Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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That's not how it works.

Scums: Prioritize important Townies.

Townies: Shouldn't have a blocker anymore at this point. And our confirmed Town blocker didn't block you the night before.

So ya, GG revealing yourself as scum.
Because smart important townies totally should scream out that they are important always totally no potential to backfire Kappa

And why should townies not have a blocker? You think no is keeping things to themselves?
I think I found what might have happened with that by the way. One moment.

ok r u done yet? what did u find out? mind sharing?

This sounds disgusting.
well the way i said it sounded bad but its not that bad

ugh i mea

i cant even speak english properly lol. just think of some alien octopus looking virus that enters the brain and controls it lol

not my fav movie genra but hey lmao

also, irrelevant sidenote, why the fuck does cypher have 600 posts :dead

yo if this was prime usopp i wuda been at 1k messages now :ufdup

but alas bit busy these days lol
Nah, you'll see why when I flip.

The clues are there, don't just go with the gut feeling.

Juan is framing me, clear as day.

I literally went out and started talking so that town doesn't waste time.

I could have just kept silent all dayphase and be honest with yourself now - Melodie would get lynched and not me.
i want more info on both of u to decide. i could see this as an attempt by juan to steer the wagon from melodie to you tbh :hm
doubt he will succeed tho the way its going lol. melody flips scum he looks much worst tbh. melody flips town u r dead meat.

i think shes 99% flipping scum making juan looks way worse but does not make u much better. scum is clearly just busing her at this point lol. shes a goner lmao

He didn't, I am sure he's framing. There should be no interaction between you as per my result.

No, not claiming. It won't achieve shit. I am still useful to town, so no. Lynch me if you must. But read my previous reply to you and you'll see that your gut feeling is saying that Juan is framing. You'll see, anyway.
you should actully cooperate and claim b4 next day or u will be next in line tbh

we cant afford to mislynch so no i cant just lynch u for info if u r town. i need u to give me the info b4 i lynch u or to help me decide who to move on. this aint helping u at all fam.

juan tracking ability is confirmed true. now whether he is scum tracker or not is still up for debate, but ur claim is not even confirmed so might wanna give us info on what u did last nights so we can atleast confirm ur claim lol
that does sound like an usopp role :dank
im thinking if he does the faction kill he shoots from far making him untrackable lol

and he can maybe shoot midori boshi: devil an attack that grows plants to roleblock people

the usopp role nitty did on members mafia could roleblock 3 people and add one more target each night iirc lol

i do not recall alibaba claiming any night action nor was he being tracked or watched anywhere lol

he is actually straight up cruising by undetected for free, without even scum hunting :hestonpls
for that and for next day
we probably need everyone to full on mass claim
while i dont like the idea of mass claims, we might need to for next phase since we are getting closer to end game.

if melodie is scum, this would make things easier. If she isnt scum and isnt the double voter then I will have to reconsider Hayumi. I feel like town is getting played somewhere and its bothering me

i prob shouldnt focused on mechanics so much tho eh.

Melodie: Scum unless some f***ery is going on.

Shrike/Juan: One of them is scum. Lean Shrike because he still acts like it's not completely sure Juan is scum which would be crystal clear for him if Town. While Juan acts like it's clear Shrike is scum. Juan also acted like he was proud of being a driving force behind the Hero lynch yesterday. Which would be completely weird for somebody to do if they know Hero is a Town lynch.

And then you have Shrike who threw shades at me last DP and keeps throwing them, despite Hero's flip confirming me as Town.

Nah, fam, you're going down next.
Not that sure tbf. If Melodie is scum, then he probably isn't because he wanted to CFD her yesterday when Hero was set in stone.

I think he's just always chaotic.


Or he just tried hard enough to distance himself from her but not hard enough to definitely push for Melodie lynch.

Anyway I don't know about Melodie since I didn't really paid attention to it. But you seem pretty sure so I'll go with you.

All I know is Vivo and Shrike should take a permanent vacation in the guillotine :foxlove

Or he just tried hard enough to distance himself from her but not hard enough to definitely push for Melodie lynch.

Anyway I don't know about Melodie since I didn't really paid attention to it. But you seem pretty sure so I'll go with you.

All I know is Vivo and Shrike should take a permanent vacation in the guillotine :foxlove
Why don't you answer my question?

How do you know Vivo and I are scum? Where did you get it from?
Why didn't you watch John Wayne or Hayumi, though? Why Kvothe of all people who isn't even semi confirmed and not even priority for scum if Town?
I explained it already. Kvothe was the ONLY active scumhunter after Nat died. And I thought that she was likely to be targeted, which was a wrong hunch.

It was me who told you people to stfu about susing Nat and JW after YOU kept tunneling and wasting half a day phase talking random shit.

Tell me of your accomplishments.

Like...had you actually watched ANY of them we would have the scum blocker/role crusher now. Even watching me would have done the trick.
Oh wow I wasted one ability because my hunch was wrong, says a person who wasted a strong town roll by blabbering all d1 and not being able to fend the lynch off. Seriously, shut the fuck up.
I explained it already. Kvothe was the ONLY active scumhunter after Nat died. And I thought that she was likely to be targeted, which was a wrong hunch.

It was me who told you people to stfu about susing Nat and JW after YOU kept tunneling and wasting half a day phase talking random shit.

Tell me of your accomplishments.

Oh wow I wasted one ability because my hunch was wrong, says a person who wasted a strong town roll by blabbering all d1 and not being able to fend the lynch off. Seriously, shut the fuck up.
Are insults all you can come up with to defend yourself? That's petty.

And it's yet again...NOT MY FAULT I WASTED MY FIRST ROLE. The lynch didn't even RNG, this was deliberately directed to me. Period.
kvothe is (or was, whatever) one of the few people left unconfirmed for me in the game, so obviously, i followed her :drake
Oh really? Who was confirmed then, because I see ZERO scum caught or outed.

Somebody with such good reads is now all over the place and suspecting people back simply because they suspect him like he's panicking. That's how this feels like and that's what you're doing since last Day Phase.

Not my fault, stop acting like it is. Thank you.
I am not throwing omgsus. I know I am town. We are in the late game and ALL scum are alive. I must throw sus at people like Juan and Alibaba. Alibaba might just be talking random hunches but Juan is very strategically lying.

I town read you, usopp, kvothe, jw. The rest are all sus to me, of course.
Oh really? Who was confirmed then, because I see ZERO scum caught or outed.

I am not throwing omgsus. I know I am town. We are in the late game and ALL scum are alive. I must throw sus at people like Juan and Alibaba. Alibaba might just be talking random hunches but Juan is very strategically lying.

I town read you, usopp, kvothe, jw. The rest are all sus to me, of course.
So how do Kvothe's and Juan's actions match, then? She can't visit, he didn't see her visit anyone.

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