League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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Oh tell me about this. Fucking thing cost my team the last to last favorites.

That is legit coincidence. I didn't even remember my roles name or ability name. Had to check when asked by Superman.

Man, I thought nitty meant he'd be looking at the time he received pm. So if you tell him to change the next write up, he would change whatever next action that requires a write up he got PMd.

I still didn't believe stelios was town though, but it would've made it easier to convince others. Not that it would've mattered, cause Melodie. Lol
True. I didn't really want to use it on Stelios either, since had already amassed such attention, but I'm the type of person who likes to support his mafia bro till the bitter end, as long as I don't have to do it in public.

In retrospect, I should have saved the ability to pretend to be Renekton, at least until Belph died.

But hindsight is always 20/20, huh.
Again, it was an awesome game and you can see how much I enjoyed it just based on the number of posts. I didn't think I'd be invested much considering the rolecrush and having no interest in the flavor, but I ended up one of the most invested.

The thing were trying to tell you is that with a little indication about Zara and maybe the seeds, it would've given us a fair chance and fostered so much more discussion. Not saying it was an easy win for Melodie. I'm surprised no one killed her so long either.
Yeah, but imagine how incredibly difficult that must be to actually play, as an indie.

I don't have to imagine that. I actually played such indie roles several times. It was incredibly hard, but incredibly entertaining and it felt like I was doing something, while people had no idea what was going on.

Yes, it can feel frustrating as well, but not more frustrating than townies not listening to you when you are right in your scumreads or being caught out by the cop as mafia.
O heat tidal wave thing was hella hella op

So was Yorick but vode is awful and never used his shit
I know rite? The dude could revive players. As if Superman reviving himself wasn't bad enough.

I mean, come on, I was honestly expecting there to be another mafia squad, cuz if town had been using their abilities there would be no way mafia could take them on alone.

Were there any other indies? Zed and Zyra, were they it?

Well, regardless of how it all ended up, make sure you guys rep Nitty Scott for the game. It was a fantastic game and must have required a herculean effort.
O heat tidal wave thing was hella hella op

So was Yorick but vode is awful and never used his shit

Oh I definitely agree with this as well.

Hell, I think one of my abilities was fucking strong as well:

[Three Shot Active � Double Up] � Miss Fortune bounces her bullets off another player, killing the next hostile player they target that night.

Basically, once I found out that Legend could target multiple people, I targeted him every night (but was roleblocked the first time and I died the second time). Since he targeted three people (presumably) every night, that means that if even only one of them was scum, I would've killed mafia (or a hostile independent) every time I targeted him. And I'd never risk killing a townie either.
I appreciate any critique and I agree that I could have let players know privately when they accumulated seeds. That said, Zyra's degree of secrecy was an intended strength to 1. compensate for her being the only role without teammates and to 2. harshly punish town for not being proactive in finding the indies. The town was so powerful with so many tools at their disposal that you can't argue this was an unfair or overpowered strength for Zyra to have compared to the other roles. I warned you guys that you were under threat from several hostile independents so you can't argue you didn't have enough information to work with. The only argument to make here is that you would feel better about Zyra's role if you knew when she targeted you, and while I'm agreeable to that, it also raises further balance concerns.
Firestormer is the MVP of my heart

Also you assholes that 180 thing was a complete coincidence a fiction of imagination like hell I'd like you get me for that

I realized that once belph flipped Pantheon. That's why i still thought you were scum. Because you were shocked about the thing cause you actually did it by coincidence. You kept saying it and it only hit after belph died.

At that point I realised I would not be able to push on you without incriminating myself.
sworder - Caitlyn

Nitty Scott said:

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Conditional Active – Headshot] – Caitlyn can snipe players caught in her traps or net, killing them.

[Three Shot Active – Yordle Snap Trap] – Caitlyn can place a trap around another player. She will learn the name of the next player to target them.

[One Shot Active – 90 Caliber Net] – Caitlyn activates her gun’s escape mechanism. The next action targeting her will fail and she will learn who used it.

[One Shot Active – Ace In The Hole] – During the day Caitlyn can retreat to a safe position, removing her from the rest of the phase. While gone, Caitlyn cannot be lynched or targeted by abilities. That night she will snipe one player, killing them.​

Marco - Leona

Nitty Scott said:

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[One Shot Active – Solar Flare] – Leona becomes the avatar of the sun, extending the current day phase until a majority vote has been reached. During this time all other players are rendered generic until they make a post praising the sun. At the end of the day Leona can cast her sunlight upon one player, revealing their alignment to the thread.

Superman - Anivia

Nitty Scott said:

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[One Shot Passive – Legend of the Cryophoenix] – If Anivia is killed, she will be reborn admist a terrible storm two cycles later. Upon revival, Anivia will roleblock all other players for one cycle.

[Passive – Glacial Storm] – Anivia carries the furious storm of the Frejlord. Actions targeting her are delayed by one phase.

Alwaysmind - Jarvan

Nitty Scott said:
Jarvan IV
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[One Shot Active – The Crown] – During the day Jarvan can assume his rightful position as the king, gaining +2 voting power and revealing his identity to the thread.

Santi - Heimerdinger

Nitty Scott said:

Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Active – Genius] – Nobody can match wits with Heimerdinger. If Heimerdinger can get another player to quote him three times in one day, he can investigate them, learning their alignment. Heimerdinger can only investigate one player each cycle.​

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independent

[Passive – Glorious Executioner] – Lynches are carried out by Draven. For every hostile player that Draven executes he will reach a new level of fame, gaining +1 voting power.

[One Shot Active – League of Draven] – Draven can redirect the lynch onto a player of his choosing.

Mr. Waffles - Kennen

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Kinkou Order] – Kennen knows Shen and Akali’s identities and can communicate with them outside of the thread.

Shark Skin - Akali

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Kinkou Order] – Akali knows Kennen's and Shen's identities and can communicate with them outside of the thread.

Psychic - Karma

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Gathering Fire] – Karma’s resolve strengthens when a hostile player dies, allowing her to use one of her abilities.

[One Shot Active – Soulflare] – Karma overflows with malignant energy, killing all players currently voting for her.

[One Shot Active – Renewal] – Karma links herself with another player, learning their alignment. If they are hostile, Karma will roleblock them for one cycle. If they are friendly, Karma will gain a life.

[One Shot Active – Inspire] – Karma overflows with benign energy, protecting everyone currently voting for the same person as her for one cycle.

Stelios - Thresh

Wincon: eliminate the town & hostile independents

[Active – Dark Passage] – Thresh pull another player away from danger each night, protecting them.
Town should praise Laix tbf tbh

and how is it that this asshole decided to spam so much during that time it's like he knew it was coming


Laix really bit a bullet for us there.

Another reason why I was still suspicious of you, Stelios. You mentioned how Laix was the one who posted on 179 and 181, as well. I think you were the only one. So, when I read Pantheon's role....

Laix really bit a bullet for us there.

Another reason why I was still suspicious of you, Stelios. You mentioned how Laix was the one who posted on 179 and 181, as well. I think you were the only one. So, when I read Pantheon's role....

I had a response on that should it go there.
Sinraven actually talked about his ability in charmed game in an interaction with FP. I would use that outside information if you stepped on that. not sure if i would convince but this is what I'd use :
Chaos - Garen

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Passive – Villain] – Garen always knows which character has killed the most players.

[Two Shot Active – Judgment] – Each cycle Garen can guess which player is the villain. If he is correct, he will superkill them, expending one of this ability’s two charges.​

SinRaven - Miss Fortune

Nitty Scott said:
Miss Fortune
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Three Shot Active – Double Up] – Miss Fortune bounces her bullets off another player, killing the next hostile player they target that night.

[One Shot Active – Bullet Time] – During the day Miss Fortune unloads her guns, killing the last two posters.

Degaforce - Lux

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Active – Ilumination] – Each day Lux can shed light upon a writeup, revealing one ???.

[One Shot Active – Final Spark] – Lux channels the ultimate display of light, revealing an entire writeup.

Sarun Uchiha - Teemo

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independents

[Active – Camouflage] – Teemo hides near another player, learning the name of anyone who targets them that night.

Remchu - Braum

Nitty Scott said:
Wincon: eliminate the mafia & hostile independent

[Active – Stand Behind Me] – Braum can raise his shield in front of another player each night, protecting them from kills.

[Two Shot Active – Glacial Fissure] – Braum sunders the earth with frost magic, roleblocking anyone who targets him that night.​
I had a response on that should it go there.
Sinraven actually talked about his ability in charmed game in an interaction with FP. I would use that outside information if you stepped on that. not sure if i would convince but this is what I'd use :

I actually read that post too, and instantly thought about Pantheon's super-kill. So, I might have bought it. I really doubt it though. I had committed myself to you being scum. Yeah, I had my doubts in the middle, particularly the phase Belph was getting lynched, but I was back on the Stelios MafWagon right after that.

Another thing that threw me off a lot was that though Melodie looked suspicious, I legit didn't consider indy angle there. I was actually theorizing how she fed us AS to get us off Franky and sworder spoiled it for her. So, I was constantly trying to associate the other people scummy with her. And it was getting hard.

My biggest mistake this game was not keeping notes. Which resulted in me having a very hazy memory of most events beyond a phase or two and vocalizing a lot in the game thread. I don't think it would've changed the conclusion, but I think I could've avoided making a fool of myself with their help.
gg wp Melodie


fucking host also loves playing it even tho all his friends tell him it's bad and he has like a 17% win rate on it


I don't mind it being played mid that much, but when you use your ult to make a single pick (especially just to secure the kill when someone else could've finished it off) instead of saving it for a teamfight I just can't.
Sin just bitter I carry games with zyra mid and when he tried to do it he fed like shit. :caticon

Don't play zyra into kat tho that's not fun :puppers

Exhibit A:


Melodie feeding hard on Zyra. I was doing fine in lane until her fed Kat started roaming.

Exhibit B:


Mello still not doing well, while Graves and I pretty much won us that game.

Exhibit C:


Mello doing fine on Zyra, but with my post-6 ganks I pretty much won her that lane (note that she died to Yasuo before that and she lost her lane until I helped her get back up again).

Exhibit D:


My first (and only) game on Zyra mid. Wasn't doing great, but definitely not that bad either and definitely better than Melodie in Exhibit A and B.


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