Game League of Legends Mafia

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Catching up now that I am back. I was going to clarify what my message said now that all the info has been revealed.

Alwaysmind, can you quote the message you were sent?

I don't know if I am allowed to quote verbatim but I can paraphrase it enough that it would be against the game rule.

So last night, I get a message from Nitty that tells me I am having a strange dream. I do not know who sends it to me and the message says that WPK is using his scum meta and that the creator of the message had a strong feeling about this. The message also encouraged me that I should help the creator of the message to build a wagon on WPK.

I did go back to the post count window to look at WPK's posts and nothing seemed that odd to me. So that's why I had my doubts about it. I also found it odd that when day 2 came, no one seemed to suggest a WPK wagon, so I was trying to fish for the creator of the message, even dropping a hint by suggesting WPK. No one replied so my little grey cells were working to figure out what was going on.
Just noticed Katarina's kill was labeled the faction kill, which would imply that maf has a day faction kill that they didn't use D1 for some reason. Based on her actual in-game ability, what I'm instead inclined to believe is that Katarina's ability augmented the faction kill, so mafia did attempt a faction kill at night and then [Bouncing Blades] gave them a delayed extra shot onto Vasto.

Dega and Sarun - janitored and stealthed
Vasto - janitored, but we know it was the mafia faction kill
Waddo-kun and Parka - roles and killer both revealed

The array of kills vs janitoring effects is weirdly inconsistent re: why Kata's kill wasn't stealthed either, but it still strongly suggests that Dega and Sarun were both killed by anti-town.
@psychic, just curious. I asked this before but you didn't answer. Why do you think I am scum?
It's all the little things you do that when added up paints one giant scum picture. Hard to explain.

I have/am both.

I can kill people every night phase. I ALSO have a one-shot superkill. You specifically asked about other abilities I had, so I told you.

I already told you, I'm a night vig. All I can do, is kill people in the night. About the only thing I can do to prove myself is to kill someone who everyone else wants dead.

All I have is a one-shot where I can superkill a person in the night.
The last one was in response to Marco asking Baroxio if he had any other abilities.

Caught in your own lies Baroxio. :lmao
It's all the little things you do that when added up paints one giant scum picture. Hard to explain.

Yeah, I'd like an explanation of those little things. Is it:

1. That I was lie detected to be town.
2. That I revealed early on I had an ability that could prove my allegiance.
3. That I was role-crushed by mafia.
4. That I'm the most active player this game and a steady voice of reason.
It's all the little things you do that when added up paints one giant scum picture. Hard to explain.

The last one was in response to Marco asking Baroxio if he had any other abilities.

Caught in your own lies Baroxio. :lmao

Do you not read?

Baroxio, do you have any other abilities besides your night kill that can help confirm you?

You must be trying really hard to get me lynched, huh.
Just noticed Katarina's kill was labeled the faction kill, which would imply that maf has a day faction kill that they didn't use D1 for some reason. Based on her actual in-game ability, what I'm instead inclined to believe is that Katarina's ability augmented the faction kill, so mafia did attempt a faction kill at night and then [Bouncing Blades] gave them a delayed extra shot onto Vasto.

Dega and Sarun - janitored and stealthed
Vasto - janitored, but we know it was the mafia faction kill
Waddo-kun and Parka - roles and killer both revealed

The array of kills vs janitoring effects is weirdly inconsistent re: why Kata's kill wasn't stealthed either, but it still strongly suggests that Dega and Sarun were both killed by anti-town.

Wait when did Sarun die?

My theory is based off Sin's theory. Look closely at the action list, it stated that both MF and Kat were on killing sprees. Meaning, MF killed two people and Kat killed two people.

Kat killed Degaforce in the night which was janitored by Nocturne's ability.
Kat killed superman in the day.
Nocturned kill Sarun. His kill leaves no mark. "Watch where you post today" was what the write-up said.

Sometimes I have to really question your reading comprehension Psychic.

What the hell are you talking about? :huh
So? Why is it so hard for you to state the name of your role?
My first game in mafia was Favorites, I believe it was Favorites 2. The game near the end was completely dominated by an independent that puppeted the roles of everyone who had role revealed. Nobody in the entire game could do jack shit to stop them. I suppose my frustration with that game still haunts me to this day.

But whatever, enough of the backstory, I'm Renekton. Counterclaim away.
Yeah, I'd like an explanation of those little things. Is it:

1. That I was lie detected to be town.
2. That I revealed early on I had an ability that could prove my allegiance.
3. That I was role-crushed by mafia.
4. That I'm the most active player this game and a steady voice of reason.

My first game in mafia was Favorites, I believe it was Favorites 2. The game near the end was completely dominated by an independent that puppeted the roles of everyone who had role revealed. Nobody in the entire game could do jack shit to stop them. I suppose my frustration with that game still haunts me to this day.

But whatever, enough of the backstory, I'm Renekton. Counterclaim away.
Are you expecting a counterclaim? Are you sure it's not Katarina?

And ok, I didn't clearly read that part, I skimmed, happy?
I think my job expects me to actually start doing work now so I'm outie for this phase. :catpole

A final thought - a lot of the newer players were active D1 and not today. These are the same guys who seem like they'd be overly reliant on Waddo-kun directing traffic to make their own posts, or would be scared of self-implicating by accidentally knowing too much in a role madness game. Don't have meta reads on any of them, so would like to see them pressured next.
Although I think most of the role alignments are random, Renekton might actually be scum as well so it doesn't mean anything.

Or it's a role your scummates thought was likely not in the game so it would not be counterclaimed.

Eh, either way, it doesn't help you at all, just wanted to see how long you'd take and considering I asked you three times and you still took very long I'm assuming you waited in your QT until your scummates helped you out on it.

Np np np
Although I think most of the role alignments are random, Renekton might actually be scum as well so it doesn't mean anything.

Or it's a role your scummates thought was likely not in the game so it would not be counterclaimed.

Eh, either way, it doesn't help you at all, just wanted to see how long you'd take and considering I asked you three times and you still took very long I'm assuming you waited in your QT until your scummates helped you out on it.

Np np np
Surprise surprise, in a game with random alignments and janitor'd roles, role revealing didn't help at all, who would have thought.

Oh wait.

(I swear if I survive this and mafia/sk has a puppet ability that relies on them knowing the role name and this turns into a Tesseract situation all over again I will be SO PISSED).
Although I think most of the role alignments are random, Renekton might actually be scum as well so it doesn't mean anything.

Or it's a role your scummates thought was likely not in the game so it would not be counterclaimed.

Eh, either way, it doesn't help you at all, just wanted to see how long you'd take and considering I asked you three times and you still took very long I'm assuming you waited in your QT until your scummates helped you out on it.

Np np np

Nah, I think its safe to assume that someone like Renekton may actually be mafia. At least based on the roles we have seen revealed so far.
Only the night kill and Noc's day kill didn't show. We saw Kat's kill and since she was on a killing spree, she must be the one that killed Degaforce too, hence she must be Baroxio since only Baroxio targeted Degaforce.

Er I feel like I should clarify that the game isn't that mechanic/theme intensive. If I use a phrase like "killing spree" that isn't a reference to the actual League mechanic, I'm just using the expression. I'm clarifying this so that people who don't play the game don't feel like they might miss clues like that.
Er I feel like I should clarify that the game isn't that mechanic/theme intensive. If I use a phrase like "killing spree" that isn't a reference to the actual League mechanic, I'm just using the expression. I'm clarifying this so that people who don't play the game don't feel like they might miss clues like that.
Actually Nitty, can you tell us if the roles and alignments are thematically connected or completely random? I myself don't play LoL so I don't really have any basis for the claim.
My first game in mafia was Favorites, I believe it was Favorites 2. The game near the end was completely dominated by an independent that puppeted the roles of everyone who had role revealed. Nobody in the entire game could do jack shit to stop them. I suppose my frustration with that game still haunts me to this day.

But whatever, enough of the backstory, I'm Renekton. Counterclaim away.

But the counterclaim could have come from one of the janitored rolea no?

Yeah, I'd like an explanation of those little things. Is it:

1. That I was lie detected to be town.
2. That I revealed early on I had an ability that could prove my allegiance.
3. That I was role-crushed by mafia.
4. That I'm the most active player this game and a steady voice of reason.

Sorry, I meant to answer this.

1. Godfather can fool lie detector.
2. Being a mafia top tier player, you had no choice because you knew you were going to be investigated, so you set out a plan. You claimed you can prove yourself then suddenly, out of nowhere, you are rolecrushed and can no longer prove yourself....too convenient.
3. Lissandra would be the most likely to have abilities to decieved players like say, fake write-ups? And whose to say an inactifag or saturno wasn't the one that got rolecrushed. You didn't outright say "I got rolecrushed" all you said that phase was "it's me." And considering most players don't read, there was a good possibility that you coulda got out of that one. Also why Saturno's ability didn't activate to save himself.
4. Even as a generic Marco, you have the power to lead. Mafia would be smart to get rid of you regardless. But instead, they killed Superman, who was tunneling you and wouldn't let you go. If you don't die by tonight, I'm going to start to worry.
Another reason I didn't think it wise to role reveal, people might still think I'm mafia. Great.

Has Persecuted posted at all this Day Phase?

Well that's going off of the mafia roles we know so far. Although Katarina does throw that off a bit given her bio/background isn't particularly dark. I haven't played LoL in a long time so I don't remember everything all that well, but that's my sense.
Sorry, I meant to answer this.

1. Godfather can fool lie detector.
2. Being a mafia top tier player, you had no choice because you knew you were going to be investigated, so you set out a plan. You claimed you can prove yourself then suddenly, out of nowhere, you are rolecrushed and can no longer prove yourself....too convenient.
3. Lissandra would be the most likely to have abilities to decieved players like say, fake write-ups? And whose to say an inactifag or saturno wasn't the one that got rolecrushed. You didn't outright say "I got rolecrushed" all you said that phase was "it's me." And considering most players don't read, there was a good possibility that you coulda got out of that one. Also why Saturno's ability didn't activate to save himself.
4. Even as a generic Marco, you have the power to lead. Mafia would be smart to get rid of you regardless. But instead, they killed Superman, who was tunneling you and wouldn't let you go. If you don't die by tonight, I'm going to start to worry.
Lissandra would absolutely not be likely to deceive players with a fake write up lol. Only thing I can think of his her scanning innocent due to her lore, but definitely not fake write ups.

Im pretty sure Marco is town (actually 100%) and you should just let this go because I'm pretty sure you're town too. Stop acting so stupid, even though stupid is kinda your thing.
Also both Stelios and Marco are on your scum list and both have been scanned town by the lie detector. You think both have the ability to fool it? Not saying it is unlikely, just wanna get in your head for a second.

Btw I doubt Marco would go through all of that just to gain town cred. And it definitely all seemed natural.
What have I missed?
There was a oneshot ability that revealed last night's actions. One of which said that I targeted Degaforce, who is seemingly dead (no writeup due to Nocturne's ability).

Mafia also had a day faction kill, and killed Superman. Sarun uchiha is mysteriously dead, again after no writeup.

I have heavy suspicion on me for supposedly targeting Degaforce, but I actually targeted Persecuted, who it seems has a passive ability that redirects anyone who targets him. Persecuted has yet to be reached for comment.

I have since role revealed as the night vig, yet suspicion on me remains.

Also, due to Nocturne's ability, votes on others equilibrate to votes on yourself this day phase. All votes must be sent by PM.

Think that covered it. So...your thoughts?
Like, this is just annoying and if you're town, you are proving useless.

Do you have a 1shot superkill that you used or are you a night Vigilante? One thing is not the same as the other

I have/am both.

I can kill people every night phase. I ALSO have a one-shot superkill. You specifically asked about other abilities I had, so I told you.

Use your super-kill now to prove yourself then. Simple.

My post was right after Psychic. Urging you to use your one-shot to prove your role. And you've posted twice since then. I find it hard to believe you just missed it.

Baroxio, if you're really town, could you stop ignoring when people give you foolproof ideas to prove yourself?
Lissandra would absolutely not be likely to deceive players with a fake write up lol. Only thing I can think of his her scanning innocent due to her lore, but definitely not fake write ups.

Im pretty sure Marco is town (actually 100%) and you should just let this go because I'm pretty sure you're town too. Stop acting so stupid, even though stupid is kinda your thing.
Well if you know Lissandra's lore, then you should know that she is the Queen of deception, so whatever ability you use on Marco, if he was Lissandra, he can easily decieved you. Lissandra has fooled people for centuries and Marco is playing that deception to the core.
Also both Stelios and Marco are on your scum list and both have been scanned town by the lie detector. You think both have the ability to fool it? Not saying it is unlikely, just wanna get in your head for a second.

Btw I doubt Marco would go through all of that just to gain town cred. And it definitely all seemed natural.
I forgot to take Stelios off my list. But yeah, if Marco continues to live, we should be really worried.
Hey Baroxio if you're Renekton what are the names of your abilities. Depending on how long it takes to answer I'll know if I need to believe you.

Regular kill = [Slice & Dice]
Superkill = [Dominus]

The superkill is really more of a cycle long transformation in which I'm able to make a superkill than just a kill outright.

@Sin, pointless. He said he has a one-shot superkill. I asked him thrice now to use it to prove himself. He has replied to everyone besides me.
All I have is a one-shot where I can superkill a person in the night.

Our schooling systems are worse than I thought.
First of all Psychic, this game is not based on lore. This is based on the champion's abilities. Second of all, I know Lissandra's lore, but Queen of deception is too much of a title for her when there are champions like LeBlanc around. Deceiving a write-up is too much of a stretch for her. If anything, I'd say she'd scan innocent, but not much other deception.
Sorry, I meant to answer this.

1. Godfather can fool lie detector.
2. Being a mafia top tier player, you had no choice because you knew you were going to be investigated, so you set out a plan. You claimed you can prove yourself then suddenly, out of nowhere, you are rolecrushed and can no longer prove yourself....too convenient.
3. Lissandra would be the most likely to have abilities to decieved players like say, fake write-ups? And whose to say an inactifag or saturno wasn't the one that got rolecrushed. You didn't outright say "I got rolecrushed" all you said that phase was "it's me." And considering most players don't read, there was a good possibility that you coulda got out of that one. Also why Saturno's ability didn't activate to save himself.
4. Even as a generic Marco, you have the power to lead. Mafia would be smart to get rid of you regardless. But instead, they killed Superman, who was tunneling you and wouldn't let you go. If you don't die by tonight, I'm going to start to worry.

1. Noted.
2. I never actually claimed it myself. Dega asked me what I'd do if some cop said they have guilty on me. And that prompted me to reveal that I have an ability that I can use to prove myself.
3. I'll address this below after the 4 points as this requires sub-points.
4. You really think I'd kill Superman because he's tunnelling me? There are many reasons for mafia to not have killed me yet. And the mere fact that you think me being alive is because I'm mafia is a big one of them.

Addressing point 3.

1. If I didn't get role-crushed, that means the real person can counter claim me.
2. I claimed role-crushed immediately, with a lot of time left in the phase. Why would I risk being counter claimed like that, as Godfather?
3. In fact, if Saturno was the actual person who was role-crushed, why did he not say so at all?
4. Why Saturno didn't use his lynch save? One, he could have just forgotten. But more likely it's because as we both agreed before, it wasn't a lynch. It was an execution. Draven executed Saturno so I doubt his ability would have helped. Of course, this point is moot if Draven was there for flavor but I doubt it.

Some paranoia and doubt is always healthy in Mafia games. But one must be careful not to let it take over. That's how mafia wins. I would know. I've preyed on it enough.
First of all Psychic, this game is not based on lore. This is based on the champion's abilities. Second of all, I know Lissandra's lore, but Queen of deception is too much of a title for her when there are champions like LeBlanc around. Deceiving a write-up is too much of a stretch for her. If anything, I'd say she'd scan innocent, but not much other deception.
In all honesty, a mafia role fucking with writeups is entirely possible, if not likely. Does it have to be Lissandra? Maybe it's Nocturne for all we know. I defer to those who know more about LoL.

Considering the ability of town to reveal information, mafia may well have abilities centered around obscuring it.
Mafia already fucked up by role-crushing me instead of killing me. You don't role-crush people who enjoy being active in the game thread and contributing.

You role-crush the people who have good roles but don't contribute in game. It was a bad use of their probable one-shot and WAD should be ashamed of himself for not advising against it.
I'm starting to believe Baroxio, but eh, better get rid of him anyway. For the sake of town I don't want to make another wagon and it's still likely he is mafia.
It's never a good idea to get rid of town. Though seriously, like Belphegoob said, there are a ton of people who were only skating by on activity Day Phase 1 and are now totally absent. Where are they?

While you push for my lynch you ignore actual mafia in the shadows.

I for one, want to know what's up with Legend, who I don't think has ever posted, yet targeted 3 people last night, at least 2 of which I believe are confirmed town.
There was a oneshot ability that revealed last night's actions. One of which said that I targeted Degaforce, who is seemingly dead (no writeup due to Nocturne's ability).

Mafia also had a day faction kill, and killed Superman. Sarun uchiha is mysteriously dead, again after no writeup.

I have heavy suspicion on me for supposedly targeting Degaforce, but I actually targeted Persecuted, who it seems has a passive ability that redirects anyone who targets him. Persecuted has yet to be reached for comment.

I have since role revealed as the night vig, yet suspicion on me remains.


Also, due to Nocturne's ability, votes on others equilibrate to votes on yourself this day phase. All votes must be sent by PM.


Think that covered it. So...your thoughts?

Tch, knew signing up for another game was a mistake :catnoworries
Don't be a cunt. And how does that explain you ignoring my posts repetitively.

And if it's a cycle long transformation, use the transformation now.
I don't catch everything. Especially if I'm responding to somebody else. Seriously, I'm defending myself against the entire thread here. Proving my innocence ain't the easiest thing to do in the world. If I hurt your feelings for not noticing your posts sooner, you have my sincere regrets.

...especially if it's going to end up killing me. :hm
I don't catch everything. Especially if I'm responding to somebody else. Seriously, I'm defending myself against the entire thread here. Proving my innocence ain't the easiest thing to do in the world. If I hurt your feelings for not noticing your posts sooner, you have my sincere regrets.

...especially if it's going to end up killing me. :hm

That's my point. I'm one of the most confirmed players alive and one of the few most likely to advocate you being left alive this dayphase.

And my post was literally next to others that you quoted and replied to. At that point, you can only blame yourself for people suspecting you.
Thing is, Baroxio. If we switch to another lynch now, mafia will most likely get control of the lynch and a confirmed townie might die. I'd rather you die, especially since there's a chance that if you stay alive, you might just continue to cause confusion for the rest of town, always appearing as people's scumreads. Mafia will just roleblock you so you will not use your kill and thus won't be able to prove yourself.

You being a doubtful case, it's best you get lynched now instead of a confirmed townie.
Eh, I think you are pushing the definition of tunneling Psychic. Went back and looked at Supe's posts. He voted Marco, had one other post, then changed his vote to WAD. He then had that exchange with Gogeta that I posted about earlier, which was mainly centered around his vote for WAD. And given that WAD flipped scum I'd think they killed him more for going after WAD than they would have for his initial vote for Marco.
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