Game Champions of Ardania Mafia

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Vote Count

Degaforce - 6

Immortal - Degaforce
Aladdin - Degaforce
Mr. Waffles - familyparka > Degaforce
Chaos - Degaforce
Hidden Nin - Santi > Degaforce
Santi - Degaforce

Space - 3

Darth - Santi > Space
Absolute Justice - Space
Degaforce - Space

Singular votes

Space - Santi > Absolute Justice > Samavarti
Shiny - Santi > Darth

Self votes

Samavarti -
He'd spent that day in a drunken stupor, celebrating the harvest season and waving his hammer angrily at the more outspoken delegates. He was growing bored of the congregation's proceedings, for his mind was not suited to solving mysteries; and what did he have to worry for, anyways? He lived in an impregnable fortress!

Just as he was gathering his belongings and preparing to leave the courtyard for the night, he felt suddenly overtaken by a group of shadows... and as his eyes darted upward, he realized with horror that he'd also committed the crime of silence.

[Degaforce] the [Dwarf] has been lynched!


Dwarves are stout adventurers and more skilled in all manner of construction than any other race in Ardania. Their settlements are appropriately described as "fortresses", complete with an auto-firing ballista. They dislike Elves and Gnomes but may be attracted to Human settlements with a well-outfitted Blacksmith.
[Active - Bait And Switch] - Each night the Dwarf may invite two players into his fortress, causing abilities targeting one player to be redirected to the other and vice verse.
[Active - Arrowborne Note] - Using his ballista the dwarf may send a message to one person through the moderator each night.

Night phase 2 has begun! Because of the Wizard's curse, posting is required!
Oh, btw guys I was given a post restriction I assume was from the mafia that said I had to say I investigated Santi and he flipped scum.

Obviously, Santi proved it and you can see I was never after Santi, since I never voted to lynch him and I instead voted to lynch Dega... who I really thought was scum.
Told you guy's not to lynch Dega. Thankfully, he didn't flip vig, but still town. Mafia will kill vig tonight if they aren't dumb.

I still stand strong by my decision. I don't see how I'm fucked

Immortal, I don't agree with Shiny's suggestion to waste an investigate action on me, but you can go ahead if you want just to prove he's wrong.

If that was supposed to be some kind of a reverse psychology trick, you failed.

Oh, btw guys I was given a post restriction I assume was from the mafia that said I had to say I investigated Santi and he flipped scum.

Obviously, Santi proved it and you can see I was never after Santi, since I never voted to lynch him and I instead voted to lynch Dega... who I really thought was scum.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Degaforce/Dwarf said:
[Active - Arrowborne Note] - Using his ballista the dwarf may send a message to one person through the moderator each night.

And anyway, what are the chances that this messenger would tell you to sabotage the one person who was actually miller? Then again, maybe Santi isn't a miller and he just improvised.

I'm also not the cop.

Or am I :maybe

God I love mafia :noworries

I am not even sure if there's a cop in this game. Out of the roles that are left, only Elf, Gnome and Ranger are the only ones who might have this ability :hmm
Good thing it did fail, because I wasn't trying to do any reverse psychology. I'm just telling the one with investigation power to do whatever he thinks is best. Wasting it on me, who is town, will get us nowhere, and if he does it will just end up helping my case without finding any mafia.
The entire palace lie awake that night, unable to escape to dreamland... all except for one man, who was nowhere to be found.

The [Warrior] (Darth) has been modkilled for failing to post!


These chivalrous champions of the realm balance skill at arms with extensive training in weapons and armor. They are the stalwart protectors of Agrela's temples and her servants, the Healers.
[Passive - Defender] - Outfitted in Ardania's finest armor, the Warrior is bulletproof.
[Passive - Honor Guard] - Because the Warrior is revered as his kingdom's traditional and most reliable defender, his voting power is 2.

Meanwhile, another man paced anxiously around the castle gardens, longing to escape from its grand walls. Just that day his hunting supplies had gone missing and now he was unable to satisfy his thirst for adventure. As it happened, his misery would be short lived; for when he heard a sudden noise and turned to head back to his room, he found himself facing a hulking mass of a man. He reached for his nonexistent bow, and was immediately carved in twine.

The [Warrior of Discord] has superkilled the [Ranger] (Absolute Justice)!


Confident loners, Ardania's Rangers are most satisfied when prowling the unknown wilderness. They have all sworn an oath to support the Barbarians of Krolm, whom they view as kindred spirits of a sort.
[Passive - Kindred Spirits] - The Ranger knows who the Barbarian is and may communicate with him.
[Active - Wild Adventure Builds Character] - The Ranger may spend the night exploring the wilderness, making him untargetable. The following night he will be exhausted and forced to rest at home. (stolen by the Rogue)

Day phase 3 has begun! You may now post!

Oh, btw guys I was given a post restriction I assume was from the mafia that said I had to say I investigated Santi and he flipped scum.

Obviously, Santi proved it and you can see I was never after Santi, since I never voted to lynch him and I instead voted to lynch Dega... who I really thought was scum.

I don't fucking believe in coincidences that big. I'm supposed to believe that mafia has a scanning ability, and forced you to out me as guilty through an ability that doesn't remotely indicate in the write ups?

I'm not buying it. Nothing is adding up.

I'm also not the cop.

Or am I :maybe

God I love mafia :noworries

What was the point of this post? Why confuse town with a statement like this? Somewhere in any of your posts, you're lying about something and it's extremely suspicious.

[Vote lynch Immortal]
He who is named Immortal is lying scum
Everyone should join in and lynch his butt
Let us all hold hands and sing him an omen of death
People in this game like to sheep regardless

Might as well follow your natural instincts and sheep him too
Energy will flow through your body in ecstasy once you do.
Huh? Lmao

Read what in said Santi. I got a post rrstritcttion saying I had to say you were guilty. They did not specify that I had to lynch you, so I voted to lunch someone else. Remember I did not explain my suspicion of you, I just said I was sure you were guilty because that was my post restriction. Nitty confirmed to me via pm that I would be modkilled If I didn't follow the rule.

Parka and dega were my main scum reads. When I wake up I will try to find a new lead.
Kool-Aid ain't mixing. Your excuse is not the right formula.
I still think you're a liar and that you haven't been completely honest with town
Lyin' ass was never controlled/restricted or whatever by anyone.
Lyin' ass was using that cop claim as a scum trick, just to go "hurr durr I ain't cop"

Control abilities would show up in the write-up.
How is it that Mafia was able to know that I flip guilty?
As if they'll be that fucking overpowered as to know I'm a Miller.
Order yourself some fries with this lynching, because shit still ain't adding up
Save yourself the trouble and just confess that you're bullshitting
You being the Miller was coincidence santi, and a good one at that. Just use your head. I can understand why youd be confused because yes I am clearly hiding things, but how does this add up to me being scum. Why would I have pulled a stunt like that without even actually trying to get you lynched?
[Vote Lynch Chaos]

Cause in Santi we trust. :voli

"In Santi we trust" and then you vote another person than he actually is hunting at the moment. Strange.
Add to that the fact that you seem to have your scum play again. You on a scum streak, brah?

Personally, I'm not sure about the Immortal case. Yes, everything he did yesterday ?nd the claim about being controlled all seem a bit strange and something is not right at all, but... Would he really pull such a trick when mafia? The Immortal I know is a little bit... more careful? Or simply less stupid.

[Vote Lynch Samavarti]

He and Mr. Waffles are my personal scumreads for the last two, with Aladdin being a variable.
Hey guys, I was NOT CONTROLLED.


They are very different. I chose to type out those posts myself very carefully. I even said 95% as a reference to the MM3 game where I was 95% sure with Badalight. In both of these games, I'm not the cop, but I was put in a situation where I had to speak as though I were one.

Its why I never once voted to lynch Santi. As soon as I got that sort of post restriction, I assumed it was from mafia and that confirmed santi in my book. Once he confirmed himself with the action, I purposefully didnt post anymore because my post restriction said I had to argue about it all day. So I just chose not to post at all, especially once I saw you were following my lynch vote in Dega, who I really thought was parka's scum mate.
Kool-Aid ain't mixing. Your excuse is not the right formula.
I still think you're a liar and that you haven't been completely honest with town
Lyin' ass was never controlled/restricted or whatever by anyone.
Lyin' ass was using that cop claim as a scum trick, just to go "hurr durr I ain't cop"

Control abilities would show up in the write-up.
How is it that Mafia was able to know that I flip guilty?
As if they'll be that fucking overpowered as to know I'm a Miller.
Order yourself some fries with this lynching, because shit still ain't adding up
Save yourself the trouble and just confess that you're bullshitting

"In Santi we trust" and then you vote another person than he actually is hunting at the moment. Strange.
Add to that the fact that you seem to have your scum play again. You on a scum streak, brah?

Anything else, brah ? :maybe
Not much for the Chaos lynch
I don't see anything in voting immortal
Mr. Waffles is interesting.
Space is trying, as usual, to seem like a hardcore scum hunter but for some reason I have my doubts. Sama is pretty suspicious tho...
I'll follow Space's vote and see where this takes us.

[vote lynch Sama]
Their feet audibly beat against the cobblestones as they sprinted forth, a dark skinned woman chasing a terrified man. She swung her mace furiously, though her reach always fell just short of his back... until finally a burst of divine flames burst forward from the dark steel, imparting her goddess's wrath. Though when the fire cleared and she looked for his body, he was nowhere to be found.

The [Solarus] attempted to kill [???] but it failed!
don't pressure me!!! :C

You have just under 4 hours lol...

question outside of this game: Shiny's vote would obviously tip the scale, but I was wondering what happens if the phase ended and there was a tied vote for lynching? Does the phase get extended or something similar? :hmm

Right now it's tied between Immortal and Samavarti, so you'll find out if this stays the same.

She spent that day feeling defeated, mourning her first escaped victim. She'd never been evaded before, particularly not when swinging the fist of her god. She was only briefly involved in that day's proceedings, and her uncharacteristic silence was her demise.

The [Solarus] (Immortal) has been lynched!


Women warriors of the Sun god Helia, these devout guardians add significantly to defenses throughout Ardania. They view the followers of Lunord, the Moon god, with disdain.
[Active - Sun Scorch] - The Solarus may smite one person with the power of the sun god each day, killing them.
[Active - Garrison] - The Solarus may imprison one person in the guardhouse each night, protecting and roleblocking them.

Night phase 3 begins! No more posting!
A frail man shivered beneath satin blankets. Since entering the palace he'd grown weak and hollow, as if something dark had consumed him. There was a tapping at his window, and he sat upright, his eyes wide with fear... death was upon him. He scrambled to rouse himself from the bed, though he'd barely moved an inch before the hulking man had broken in and slaughtered him.

The [Warrior of Discord] has superkilled the [Rogue] (Santi)!


Secretive and ruthless, Ardanian Rogues are regarded as the least loyal heroes in any realm. Their entire lives revolve around the quest for more gold, making them easily swayed by the offer of rewards. They are some of the few in the land to regularly employ crossbows.
[Passive - Disloyalty] - The Rogue scans guilty to investigations.
[Active - Shady Dealer] - The Rogue may poison one person's weapons each night, upgrading their kills to superkills for that phase and the following day.
[Active - Bribery] - The Rogue may steal one person's voting power each day.
[One Shot Active - Thief] - The Rogue may steal one ability from a player.

Day phase 4 begins! You may now post!

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