it. As town you'd want to keep it a secret. Especially this game, where there's a consequence to not voting, everyone will be pressured to vote. But now, we gotta invest how people reacted to his claim and who got scared :dotell

DDL (who was scum) voted Hero then unvoted him saying he didn't want to get killed. This was in Sin's Vanilla game.

Directly jumping in to defend Usopp, interisting :bloblick

Btw my flip would only tell you that I told the truth about JW targeting Natalija through me.
But that wouldn't clear them as Townys. I mean JW could also be role cop and that got Natalijas role or even worse with JW being actually a CL instead of masoner.
I see the narrative you're trying to build :skully . I looked back on that post, and as far as I read, that post was in attack of Natalija with a slight mention of how your flip might determine something:
i think cooler was the mafia kill imo, melkor is sk and denim is vig kill

how did u know she was town tho? she played so bad

also im sry i am replying to the thread from behind cuz on phone. trying to answer everything

anyway JW confirmed so its either u both r town or u both r scum together

i find it funny that u both r some of the ppl that town read cypher aswell lmao

nessos's flip will determine ur fate too

But of course you cut out the context of the post. I already said that along with you, Xebec and Usopp are my top two scum-reads, but the fact that you're now reaching this hard to stay alive for one more phase, I'm definitely leaving my vote on you :pepehype
u talking to me? i have a passive and and active that i didnt use

as for xebec it seems to be an active, he choses a voter of his, or am i getting it wrong?
He said it was a passive. And then he mentioned Madara having only one ability, as his defense to me questioning him having no actives. So he clearly portrayed the idea that he had just a passive, and no active, and I'm calling you to make you realize what he's saying. Kinda odd how you're answering this now with his current explanation? Dodging? :dotell
when cypher and LG were lynched nitty clearly stated its RNG lynch last game
Yeah you are right with this. But scum couldn't expect that LM messes with SinRaven Vote.
-> thus we shouldn't expect that it was meant to save Hayumi.

And we also know that the one who should have 3 votes alongside Cypher 1.0 end up flipping Town (talking about Cooler)

-> high chance that either @Melodie or you have Double vote power. (Actually means Melodie since you say you are not responsible for Vote fuckery)

Double(+) votepower often a scum passive, but it is not really alignment indicative.

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