League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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Venture off the beaten path...

Hammer (Nocturne) has been lynched!

Wincon: eliminate the town & hostile independents

[Active ? Nightmare] ? Nocturne infiltrates another player?s dreams at night, giving them an anonymous message of his choosing.

[One Shot Active ? Paranoia] ? Nocturne shrouds the game in darkness. The following day mason groups cannot communicate outside of the thread, there will be no writeup posted, all votes must be submitted privately to the moderator, and each time a player votes for someone else they also cast a vote against themselves. During the day Nocturne can descend from the darkness, superkilling one player.

Melodie (Zyra) has won the game!


Wincon: eliminate all other players

[Passive ? Friends All Around] ? Zyra hears the whispers of nature, telling her the name of anyone who targets her.

[Passive ? Rise of the Thorns] ? Upon Zyra?s death she and her seeds will sprout into gargantuan, mystical plants, delaying her death by one cycle and killing anyone with seeds on them. At the end of the cycle Zyra can lash out one last time, superkilling a player of her choosing.

[Active ? A Promising Garden] ? During the day Zyra can plant seeds on a post of her choosing. The seeds will attach themselves to any players who quote that post.

[Two Shot Active ? Rampant Growth] ? Zyra can directly sprout seeds on another player.

Thank you for playing!
I still don't understand why sarun was insisting on AM not getting a message.

Because Sarun was fucking stupid.

If you had any common sense, you'd know it would be fucking silly for Alwaysmind to post about such a message if he was mafia.

Also, this was the game I was refering to. As soon as I read I fucking lost it. I immediately told Ruthie this on Skype:

[17-3-2016 13:57:19] SinRaven: damn this theory could've been made by Psychic
[17-3-2016 13:57:27] SinRaven: Marco don't go full Psychic
[17-3-2016 13:57:32] SinRaven: Never go full Psychic

And no, that ain't a compliment.
Wait, so were seeds planted whenever we quoted Melodie or was it just specific posts she picked out?

EDIT: Silly me, it says so in the ability description:catflip

Every day phase I can put a seed on one post. Whoever quotes said post in the future will have a seed on them. Day one I used it on a post where WAD was calling out alot of people. So he did the work for me day 1. Though I was late sending it, if I was quick, I'd have vaeny from D1 as well. :catfish

Edit: The edit.
Wait, so were seeds planted whenever we quoted Melodie or was it just specific posts she picked out?

EDIT: Silly me, it says so in the ability description:catflip

Every day Melodie picked a post, and whoever quoted that post got seeds. That was why you may have noticed her asking you guys to quote specific posts, not just to quote her in general.

Mafia QT
Kinkou Order QT
We weren't that terrible were we?:catcry

I haven't followed the game completely since my death, but there were a lot of things that frustrated me immensely.

Focusing on the semi-confirmed townies for goddamn half the game was fucking stupid. Sure, it's good to still keep an eye on people even when they've been 'confirmed' by a lie detection or other ability, but them being discussed for half the game while letting other people slip by is so fucking silly.
Every day phase I can put a seed on one post. Whoever quotes said post in the future will have a seed on them. Day one I used it on a post where WAD was calling out alot of people. So he did the work for me day 1. Though I was late sending it, if I was quick, I'd have vaeny from D1 as well. :catfish

Edit: The edit.

Fk u for specifically asking me a question, everyone knows you gotta quote the post if you respond several pages later. :catslam
As for stelios, I attached too much significance to Pantheon idea. I still suspected him which is why I emphasized the vote count for the day perse was lynched. However, I thought my earlier insistence with Pantheon would make it hard for me to put any traction behind it just yet. The Pantheon question was also in regards to getting to it tomorrow. I was thinking stelios's insistence about it being a coincidence was like the wrong thing to focus on.
But yeah, the Quote ability thing is kind of strong for a Serial Killer-esque role. Such a thing is devastating late game (as has been proven), while a Serial Killer should actually have the most trouble with late game. It is kinda strong.

But I like the role very much, it's a real interesting mechanic that I wouldn't mind seeing being explored more.
I don't think you can make the counter-intuitive argument here. For something to be counter-intuitive to a player, they need to be coming from a place of information wherein they have informed expectations that are then contradicted by game mechanics. Since you guys had no idea that your quotes could get you killed, Zyra's role was more akin to arbitrarily making kills than it is to punishing you for posting, which I'm fine with as arbitrary kills are pretty much the point of a serial killer. That is to say, posting could get you killed, but Zyra did not punish you just for posting. Zyra's role was much more about her ability to predict game flow; if she did that correctly she deserved to make kills towards her wincon, and the discussion pretty much ends there so we don't even talk about the experience of the other players or whether I gave them the opportunity or the knowledge to avoid her kills.

On the contrary Sin, I would argue that Zyra was healthy for the game because she facilitated discussion and encouraged posting.
Nitty I feel Mafia was seriously underpowered since the minute we lost Katarina. Game slowed down significantly for us. Day 9 and 11 players where 2 Mafia 1 indie and 8 town? Welp

I don't want to sound rude because I'm really grateful for your participation and you made this game into something I'm proud of, but I don't think a mafia who lost like two of its members in the first couple of phase has much of an argument that they lost because of game mechanics. You guys definitely had the tools to win this game. I will sympathize that Pantheon's one shot being partially absorbed by Laix was frustrating, but it was eventually compensated by FOUR town modkills. Katarina and Evelynn were pretty important roles for the end game. It would be unfair if you could lose both of those roles so early into the game and still feel strong.
I don't think you can make the counter-intuitive argument here. For something to be counter-intuitive to a player, they need to be coming from a place of information wherein they have informed expectations that are then contradicted by game mechanics. Since you guys had no idea that your quotes could get you killed, Zyra's role was more akin to arbitrarily making kills than it is to punishing you for posting, which I'm fine with as arbitrary kills are pretty much the point of a serial killer. That is to say, posting could get you killed, but Zyra did not punish you just for posting. Zyra's role was much more about her ability to predict game flow; if she did that correctly she deserved to make kills towards her wincon, and the discussion pretty much ends there so we don't even talk about the experience of the other players or whether I gave them the opportunity or the knowledge to avoid her kills.

On the contrary Sin, I would argue that Zyra was healthy for the game because she facilitated discussion and encouraged posting.

I don't think the role did that, since with no knowledge of such a role or mechanic in the game, it had zero influence on the amount of discussion and activity.

Sure, people didn't know quoting was dangerous and thus they did it without fear, but the fact that it there was essentially a dangerous post restriction ability without any way of knowing it was in the game is kinda silly.

In the end, the role was a late game monster, as evident, and it seems kinda crazy that town (and mafia) are punished for letting a certain role get this far without any knowledge of it being a threat or even existing.

Although it indeed could've limited discussion, I think this role would've been way less overpowered if there was a write-up for each seed Zyra planted.
Oh, that reminds me - people generally seemt o think Evelynn was excessively weak, but I included an overabundance of watcher and tracker mechanics that altogether made Evelynn a very stealthy and useful character in the game. Specifically I think you guys complained a lot about Nami's one shot, without acknowledging that Eve was the only role who could fool it.
Nitty I feel Mafia was seriously underpowered since the minute we lost Katarina. Game slowed down significantly for us. Day 9 and 11 players where 2 Mafia 1 indie and 8 town? Welp

Yeah, I kinda agree with this, too. They were still quite far from victory and town had gotten 4 MODkills.

Also Marco you bastard, we could of gotten rid of Stelios day one but somehow you wanted to lynch Saturno over him:pek

I don't really remember why I picked Saturno over Stelios.

I thought the Persecuted lynch day was pretty fucking solid for people to believe stelios is mafia but I just discredited myself too much by pushing the Pantheon angle instead.

Also, Nitty's answers made it seem like Mafia had to be lucky to get a fake lie detect write up in. More importantly, LG didn't say anything, so I guess he actually did lie detect Stelios. That's quite lucky.
I don't think the role did that, since with no knowledge of such a role or mechanic in the game, it had zero influence on the amount of discussion and activity.

Sure, people didn't know quoting was dangerous and thus they did it without fear, but the fact that it there was essentially a dangerous post restriction ability without any way of knowing it was in the game is kinda silly.

In the end, the role was a late game monster, as evident, and it seems kinda crazy that town (and mafia) are punished for letting a certain role get this far without any knowledge of it being a threat or even existing.

Although it indeed could've limited discussion, I think this role would've been way less overpowered if there was a write-up for each seed Zyra planted.

This is only my first mafia game ever but isn't the entire fucking point of this game to assume everyone is a threat though? That statement seems incredibly retarded.

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