Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Yeah, I'm off watching Darling in the Franxx now.

It's statement vs statement now, but first we have to deal with Melodie anyway and solve this thingy.

Don't really know what good it would do for either Juan or Shrike to lie like that anyway. Doesn't even make sense unless Shrike thought nobody targetted Kvothe anyway since half the Town was blocked or Juan somehow thinks it's a good idea to counter claim Shrike after the latter has already claimed.
Sorry I'm late folks.

- @Melodie is telling the truth about being roleblocked at least.
- @Cypher I noticed @Shrike, @nfcnorth and some others will actually give nuanced points and arguments and you will completely jump on their case, but @Juan or @Alibaba Saluja will just claim something with no argument and you completely go along with what they're saying. Doesn't that seem out of the ordinary?
- @nfcnorth any particular reason you've avoided voting each phase?

he does this as either town or mafia where he skips out first day. Anything after that is often a red flag
Hmm. He didn't vote d1. Voted d2. Didn't vote d3. Hard to keep track with Nitty not bothering with threadmarks anymore :reeee
Can you elaborate? It doesn't exactly make her innocent but the fact no one is out right saying they roleblock her makes me nervous
I sent a roleblock her way. Doesn't mean it didn't get ignored tho, but her claim I at least can say something about. The rest of this roleblock fiesta smells sussy.
Hmm. He didn't vote d1. Voted d2. Didn't vote d3. Hard to keep track with Nitty not bothering with threadmarks anymore :reeee

I sent a roleblock her way. Doesn't mean it didn't get ignored tho, but her claim I at least can say something about. The rest of this roleblock fiesta smells sussy.
the vote on d2 is essentially null for me because yes he voted for an outed indie and it doesnt give any cred.

But ok good to know.
Sorry I'm late folks.

- @Melodie is telling the truth about being roleblocked at least.
- @Cypher I noticed @Shrike, @nfcnorth and some others will actually give nuanced points and arguments and you will completely jump on their case, but @Juan or @Alibaba Saluja will just claim something with no argument and you completely go along with what they're saying. Doesn't that seem out of the ordinary?
- @nfcnorth any particular reason you've avoided voting each phase?
Tbh I simply take more convincing than most to put my vote on someone. None of the main wagons have struck my fancy tbh.
@nfcnorth what did you do n1?
I targeted Nessos.
An info gathering ability.

You answered your own question

Why wouldn't a town or mafia rb look my way because this? Always be ware of the silent ones as both sides.
Buddy, as somebody who is scum, usually, let me tell you this:

Nobody cares about the silent ones. Nobody. They're good kill targets at max since no protection, but not worth a role block when there are semi confirmed Town to block.

And as for Town, there is a scum Melodie to block.
Don't you think that not committing to a vote so you don't get questioned about it later a scummy looking tactic?
Tbf I don't care. People can think what they like. I am not making decisions because it makes me good or bad I am making decisions that I think lead to wins.

Buddy, as somebody who is scum, usually, let me tell you this:

Nobody cares about the silent ones. Nobody. They're good kill targets at max since no protection, but not worth a role block when there are semi confirmed Town to block.

And as for Town, there is a scum Melodie to block.
Silent townies can be the death of mafias if they get active though. Start planning around them not saying anything and all of a sudden they prove themselves and it can destroy your entire gameplan.

Also the kill argument kind of dies when you consider that they are good people to push lynches on. Why waste a perfectly good person for mafia to lynch?
if nfc is town, the people who would consider to block him 2 nights in a row are people who know him well with his playstyle. Alternatively, Juan could have some defense mechanism that blocks anyone who would use an investigation on him.

One problem I have with his claim is the nessos n1 targeting just cause following that day phase, he wasn't exactly leading the lynch with the information he got.
if nfc is town, the people who would consider to block him 2 nights in a row are people who know him well with his playstyle. Alternatively, Juan could have some defense mechanism that blocks anyone who would use an investigation on him.

One problem I have with his claim is the nessos n1 targeting just cause following that day phase, he wasn't exactly leading the lynch with the information he got.
Well it's not exactly the condemning type of info so :catshrug
I think this is a matter of individual discretion more than anything. Could be someone who thinks they have a stronger take on me over you.

Not impossible but

For this to be true:

1) Disregarding the active town

2) Disregarding the other inactive town

3) target this one specific inactive town just because.

Since it's not optimal play randomly selecting inactive targets.

Still not impossible but very unlikely.
@Shrike you're Usopp, right?
I won't answer another 1)role fishing - I said I won't claim with good reason even if it kills me 2)what makes you and usopp think that Usopp as a character is even in the game? Could be Perona.

Out of curiosity, is anyone actually against voting melodie? Because either the whole scum team is bussing tf out of her, or there’s some serious fuckery going on.
Ye. Could be lynchproof or has some kind of redirect.

Well, even if Juan blocked his visitors, then Shrike still should have seen him since he visited Kvothe, not Juan.
Yes, IF he indeed did it. Maybe he is lying as I said in the beginning.
I won't answer another 1)role fishing - I said I won't claim with good reason even if it kills me 2)what makes you and usopp think that Usopp as a character is even in the game? Could be Perona.

Ye. Could be lynchproof or has some kind of redirect.

Yes, IF he indeed did it. Maybe he is lying as I said in the beginning.
He obviously knows what Kvothe did, so he can't be lying unless they're scum buddies.
Not impossible but

For this to be true:

1) Disregarding the active town

2) Disregarding the other inactive town

3) target this one specific inactive town just because.

Since it's not optimal play randomly selecting inactive targets.

Still not impossible but very unlikely.
Point 1 doesn't actually make sense. It's actually because of active town being active and people feeling good about that fact it less likely they get targeted. Why target someone you feel good about with a real?

As for point two it comes down to the fact you kind of have to pick someone. Which largely depends on who you ask and what there reads are. Calling it random is inaccurate as there is some logic to it. Even if it is as simple as they have played more games with me than other people they are looking at.
anyways call me gullable or too trust worthy but I am not gonna shut people out just because I sus them. There could be valid explanations as to why nfc might've gotten blocked. It would explain the mass block + melodie block + nfc blocked if juan has some defense mechanism.
Melodie isn't acting town at all. I was pretty inactive most of the game as I was busy, but at least I kept throwing reads when I deemed I should. She barely said anything about anyone unless it's incriminating.

It's a total scum play tbh.

Nfc, maybe.

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