Game Champions of Ardania Mafia

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Vote Count

Baroxio - 2 votes

Darth - Baroxio
Psychic - Shiny > Baroxio

Hidden Nin - 2 votes

Mr. Waffles - Hidden Nin
Shiny- Hidden Nin

Degaforce - 2 votes

Hidden Nin - Immortal > Degaforce
familyparka - Degaforce

Shiny - 2 votes

Samavarti - Young Master > Shiny
Santi - familyparka > Shiny

Singular votes

Sir Absolute Justice - familyparka
Degaforce - Space
Space - Santi > Absolute Justice

Self votes

Chaos -
Immortal -
Aladdin -
Baroxio -
I mean, Psychic, you're revealed at the start of D1 ?nd have a lie detect, yet you're asking for a protect. You're basically a high priority target for mafia and you c?n be killed by them (as per your words), but you can still win with them?
That doesn't work out for me.

Other than that, I'm not for voting Dega for spite. I'd rather vote Baroxio right now cause inactifag. That or Parka, since he wants me to lynch someone for pure spite.
I realize that and that risk is worth it if it gets us anything closer to knowing if your lie detection is trustworthy. Hell, you'll probably lie detect me next dayphase and I actually welcome that, since it'll give me a more clear view of the trustworthiness of your lie detection.

But, honestly. You lied about being a survivor, didn't you? It doesn't add up with the Lie Detection. What is your true wincon?
A counter-spitewagon to the Degaforce-spitewagon? You surely doing this Degaforce? I hope for you Parka flips scum, but right now, due to the reasoning behind it, I'm not feeling well about both your and Parka's wagon. We need to play the game, not a silly mindgame of spite.

In my book it's either lynch the inactifag or lynch the biggest scumread, which for me is AJ right now.
Why do you not believe Psychic survivor claim?

A role that get's revealed at the start of the game and that draws attention to itself by lie detecting.

How can that be anything but survivor?

I would believe it if Psychic was town, but the role seems very anti-scum right now and is apparently easy to hit by scum. In other words, no way scum would want her to survive that long and in other words: the only way for her to win is with town. That'd make her town (and thus blue colored) and not indie (purple colored).
A counter-spitewagon to the Degaforce-spitewagon? You surely doing this Degaforce? I hope for you Parka flips scum, but right now, due to the reasoning behind it, I'm not feeling well about both your and Parka's wagon. We need to play the game, not a silly mindgame of spite.

In my book it's either lynch the inactifag or lynch the biggest scumread, which for me is AJ right now.

Remember Baroxio has +2 if he does not post, so he's still in the lead.
Plus, lynching an inactive holds no information whatsoever, it is basically wasting a day. If he keeps inactive, he will be replaced and all's good.

Not sure about AJ. Fluff and stuff. But that warrants attention. Pressure at this point is useless.

And parka is a cunt, so all in all is good lynch.
I just can't see town going after indie on day 1.
Alright. You're obviously not spitting shit.

I really want to trust you, considering you have an ability that can assist town in a very valuable way, but all we know about you simply doesn't add up.

It seems like I'm the only one not believing this, though. I'll let it rest, since you're not saying anything anyway.

If you are a legitimate lie detector and simple a survivor, the doctor should obviously protect you. Because in that case: you're as pro town as any other town (which is obviously the thing that bugs me the most: how can an indie be town's biggest asset?). But sure, I'll let it rest.
Baroxio - 4 votes

Darth - Baroxio
Psychic - Shiny > Baroxio
familyparka - Degaforce > Baroxio
Degaforce - Space > familyparka > Baroxio

Hidden Nin - 2 votes

Mr. Waffles - Hidden Nin
Shiny - Hidden Nin

Degaforce - 2 votes

Hidden Nin - Immortal > Degaforce
Aladdin - Degaforce


Sir Absolute Justice - familyparka
Santi - familyparka > Shiny > familyparka

Singular votes

Space - Santi > Absolute Justice
Chaos - Space
Samavarti - Young Master > Shiny

Self votes

Immortal -
Baroxio -

Writeup inc.
The young man's eyes shifted nervously, his foot rapping quickly against the cobblestones. No amount of years behind the temple walls could have prepared him for this. Though his faith was as strong as anybody else's, he dared not speak up for fear of embarrassing himself.

As the sun began to descend upon the land, so did the mob upon him. If there was one thing this congregation didn't trust, it was silence... and so he was overwhelmed and restrained, silenced by his own terror. For the first time the champions could agree on one cause: bloodshed.

The [Adept] (Baroxio) has been lynched!


Trained in the use of both spells and ancient martial techniques, these followers of Lunord are a valued combat asset in any kingdom. Only the most fleet footed may be considered for Adept training, which usually starts in one's early teenage years.
[Passive - Naivety] - A recent graduate of a sheltered life behind temple walls, the Adept's inexperience gives him a voting power of 0.
- [Passive - Conviction] - For each town member that dies, the Adept will gain +1 voting power.
[Active - Gone With The Wind] - The Adept is the fastest hero in Ardania, allowing him to roleblock one person each night.

Night phase 1 begins now! No more posting!
Oh hey Nitty, sorry I'm late, was pretty bu--What the Fuck?


You're all dead. All of you shall die agonizaing deaths. Your screams of aungish shall defean onlookers as you are placed inside your sepulchre for all eternity.

Later that night the wizard lie awake, twisting and turning that day's actions in his mind. His curiosity burned with an intense flame, driving him into his many tomes... tearing through his pages, desperate to force more information from these delegates...

"No longer shall Lunord piddle away precious time! All who dwell within these castle walls shan't know a night's rest!"

The [Wizard] has afflicted the game with insomnia. Players must now post during the night or be modkilled.

And it was in this thirst for knowledge that the Wizard drowned; for he was too busy turning pages to listen for the sound of footsteps, and didn't turn around when he heard the door creak open, and didn't make a noise when he was cleaved apart.

The [Warrior of Discord] has superkilled the [Wizard] (Psychic)!

wincon: survive until the end of the game


The Wizards of Ardania dwell in enchanted guildhalls where they study and refine their battle magic. A lifetime of researching the arcane often leaves them easily distracted and detached from the details of every day life.
[Passive - Hermit] - The Wizard's identity is announced to the thread at the beginning of the game.
[Passive - Meteor Storm] - All abilities except for kills targeting the Wizard will be redirected.
[Active - Insight] - Each day, the Wizard may lie detect one post and may decide if it produces accurate or false results.
[Active - Curse] - Each night, the Wizard may choose a rule in the basic operating of the game and change it for a cycle. (for example, editing is allowed, or...posting screencaps is allowed, or...role-revealing isn't allowed, or...the person with the least amount of votes is lynched, or changing the format of how people vote, or saying players MUST post at night or be mod-killed, etc.)

Day phase 2 begins! You may now begin posting!
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[Active - Insight] - Each day, the Wizard may lie detect one post and may decide if it produces accurate or false results.
See that I was right questioning the indie's lie detection's reliability? I guess it's no real loss here then, considering we just lost a person who's only probable goal was to mess with our heads.

Shiny, was Psychic's lie detection on you yesterday true or false?
I wonder what the Wizard's wincon was, though. Nitty, could you reveal that to us? Not that it matters much, but it is interesting to know (and maybe we could deduce Psychic's investigation on Shiny that way, would she make it true or false?).

I see Samavarti lurking. Good. Do you have time to read up now? Were your votes yesterday (coincidentally placed on a dead person and someone coming up 'innocent' in the lie detection') really random? Were you just trying to blend?
Hmm. Psychic did not lie about her wincon though.

Strange. If I was a survivor, I wouldn't have used my abilities at all since that would only decrease my chances of actually surviving.

I'm guessing Psychic's investigation on Shiny was correct, though, considering mafia killed Psychic tonight. If it was incorrect (and Shiny thus scum), they would know her investigations are bullshit and that she thus is useful to them and keep them around.
I guess Shiny's truly confirmed then. :quite
Pacing of the game is relatively slow right now, and I do not feel any immediate danger. I'll try to avoid giving out as much information as possible unless necessary, but my role does scan guilty.

If you read over the role list once, it should be pretty easy to depict which role would most likely scan guilty while being town.
Immortal, I'm not sure why you're reaching so hard as to declare that my posts are scummy in order to further justify your scan. There is nothing in my posts that tips scum, don't make it seem like there is.

I'm not going to call you a liar and I'm not going to say you're wrong or you were busdriven or redirected or blah blah blah. You did scan me, and I did flip guilty because my role does read guilty.

My only problem here is that, instead of further investigating and pressuring me, you fucking outright outed both ME and YOURSELF as potential targets for mafia, and outing yourself as the cop this early in the game is just not good, no matter how few scum there are.

Do you really think in a game with only 3 scum, there wouldn't be a town role or maybe even two which reads guilty? This is exactly fucking why you always wait to have at least TWO guilty reads before outright declaring yourself, while disguising your results as "reads" in the case that you die earlier than suspected.

This is just a god damned poor play.
Where are we getting the info that we have three scum left?

Its possible that you scan guilty, but I still strongly believe that you are scum, Santi.

Based on...?

Day 1 posts of me telling shiny sucks (which I always do inside and outside of games)? You're sitting here and going "Santi is defo scum" and using a powerful device such as claiming a scanning ability without giving town ANYTHING TO DISCUSS OR LOOK AT. Even in a different community that is not as infamously known for sheeping as this one, town would still sheep due to the lack of productivity in the last phase.

You're taking far too little things into actual consideration, and not realizing how bad you're hindering town by doing so, even if you were right about me being scum.

1. There are 13 players left and Nitty has already declared in the OP that there would be consequences for revealing.

2. Due to you revealing yourself and Mafia now knowing I'm a miller, they now have approximately a 1 in 7 chance of locating our fucking doctor tonight assuming that we don't lose any more town during the day, if they have a roleblocker, they'll be roleblocking you for now until the doctor is dead. After the doctor is dead, your head is immediately next and they focus their roleblocks on whoever else they feel is a threat.

3. Town has now lost potentially 3 powerful roles and now has very little leads because no discussion was had because town blindly followed you without a word like fucking sheep. The only reason there is discussion right now is because I'm actively trying to promote it so that particular scenario doesn't happen in the case that I am killed off.

I'm sorry, but the logic of this play is just badness. I expect much thought from you, Immortal.
Immortal. Who is your biggest scumread right now? Is it Sant? or not?

Although everything Sant? says feels so convenient, almost too convenient, I'm willing to give him a shot. Right now, Sant? pretty much comes across as town to me actually (for a change, huh), but the investigation is so incriminating that I don't know what to do...
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