Game League of Legends Mafia

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But didn't Alwaysmind say the message said 'WPK is posting scummy' so why would anyone send that kind of message to WPK lol.

And really if Sarun really sent WPK a message and Alwaysmind said he got a message then Sarun could've easily assumed he was busdriven especially considering Alwaysmind spilled the contents of that message.

Weird that the revelation of the targets last night has no Alwaysmind, but perhaps some kind of Nexus is in play.

Still, Sarun being so sure Alwaysmind was mafia makes no sense now that we know more and he's a good target for tomorrow. Baroxio first, tho.

Had completely overlooked what the actual message had said:lmao

And now that Nitty has added that Hammer targeted AM it becomes clearer that sarun is looking mighty sus.
Parka sent the action in before death iirc, but Nitty didn't progress it. Parka complained about it before dying.

And I'm so sure right now because WAD of all people said the kill was in his mind '99% mafia kill'. Now he would obviously have a beautiful explanation if pushed on it, but with what we know now that knowledge came from him being mafia.

I find it interesting that you bring up this point while you should've seen the same thing within seconds.

Though. Actually.

I'm not sure that was a mafia faction kill.

WAD could've said that so that if there was a tracker and that tracker tracked Baroxio, they would've gone after Baroxio (possibly Serial Killer) instead.

Also. Mafia had a day faction kill this day. I don't think they'll have two faction kills in one cycle. Maybe they can delay their kill with certain abilities/roles?

Still, Baroxio is the best lead we got so we might as well go after him.
Though. Actually.

I'm not sure that was a mafia faction kill.

WAD could've said that so that if there was a tracker and that tracker tracked Baroxio, they would've gone after Baroxio (possibly Serial Killer) instead.

Also. Mafia had a day faction kill this day. I don't think they'll have two faction kills in one cycle. Maybe they can delay their kill with certain abilities/roles?

Still, Baroxio is the best lead we got so we might as well go after him.

Possible but highly unlikely. Either way I reckon the chance of Baroxio being anti-town is huge, him being most likely scum and otherwise should be SK.

I see zero reason for a town player to kill Degaforce after D1. I think he's scum because I also see zero reason for a solo player to go after him. It looks like a kill with a particular plan, random only not random.
Though. Actually.

I'm not sure that was a mafia faction kill.

WAD could've said that so that if there was a tracker and that tracker tracked Baroxio, they would've gone after Baroxio (possibly Serial Killer) instead.

Also. Mafia had a day faction kill this day. I don't think they'll have two faction kills in one cycle. Maybe they can delay their kill with certain abilities/roles?

Still, Baroxio is the best lead we got so we might as well go after him.

True. Although you would think that if the tracker had found this out they would have already posted that they knew Baroxio had targeted Dega.

I mean if the tracker deemed it worthy of the risk of being targeted by mafia by exposing themselves. I doubt that'd be the case though. That kind of info is way too valuable to keep to oneself even if it means being targeted by mafia.
I'm not saying a tracker actually targeted Baroxio, Shark Skin. I'm saying that WAD told mafia made that kill just in case a tracker/watcher/similar role knew who killed Degaforce.

Still, Baroxio is the best lead. I already sent in my vote on him. Sarun is a good next option, it seems he already gave up.
Actually. Bouncing Blades...

Since in game (and as the name says) that blade bounces from one enemy to another, perhaps Katarina first killed Degaforce this night and then the blade bounced further this dayphase upon Superman

This would mean Baroxio is Degaforce. Good theory, imo, but it hardly matters since he'll die anyway.
Just a bit confused Rem. Posting in spurts of free time on my phone from work, so double checking stuff isn't easy. I asked about the Nami thing due to the possibility of a tampered write-up.

Chaos, even if I had been able to look back to see that post/remembered it, I would still challenge the idea that you trust the words of a mafia member enough to discount your own weird apprehension about which faction the killer belonged to.
The player list, actions list and role list have all been updated, and I completed the actions post I made earlier today. Now is your opportunity to check what abilities Familyparka/WAD had, who's still playing, etc.

Miss Fortune used Bullet Time to kill Familyparka (Nami) and WAD (Evelynn)!

Katarina used Bouncing Blades to faction kill Superman (???)!

Day two ends in 5 hours.

Aside from myself, Sin, Alwaysmind, Sharky, Marco, and Stelios -
I trust Rem's roleclaim (imo Braum would not have been left out of the game because he's great and his role as shield is too obvious not to add)
I think Vaeny's interaction with WAD (where WAD indicates him as his strongest townread) makes him very likely town
Psychic and Sworder also have strong townie vibes
Sarun's reckless abandon this game is pretty in-character for town!Sarun and faking role information to get Alwaysmind lynched on a phase where we can't even vote publicly is a play with very little reward
Small townread on Firestormer as he highly favours bussing scummates over defending them

Scumpile (most of this is just WADssociations tbh):
VoDe (moved wagon off WAD on finding out he was tied for the lead)
Laix (from Gogeta soft-accusing WAD but voting Saturno)
Crescent Nyx (WAD accused Marco/Melodie of soft-defending her, might have been setting up accusations)
if not Nyx, then Melodie (conspicuously absent from WAD's mentions after his first few posts)
I want to say LG had a weird association with WAD too, but it isn't in my notes so I'll have to go back and find it

Time to search Baroxio's posts for clues.

Hammer, why did you send Alwaysmind a message last night? :hm
Just a bit confused Rem. Posting in spurts of free time on my phone from work, so double checking stuff isn't easy. I asked about the Nami thing due to the possibility of a tampered write-up.

Chaos, even if I had been able to look back to see that post/remembered it, I would still challenge the idea that you trust the words of a mafia member enough to discount your own weird apprehension about which faction the killer belonged to.

How was my apprehension weird? There was one kill in a night phase in a role madness game, who is to say what corner it came from? What's weird is when people say they think to know where it came from while they are supposed to have little to no knowledge of these things as town. We know now where WAD's confidence came from, but not why you seem to share it.

WAD's post has been pretty central to my argument since the write-up all along and this wasn't the first time I said it. If you didn't even recall that post, which was in interaction with me, why are you trying to throw suspicion on me based on it? Your posts look like setting up a possible start to a further push on me, without having done the proper research. You're probably scum.

On a different topic, depending on the nature of Rem's action, Belph (and maybe sworder) might be scum too.
I don't like how baroxio first said that kitty told him perse was a nexus. I like it even less that he uses that to push on perse cause more often than not, nexus are town sided.
Not in my experience. Think about it. Mafia wincon is to kill all townies and townie wincon is to survive and kill mafia. If town had a nexus, mafia would need a superkill just to deal with that role reliably. Town needing a superkill/lynch to deal with mafia makes much more sense, especially given the disparity in numbers.
Is this to me? Because you could ask the same question for town vig and sk, which are both pretty likely to be in the game.

Yeah. I mean, actually it was to everyone in general.

And I don't think the same applies to vig and SK. I can imagine vig not killing quite easily. And it's actually something I'm prone to do as 1. I absolutely hate killing town on accident. 2. It may fool the mafia into thinking whoever they roleblocked is vig.

We don't yet know we have a SK, though I'm pretty sure we do, it's easier to explain him not making a kill than mafia. 1. Maybe he forgot. 2. Maybe he can't start killing until certain conditions are met. 3. Maybe roleblocked.

For Mafia, all I can think is the attacker was roleblocked. Why else?
Not in my experience. Think about it. Mafia wincon is to kill all townies and townie wincon is to survive and kill mafia. If town had a nexus, mafia would need a superkill just to deal with that role reliably. Town needing a superkill/lynch to deal with mafia makes much more sense, especially given the disparity in numbers.

I don't know what experience you've had. Care to mention a game you've played or witnessed where nexus was mafia? Because I've mostly seen nexus as town sided.

Technically, you can balance either but it just makes more sense for a townie.
Hmm, I can see why you would think that. He was another person that voted Saturno despite having his own read in FP. Question though. Well the same question kind of, actually. Why Persecuted over say Franky, whom you had voted for?
I've played games with Persecuted before. I've been masons with Persecuted before. As far as I remember, I never played a game with Franky, and to be honest, he seemed like somewhat of a noob. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, at least for the first Night. I decided to wait and see with him.

To be honest, I do have a slight feeling that he's mafia, especially after he made a joke about the night phase, which is something I used to do when I was mafia who had inside knowledge that nobody else did.
Don't think it's plausible that neither maf or any indies managed to get a kill through last night. There's too much evidence pointing towards Baroxio as scum, and given Nocturne's ability splitting the votes can only help maf. Anything but staying the course on this is suboptimal imo.

Good. All players should have their eyes on everyone who has yet to be confirmed. Beware, you are no exception.

Real, posts like this don't help his case either.
I'm not mafia. I'm town vig, and I originally targeted Persecuted. I asked Nitty about it and she told me that my action was nexus'd off to Degaforce.

Remember, mafia's faction kill occurred during the day phase.
So this is what they told you to say in the QT? Why not mention it sooner. And if you did attacked persecuted and got nexus, wouldn't it show two targets not one?

Persecuted was incredibly inactive, only popping in here and there for the vote. He also was on the Saturno bandwagon. I thought it was scummy.
You're incredibly inactive. Why would an inactifag target another inactifag?

Not in my experience. Think about it. Mafia wincon is to kill all townies and townie wincon is to survive and kill mafia. If town had a nexus, mafia would need a superkill just to deal with that role reliably. Town needing a superkill/lynch to deal with mafia makes much more sense, especially given the disparity in numbers.


Anyways posting my new revised list again :

town reads:

Alwaysmind (Jarvan/confirmed town)
Sworder (confirmed town by me)
Sinraven (Miss Fortune/confirmed town)
Shark Skin
Crescent Nyx

Scum reads :

Lord Genome
Laix (replaced Gogeta)
Marco (conveniently rolecrushed so can't prove himself)

null reads:

Mr. Waffles

Indie reads :

psychic reads :

psychic powers probably got Vaeny and Shy mix up. Vaeny is town and Shy mafia.

People who need to posts:

atlantic storm

So doc, please protect Alwaysmind, Sinraven, and Sworder tonight. And me too if you want.

I use my one-shot investigation on Sworder, he came back town. I investigated him because he and Wad were both onto Belphe.
So this is what they told you to say in the QT? Why not mention it sooner. And if you did attacked persecuted and got nexus, wouldn't it show two targets not one?

You're incredibly inactive. Why would an inactifag target another inactifag?


Anyways posting my new revised list again :

town reads:

Alwaysmind (Jarvan/confirmed town)
Sworder (confirmed town by me)
Sinraven (Miss Fortune/confirmed town)
Shark Skin
Crescent Nyx

Scum reads :

Lord Genome
Laix (replaced Gogeta)
Marco (conveniently rolecrushed so can't prove himself)

null reads:

Mr. Waffles

Indie reads :

psychic reads :

psychic powers probably got Vaeny and Shy mix up. Vaeny is town and Shy mafia.

People who need to posts:

atlantic storm

So doc, please protect Alwaysmind, Sinraven, and Sworder tonight. And me too if you want.

I use my one-shot investigation on Sworder, he came back town. I investigated him because he and Wad were both onto Belphe.
Have you been paying attention? I've posted in this thread far more times than you have. You come in, give your reads and leave. You're one to be calling me inactive.

Besides, if you notice the times I've generally been posting, it's pretty easy to see that I've had work to do, posting on my lunchbreak and being more active in the later hours.
Don't think it's plausible that neither maf or any indies managed to get a kill through last night. There's too much evidence pointing towards Baroxio as scum, and given Nocturne's ability splitting the votes can only help maf. Anything but staying the course on this is suboptimal imo.

Real, posts like this don't help his case either.
You know what also helps mafia? Lynching a townie. :giogio
Have you been paying attention? I've posted in this thread far more times than you have. You come in, give your reads and leave. You're one to be calling me inactive.

Besides, if you notice the times I've generally been posting, it's pretty easy to see that I've had work to do, posting on my lunchbreak and being more active in the later hours.

Nope, I have more posts than you. And....hmmm....I guess you're not that of an inactifag. So how can you prove ourself to us? If you can't then goodbye.
How was my apprehension weird? There was one kill in a night phase in a role madness game, who is to say what corner it came from? What's weird is when people say they think to know where it came from while they are supposed to have little to no knowledge of these things as town. We know now where WAD's confidence came from, but not why you seem to share it.
I find the apprehension weird as the odds of it being a vig kill rather than a mafia one are low. The kill made during the day was that champions ultimate, implying a limited shot skill rather than the standard one faction kill usually allotted to mafia each night phase/cycle(on that note, we should remember WAD's dismissal of it as anything but a one-shot). If only one kill is made in a night phase, best bet is mafia. The target being Dega pointed to it being mafia as town members would have no reason to want to off him. There is not too much danger in assuming that the one to off Dega was mafia.

WAD's post has been pretty central to my argument since the write-up all along and this wasn't the first time I said it. If you didn't even recall that post, which was in interaction with me, why are you trying to throw suspicion on me based on it? Your posts look like setting up a possible start to a further push on me, without having done the proper research. You're probably scum.
You are assuming I am trying to throw suspicion on you. I noted your changed stance in regards to Dega's killer and wondered about the reason for it.
Depending on how you answered and further research I gathered once I am at a computer, my post could and still might be the basis for a case against you. That is the whole point of applying some pressure and inquiring into peoples reasoning. I don't need to have thought of every reason you might have changed your mind to have a valid reason to ask about it, getting it fron the horses mouth offers much more insight.
@psychic, just curious. I asked this before but you didn't answer. Why do you think I am scum?

@chaos, I asked you multiple times and you've ignored me. You said it would be easier to rallly town to vote against a single person as opposed to rallying town to no lynch, which would be impossible. Why do you think so?
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