Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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:rengescust Here comes the typical “YoU wAnT IndIE LynChed?” Yes bitch, especially when almost every time an indie gains trust, they mess with shit and fuck town over. They can cause just as much trouble for us as mafia. Mafia would arguably want them kept around at the rate of eliminating townies we started with.
This^. Especially since he claimed harmless, but his abilities aren't harmless at all.
:rengescust Here comes the typical “YoU wAnT IndIE LynChed?” Yes bitch, especially when almost every time an indie gains trust, they mess with shit and fuck town over. They can cause just as much trouble for us as mafia. Mafia would arguably want them kept around at the rate of eliminating townies we started with.

And you aren’t just a survivor. You can manipulate actions. Are you fucking retarded :rotfl @Nessos

Of course I want you gone.
It's wonderful to see how you two are always on the same page.
You used your ability to redirect JW to Nat

You said you don’t know JW’s original target

Then you claim JW original target would have been Nat

Both of these can’t be right.

Moreover, I disagree. If you didn’t manipulate the action that means you did NOT redirect. Your ability claims to give you a point if you redirect an action, not allow an action to happen.
@Nessos And don’t forget to answer this.
Can't we force @Nessos to use his ability to our advantage?

Say if he redirects a town action to a Mafia one and vice versa he won't get points right?
We can’t force Nessos to do anything. We have to simply trust him and take his word for results and confer with/cross examine that with other players. If kept alive, I would suggest just keeping him roleblocked but at that point, just kill him.
We can’t force Nessos to do anything. We have to simply trust him and take his word for results and confer with/cross examine that with other players. If kept alive, I would suggest just keeping him roleblocked but at that point, just kill him.

That's way too risky and too much of a stretch to actually benefit us.

Ok makes sense.

Not worth it then.
She said scum tried to save me because I was talked at end of day phase yesterday which doesn't make sense because only Denim sus me and I only had one vote. Moreover Cypher and LM read me as town yesterday. usopp also defended me regardless of my meta, I always ask about mechanic on day one. It was Cooler who got saved since SinRaven vote on Cooler was moved on Hayumi.
Ok, well I did a quick name search and it's not true that only Denim suspected you, Cooler did as well. He even seemed pretty desperate at trying to interest someone in your lynch.

Cypher and LM town reading you doesn't really mean anything since another confirmed townie, Dragomir, did not see you as town.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that Usopp defends you regardless of your meta; are you saying that he doesn't look at your meta at all? Why would he do that on day 1? Sure you ask mechanical questions, but you also have a habit of asking others for their opinion and I haven't seen this at all this game, so it's striking me as odd.

Well, Cooler was definitely saved to as a way to frame, though I think Nessos mentioned it could have also been an action from one of the dead townies? I didn't check their role description.

Finally, I also found it odd how you talked about vote manipulation as if you were pretty sure it was an ability with a drawback, and that it would be too weird to use it day 1 to save you. It really did sound like a TMI. Anyway it's been used, so scum aren't afraid of using it day 1, which means its probably not that precious of an ability. Assuming this doesn't have anything to do with abilities of the dead townies, I'd need to look at it again.

[Vote Lynch Xebec]
[Vote lynch Hero]

See this as selfpersistent Vote.
But I tell you the ones focusing hard on claimed Indies used to be Mafia.
This is both bad logic and a convenient excuse all wrapped into one. Your abilities, by your own admission, are tailormade to go after whoever is the majority at the time. At this point you're more help to mafia than town.

Yet, I don't think we should waste a lynch on @Nessos if we can prioritize someone who will net us more info. Nessos has already claimed his role, many player seeming to take his word for it, and he didn't have any real strong stances before as far as I can see besides that spat with Shrike.
I use my ability to let JW target Natalija.
I definetly used my ability. But I neither know JW original target nor the ability he used.
I only knew that I didn't receive a point.

(Even so JW original target would have been Natalija, my ability should have been counted as used)

You used your ability to redirect JW to Nat

You said you don’t know JW’s original target

Then you claim JW original target would have been Nat

Both of these can’t be right.

Moreover, I disagree. If you didn’t manipulate the action that means you did NOT redirect. Your ability claims to give you a point if you redirect an action, not allow an action to happen.
Can someone give an opinion on this
To be fair, you could have been lynched very easily yesterday. Cooler was down to vote you along with Denim. If I would have agreed to it, there would have been at least three votes on you.
Ok, well I did a quick name search and it's not true that only Denim suspected you, Cooler did as well. He even seemed pretty desperate at trying to interest someone in your lynch.

Cypher and LM town reading you doesn't really mean anything since another confirmed townie, Dragomir, did not see you as town.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that Usopp defends you regardless of your meta; are you saying that he doesn't look at your meta at all? Why would he do that on day 1? Sure you ask mechanical questions, but you also have a habit of asking others for their opinion and I haven't seen this at all this game, so it's striking me as odd.

Well, Cooler was definitely saved to as a way to frame, though I think Nessos mentioned it could have also been an action from one of the dead townies? I didn't check their role description.

Finally, I also found it odd how you talked about vote manipulation as if you were pretty sure it was an ability with a drawback, and that it would be too weird to use it day 1 to save you. It really did sound like a TMI. Anyway it's been used, so scum aren't afraid of using it day 1, which means its probably not that precious of an ability. Assuming this doesn't have anything to do with abilities of the dead townies, I'd need to look at it again.

[Vote Lynch Xebec]
^ that’s exactly what I was saying earlier.
This is both bad logic and a convenient excuse all wrapped into one. Your abilities, by your own admission, are tailormade to go after whoever is the majority at the time. At this point you're more help to mafia than town.

Yet, I don't think we should waste a lynch on @Nessos if we can prioritize someone who will net us more info. Nessos has already claimed his role, many player seeming to take his word for it, and he didn't have any real strong stances before as far as I can see besides that spat with Shrike.
I’m still down for nessos, but Xebec or Ussop both seem like great options.
Ok, well I did a quick name search and it's not true that only Denim suspected you, Cooler did as well. He even seemed pretty desperate at trying to interest someone in your lynch.

Cypher and LM town reading you doesn't really mean anything since another confirmed townie, Dragomir, did not see you as town.

I'm not sure what you mean by saying that Usopp defends you regardless of your meta; are you saying that he doesn't look at your meta at all? Why would he do that on day 1? Sure you ask mechanical questions, but you also have a habit of asking others for their opinion and I haven't seen this at all this game, so it's striking me as odd.

Well, Cooler was definitely saved to as a way to frame, though I think Nessos mentioned it could have also been an action from one of the dead townies? I didn't check their role description.

Finally, I also found it odd how you talked about vote manipulation as if you were pretty sure it was an ability with a drawback, and that it would be too weird to use it day 1 to save you. It really did sound like a TMI. Anyway it's been used, so scum aren't afraid of using it day 1, which means its probably not that precious of an ability. Assuming this doesn't have anything to do with abilities of the dead townies, I'd need to look at it again.

[Vote Lynch Xebec]
What are your thoughts on others, Lemon
This is both bad logic and a convenient excuse all wrapped into one. Your abilities, by your own admission, are tailormade to go after whoever is the majority at the time. At this point you're more help to mafia than town.

Yet, I don't think we should waste a lynch on @Nessos if we can prioritize someone who will net us more info. Nessos has already claimed his role, many player seeming to take his word for it, and he didn't have any real strong stances before as far as I can see besides that spat with Shrike.
Yup I agree. Considering he flat out claimed indie, I feel like it would be kinda odd to just vote him up now? I mean, it's like wanting the dayphase to end early. Ain't mafia a priority anyway?

My opinion is that, we leave the Nessos lynch until the very end of dayphase, if nothing truly incriminating comes up. I think we need to see as much of other people as possible.
What are your thoughts on others, Lemon
It's a little hard to read people I've never played with, but here's some thoughts:
- I'm feeling meh about Sinraven
- Hero looks very aggressive and I'm not completely sure it's a townie kind of aggressive. Plus the Nessos push feels too easy, unless it's a strat.
- Not sure how I feel about Cypher 2.0, I wanna say she leans town? But I'm not as sure as last phase.
- Melodie saying asking a specific person what they think of Usopp (? I think) and disappearing, is just bizarre af. If you don't have a lot of time to play, why ask someone's opinion instead of writing your own?
I’m still down for nessos, but Xebec or Ussop both seem like great options.
I’m sorry my dear, but you are up for elimination @Go D. Usopp
Then you claim JW original target would have been Nat
I never claimed this, why you keep twisting my words. All I said was that targeted JW letting JW target Natalija and that Indon't know JWs original target.

Why you keep twisting stuff?

I’ve been playing mafia on THIS forum longer than most people in this thread. This claim is false as fuck :lmao
I also played Mafia for years. And in These years this was used as standard tatctic for scum to lay Low.

And you aren’t just a survivor. You can manipulate actions. Are you fucking retarded :rotfl @Nessos

Of course I want you gone.
Yeah Survivor was the wrong Term. Since I actually have a wincon thats Not surviving. Neutral benign or neutral chaos fits better. I can definetly win with Town.

I bet Hero won't do anything this phase, but twisting my stuff acting like he is scumhunting.

I can Just repeat myself: I am Towns bitch!
Majority can tell me who I shall redirect.

Lord Melkor (Nara Shikamaru) died during the night.

Nara Shikamaru 奈良シカマル
alignment: innocent

[One Shot Active - Hikaridama] -
Shikamaru can activate this ability during the night to prepare a special strategy using his flash bombs. The following day, Kagemane no Jutsu can be used on up to 3 players.

[Active - Kagemane no Jutsu] - During the day, Shikamaru can bind another player inside his shadow, forcing them to mimic his vote. At the end of the day, the vote tally will show that Shikamaru's target is voting for the same player as Shikamaru.​
Ok looking back, I really doubt that Melkor didn't use this vote manipulation active, it's his only ability that isn't a one shot. Plus his vote was on Hayumi. I think this was his doing, and not mafia.
Why was LM targeting Hayumi again?
From what I see, it was kind of a dare? Like he was trying to show Usopp he could be more active. He did question someone on what they thought of Hayumi, I don't remember who.
I can become a little more eager though.

[Change vote Lynch Hayumi]
Then he said he wanted to vote Cypher 1.0 but he came back when the votes were locked.
I use my ability to let JW target Natalija.
I definetly used my ability. But I neither know JW original target nor the ability he used.
I only knew that I didn't receive a point.

(Even so JW original target would have been Natalija, my ability should have been counted as used)
Lie to me again @Nessos

Don’t ever come for a gay & his receipts!!

English is my FIRST language so I know wtf I read. If you made a typo and meant the word IF, just say that.

I read “even so” as “either way”
From what I see, it was kind of a dare? Like he was trying to show Usopp he could be more active. He did question someone on what they thought of Hayumi, I don't remember who.

Then he said he wanted to vote Cypher 1.0 but he came back when the votes were locked.
So he voted Hayumi and used his ability to switch a vote to Hayumi on a dare? Is there really nothing else :becel ?
The only thing that could maybe be considered trustworthy from Nessos claim imo is that he is doffy. Everything else should be taken with heavy grains of salt.
Considering how strong some of the dead townies have been, especially Cypher 1.0's role, a single redirection ability for an indie seems way too weak. He's definitely not revealed all of his cards.
So you keep laying low not doing anything?

Btw what are you doing if @John Wayne claimed he Masoner with @Natalija and that Natalija wasn't his original target.

Will you admit that you created a while load of shit that was only there to confuse Town?
I still have yet to ISO the posts of Usopp, Xebec, Shrike, & Vivo. But I’m Christmas shopping (now) & playing Pokémon (later)

As long as you admit that your English started all of this, sure.
I don’t even have three “scum reads” tbh but all the people I’d be fine with lynching first in no particular order:
Ussop (annoying af)
Melkor (seems to be trying to contribute but isn’t really tbh. Also he seemed eager to make me an alternative wagon from flower as soon as Ussop sussed both me and him)
Flower ( a lot of information gained)

ok first. u only want me gone cuz i am annoying :smilepepe

and second melkor is not eager in anything. he just mentioned ur name like once as a good 2nd wagon. u cant say thats "eager" :smilepepe

third u say cyphers lynch will give good info but i dont see ur vote there?? nice bus attempt? :smilepepe
I can become a little more eager though.

[Change vote Lynch Hayumi]
@Vivo Diez Ok so above is the context for the whole "dare thing", which reading more deeply into Melkor's posts, it's pretty obvious that he didn't actually randomly vote Hayumi, there was a reason behind it, which was also something I noticed and wrote in my first reads.

It was the initial reads that Hayumi game; they we're all positive:
Hayumi mentioned several people he thinks are town, no mafia leans.

You do not really get what i meant or are just playing with words?
I do not like how there are no counterwagons to Cypher, even though she seems suss to me. How about Hayumi?
Problem is that i now remember i have wrongly read Hayumi as scum in the past....

I am also not fan on John Wayne so far, any thoughts on him?
So he also had John Wayne, but wasn't really pushing. I think he was gone for a while after that, and then wanted to vote Cypher but was too late.

But now I'm really wondering why he chose Sinraven out of all people to copy his vote. Was Cooler actually tied with Cypher at the time? Well anyway, don't think that really matters, could have just chosen someone random that had their vote on Cooler.
As long as you admit that your English started all of this, sure.
I won't. I don't think my initial posts can be missunderstood.

I still see you as the one trying hard to Twist stuff. Waiting for typos or spelling errors to back up your shit.

Tbh anyone really thinking that this is sth. a Towny would do is a guilible idiot.

But who is going to listen to an Indie anyway.
I won't. I don't think my initial posts can be missunderstood.

I still see you as the one trying hard to Twist stuff. Waiting for typos or spelling errors to back up your shit.

Tbh anyone really thinking that this is sth. a Towny would do is a guilible idiot.

But who is going to listen to an Indie anyway.
If a native speaker couldn’t understand the point you were trying to make, it’s a problem sweetie. Sorry to break it to ya.
I'm not against lynching Nessos, but I feel like we should let him live for at least one more cycle? See what info he can gather us.

If he's speaking the truth even about parts of his role, we should see it when he flips and then we'll know what of his info can be used. I doubt he's a threat this early in the game
And risk him messing with our actions? His role benefits from Townies causing other Townies harm and if he's an Indie, he doesn't know who is scum either, so he is nothing but a liability. That's like playing Town of Salem and asking the Witch for help who has to harm Town.

Sorry, but if he's not lynched today we block or role crush him into oblivion. He's just a risk.
I'm not against lynching Nessos, but I feel like we should let him live for at least one more cycle? See what info he can gather us.

If he's speaking the truth even about parts of his role, we should see it when he flips and then we'll know what of his info can be used. I doubt he's a threat this early in the game
Unless he find the vigilante and kills a townie, and looking at the number of deaths, seems like we are pretty lucky with the roles town has, which means he could get lucky too.

I'd be fine with him getting vigged this dp. If he's immune, like Cypher said, we obviously know he didn't show all of his cards, and could be harmful.

The best info he can give us is if he somehow manages to find the mafia killing and redirect them. The odds though...

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