Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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I skimmed the thread. Y’all haven’t said shit that isn’t already known. I am town and you already know who I am.

I roleblocked attempted Sin last night. Since there were so many kills day 1, I wanted to confirm the Sin and Cooler theory. Besides, he was playing very lax and not really doing all the much within the second phase when there was so much to dig apart.
Is that so?

Because you and Melodie visited Sin last night, and now he's dead.
I skimmed the thread. Y’all haven’t said shit that isn’t already known. I am town and you already know who I am.

I roleblocked attempted Sin last night. Since there were so many kills day 1, I wanted to confirm the Sin and Cooler theory. Besides, he was playing very lax and not really doing all the much within the second phase when there was so much to dig apart.
sin is immune to roleblocks lol thats a bit too convenient
I just told you I tried to roleblock sin. Get off my dick. If you think I’m scum, lynch me. This is the last time I’m speaking to you.

I have 1 passive which is the same as cypher’s & 1 active which I told you I used.
Don't be a sensitive princess, you asked for a rundown and I have you one. We're waiting on Melodie to speak about it too, and then we'll see.
How many people are actually buying this bomber claim?
I'll be honest, I'm leaving it alone for now. There are more suspicious people than Xebec rn: Hayumi, Hero, Melodie. I think arguing with him won't get us anywhere, just a ton of time wasting back and forth. We need a night action to confirm ideas of his alignment and until then I don't think he's a good lynch candidate.

There are tons more people that layed low from the crazy amount of attention he had yesterday.
Read the mechanics.
I did

"Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role."

All this says is that a specific member performs the faction kill each night and that scum gets to decide who gets what role. It doesn't say a role performs it but a member.
I did

"Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role."

All this says is that a specific member performs the faction kill each night and that scum gets to decide who gets what role. It doesn't say a role performs it but a member.
Still only one kill.
Faction kills are carried out by a specific member of the Mafia.

This heavily implies there is only one killer.

That's why Nessos was there as an Anti-Town Indie and that's why Town has this many increase the amount of Town kills for balance reasons.
Think about why this would be bad though. It would be straight up unfun for the mafia to entierly depend on one person to do all there dirty work. You want to give all sides the ability to win and doing it the way you described is risky because it severely goes against this. Its far more likely they as a faction have one kill and get to pick who does it.
I skimmed the thread. Y’all haven’t said shit that isn’t already known. I am town and you already know who I am.

I roleblocked attempted Sin last night. Since there were so many kills day 1, I wanted to confirm the Sin and Cooler theory. Besides, he was playing very lax and not really doing all the much within the second phase when there was so much to dig apart.
> i tried to roleblock the unroleblockable character that turned up dead lol oopsie daisy dearie me

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