Game Champions of Ardania Mafia

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My assumption is that the mafia have some sort of controlling ability, which they used on Immortal, and then Santi last phase. Santi cleverly organized his post in order to point out who he really wanted dead, but they learned from their vague use of the posting restriction, and made sure to control his vote with their instructions that time. Or else he's just not thorough, and didn't remember to vote for you.

I doubt Waffles would be scum since he pointed out the pattern.

Sama conveniently placed you as a confirmed scum as well, and you were quick to leap off his wagon when you saw the opportunity. You also were quick to chain the mess the controlling ability caused into a wagon on me as well.
Sama claiming cop. Sure, I can believe that. Mr. Waffles must be scum in that case, considering Sama himself said the only ones he didn't investigate were him and me (and Shiny, though he could be cleared via Psychic's lie detect).

One thing that Sama didn't considered, though, is a godfather role. Most godfathers I've seen scan innocent and that would most probably be the case in this game as well. So Mr. Waffles is the last scum Sama can scan, but the godfather lies amongst those he scanned before (my bet's on Aladdin).

Unless.. Unless Shiny was truly falsely lie detected by Psychic (or godfathers scan innocent to lie detections), which makes Shiny another option. Explains him siding with Waffles this day (though it seems a little b?t too obvious and I think even Shiny is smarter than that, but we'll see)..

[Vote Lynch Mr. Waffles]

I also have the theory in my head that Hidden Nin has. Samavarti bullshitting and one of the innocent scans he named is one of his scummates. Could be true as well and a great way to lure out a cop, but would he really pull such a big stunt? I don't know for sure, yet, but this lynch will tell the truth.

If Waffles flip town and another one of us gets killed tonight, things will start to look bad, but we would also know at least one scum (Sama) and that would get us one step closer to victory as well.
Vote count

Mr. Waffles - 4

Chaos - Hidden Nin > Samavarti > Mr. Waffles
Samavarti - Mr. Waffles
Space - Mr. Waffles
Aladdin - Mr. Waffles

Samavarti - 3

Mr. Waffles - Samavarti
Shiny - Samavarti
Hidden Nin - Samavarti > Mr. Waffles > Samavarti
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Stop messing with my head. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Could as well flip a coin...

Also, you didn't defend yourself when Sama said you was one of the last remaining scum. You just said 'and here I thought you were scum'. If anything, that sentence would only confirm his thoughts.

I have no clue who to believe anymore.
Stop messing with my head. I don't know what to believe anymore.

Could as well flip a coin...

Also, you didn't defend yourself when Sama said you was one of the last remaining scum. You just said 'and here I thought you were scum'. If anything, that sentence would only confirm his thoughts.

I have no clue who to believe anymore.

I'm not scum, Space.

Wow your list is almost the inverted version of mine.

That's nice.
Ah fuck it.

[Vote Lynch Samavarti]

Right now, I'd rather trust Mr. Waffles. Samavarti just seems to have too many holes in what he's saying, while Waffles is playing the more cautious townie not wanting to give mafia anything to work with. The latter sounds much more believable in my opinion.
This may come as a shock to you but "You" can be used to refer to more than one person, in this case, in showcase of mastery of the language, i used it to refer to my interlocutor (Space) and you (Waffles), which were the two persons the conversation revolved around.
With that clear, that leaves you (waffles) and space as main suspects, i can't vote two people at the same time, and so i decided to vote you, who i find scumier.
I would have thought the phase would be over by now.... Weird.

This may come as a shock to you but "You" can be used to refer to more than one person, in this case, in showcase of mastery of the language, i used it to refer to my interlocutor (Space) and you (Waffles), which were the two persons the conversation revolved around.
With that clear, that leaves you (waffles) and space as main suspects, i can't vote two people at the same time, and so i decided to vote you, who i find scumier.

Oh look... something that almost looks like an answer. :iria

Anyway care the explain why don't you know any of these players alignment, they have been the only unconfirmed players since like two phases ago.

I thought you were the cop ? :maybe

I work in mysterious ways.
Sorry guys, I fell asleep. :coffee

Vote count

Samavarti - 4

Space - Mr. Waffles > Samavarti
Mr. Waffles - Samavarti
Shiny - Samavarti
Hidden Nin - Samavarti > Mr. Waffles > Samavarti

Mr. Waffles - 3

Chaos - Hidden Nin > Samavarti > Mr. Waffles
Samavarti - Mr. Waffles
Aladdin - Mr. Waffles
Despite the dwindling numbers of the representatives, one woman never lost her spirit. That day she entertained the congregation with an elaborate performance, although the chorus to her song was oddly specific...

The [Elf] has made an announcement!

Elf said:
Lol Space.

As the sun came to rest on the horizon so did the crowd settle on their victim. No matter how the tiny man squirmed, he couldn't escape.

[Samavarti] the [Gnome] has been lynched!


Gnomes are filthy little creatures living in hovels that are easily mistaken for scrap heaps. Other races shun settlements that accept Gnomes into their service.
[Passive - Filth] - It takes one less vote to lynch the Gnome.
[Active - Sneaky Bastard] - Each night the Gnome may hide behind one person, learning their alignment and redirecting abilities targeting him to them.

Night four begins! No more posting!
A sickly woman buried herself beneath wool blankets that night. Much like the late rogue, she'd also fell devastatingly weak since entering the palace... and much like the rogue, she was also helpless to stop the hulking intruder.

The [Warrior of Discord] has superkilled the [Paladin] (Hidden Nin)!


Devout followers of Dauros, the Law Keeper, Paladins train extensively within the Warriors Guild. Their single-minded dedication to the law makes others perceive them as painfully self-righteous. A fully trained Paladin is a significant ally in your campaigns against the evil denizens of Ardania's untamed frontiers.
[Passive - Shield of Light] - The Paladin is surrounded by an illuminating aura, allowing her to know the names of everyone who targets her.
[Active - Praise Dauros] - By channeling the wisdom of her patron god, the Paladin may reveal one [???] in a writeup each cycle.

The [Scions of Chaos] (Space, Chaos) have won the game!


Fortune smiles on these wild children of the god Fervus, "The Face of Chaos". Unlike their brutish brothers, the Warriors of Discord, Cultists are clever adventurers using their wits as well as their weapons. They lead a carefree life, driven by sometimes perplexing spontaneity.
[Passive - The Face Of Chaos] - The Cultist has final say on his mafia's actions.
[Passive - Shapeshifter] - The Cultist may assume many forms. He scans innocent to investigations.
[Passive - Camouflage] - The Cultist blends in with his surroundings. He is bulletproof.
[Active - Charm] - The Cultist may seize control of one person's mind each day, stealing their voting power, forcing them to make a post of his choice and causing them to scan guilty to investigations for that cycle.
[Active - Sacrifice] - If the Cultist can accurately PM the mod with a player's role, he will offer them as tribute to Fervus, role crushing them. If he guesses incorrectly more than once, his god will abandon him and he will lose this ability.


Warrior of Discord

Warriors of Discord are chaos personified. Truly insane brutes spawned by priests of Fervus, they are trained in a Warriors Guild to wield huge bladed pole-arms. They are frightening not only because of their large, over-muscled bodies, but also by their disconnection from reality.
[Passive - Wild Child] - The Warrior of Discord is an unstoppable force. He cannot be roleblocked and if he performs the faction kill it will be a superkill.
[Active - Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice] - The Warrior of Discord can apply a post restriction to one person each night, which they will have to follow the next day. This post restriction cannot limit the amount of posts they are allowed to make but can control their style and substance.
[One Shot Active - Lord Of Terror] - The Warrior of Discord's shout is powerful enough to disrupt the entire kingdom, scattering the populace and sending people fleeing into their homes. Skips the rest of the current day phase.

With their day skip and two ways to control voting power, the mafia's victory is inevitable. The town's only hope was if they attacked Aladdin, a bomb, but they had no plans to. Rest of the roles + MVP incoming.

Thanks for playing!
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You might want to explain more why we won the game with three townies still left.

Well, first of all we had a control. We could simply control someone into voting with us and thus we had the lynch. We also still had a one-shot day end, so we could end the day without a lynch happening (would've done this before the end of this phase). Since I have a superkill each night, there was no way to stop us and therefore we won the game.

Good game, town. Although... Most of you were really stupid. You made it so easy for us. :rotfl
Mr. Waffles
The Elves of Ardania are notorious revelers, prone to the vices of wine and debauchery. They dislike Dwarves and Gnomes, but may join settlements with strong economies and an Inn in which they can play their musical instruments.
[Passive - Gossip] - The Elf is a veteran of the kingdom's taverns and inns, allowing her to hear overhear one line from the mafia quicktopic each phase.
[Active - Performance] - Each day the Elf may put on a show, allowing her to make an announcement through the moderator.

Messages the elf was sent:

We better not lose this game by mass role revelation, Nitty. Imma smack a bitch in that case.
... maybe it's better to kill Immortal tonight so he can't tell he was being...
Oooooor. One of us claims cop in a post, then after tells everyone he's been controlled. Fast after and furious.
Have him seem convinced that Immortal was lying and is, in fact, scum. Even make him vote him (we can do this right). Point out some individual posts and say that he's bullshitting us right from the start.
Today is the dayphase we need everything to work out. I'm the one in danger right now, so I'll do my best to be around the most and end the phase with my ability before a bandwagon on me forms.
I agree on Sant? and Shiny, those were my options as well.
Also, I'm just gonna sit this out until the end of the day. Sometimes it's better not to post and I think this is the time.

We win after this lynch. Kill someone tonight, end the dayphase tomorrow before a lynch can happen, kill someone else and then it's 2 vs 2. Since we have a townie vote on our side with my control, we win no matter what.

Unless, of course, they have some hidden powers on their side.


Monks are the warrior priests of Dauros, the Law Keeper. They use no weapons or armor, relying on their martial discipline. While their vow of silence lends an air of mystery, soothing melodic chants can sometimes be heard drifting from their temple walls.
[Passive - Combat Mastery] - If the Monk is killed, he will kill his assailant.
[Passive - Stone Skin] - On even number cycles physical abilities will fail on the Monk.
[Passive - Iron Will]- On odd number cycles magical abilities will fail on the Monk.
[Passive - Vow Of Silence] - The Monk's voting power is 0.
[Active One Shot - Soothing Melody] - The Monk can calm the town with his mystical chants, preventing that day's lynch from occurring.



These caring souls possess the healing powers of the goddess Agrela, the Good Mother. Heroes of other guilds and aligned temples will benefit from the healers curative spells. Their duty draws them to combat so that they may heal those fighting for the cause of good.
[Passive - Reincarnation]- The Healer has 2 lives.
[Active - Healing] - The Healer can protect one person each night.
My votes didn't even matter :(

Stupid Space. If anything, I'm always suspicious of people aggressively scumhunting, but Mr. Waffles was scummy as hell to me. Why'd you do this wafflesbro :(

I have to say though, I barely noticed Chaos. I had no suspicion of him from what I can remember. Good blender is good
If I was town I would've hunted Chaos so bad. He's always blending like this as scum. :rotfl

Also, I was very scummy as well. Although my agressive play is usually my town play, I really was 'bad' at it this game. All of my 'scumreads' turned out to be town and I was too cautious to go on the biggest bandwagon (save for Samavarti).

Town was just so baaaad, man.
Ugh I knew we should've lynched Chaos. If only I was earlier to the phase. I just really didn't feel like turning a wagon on waffles and a wagon on sama into a lynch on chaos.

ITT: Town refuses to be the wolf and prefers sheeping.

When a person drops obvious hints that he's being controlled by mafia and to kill a certain player, then you should do so. The reasons to lynch Chaos far outweigh that pitiful excuse to not lynch him, HN.
He who is named Immortal is lying scum
Everyone should join in and lynch his butt
Let us all hold hands and sing him an omen of death
People in this game like to sheep regardless

Might as well follow your natural instincts and sheep him too
Energy will flow through your body in ecstasy once you do.

Kool-Aid ain't mixing. Your excuse is not the right formula.
I still think you're a liar and that you haven't been completely honest with town
Lyin' ass was never controlled/restricted or whatever by anyone.
Lyin' ass was using that cop claim as a scum trick, just to go "hurr durr I ain't cop"

Control abilities would show up in the write-up.
How is it that Mafia was able to know that I flip guilty?
As if they'll be that fucking overpowered as to know I'm a Miller.
Order yourself some fries with this lynching, because shit still ain't adding up
Save yourself the trouble and just confess that you're bullshitting

my first night action:

"[Active - Healing] on Psychic" psychic was superkilled :pek

second night action:

"mafia thinks immortal will be protected so its between santi and aj imo

ill protect AJ since he usually is the most active " AJ superkilled :C

my third night action:

"space or santi will be killed and since santi is the confirmed....

protect santi" santi is superkilled :giogio


then i said,fuck this night action,it will be a superkill again lol
ITT: Town refuses to be the wolf and prefers sheeping.

When a person drops obvious hints that he's being controlled by mafia and to kill a certain player, then you should do so. The reasons to lynch Chaos far outweigh that pitiful excuse to not lynch him, HN.

It wasn't that I didn't believe we shouldn't lynch him. I just lacked the motivation to get town to do it. I pointed it out, sure, but I just felt easier to just, as you say, sheep onto the sama wagon. Which was started by townies, ironically enough.

Oh well, I'll be more aggressive next time.
Mafia quicktopic

MVP: Space. He engineered and sent in most of his faction's actions and somehow managed to build a good rapport with the thread despite never being confirmed. Although Chaos offered good insight, Space lead his team to victory.

Special nods to Immortal and Santi who collectively account for most of the damage against the mafia this game. If they'd lived longer it would have been much closer.

Thanks for playing guys!
Post restrictions sent each night:

To Immortal on night 1:
Post restriction on Immortal. I want him to claim he's got a guilty investigation on Sant? whole day long. He must defend it with all he's got and incriminate Sant? as much as possible besides it. He has to use his normal posting style, no sneaky hinting or any of that shit.

To Santi on night 2:
You must say Immortal is lying. Say that he never was controlled and the cop-claim he made was just a scum trick. Point out some of his posts and say how they don't add up. Vote him. Say that if there was a control ability, it would be in the write-up.

To Shiny on night 3:
You agree with Mr. Waffles. On everything. Simply quote each post he makes this phase and tell how you agree with hit. Also agree on his votes. Vote with him every time he changes his vote. You have the same scumreads as him and the same townreads as him.
Oh, yeah, Before I forget. No sneaky hinting you're being controlled like Sant? did. Nothing at all. Stay in character.
mr waffles pointed it out santi

and i couldn't hint like santi because nitty said to stay in char :(
I was the one to tell that, actually.
I know. That's what pisses me off. No one bothered to discuss it after it was revealed by him, nor did they bother to attempt following through with it.

I purposely refrained from posting after Mr. Waffles pointed that out, since I didn't want it to be discussed.

That was what was so weak about this town, people didn't discuss stuff. Hell, most of the stuff being discussed was either pointed out by me or by someone who controlled. Since I knew the former, I refrained from discussing anything since I knew it would catch attention.

and yea you mindfucked me with that message space :pek but then waffles said that "lol space" but i could do nothing to change my vote :ippy

the super faction kill doomed us :(

If the janitor hadn't been killed so soon, we would not always have used that superkill, but janitored some kills instead to give us claims.

But seriously, when you have an unblockable kill that bypasses protection, why wouldn't you use it? :rotfl
If the janitor hadn't been killed so soon, we would not always have used that superkill, but janitored some kills instead to give us claims.

But seriously, when you have an unblockable kill that bypasses protection, why wouldn't you use it? :rotfl

because its a bit of rare to a doctor guess it right,but since we have some confirmed towns,yea the best choice would be the superkill

its all immortal's fault for killing parka :LOS
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