Game Champions of Ardania Mafia

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Champions of Ardania Mafia (game over, mafia wins!)

A cool autumn breeze crept across the city, as if verbalizing the villagers' icy mood. The peasants were flocking to their homes, locking their doors and drawing their curtains in a vain attempt to protect themselves. A legendary band of villains, known only as the Scions of Chaos, had led a religious crusade across the countryside and left thousands dead. Now representatives from Ardania's guilds far and wide gathered in the palace courtyard, and they weren't leaving until somebody paid.

The agents of death refuse to step forward, instead electing to sew chaos from the inside by day and slaughter the kingdom's champions by night until they stand totally unopposed. Death is upon us.

  • [Nitty Scott] is your [moderator]. All of your actions will go through me and I will process them as soon as I can whenever I'm online.
  • The game is a semi-open setup. The names of the roles are available and the game will reveal their alignment.
  • Role revealing is technically allowed, but you will be punished harshly.
  • The game will consist of cycles. In each cycle there is a day phase and a night phase. During the day phase, everyone may talk amongst each other to decide on who to lynch that day and on who may be mafia. One reaction post is allowed at night. Don't push it.
  • DO NOT CONVERSE ABOUT THE GAME OUTSIDE OF THE THREAD UNLESS IN A MASON GROUP/MAFIA FACTION. If so, USE THE QUICK TOPIC PROVIDED. Masons and factions will communicate through the Quick Topics provided as so the [Moderator] can moderate.
  • I require at least one post per day phase. If you don't vote for anything during a phase, it is 2 votes for yourself. If you are busy that day, please forewarn me. I will allow one day of inactivity in the case of emergencies. If it happens a second time, you will be replaced.
  • For voting, use the [Vote Lynch Playername] format or I will not count it.
  • No editing. If I catch you, there's one warning, and then after that you die. Use your brains people...if you edit within a few seconds, it doesn't show up for me, I'm not a mod - don't put [edit]- in your post to explain what you're doing, it's like admitting to a cop right away that yes, officer, I was speeding, before he even asks.
  • The kill hierarchy: kills < superkills < modkills. Superkills burn through 1 layer of defense. For example is Bob were bulletproof, a kill would not work on him but a superkill would. But if Bob were also protected, that would count as 2 layers and the superkill would not work. Superkills only bypass protections and can still fail like regular kills.
  • Rules are subject to change. And subject to be added to as I see fit.

Player list

1. Space (Warrior of Discord)
2. Darth (Warrior)
3. Chaos (Cultist)
4. Immortal (Solarus)
5. Samavarti (Gnome)
6. familyparka (Priestess)
7. Shiny (Healer)
8. Psychic (Wizard)
9. Aladdin (Monk)
10. Baroxio (Adept)
11. Sir Absolute Justice (Ranger)
12. Mr. Waffles (Elf)
13. Hidden Nin (Paladin)
14. Santi (Rogue)
15. Young Master (Barbarian)
16. Degaforce (Dwarf)

Role list

1. Warrior (Darth)
2. Wizard (Psychic)
3. Ranger (Absolute Justice)
4. Rogue (Santi)
5. Paladin (Hidden Nin)
6. Warrior of Discord (Space)
7. Adept (Baroxio)
8. Barbarian (Young Master)
9. Cultist (Chaos)
10. Healer (Shiny)
11. Monk (Aladdin)
12. Priestess (familyparka)
13. Solarus (Immortal)
14. Dwarf (Degaforce)
15. Elf (Mr. Waffles)
16. Gnome (Samavarti)


Day One

Night One

Day Two

Night Two

Day Three

Night Three

Day Four

Night Four

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Sharp glares and harsh whispers darted across the courtyard. What had begun as a meeting of diplomacy was approaching an all-out brawl... gods were slandered, weapons were drawn, and a particularly unruly troglodyte was shouting about "gnome rights." As tensions began to climax, a vaguely familiar presence was felt; heads turned from rivals, instead focusing on the hunchbacked, long-haired old man that was entering the courtyard. Though his hood veiled his face, no cloth could mask the aura of power the man was emitting... or his unmistakable disdain towards having been distracted from his research. [Psychic] the [Wizard] has entered the congregation, accounting for the last of Ardania's guilds.

Day one has begun! You may now post.
You and I haven't met many times before, have we?

Because you know I never answer such questions unless truly needed. Immortal knows this as well, perhaps the reason why he asked such question to me only.

That being said, I see where this is going. I'm not going to let myself get d1'd or almost d1'd because my meta is what it is. So, yes.
Well I expected to see a bit more action than this.

Hidden you always lurk from what I've seen. Doesn't mean you haven't lurked harder in other games though. Can't believe I still haven't played a breaking bad mafia...

Well, thus far I believe space is town. Other than that, my reads thus far are pretty limited.
The Rocket Racoon and M.D. Bellaveaux do not lurk.

[Change Vote Lynch Degaforce]

I thought about it, and Shiny's spite vote was just a bit too out there for my taste. Feels like he's trying to get pressure onto someone besides Dega or Space, the only other two with votes. I'll believe Space is town for now, and apply pressure to Dega, who is more than likely scum who got off on the wrong foot. I don't even remember the games Shiny's talking about anymore, which kinda cements in my mind that he's just scapegoating Waffles' (semi) valid reason, in order to make his vote seem justified. Flawed as it is to vote out of spite.
I never took you for a fantasy fan, Nitty. Why did you decide to make a game of this theme all of a sudden? Speaking of fantasy genre, someone should totally do Heroes of Might and Magic IV game (fuck hipsters and their III). That would be friggin awesome. There's so many factions, races, characters, classes, artifacts and abilities. Lot's of potential for a fun role madness game.
When do I ever kill active players, Shiny?

And I hardly call AJ active when there are 5 players with more posts and a lot of players with the same amount of posts.

AJ always has his reads though, even with so few posts. Hell, I believe I even saw him post his reads on page 2 once or twice or always.

Defending your scummate, Shiny?
[Vote Lynch AJ]

Since when did you stop scumhunting and start posting fluff? The AJ I know would have a list with all of his scumreads already, even though it's still d1.

"The AJ I know," hmm? I am afraid you have been deluded, Space-kun... The 'Absolute Justice' you knew never existed to begin with.

When do I ever kill active players, Shiny?

And I hardly call AJ active when there are 5 players with more posts and a lot of players with the same amount of posts.

AJ always has his reads though, even with so few posts. Hell, I believe I even saw him post his reads on page 2 once or twice or always.

Defending your scummate, Shiny?

Enough talk *throws a knife at your chest*
So fluffy, I'm starting to think AJ has some sort of post restriction.

Also, don't say 'knife' or something in this game. People might start to think that's a Rogue hint or something.

You can believe that I have some sort of post restriction if it helps you sleep at night, but the truth is, I just don't have anything substantial to say. Do you?
I also have ran out of juice and in need of a break from mafia. I just don't have it in me to type long posts and scumhunt a lot anymore. Whatever thoughts I have, I mostly keep them to myself.

inb4 the incoming action is Space dying

That would be really hilarious.
The banging of a gong resonated through the courtyard, interrupting another heated religious debate. It was the signal that lunch was ready, courtesy of the sovereign that was hosting the congregation in an attempt to root out the Scions of Chaos. Now the representatives made their way through massive halls and across finely woven carpets, moving towards the different dining halls that had been designated according to religious beliefs so as to separate the rival guilds. All except for one dark skinned woman, who was instead busy stalking one particularly uncleanly man. When she suddenly intercepted his path, words were unnecessary; he drew his club and axe and bellowed with a mighty roar, but could not reach her before he was consumed by righteous fire. By the time his charred body dropped limply to the floor, she was nowhere to be found.

The [Solarus] has killed the [Barbarian] (Young Master).


Followers of Ardania's oldest religion, Barbarians worship Krolm, the Lord of the Wild. Barbarians loathe civilization and its trappings. Their berserk two weapon attacks have given them a reputation as brutally fierce fighters. Barbarians and the Rangers of Ardania have strong ties dating back to the treaty of Ravenswood.
[Passive - Kindred Spirits] - The Barbarian knows who the Ranger is and may communicate with him.
[One Shot Active - Rage Of Krolm] - The Barbarian may imbue the kingdom with the power of his ancient god, causing all abilities to bypass protections, roleblocks, redirections and immunities for one cycle.

Ardania's finest now gathered around a regal wooden table, surrounding the robed man as he drew his fingers across the small glass orb in front of him. The constant bickering of the other guilds— whose gods seemed dreadfully arbitrary to him— had driven him into action. Never one to turn down a good mystery, the elderly man captivated the room as his own power danced with that of the crystal ball's.

im not even scum this game

The [Wizard] has lie detected this post. Shiny is telling the truth.
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