Game League of Legends Mafia

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town reads:

Shark Skin
Sinraven (Miss Fortune/confirmed town)
Crescent Nyx

Scum reads :

Lord Genome
Laix (replaced Gogeta)

null reads:

Mr. Waffles

Indie reads :

psychic reads : :maybe

psychic powers probably got Vaeny and Shy mix up. Vaeny is town and Shy mafia.

People who need to posts:

atlantic storm

Updated the list.

Also, I was suprised that familyparka flipped Nami. I think everyone assumed he was hinting lie detector (illaoi).

And let's not ignored Shy, who refused to say that he is town. If any vigs have any kills, do not be afraid to use it on him.
lol, the 3 of you (Sin, Marco & hammer) could just vote AM and that's 3 more on that scum. Forget the no lynch.

You fail to realize that there is scum in this game. You also fail to realize that there are 23548132462 inaftifags that are likely not to vote. If we vote for a person, votes will get divided (as explained before). Mafia can then influence the lynch more easily.

Also I think Alwaysmind is town despite what you said.
You fail to realize that there is scum in this game. You also fail to realize that there are 23548132462 inaftifags that are likely not to vote. If we vote for a person, votes will get divided (as explained before). Mafia can then influence the lynch more easily.

Also I think Alwaysmind is town despite what you said.

This is a 37 player game, we barely need to reach double digit votes on AM to get him the lynch.
Let me put it this way, Sarun:

I get why if you're really town you don't want to reveal it, since it could help scum, but, whatever information you have on why Alwaysmind didn't get a message, tell it.

I mean. Right now, you're being very vague and to me it just comes across as an attempt to split the votes from town, so mafia can influence the lynch more easy.

If you actually reveal whatever you have on Alwaysmind, people will be more inclined to vote him and thus we can get that lynch going on.

'Just trust me' doesnt mean shit.
town reads:

Shark Skin

Scum reads :

Laix (claimed hostile)

null reads:

Mr. Waffles

Indie reads :


psychic reads : :maybe

psychic powers says that shy is town. Vaeny mafia?
I sorta townread Vaeny and my psychic powers
are often better than my intuition. :hm

People who need to posts:

Lord Genome
Crescent Nyx
atlantic storm

leave me alone ffs

Let me put it this way, Sarun:

I get why if you're really town you don't want to reveal it, since it could help scum, but, whatever information you have on why Alwaysmind didn't get a message, tell it.

I mean. Right now, you're being very vague and to me it just comes across as an attempt to split the votes from town, so mafia can influence the lynch more easy.

If you actually reveal whatever you have on Alwaysmind, people will be more inclined to vote him and thus we can get that lynch going on.

'Just trust me' doesnt mean shit.

AM's claim on getting that message couldn't have happened based on the facts of my actions.
Spoiler: Vaeny Posts
Gogeta has always seemed like a sketchy person ever since I met him :maybe

Saturno is normally sketchy as well. Any particular reason why you find saturnine more sketchy than gogeta?

The Gogeta comment is just a joke : D He hasn't said anything so far that I deem weird.

Its interesting that Vaeny drops this line, but when Psychic pushes him on it, it suddenly just becomes a joke. Again, just comes off as a soft attempt at distancing from scummates.

Spoiler: Gogeta post

Gogeta posts this image right after Superman votes for WAD. Superman also has a bit of a go at him. This really stands out to me because on the very same page Gogeta says that WAD has a very high chance of being scum, yet he seems to have a problem with someone else voting for WAD. Was this a defense of WAD? Seems like it to me.
Honestly, as long as Sarun stays this vague I will not follow him on Alwaysmind and I'll be thinking No Lynch will be the better option.

Town at this point would know they already said too much to not be a target for mafia. Imo, there is not much reason for him to be so vague anymore. Especially not since he seems very adamant about lynching Alwaysmind and thus could spill more tea.
He's one of my biggest townreads tbh. He has been a little bit of a neurotic mess so far, but from what I can see it does seem to be genuine.

Someone kill Melodie now!
This was Firestormer's response when asked about Wad. He is hardcore defending him. Pretty suspect to me.

If you're willing to vote it WAD, I have reason enough to lynch Stelios instead of VoDe.

[Change Vote Lynch Stelios]

Doing what should have been done in Kingmaker. Need SinRaven master of reading Stelios to endorse this to feel really good about this though:hurr
Here is WPK, deflecting the Wad lynch unto Stelios and starting a separate wagon to save his scummate Wad.

So WPK, unlike the Kingsmaker game where I thought you were trying to claim my role, I actually have a decent scumread on you this game.

[vote lynch santi]

cuz fck that pendejo :awesome

Starting the game off with a cheapshot at his buddy.
i plan on just following what everyone does til i get the hang of it. :awesome
um.....ok, a cheap excuse to go and bandwagon a townie.
wad gives off suspicious vibes but thats more so for him having reasonable explanations behind every thought he decides to share... which is a lot. :maybe

i wish my role and ability wasn't so damn useless. i'd have more incentive to interact in the thread but lurking seems to be the best thing to do for now all things considered.
Soft defending wad and claims he needs to lurk because he's useless? what?
fair enough.

would be a shame if someone killed me during the night phase. ;[ like i said, my ability sucks, at least imo.
claims useless, but doesn't want to be killed. wut?

so i'll be a sacrifice? :eek:

shut up u fcking meme.

i don't need u to reinforce that point. :(
mad at me.
nah im town bro.

marco is something else tho lol. its interesting when you have the focus of someone who is vocal.
now I'm his bro.
how do you mean?
This is his repsonse to me asking him to say that he's town.

uh, reading into it too much? how did u get that from what i said? i get the feeling im about to get the shit grilled out of me. holy moly, thoorin pls spare me.

i am ignorant and i absolutely revel in it. :awesome

I'm happy i can be of some amusement to you.

if i die due to my actions, then so be it. live and learn. i'll just watch from the sidelines. shit, i may be useful even if i do die so i ain't even tripping lol

Marco, Sworder.....thoughts on Shy?
she made changes

one you posted is different from the one on the previous page ._.

Vae and Gogeta know each other from the league thread and in general....
so could be just jokes between friends, uh btw I think Vae was very distrustful of wad very early on in day phase 1.

The Gogeta shying away from WAD theory seems good.
Vae and Gogeta know each other from the league thread and in general....
so could be just jokes between friends, uh btw I think Vae was very distrustful of wad very early on in day phase 1.

The Gogeta shying away from WAD theory seems good.

Could be, but I rather not take a chance on that either. I think a lot of us didn't go after WAD just because it seemed like the whole thing with Saturno was something that had been running from before this game and look at how that turned out.

I do feel stronger about Gogeta though, since his posts are so contradictory.
Could be, but I rather not take a chance on that either. I think a lot of us didn't go after WAD just because it seemed like the whole thing with Saturno was something that had been running from before this game and look at how that turned out.

I do feel stronger about Gogeta though, since his posts are so contradictory.

Oh and to add to that since there is a no edit rule; if I had to choose one to go after first it'd be Gogeta. If he flips scum then it'd be best to at least look into Vaeny to be on the safe side.
Jarvan (Alwaysmind) used The Crown to assume his rightful position as king!

Nami used Tidal Wave to drown out the game! All lynch votes have been reset and I will now disclose who was targeted last night:

Remchu targeted Belphegoob
Chaos targeted Stelios
sworder targeted Belphegoob
Laix targeted Stelios
Firestormer targeted Sarun
Baroxio targeted Degaforce
Sarun targeted WPK
Sin targeted WAD
Legend targeted Marco, WPK and WAD
Hammer targeted Alwaysmind

I repeat: all lynch votes have been reset. As of this post, nobody is voting for anyone and all self-votes have been removed.
Last edited:
AM's claim on getting that message couldn't have happened based on the facts of my actions.
Either Sarun watch Alwaysmind last night or he jailed him. Either way, Alwaysmind lack of response to these accusations is pretty much incriminating him.

Psychic, your argument makes little sense based solely on the vote count at the time. There is no argument of saving WAD when Saturno was leading him by quite a number, possibly the finalized double the amount it ended up being.

Learn to spin a narrative better. Lesson one, context is important.

There was a time when the votes were close between Wad and Saturno. And if you weren't trying to save Wad, why were you begging Sinraven to vote with you? You obviously thought Wad was going down and you needed the numbers.
Either Sarun watch Alwaysmind last night or he jailed him. Either way, Alwaysmind lack of response to these accusations is pretty much incriminating him.

I don't think you read the write up properly.
In any case I find it interesting now that I revealed that I received a message that some players are panicking.
Sarun did you send me that message?
I don't think you read the write up properly.
In any case I find it interesting now that I revealed that I received a message that some players are panicking.
Sarun did you send me that message?

Nitty ninjad me and posted before me. Alwaysmind, you are confirm town. However, it does show that no one targeted you last night, so we don't know how you recieved that message.

I don't know why town would target Degaforce. I think we should lynch Baroxio.
Now I really want to know what info Sarun had. Because targeting WPK doesn't really make sense with him being so sure Alwaysmind was scum.

Anyway, I guess Baroxio is a good option every townie can get behind I guess.

The only thing I could think is that Sarun was the one sending the message and may have been busdriven so that AM ended up with the message instead of WPK. Did WPK ever say if he received a message?
The only thing I could think is that Sarun was the one sending the message and may have been busdriven so that AM ended up with the message instead of WPK. Did WPK ever say if he received a message?

But didn't Alwaysmind say the message said 'WPK is posting scummy' so why would anyone send that kind of message to WPK lol.

And really if Sarun really sent WPK a message and Alwaysmind said he got a message then Sarun could've easily assumed he was busdriven especially considering Alwaysmind spilled the contents of that message.

Weird that the revelation of the targets last night has no Alwaysmind, but perhaps some kind of Nexus is in play.

Still, Sarun being so sure Alwaysmind was mafia makes no sense now that we know more and he's a good target for tomorrow. Baroxio first, tho.
How is it that Nami used an action post death? We need Nitty to post that role.

Interesting how Chaos was talking about how we are unsure if town or mafia killed Dega earlier but is now not advising caution about Baroxio.

@Psychic : I don't beg to anyone. I was attempting to convince WAD to vote with me on a wagon I felt had more validity then Saturno's. I mentioned Sin to be cheeky, as he is the self-proclaimed expert on Stelios.
Jarvan (Alwaysmind) used The Crown to assume his rightful position as king!

Nami used Tidal Wave to drown out the game! All lynch votes have been reset and I will now disclose who was targeted last night:

Remchu targeted Belphegoob
Chaos targeted Stelios
sworder targeted Belphegoob
Laix targeted Stelios
Firestormer targeted Sarun
Baroxio targeted Degaforce
Sarun targeted WPK
Sin targeted WAD
Legend targeted Marco, WPK and WAD

I repeat: all lynch votes have been reset. As of this post, nobody is voting for anyone and all self-votes have been removed.

I accidentally forgot an action here. I'm editing it in and announcing it here:

Hammer targeted Alwaysmind.​
How is it that Nami used an action post death? We need Nitty to post that role.

Interesting how Chaos was talking about how we are unsure if town or mafia killed Dega earlier but is now not advising caution about Baroxio.

@Psychic : I don't beg to anyone. I was attempting to convince WAD to vote with me on a wagon I felt had more validity then Saturno's. I mentioned Sin to be cheeky, as he is the self-proclaimed expert on Stelios.

Parka sent the action in before death iirc, but Nitty didn't progress it. Parka complained about it before dying.

And I'm so sure right now because WAD of all people said the kill was in his mind '99% mafia kill'. Now he would obviously have a beautiful explanation if pushed on it, but with what we know now that knowledge came from him being mafia.

I find it interesting that you bring up this point while you should've seen the same thing within seconds.
Honestly everyone not voting Baroxio the moment they see those actions is anti-town or a complete dumbfuck.

Nobody is saying not to, though???

How is it that Nami used an action post death? We need Nitty to post that role.

Interesting how Chaos was talking about how we are unsure if town or mafia killed Dega earlier but is now not advising caution about Baroxio.

@Psychic : I don't beg to anyone. I was attempting to convince WAD to vote with me on a wagon I felt had more validity then Saturno's. I mentioned Sin to be cheeky, as he is the self-proclaimed expert on Stelios.

Parka said he sent in an action hours before he was killed.

Almost caught up now, gonna post a big reads list when I do. :hm
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