Game Champions of Ardania Mafia

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Or he wants you to think that. :hmm

I can remember a game where CloudKicker died as scum, but then he acted like he didn't know he died and put out one last vote to one of his scummates to make him look less suspicious. Although this situation is different, it just proves scum is willing to do anything, even look 'sloppy', to look or make their scummate look innocent.

Although what CK did is technically cheating. :noworries
As for my own suspects as potential candidates thus far are purely based on the votes on Baroxio...

Degaforce- it appears that he was being helpful to town by declaring that lynching an inactive who has yet to post would be extremely non-beneficial to town as it gives us no fucking reads, and he's absolutely correct; however, for no apparent reason he his vote to Baroxio without any explanation as to why.
What I'm assuming happened here, is that in the first post Dega was posting as a veteran player who understand the mechanics of the game, then simply remembering he was mafia and that one of his teammates was potentially on the chopping block. Who was he trying to turn the lynch away from...?

Hidden Nin- Has had quite a few members suspecting him and was tied with 2 votes on him as well. I'd say the lynch was forced onto Baroxio in order to keep him clear.

Familyparka- Act between him and Dega seems staged. I believe strongly that they are working together. Also appears to have forced the vote on Baroxio to waste the dayphase.
I'm pretty much doomed at the moment unless I reveal, because town are blindly sheeping and coming in to place votes without contributing shit, Immortal is being an extreme baddie cop (honestly the 2nd worst cop play I've seen yet); however, like it is warned in the OP, there may be consequences for reveals.

I'm afraid of what sort of consequences town may suffer for reveals. It has not been uncommon recently for there to be abilities or rules that benefit from reveals, and there is already 2 or 3 other townies who are basically confirmed in the 2nd dayphase.
I sent an action in, so hopefully there will be a writeup coming in to further prove who I am, because I need to wake up at 7:00 AM, it's 2:00 AM, and I have neither the time nor the patience to talk to a bunch of god damned thumb suckers who aren't even reading what I'm saying or putting out any mental output.
Who do you think is the third mafia member out of the roles, Sant?? Because I looked over the roles and I agree with you, the Cultist and the Warrior of Discord sound most mafia like, but if I had to point out a third option it'd have to be Rogue (or indeed Miller, since that is the role most likely to scan guilty). All the other roles sound very town-like (although the Wizard was an indie so everything's possible).

Another theory I had was that the 'racial' roles (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome) were scum, but since the Warrior of Discord is one that isn't an option.
The pale skinned woman sat alone, her eyes shut tight and a dull hum emitting from her throat. She was meditating, attempting to elevate her consciousness. The sun beat against her skin, streaking lines of sweat down her face; and suddenly that heat seemed to intensify, as if the sun had fallen on top of her. And it might have, for her flesh was seared away in an instant, and she was finally delivered to her god.

The [Solarus] has killed the [Priestess] (familyparka)!



The sinister followers of Krypta goddess of death, Priestesses wield powerful necromantic spells. Krypta's followers do not acknowledge such mortal trivia such as titles or societal class. As a result, they have little respect for Ardania's nobility.
[Passive - Pestilence and Decay] - If the Priestess performs the faction kill, it will be janitored and she will be bulletproof that night and the following day.
[Active - Wither] - The Priestess can afflict one person each night, roleblocking them.
[One Shot Active - Necromancer] - The Priestess may resurrect one player as a mafia goon. The other players will not be told if they have switched alignment from their original role.

Across the palace, another woman raised her claymore high in the air, rippling with divine energy. "Dauros, lend us your light!"

Amid the heated discussion, he knew he wouldn't be missed... he crept away just long enough to reap something of value...

The [Rogue] has stolen an ability from [Absolute Justice]

The [Paladin] has revealed an action!

And in the commotion another rat of a man had snuck away, ascending a steep hill just outside the palace walls. He climbed until he felt he'd met with the sky, and then entered a dark trance, enveloping his victim in the shadow of his god.

The [Cultist] has role crushed Santi!
I was about to say I was not quite sure who to lynch between dega and parka, but the vig (gladly) ninja'd me. Good call there.
I guess dega's in the clear, for now. In my opinion their tango day one was way too much to actually be a mafia trick. They almost got eachother lynched, so I don't know.

I'll go back to Samavarti then. Lurking, yet claiming he is not following the game, not responding to my shoutouts while lurking and simply blending to the max. I've seen him do this countless times as scum.

[Vote Lynch Samavarti]
If anyone wants to dispute that I was the one who revealed that Santi used the action on AJ, now's the time. But yea, that was me. So onto who we think's suspicious. Is Aladdin confirmed? Because while I do have a feeling Dega's still someone to be looked at, Aladdin's also up there. Parka did switch her vote very quickly at the end of the phase. So between Aladdin, Dega, and Waffles, I think that's the last of the mafia.

I'll go back to Samavarti then. Lurking, yet claiming he is not following the game, not responding to my shoutouts while lurking and simply blending to the max. I've seen him do this countless times as scum.

[Vote Lynch Samavarti]
Farley sure i always lurk regardless of my alignment.
But anyway, i saw the phase had stared, read the first posts, saw your posts, but i was too tired and didn't feel like responding, and left.
It's been said that blood is as sacred as holy water... yet it made no difference as he poured the sticky red substance upon the altar and began his crazed dance...

"Fervus, reap these mortals!"

The [Cultist] has role crushed [Hidden Nin]!
Vote Count

Santi - 3

Darth - Santi
Shiny - Santi
Hidden Nin - Santi

Degaforce - 2

Immortal - Degaforce
Aladdin - Degaforce

Singular votes

Space - Santi > Absolute Justice > Samavarti
Absolute Justice - Space

Self votes

Santi - familyparka
Mr. Waffles - familyparka
Santi - familyparka
Mr. Waffles - familyparka
Samavarti -
Degaforce -
Chaos -
I cant believe people are still voting Sant? after he was rolecrushed for revealing to be a town role :lmao

[Vote lynch Degaforce]

If only to derail a wagon on a townie. Also, the parka-dega battle in this game did indeed look rather forced compared to other times I've seen them squabble.
So, I tried to figure out Space's role. Six roles have been revealed so far. We know Solarus is vigilante and we know that remaining scum are Cultist and Warrior of Discord. Healer is obviously doctor. That leaves us with 5 roles that haven't appeared in the write ups and whose abilities and specifications we do not know. Monk, Warrior, Gnome, Elf and Dwarf. Space revealed he's not any of the racial roles in this post:

Who do you think is the third mafia member out of the roles, Sant?? Because I looked over the roles and I agree with you, the Cultist and the Warrior of Discord sound most mafia like, but if I had to point out a third option it'd have to be Rogue (or indeed Miller, since that is the role most likely to scan guilty). All the other roles sound very town-like (although the Wizard was an indie so everything's possible).

Another theory I had was that the 'racial' roles (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome) were scum, but since the Warrior of Discord is one that isn't an option.

That leaves us with five roles which Space could be - Monk, Warrior, Solarus, Healer and Ranger. I don't think Space is Solarus. He'd kill someone scummier on d1. Then there's also this post:

>Killing someone d1
>Dis vig

I don't think he's the Healer either. He's way to vocal and provocative for that role. So my guess is that if he is town, then he is either warrior, monk or ranger. If he's not any of those, he's most likely scum, which I believe he is. Warrior, Monk and Ranger are welcome to throw their votes on Space.

On another note, I think that one of Dega and Waffle is vigilante, so voting for them would be a mistake, imo. Let Immortal check Dega tonight.

If anyone wants to dispute that I was the one who revealed that Santi used the action on AJ, now's the time. But yea, that was me.

Why would you reveal your role? You were neither suspected, nor pressured. That was plain stupid.
Vote Count

Degaforce - 4

Immortal - Degaforce
Aladdin - Degaforce
Mr. Waffles - familyparka > Degaforce
Chaos - Degaforce

Santi - 2

Shiny - Santi
Hidden Nin - Santi

Space - 2

Darth - Santi > Space
Absolute Justice - Space

Singular votes

Space - Santi > Absolute Justice > Samavarti

Self votes

Santi - familyparka
Samavarti -
Degaforce -

Degaforce still needs to post and is being PMed.
Solarus, well fucking played. You're the man.

As for Hidden... What the actual fuck?

1. I pretty much made it clear that it was AJ I stole an ability from, thus, why I said I could confirm him as town. Why reveal the post?

2. Why reveal yourself unnecessarily and get yourself crushed? I made it very clear in my posts that there would be a consequence for revealing and would rather avoid it, and it should have been obvious that me getting role crushed was that price. For a player that likes to analyze game mechanics so much and almost prides himself on it, why did you not see this?
Besides, I couldn't guarantee I'd have time to post today, so I didn't want to be lynched based off of Santi's believing I was scum. I actually think it was very likely I'd have been on the chopping block if I hadn't cleared myself...and abilities aren't really that big a draw, at least where mine are concerned.

I know what my abilities were; you don't. I think confirming myself was a much better move than keeping my abilities.
It didn't reveal who did it, though. I was counting on that being an added bonus, but to be honest the most efficient way to win this would be taking the generic status and mass revealing. You're actually way off calling that stupid. Not in the spirit of the game? No. But calling it stupid is...well. Stupid.
It didn't reveal who did it, though. I was counting on that being an added bonus, but to be honest the most efficient way to win this would be taking the generic status and mass revealing. You're actually way off calling that stupid. Not in the spirit of the game? No. But calling it stupid is...well. Stupid.

I can "upgrade" the ability to a modkill instead of a role crush if things get out of hand. :tomato
Meh, no point crying over spilt milk. Might as well make the most of what we can get from another confirm.

Thus far, town reads and confirms are: Space, AJ, Immortal, Shiny(?), Jerowaffle(maybe), and HN.

Shinycunt is claiming he's confirmed and I remember skimming over some shit about that. Exactly how is he confirmed again?
Based on the wording used in the PM by Nitty, it appears that when we reveal and are role-crushed, we are sacrificed as an offering to some chaotic god that these cultists worship. I really have a feeling that something really bad may happen after a certain amount of "offerings" are given.
So let's try not to mass-reveal or reveal any more, got it?
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