Game Holy Shōnen Trinity 5 (mafia wins!)

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Ok I'll share my wisdom with you


Vivo and Shrike are scum.

If Melodie or one of those doesn't flip scum then Usopp is definitely scum.

You're welcome
u mean usopp the role that u have right? :smugnon

I would bet in usopp since he seems chaotic like in ToG
thats my secret capt'n... i am always chaotic :hhh

same question to you @Melodie cause I have short term memory :bloboh
melodie watched me n1 but never sent a message i think

cuz she asked sin about me day 2 iirc
This whole thing is either a big clusterfuck or very simple and people are just confusing us.

Given how weak and nerfed Town roles are, I'm inclined to believe the latter is the case.

I would say Melodie, Shrike, Vivo and North are just the scum team, got caught and now they're spreading doubts.
call me paranoid but that just seems way too easy and considering how WoT went, I consider that a little too optimistic
Point 1 doesn't actually make sense. It's actually because of active town being active and people feeling good about that fact it less likely they get targeted. Why target someone you feel good about with a real?

As for point two it comes down to the fact you kind of have to pick someone. Which largely depends on who you ask and what there reads are. Calling it random is inaccurate as there is some logic to it. Even if it is as simple as they have played more games with me than other people they are looking at.

Me like the way you reason. You picked my interest about debating you. Let's go


1) That psychological reason may or may not be valid. People might take more pleasure in winning the game/the thought of it, than the entertainment they take from the "means"/during the game. As people play to win, this scenario I described is more likely than that one.

2) hmmm familiarity does indeed makes people more likely to think about us. I approve of this point if:

2.1) the scum team has played with you a lot more before (so it depends on how much you have played and who the scum team is). With the information available this is largely impossible to prove.

2.2) my point 1 gets completely discredited.
supposed claims so far

1. Alibaba Saluja - roleblock one shot, unknown ability
2. Shrike - inventor, deflector
3. Go D. Usopp - message, info gathering
4. Melodie - watcher, message
5. Dragon D Xebec - vengeful townie/bomb
6. Vivo Diez - roleblocker..?
7. Cypher 2.0 - ?
8. nfcnorth - info gathering ability
9. Hayumi - vig, might guy
10. Kvothe Kingkiller - no actives
11. Juan - tracker
12. John Wayne - masoner
Passive - Miss Wednesday] - Vivi is masquerading as a member of the criminal syndicate Baroque Works. If Vivi's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be guilty. If Vivi's role is investigated, she will appear as Miss Wednesday.

I think this is interesting to note. This ability implies Crocodile is possibly the Godfather of the Mafia team. Or part of it because the guilty check also shows Nat as part of the Baroque Works.
Passive - Miss Wednesday] - Vivi is masquerading as a member of the criminal syndicate Baroque Works. If Vivi's alignment is investigated, she will appear to be guilty. If Vivi's role is investigated, she will appear as Miss Wednesday.

I think this is interesting to note. This ability implies Crocodile is possibly the Godfather of the Mafia team. Or part of it because the guilty check also shows Nat as part of the Baroque Works.
interesting to note yea. It might be OP chars that are scum. We haven't seen Teach or Linlin yet have we?

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