League of Legends Mafia - Part 1

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I don't want to sound rude because I'm really grateful for your participation and you made this game into something I'm proud of, but I don't think a mafia who lost like two of its members in the first couple of phase has much of an argument that they lost because of game mechanics. You guys definitely had the tools to win this game. I will sympathize that Pantheon's one shot being partially absorbed by Laix was frustrating, but it was eventually compensated by FOUR town modkills. Katarina and Evelynn were pretty important roles for the end game. It would be unfair if you could lose both of those roles so early into the game and still feel strong.

Though I gotta say, what kind of King doesn't have supreme executive power. I was rather lame duck :sadpanda :mad
This is only my first mafia game ever but isn't the entire fucking point of this game to assume everyone is a threat though? That statement seems incredibly retarded.

Your face is retarded.

But you obviously read over the point completely.

I'm not talking about not knowing if the role/player is a threat, I'm talking about the quoting mechanic being a threat. Not knowing that quoting (an important thing used in mafia, especially to give one's argument more substance) is something that could kill you/lose the game for you is silly.
I don't think the role did that, since with no knowledge of such a role or mechanic in the game, it had zero influence on the amount of discussion and activity.

Sure, people didn't know quoting was dangerous and thus they did it without fear, but the fact that it there was essentially a dangerous post restriction ability without any way of knowing it was in the game is kinda silly.

In the end, the role was a late game monster, as evident, and it seems kinda crazy that town (and mafia) are punished for letting a certain role get this far without any knowledge of it being a threat or even existing.

Although it indeed could've limited discussion, I think this role would've been way less overpowered if there was a write-up for each seed Zyra planted.

Zyra's role had a LOT of influence on the amount of discussion since Melodie had to post to get anything done (and she did, a lot). I can recall several posts off the top of my head that Melodie would not have made if she weren't Zyra, and those posts usually inspired discussion. That may not be apparent to you in retrospect, but I can assure you that I witnessed Zyra be a catalyst for posting plenty of times.

Your perspective on the role is really skewed. Zyra was a traditional serial killer with the exceptions that she couldn't perform her kills until after she herself died, she could only kill players by guessing which posts they would quote, and she knew who targeted her. Consider how many players she would have killed if she'd lived to this point as a generic SK, killing someone every night - I think that actually comes out to more kills than she even made here, lol.

I'm glad you said that though, because part of the point of Zyra's role was that you cannot just leave independents alone. This is about to get really heavy into my personal opinion and subjective design values, but I do not appreciate indie roles that skate by without having to engage the game and I absolutely do want to punish players that forget about indies. Both factions' wincons included the term "hostile independents," so I even kind of gave you guys a heads up (which I probably shouldn't have). Take this as a lesson for the next game I host.

I don't think you've made a compelling argument here that Zyra needed to be changed. On the contrary, you're kind of convincing me that she actually accomplished everything I wanted her to. I'm really glad you're bitter that the indie went unchecked so long and I hope that inspires you not to listen to the next player that claims "harmless third party," lol.
I mean it's not every quote though, she literally had to pick the right post and BEFORE people quoted it too.

You guys seem to think quoting anything she posted in general killed you, which it didn't.

And great comeback with ''Your face is retarded'' What are you, 12 years old or just autistic?

Marco there was no vote steal, turns out Laix should've died because Nitty counted wrong and apparently Always had +3 voting power but Nitty missed that one vote change you mentioned.

Was too late to fix though since Josuke's role was already revealed.
Uh, if people knew quoting is threat, wouldn't they just "@" people? Making it /impossible/ for the SK to win? I understand write-up of the seed being planted, but not that, really.

It wouldn't have to be obvious that quoting was a threat, but it's kinda weird that there was a post restriction ability in this game without write-ups pointing at that.

Of course it shouldn't been made obvious that quoting was a threat, but at least some hint at it or a post restriction ability would've been helpful and would've given the role a bit more challenge to it.
Uh, if people knew quoting is threat, wouldn't they just "@" people? Making it /impossible/ for the SK to win? I understand write-up of the seed being planted, but not that, really.

True, but I feel like I echo Sin's point. Why would we have any reason to believe quoting a post is bad?

Maybe not a write up, but a pm that u have a seed on u

Not telling you what I meant but yea

Yeah, this would've generated a lot of interesting dialog and fostered activity, as well. Trying to pinpoint the mechanics of this would've been hella fun.
I just don't think it's my fault that you guys didn't look for the SK, and I haven't read anything to convince me otherwise. Ultimately that's on you guys. You kind of just stumbled upon Zed and then thought you were good to go. You really have no ground to stand on here because I used the term "hostile independents" from the first post to suggest there were several anti-town threats, but to my dismay I saw very little interest in the indie roles. Finding Zed seemed to be a happy coincidence and it didn't inspire a search for more hostile independents. I think if you guys were in the right mindset you could have caught Melodie before it was too late.
Also, this game proves once and for all to me that mafia will gladly jump on people voting NL. If you want actual mafia, look into those peeps. WAD, Franky, Baroxio, Persecuted, Stelios all jumped on that.
I didn't until VoDe did, and pointed out how it was scummy. :hmpf

Also, good work Melodie, I was wondering where all the anti-town independents were. :maybe

That said, shit was rough for mafia. We messed up with the Pantheon kill (I wanted it done earlier, where less chances to fuck up existed, but we had yet to pick a specific number when the game started unexpectedly), then there was the early rolecrush that really could have been better used, but at least it let us know that we could roleblock-kill bulletproofs!

THen there was the entire debacle with Persecuted, ugh. I specifically left the door open for Persecuted to claim survivor indy and mentioned it several times in the QT, but NOOOO. Then there was the stupid vote sending thing, when Persecuted had vote-stealing powers that would have amounted to the exact same thing with way less obvious scum slipping. Seriously, our mafia pretty completely dropped the ball.

Not that I should talk. I changed the kill target night 1 from Familyparka to Degaforce and superman, and that ended up allowing Nami to Tidal Wave reveal all actions. Even for a one-shot, that's quite the powerful ability, especially since it was used on a writeup specifically eaten by Nocturne.

Speaking of Nocturne, the dream thing was apparently a dead give-away, and it was my idea to use it with a message I myself wrote, so in a way, I double-fucked my own mafia.

To be fair, it's not like I could have predicted any of what would happen next, but hey, I guess that's mafia for you.

Totes pulled that Renekton role out of my ass too, I don't think it actually existed. I just checked the wiki for a hero and hoped nobody would counter-claim. I'm still stoked I survived that day, thanks Vaeny. :)
I mean it's not every quote though, she literally had to pick the right post and BEFORE people quoted it too.

You guys seem to think quoting anything she posted in general killed you, which it didn't.

And great comeback with ''Your face is retarded'' What are you, 12 years old or just autistic?

It's typical of you to don't see how that part of my post was a joke, but that just might be your autism speaking.

It's obvious that this is your first game of mafia. Although I think it's not that easy to select a post that would get a lot of quotes, it definitely is easy to know which posts would definitely be quoted by one or more people.

For example, I made several posts when I were around that were directed at more people at the same time. "Hey, WAD, WPK, Marco, what do you think of this?" could've given an easy three seeds in one post without given any hint whatsoever that quoting that pos.

I'm not saying it should've been made obvious that quoting certain posts was dangerous. I'm saying it probably would've been better if there were at least some hints at a post restricting mechanic in the game or if people were noted (either through write-up or pm) whenever Zyra planted seeds.
Thanks legend!
Anytime, you've done this before, its the reason why i always dont trust you in games and I fell for it again. Great Game you evil evil convincing woman:C
Legend didn't you say you were protecting Melodie. Why her and not me, the confirmed mason super scumhunter?:pek

You end up spiting me even when we're both town.
Because Fuck You thats why:C
It's typical of you to don't see how that part of my post was a joke, but that just might be your autism speaking.

It's obvious that this is your first game of mafia. Although I think it's not that easy to select a post that would get a lot of quotes, it definitely is easy to know which posts would definitely be quoted by one or more people.

For example, I made several posts when I were around that were directed at more people at the same time. "Hey, WAD, WPK, Marco, what do you think of this?" could've given an easy three seeds in one post without given any hint whatsoever that quoting that pos.

I'm not saying it should've been made obvious that quoting certain posts was dangerous. I'm saying it probably would've been better if there were at least some hints at a post restricting mechanic in the game or if people were noted (either through write-up or pm) whenever Zyra planted seeds.

Now now let's stay civil.
I just don't think it's my fault that you guys didn't look for the SK, and I haven't read anything to convince me otherwise. Ultimately that's on you guys. You kind of just stumbled upon Zed and then thought you were good to go. You really have no ground to stand on here because I used the term "hostile independents" from the first post to suggest there were several anti-town threats, but to my dismay I saw very little interest in the indie roles. Finding Zed seemed to be a happy coincidence and it didn't inspire a search for more hostile independents. I think if you guys were in the right mindset you could have caught Melodie before it was too late.

Nitty, you're basically punishing people for something as mechanical as making a post without them having any knowledge of it or any indication at all that it's happening.

This has nothing to do with independents.
If this game went my way today with hammer rolling mafia , there was no way people would believe I was bussing him they d take my teemo argument as true. Also I would have left Marco to townlead until town ate him and if they didn't and this reach LyLo he'd still had the last call in this. I trust there was no way he'd believe me being mafia and not killing him at that point.
I just don't think it's my fault that you guys didn't look for the SK, and I haven't read anything to convince me otherwise. Ultimately that's on you guys. You kind of just stumbled upon Zed and then thought you were good to go. You really have no ground to stand on here because I used the term "hostile independents" from the first post to suggest there were several anti-town threats, but to my dismay I saw very little interest in the indie roles. Finding Zed seemed to be a happy coincidence and it didn't inspire a search for more hostile independents. I think if you guys were in the right mindset you could have caught Melodie before it was too late.
Catch her how? What clue was there that lead to there being another indie alive? After seeing a role like Zed's, lots of janitored roles and no indication of another independent doing anything, why would town focus on who might be acting like an independent(which Melodie wasn't for the most part)? Usually there is only one SK-like indie in a game this size, so there would be no reason to suspect a super arsonist to be lurking over something like a jester.

Its not some critical failure on your part, I'm just giving feedback as the master of indies. Zyra's role is kind of like if you had a cultist whose culting didn't show up in write-ups. Not quite as severe as that but do you understand why a cultist who never appears in write-ups is overpowered as fuck?
It's typical of you to don't see how that part of my post was a joke, but that just might be your autism speaking.

It's obvious that this is your first game of mafia. Although I think it's not that easy to select a post that would get a lot of quotes, it definitely is easy to know which posts would definitely be quoted by one or more people.

For example, I made several posts when I were around that were directed at more people at the same time. "Hey, WAD, WPK, Marco, what do you think of this?" could've given an easy three seeds in one post without given any hint whatsoever that quoting that pos.

I'm not saying it should've been made obvious that quoting certain posts was dangerous. I'm saying it probably would've been better if there were at least some hints at a post restricting mechanic in the game or if people were noted (either through write-up or pm) whenever Zyra planted seeds.

PRetty much this.

Stelios said:
If this game went my way today with hammer rolling mafia , there was no way people would believe I was bussing him they d take my teemo argument as true. Also I would have left Marco to townlead until town ate him and if they didn't and this reach LyLo he'd still had the last call in this. I trust there was no way he'd believe me being mafia and not killing him at that point.

This is quite possible. That no one would believe me pushing on you. This is part of why I was hounding Nitty so much, but he got busy.
I just don't think it's my fault that you guys didn't look for the SK, and I haven't read anything to convince me otherwise. Ultimately that's on you guys. You kind of just stumbled upon Zed and then thought you were good to go. You really have no ground to stand on here because I used the term "hostile independents" from the first post to suggest there were several anti-town threats, but to my dismay I saw very little interest in the indie roles. Finding Zed seemed to be a happy coincidence and it didn't inspire a search for more hostile independents. I think if you guys were in the right mindset you could have caught Melodie before it was too late.
If she had appeared in a writeup as doing something, anything really, I doubt people would be as annoyed. Quite frankly, not every game has a serial killer, and games that do usually make it incredibly apparent from the get go.

Town goes after whatever is considered the biggest threat. If the serial killer is laying low and not killing anybody, town has no reason to go after them when they could be taking on the mafia, that is actually killing people every cycle.

If people were made aware of the seed thing, or at least that some random ability was being used, then nobody would be that upset that they didn't solve it when they were clearly given the opportunity.
I'm not bitter or even complaining, Nitty. I'm just giving my thoughts on the role. I already congratulated Melodie and said her win was justified.

If anything, I feel like you are getting bitter that people give some criticism :cat

Well people have been complaining to me throughout the game that this was too weak or that was unfair, and it's baffling because who even cares, mafia is 95% about posts and behavior and the mechanics/flavor are tacked on. I remember winning Psychic's LoL mafia game as godfather against a town and second mafia faction that both outnumbered and outmechaniced my faction. No offense to Psychic but my victory in that game did nothing to convince me that it wasn't horribly imbalanced against my faction, but I will point to that as a shining example that victory or defeat in mafia generally shouldn't be attributed to mechanics, balanced or not.
>The superkill was used in post where Illaoi lie detected Stelios. The actual writeup says that Stelios is lying and that Nocturne superkilled Sarun. Lissandra's just says that Stelios isn't lying.

Did mafia ask you to automatically edit the lie detect?
Yes, we predicted the lie detect and asked to edit it. Using it on the lie detect was my original idea from the get go, anyway. I also wanted to eliminate all other actions at the time, but that unfortunately could not be done with the ability.

According to Nitty, the ability wasn't intended to be used in such a way, but she liked that we were thinking outside of the box and granted it to us. Originally, we would only be able to edit writeups that contained mafia actions, changing them as we wished.
wasn't the entire game closed setup?

so what is the big deal.

There is a condition, the condition was met, you die.
Closed set-up doesn't mean you just leave the game at large unaware of dangers they need to have some idea exist to have any chance to combat them. This is why the Cult Leader appears in write-ups when he converts people, instead of just silently taking over all of town with them not having a clue a cult is in the game.
Well people have been complaining to me throughout the game that this was too weak or that was unfair, and it's baffling because who even cares, mafia is 95% about posts and behavior and the mechanics/flavor are tacked on. I remember winning Psychic's LoL mafia game as godfather against a town and second mafia faction that both outnumbered and outmechaniced my faction. No offense to Psychic but my victory in that game did nothing to convince me that it wasn't horribly imbalanced against my faction, but I will point to that as a shining example that victory or defeat in mafia generally shouldn't be attributed to mechanics, balanced or not.

Eh, I think you're getting the wrong idea from the criticism. No one is saying that your game wasn't fun or that you didn't work hard to balance it.

But can't you see how a pretty-much-unlimited use arsonist was lurking around and we had absolutely no indication of it?
Well people have been complaining to me throughout the game that this was too weak or that was unfair, and it's baffling because who even cares, mafia is 95% about posts and behavior and the mechanics/flavor are tacked on. I remember winning Psychic's LoL mafia game as godfather against a town and second mafia faction that both outnumbered and outmechaniced my faction. No offense to Psychic but my victory in that game did nothing to convince me that it wasn't horribly imbalanced against my faction, but I will point to that as a shining example that victory or defeat in mafia generally shouldn't be attributed to mechanics, balanced or not.
Welcome to role madness hosting. This has happened to me in every game I've hosted, you get used to it.

Your wincon was to eliminate multiple hostile independents. If it never struck you to look for one of them, that's not because I didn't put it in a writeup.
Town had found one, there was a chance one or more got janitor killed and there were no action trails to suggest another active indie:nod
Well people have been complaining to me throughout the game that this was too weak or that was unfair, and it's baffling because who even cares, mafia is 95% about posts and behavior and the mechanics/flavor are tacked on. I remember winning Psychic's LoL mafia game as godfather against a town and second mafia faction that both outnumbered and outmechaniced my faction. No offense to Psychic but my victory in that game did nothing to convince me that it wasn't horribly imbalanced against my faction, but I will point to that as a shining example that victory or defeat in mafia generally shouldn't be attributed to mechanics, balanced or not.

And I agree with that. The fact that Zyra won doesn't mean that that's the reason I think it's overpowered. Nor does the fact that I think the role is overpowered make Melodie's win less legit. Nor does it mean that I'm complaining or that you are a bad host.

I'm just giving my thoughts on it.
Yes, we predicted the lie detect and asked to edit it. Using it on the lie detect was my original idea from the get go, anyway. I also wanted to eliminate all other actions at the time, but that unfortunately could not be done with the ability.

According to Nitty, the ability wasn't intended to be used in such a way, but she liked that we were thinking outside of the box and granted it to us. Originally, we would only be able to edit writeups that contained mafia actions, changing them as we wished.

WHat I'm asking is

Did you guys tell Nitty to specifically edit the lie detect write up? Or did you predict that the next incoming action will be a lie detect and edited it?

Cause, Nitty's answers to my questions this phase definitely implied the latter would have to be done to influence a lie detect.

Either way, props on guessing LG would lie detect Stelios. That was sink or swim.
Also, town should not be complaining. So many power roles, so little use of them. For every mafia member that was immune to something, town had at least 3 roles that could do it. Seriously, there were like 3+ of everything, and only 1 of each of us that were immune. Then there were the herd of overpowered abilities that town had.

I didn't hear anybody complaining when all actions of a night phase were revealed. That literally is the easiest mafia-catching ability I've ever seen. It's so easy to connect the dots that it will always net you a mafia member, at the cost of a one-shot that doesn't even take your life, or even reveal who you are in thread. You don't even need to predict with it either, since you choose to use it during the day, meaning that you only use it when you know somebody was killed by mafia.

Of course independents were going to be overpowered in comparison. Come on. :lmao
You did have indication of it. I made it pretty clear through the wincons that there were multiple anti-town roles. You just literally made no effort to find them.

Uh tbf, what is there to find if the only indication is they exist?

The reason people freak out about seriel killers is because they are doing something

They see a cult leader convert 4 people in a row people put effort in

Saying "hey there's anti town indies" not have anything the indies do appear in write-ups and blame town for not hunting them over mafia who are visibly active is odd imo and not a good thought process
WHat I'm asking is

Did you guys tell Nitty to specifically edit the lie detect write up? Or did you predict that the next incoming action will be a lie detect and edited it?

Cause, Nitty's answers to my questions this phase definitely implied the latter would have to be done to influence a lie detect.

Either way, props on guessing LG would lie detect Stelios. That was sink or swim.
Remember that Nitty was late that phase and a host of actions had to be processed. We assumed that everything would be done in one writeup, predicted that the lie detect was a part of the announcement (LG wasn't being very sly with the ability, he targeted you with it Day 1, so it was a safe bet he'd target Stelios after Stelios made the same claim), and asked to obscure everything else.

What happened was that we obscured our kill on sarun uchiha and switched the lie detector results, but nothing else, unfortunately.
Uh tbf, what is there to find if the only indication is they exist?

The reason people freak out about seriel killers is because they are doing something

They see a cult leader convert 4 people in a row people put effort in

Saying "hey there's anti town indies" not have anything the indies do appear in write-ups and blame town for not hunting them over mafia who are visibly active is odd imo and not a good thought process

This exactly.
You did have indication of it. I made it pretty clear through the wincons that there were multiple anti-town roles. You just literally made no effort to find them.
How was town to know a hostile indie wasn't killed by mafia?

How was town to find an indie they had zero info on?

The Arsonist is one of most deadly roles in the game when left unchecked for an extended period of time. The role has the ability to douse a target in gasoline. A later night he can ignite all his doused targets, killing them.

This is in many ways what Zyra was but considerably more powerful. The default for arsonists is that their victims know they are doused.

Probably more then any other player on this site I love ability/role speculation. The problem is, you can't do that for something that you don't have the slightest clue exists. Spending time/lynches speculating over roles that may not exist or may already be dead is not in any way shape or form optimal play when you have an unknown remaining number of mafia that you need to lynch.

Now something like Law's Valkyrie role was perfectly done, with just enough hints that an observant player like myself could figure out its mechanics.
Tbh indie roles like cultists, etc, usually are confirmed to win 6 cycles in if they survived that long, that's why it's considered to be a huge threat if they stayed alive that long. 10 cycles in and I was still unsure if I'd win because one simple bp being present or someone with extra life would literally throw away my game. Since my kills are only regular kills.
Not that town is excused for letting a hidden threat get by. In role madness games, especially those of a 30+ scale, a possibility of a 'silent' indie is always there and should always be considered (and just because people weren't vocal about it, doesn't mean they didn't consider a hidden threat to be in the game).

It's just that in this case it didn't coordinate well with the role, in my opinion. I don't think the Zyra role is a perfect example of a 'silent' indie, since she was being an active threat all game. That's why I think there should've been an indication of it, even if it was just a little bit.

Hell, I can even agree with a write-up of "Zyra has started planting seeds" every time she selected quote to plant the seeds on.
Not really, I don't think any of our kills were protected against, despite like 3 doctors. I don't really know why Stelios decided to go after sworder again though. Pretty sure he made it obvious he was bulletproof or at least not in need of protection.

No he couldn't be BP if he was BP we'd have no way of killing him and we may have forfeited due to rolerevealing. How would you lynch sworder as mafia in this game at this point? Impossible.
I was 100% sure someone was protecting him which is why we took legend down.

I just didn't know to what extend his abilities were which I fished yesterday after roleclaiming teemo and giving away hammer targeting him.
Not that town is excused for letting a hidden threat get by. In role madness games, especially those of a 30+ scale, a possibility of a 'silent' indie is always there and should always be considered (and just because people weren't vocal about it, doesn't mean they didn't consider a hidden threat to be in the game).

It's just that in this case it didn't coordinate well with the role, in my opinion. I don't think the Zyra role is a perfect example of a 'silent' indie, since she was being an active threat all game. That's why I think there should've been an indication of it, even if it was just a little bit.

Hell, I can even agree with a write-up of "Zyra has started planting seeds" every time she selected quote to plant the seeds on.
Silent indies with the power that Zyra had is just bad game design. I don't even think there was a single full role cop ability in this game either or any other investigation type that could pinpoint what Zyra was doing, so literally the only way to know of the threat was for Zyra to die, taking all those who quoted her shit with her.

I have created some of the most complex, powerful indies out there and none of them have acted silently while being full on anti-town. Both town and mafia had other means to identify their threat level and deal with them.
If one were to include a 'silent' indie (as I now started to call them), I think such a role should be more mechanically challenging. Have more to it than essentially 'target x and kill them when condition y is met' (which is Zyra's role in the most simplest form). I think silent indies should be more like 'do x, then have y do z, while 1 must do 2 and 3 can never happen'. It sounds silly, but it's supposed to be like that.
Not that town is excused for letting a hidden threat get by. In role madness games, especially those of a 30+ scale, a possibility of a 'silent' indie is always there and should always be considered (and just because people weren't vocal about it, doesn't mean they didn't consider a hidden threat to be in the game).

It's just that in this case it didn't coordinate well with the role, in my opinion. I don't think the Zyra role is a perfect example of a 'silent' indie, since she was being an active threat all game. That's why I think there should've been an indication of it, even if it was just a little bit.

Hell, I can even agree with a write-up of "Zyra has started planting seeds" every time she selected quote to plant the seeds on.

Alternatively, have people who quoted Melodie die suddenly, 3 days later. A set delayed timer for her abilities that shows up as people randomly dying, would have been a perfect way to let town know of the impending danger.
I didn't hear anybody complaining when all actions of a night phase were revealed. That literally is the easiest mafia-catching ability I've ever seen. It's so easy to connect the dots that it will always net you a mafia member, at the cost of a one-shot that doesn't even take your life, or even reveal who you are in thread. You don't even need to predict with it either, since you choose to use it during the day, meaning that you only use it when you know somebody was killed by mafia.

Oh tell me about this. Fucking thing cost my team the last to last favorites.

Can I just say, Shy's post regarding Marco's role made my day?

Active in the day phase = sun = leona.


Though idk, Marco. You said you never hinted. But on old posts, you kept saying you can prove your role "without a shadow of doubt". soo...? :catprone

That is legit coincidence. I didn't even remember my roles name or ability name. Had to check when asked by Superman.

Remember that Nitty was late that phase and a host of actions had to be processed. We assumed that everything would be done in one writeup, predicted that the lie detect was a part of the announcement (LG wasn't being very sly with the ability, he targeted you with it Day 1, so it was a safe bet he'd target Stelios after Stelios made the same claim), and asked to obscure everything else.

What happened was that we obscured our kill on sarun uchiha and switched the lie detector results, but nothing else, unfortunately.

Man, I thought nitty meant he'd be looking at the time he received pm. So if you tell him to change the next write up, he would change whatever next action that requires a write up he got PMd.

I still didn't believe stelios was town though, but it would've made it easier to convince others. Not that it would've mattered, cause Melodie. Lol
If one were to include a 'silent' indie (as I now started to call them), I think such a role should be more mechanically challenging. Have more to it than essentially 'target x and kill them when condition y is met' (which is Zyra's role in the most simplest form). I think silent indies should be more like 'do x, then have y do z, while 1 must do 2 and 3 can never happen'. It sounds silly, but it's supposed to be like that.
Yeah, but imagine how incredibly difficult that must be to actually play, as an indie. The role itself wasn't bad, I just feel that if there was some indication of it prior in a writeup, then it wouldn't be like everybody is suddenly dying out of left field.
Can I just say, Shy's post regarding Marco's role made my day?

Active in the day phase = sun = leona.


Though idk, Marco. You said you never hinted. But on old posts, you kept saying you can prove your role "without a shadow of doubt". soo...? :catprone

I'm happy my reasoning process delights you so much. :awesome

Thanks for the game Nitty. It was actually pretty dank. And thanks for everyone who participated and made it worthwhile. Nitty might have created the ideas etc. but it is the people who made it a success.

However, Nitty, cut the bullshit; Melodie's ability was OP as fck and slightly unfair. And go figure, Zyra who coincidentally is your favorite champion, WINS the game. God bless your soul NItty rofl

A write up to the individual seeded or some kind of notice that Zyra planted her seeds would have evened the odds just a tad. To my noob experience, someone who could evade suspicion the entire game and had Zyra was definitely likely to win the game. But I'm just Mafia n00b so iunno :zaru

But excellent game otherwise. You need to do this again sometime soon pls.(and give me a USEFUL ability for once too :pek)

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