Game League of Legends Mafia

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Everyone assuming Draven is town just because he appeared with a blue name on a sketchy writeup we have still not figured out are just plain stupid.

I invite you all to read the entire Zen Mafia Game and then come back. And if your opinion hasn't changed after that, then I'll proceed to ignore your every post from now on.
Why are you posting this drivel?
Pure speculation that will net the town nothing of value.

voting for you buddy.
Yeah, stelios is the most viable candidate unless people are up for NL.

I can't believe that you are so shortsighted Marco we played as same mafia team together indeed and the only reason for you to be mildly dumb is if it's in your interest. So when you offer the No Lynch option on the table tell me what exactly are you thinking Marco? Since all votes are privately sent to Nitty doesn't this tactic you just offered enables mafia to control the lynch and therefore to lynch whoever they want?
Yes, if I'm allowing votes for no lynching then obviously I would allow that option to win if it had the most votes. : p
looks like we're all no lynching this phase, and that means all of town needs to cooperate.
I would look more into Saturnos bandwagon, there might be one scum more.

kinda jumped to my eyes.

There's so many ppl who voted Saturno but have really low postcount. So that's kinda interesting.
Persecuted, LG, are the ones that need to be investigated.
So no one trying to make connections yet based off WAD being mafia? A simple one is him not wanting to switch to Stelios even though he said he could be swayed to, on the basis that he wanted to just once never change his original lynch vote.
That's a good analysis. Why Saturno over Stelios, his mortal enemy? If anything, Stelios would be on his back more. Then again, Stelios did voted Wad. :hm

Well we all know Wad pushed hard for Belphe, so we can assume Belphe is town.

So wad pushed for crescent nyx day 1, sorta assume he is innocent?
Probably so as well.
Well we don't have much luxury to do contesting wagons this phase, so let's stick with one.

Let's all NL now that Nitty said if we all agree then it actually means a no lynch.

Marco, you are incredibly scummy this game. Godfather, maybe? I wonder if you hit a nexus and rolecrushed yourself or like Superman said, just making it up. Should I be worried?
How is that all that relevant? There is a thing called bussing Stelios. Especially since that vote was from early on in the day, on the heels of Superman voting WAD on the basis of "if you're not with me, you're against me". Saturno had a fairly large lead for most of the latter half of the phase.

Think about it.

How would wad react if he was mafia and a town was on him?
Any other stronger response against me and it would just be omgus.
Advocating for a NL this phase is fucking stupid , given that voting will be privately held.
Whoever is advocating for this is incredibly sus af

I'm at work so forgive my brevity.

Vote no lynch means you're voting for there not to be a lynching. Voting no lynch still casts a vote against yourself under Nocturne's rules. Voting no lynch is not the same thing as unvote, which removes your vote altogether as if you never casted a vote. Note that unvote will not get rid of any votes you've stacked against yourself.

Hope this clears things up. Sorry for the confusion.

Now in my games no lynch means the same thing as unvote. Which is why I was against it in the first place, however nitty said that no lynching in this game means there won't be a lynch, so no one dies if we all agree on a no lynch. Am I right nitty?
Why is no lynch suddenly good right now? If we unite, we can push a lynch like always and barring vote trickery it will go through. And if there's vote trickery we'll lose the lynch if we NL as well.

I don't feel like reiterating all the old arguments but lynch is pretty much always better than no lynch and I don't see how this situation would change that.
Why is no lynch suddenly good right now? If we unite, we can push a lynch like always and barring vote trickery it will go through. And if there's vote trickery we'll lose the lynch if we NL as well.

I don't feel like reiterating all the old arguments but lynch is pretty much always better than no lynch and I don't see how this situation would change that.

1) For me, because I'm not confident enough in my scumreads right now (only scumread I was real confident in is dead and flipped, well, scum).

2) If we lynch someone, he will obviously protest, naming his own lynch candidates. This is normal mafia, as normally another wagon would be created. Right now, mafia (and everyone) can secretly vote. No one is to be trusted and with multiple wagons going on, mafia might just go for yet another wagon of their choosing (since they can trust themselves to 100% vote the same person) and get an easy lynch going on on perhaps confirmed townie.

3) Because more people seem to opt for a no lynch right now. As town, we need to not let mafia influence the lynch this phase, which they can do easily since their votes are hidden. We need to unite and thus if several people are saying we should no lynch and that is the suggestion with the biggest bandwagon, then we should follow it.
Lynch Alwaysmind, I feel very confident that message doesn't exist.


I don't see why he would make that shit up as mafia? Hell, even if he would make something up, I doubt the first thing he would come up with to get towncred is 'i got a message saying WPK is acting scummy'.

I get that this probably has something to do with an ability of yours, but you should know that this is a ~50 player role madness game and that there is always something that you consider unlikely but is actually in the game.
Let's not do Stelios in that case, because I know how to read him~

Let's do Alwaysmind. He's been objectively scummy and you can't disagree with that!!!!

Cool, I'll default to your judgement on stelios.

I can't believe that you are so shortsighted Marco we played as same mafia team together indeed and the only reason for you to be mildly dumb is if it's in your interest. So when you offer the No Lynch option on the table tell me what exactly are you thinking Marco? Since all votes are privately sent to Nitty doesn't this tactic you just offered enables mafia to control the lynch and therefore to lynch whoever they want?

It's you being mildly dumb in this case because you don't know what no lynch means. If No lynch has majority, no one is lynched.

Let's all NL now that Nitty said if we all agree then it actually means a no lynch.

Marco, you are incredibly scummy this game. Godfather, maybe? I wonder if you hit a nexus and rolecrushed yourself or like Superman said, just making it up. Should I be worried?

You shouldn't be worried. But please tell me why you think I'm incredibly scummy this game. I would like to know.

Why is no lynch suddenly good right now? If we unite, we can push a lynch like always and barring vote trickery it will go through. And if there's vote trickery we'll lose the lynch if we NL as well.

I don't feel like reiterating all the old arguments but lynch is pretty much always better than no lynch and I don't see how this situation would change that.

Obviously, on paper uniting against a single player is better than no lynch. But what are the chances everyone will agree on one person.

Actually I asked you this and you never replied. Why do you think it'll be easier for town to agree on one person to lynch than a no lynch? You even said it. That you didn't think town could be convinced to NL.

Let's not forget that when I'd first suggested no lynch, Nitty hadn't told even NL will stack a vote against us. Only that voting for others will stack against us too.

I don't see why he would make that shit up as mafia? Hell, even if he would make something up, I doubt the first thing he would come up with to get towncred is 'i got a message saying WPK is acting scummy'.

I get that this probably has something to do with an ability of yours, but you should know that this is a ~50 player role madness game and that there is always something that you consider unlikely but is actually in the game.

Nah, I'll reiterate, it's also deductive (not just ability) on how I figure that message shouldn't exist, so this double strong ask on all players to lynch Alwaysmind.
I'd rather just wait it out, Sarun. I feel like this might actually me an attempt from you to get town split (voting Alwaysmind? Voting No Lynch? Voting someone else?). I don't trust you enough to follow up on this.

I'd rather vote no lynch since I think that is something we can get the majority of town behind.
I'd rather just wait it out, Sarun. I feel like this might actually me an attempt from you to get town split (voting Alwaysmind? Voting No Lynch? Voting someone else?). I don't trust you enough to follow up on this.

I'd rather vote no lynch since I think that is something we can get the majority of town behind.

No, I'm telling you to vote form him. I caught him red handed. We got around 6 hours left.
Saturno votes that stood out to me:

[vote Lynch saturno]

If he's town who cares, imo he's mafia tho
Leaves the possibility of Saturno being town, but says it wouldn't make much of a difference. Seems a bit scummy. I get that Saturno may have some sort of reputation, but it just doesn't sit right with me.

Honestly based on all the stuff I've seen so far I think Saturno seems a lot more sketchy than WAD, not to say I find WAD to seem clean but Saturno seems like a more clear choice to me as of now so.

[change vote lynch Saturno]
I think this one can slip by a bit just because its D1. On the other hand when you think about it he jumps on what could be his scummate's wagon and at the same time is attempting to distance himself from him by claiming to find him suspicious as well.

WAD would statistically have a high chance of being scum

But i read the thread (more or less) and Saturno looked like he slipped

[Vote Lynch Saturno]
And here's another one. Distancing from WAD. Even goes as far as accusing WAD, but still votes for Saturno.

I'll go back and read whatever other posts these peeps had, but those three just irk me a bit. Might also add Franky to that, although his vote on Saturno came late in the phase and he hadn't even really posted that much before that.
the one big fucking flaw. if we all can agree on no lynch, why can't we jsut use our ability to agree to vote someone anyways

Because if you vote for a person, there is always one (that person himself) or more (the people that townread him) that disagree with that and thus name their own scumreads, creating more than one wagon, which mafia wants since they can then dominate the lynch.

"If we can all agree to vote the same person"

How many times have you seen that occur in a mafia game. There have been times where even confirmed mafia didn't get all votes from town.

We can't risk it, not with mafia around who can easily dominate the lynch.

No lynch is something we can hardly disagree on, imo, since that is least likely to create multiple wagons and thus mafia is least likely to dominate the lynch.
Because if you vote for a person, there is always one (that person himself) or more (the people that townread him) that disagree with that and thus name their own scumreads, creating more than one wagon, which mafia wants since they can then dominate the lynch.

"If we can all agree to vote the same person"

How many times have you seen that occur in a mafia game. There have been times where even confirmed mafia didn't get all votes from town.

We can't risk it, not with mafia around who can easily dominate the lynch.

No lynch is something we can hardly disagree on, imo, since that is least likely to create multiple wagons and thus mafia is least likely to dominate the lynch.

The answer to that question is obvious. It's easier for everyone to get behind a strategy (no lynch) than a target, together.

This isn't even including the fact that we have mafia among us.

but how is that different then a no lynch
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